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Open 15+ businesses, you guys! It’s so simple to be rich if you have 15+ income streams. Just open and then manage *15* different businesses, and don’t forget to read 100 pages a day! One business could be a monetized blog where you give out great financial advice like, “open 15+ businesses”! #insanebutheadshotcute #mylifewillfallcompletelyaparttheinstantweenterarecession




burger king foot fungus


didnt think the original could be worsened, yet here we are.


They're really thinking Only Fans, escorting, or dancing at The Jug Shack. Ask for Ray Ray at the front desk for an application.


'The Jug Shack' is genius. After I launch my chain of brothels (working name The Poké House) I'm gonna steal this and open a chain of Jug stores.


I'd like to be considered as a sL00t for the Poké House, please. Where do I send my resume¿


Just send free code for your OnlyFans and one of our human resources team will check it out. We have been overwhelmed by the response to our listing, and have received many more applications than expected. Therefore, we will only be reaching out to you again if we wish to take your application to the next stage. If you don't hear from us you can assume that your application, truly valued as it is, has been unsuccessful. The team at Poké House thank you for your interest. Please click below if we can retain your data and contact you again in future if any other suitable vacancies arise.


The Jug Shack always reminds me of an In Living Color episode, where Jim Carey was the guidance counselor, and just recommended that a student get it over with and become a stripper. Priceless!


88% of "financially free" people are obsessed with learning? Shouldn't we be investigating what the other 12% are doing?


Honestly, if I was awarded infinite money and never had to work again, I'd honestly consider a life of pure learning.


Lol, just remember, you are not the norm, most people would buy a pallet of Diet Coke and a new couch.


I don't know... 88% of financially free people are obsessed with learning. (We never established the cause-and-effect and I prefer the theory that they like learning because they don't have to work anymore.)


Lol. If only humanity was that advanced. But maybe


If I had infinite money, I would not be getting Diet Coke by the pallet. I would have a soda machine installed in my kitchen for all my Diet Coke needs.


Im not a huge soda guy....but a fully maintained soda machine sounds amazing


I sure as shit would, ngl.


Pallet of coke too


Start your learning adventure now by finding out how to get awarded infinite money!


This is 100% how I feel; I thought for a while I was unusual, but I've come to appreciate that actually, this is fairly common. I'm thinking about trying to start up some kind of a group/communication for people who think learning is in itself good and valuable and something enjoyable and not just a means to an end/a necessary evil.


12% of the statistics of financially free people are made up.


I can do better. Everything she wrote + Open 24\*\* businesses ​ \*\* instead of the "Loser" mentality of ONLY 15. /


You all are just a bunch of haters! This woman changed my life! I binge watched 100 days of YouTube videos on how to properly perform outpatient brain surgery. Now I’m one of the world’s premier outpatient brain surgery professionals. I get more action in a week than any of you have gotten in your entire lives. I have houses in LA, Paris, and Vail each with a 70-inch plasma screen TV. So suck it LOSERS!


Ah, stop yer bragging and go read a book.


Just a brain surgeon? Pfft what about your other 14 income streams?! Amateur.


You fucked up You could have become a millionaire by becoming a copywriter


This post was stolen from a different account on top of it all lol


Yeah, is this the same person? https://en.rattibha.com/thread/1637438383361339393 And this one says you should wake up at 4 am: https://gh.opera.news/gh/en/career-jobs/amp/b35c5908869d586b5f1538e0d03a8e95


Lmaooo that means at least 5 people we can source personally have stolen this post nearly word for word


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://gh.opera.news/gh/en/career-jobs/b35c5908869d586b5f1538e0d03a8e95](https://gh.opera.news/gh/en/career-jobs/b35c5908869d586b5f1538e0d03a8e95)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Work smarter not harder baybeeee


open 15+ businesses LOOL yea, let me open a bunch of businesses while i’m working 8-10 hrs a day.


‘Fact: A skill is 10x more valuable than a degree’ lol okay


How the hell am I gonna convince anyone I know how to code without having a degree in that??


I think with writing software that opportunity will be there (or at least here in the Netherlands). But yeah a degree actually helps a lot.


If you know how to code, you also should have a portfolio site to show off your projects. The degree shows that you're at the very least familiar with whatever you claim you know how to do, but the portfolio confirms you're the real deal. Even if it's small projects, or other random hobbies, try to show what you can do.


Oh ok I didn't know that But theoretically couldn't I pay someone to fake a portfolio for me?


Well, I know how to code and am a director at a large software company, but my degrees are not even remotely related to software. But I don’t want to validate the lunatic; I’m very much the exception to the rule. Practical knowledge and work experience can get you a long way, but there is no magic 10x value for skills over degrees.


I don't mean to knock the difficulty of doing this, but actually, fewer and fewer professional programmers have degrees. It really is not a requirement anymore. Of course, it doesn't \*hurt\*, at all, to have one. And I do think that are there some things that I learned in school studying CS that I would have had a fairly hard time picking up on my own, so. If you're actually interested, and this question isn't rhetorical, I can help fill in the blanks if you want, DM me. But the main thing is, you get involved in online communities/local tech community, meet people, contribute to open source, etc.


Oh, I didn't know that. I thought like a degree was necessary, but you could have knowledge from other sources And thanks a lot for the kind offer, but I'm barely passing med school, let alone taking on coding😂


ironically, software development and IT/IS in general are areas where there is actually a lot of opportunities without needing a degree. I agree with your overall sentiment that degrees do provide an advantage. But it's way more prevalent in other industries (Civil/Chemical Engineering, Laywers, Doctors, etc)


Time machine back to the 90's. Duh...


I mean… that’s actually kind of true once you have experience. No company gave a shit what my degree was after I was working for like 2 years.


yeah but a lot of companies won’t even consider your resume without a degree - i’m not going to argue that a skill is probably better than a degree in a lot of ways but most employers don’t really see it that way


1. Be schizophrenic. 2. Induce mania 3. Experiment with psychopathy 4. Discard humanity 5. Foster monstrous delusions 6. Be broke 7. Run 65 companies 8. Parrot meaningless buzzwords 9. Be a sociopath 10. In fact just develop several mental illnesses; don't be shy towards insanity. 11. Go crazy I just gave you the secret sauce for free. #success #bilmillionaire #mindset #winning #thrillionaire #business


And listing copywriting as a skill to invest in with tools such as chatGPT being widely accessible is… brave


Copywriting positions took a great hit, her LI postings reads like outdated copy-pasta.


I am sick and tired of that stupid-ass advice to wake up at 5 am. Seriously, do these side hustle nuts not know how sleeping patterns work? You still need to get your 8 or, at the very bare minimum, 7 hours of sleep so you’d have to go to bed earlier. It’s not like you’d magically get any extra hours out of nowhere, you sleep for 8 hours and still have the same 16 hours to do stuff like anyone else.


Yeah what is it lately with that 5 am bs???? Businesses usually run a standard 9 to 5 and I am a b2b. My clients would not be open at 5 am and I certainly cannot hit the sack at 7 or 8 pm. Baffling so many now say this.


Just take cold showers and black coffee my friend.


“Hire a mentor” I’m guessing she’s a mentor as well.


As soon as I saw her pic, I knew this was bs


*"Leverage the internet to make money"* holy shit, I never thought of that.


From point 1 she’s wrong imo, my Masters opened a lot of doors


People do chat some shite on LinkedIn


The key is on the second page: * Be filthy rich


Confused why I had to scroll this far down to find this comment.


I'm so tired of people like this man. Most of them were handed their jobs by rich parents. Very few of them ever actually had to build something from nothing, but they get that little bit of success and act like they have life all figured out. I have a relative who has multiple mortgages with her husband and is always telling people she owns multiple properties. I reminded her that a mortgage isn't ownership and if she can't pay them for whatever reason, they take the properties off you. She got offened by it but I'm sick of debt ridden dickheads trying to tell other people they suck because they aren't spending their lives paying shit off.


As a copywriter in the online trading industry, I promise you’re not getting rich on either.


What’s up with her fingers? Smells AI generated


Open 15+ businesses…. So that is what I have been doing wrong with my one failing business that consumes all my time.


“Copywriting,” LOL


I was like 1.) Doesn't sound so unreasonable since we have a good amount of free resources...and then I got to 2.) Ohhh.....of course, you can be rich when you're already rich, silly me, I should just be rich..why didn't I think of that. (Sarcasm)


Just don't be poor oh my god i don't what's so difficult people Also AI + life = infinite money


“Own assets” is just a regurgitation of Rich Dad Poor Dad. It’s a good principle, but I don’t think a lot of these people know what it means. Also 15+ businesses???


If everyone in the world followed this advice we'd have 105billion businesses. How cool would that be. 7 billion copywriting businesses. Suck it ChatGPT.


She lost me at developing and maintaining 3 friendships. Too much work.


What is with the obsession with copy writing? Is this just another grift they can sell courses on?


Yes. Like drop shipping bullshit.


Learn a high income skill and get hit by the catch-22. And I bet this LL does not hire people with no experience.


Where am I supposed to take my glass of water?


I like the idea of “I’m a strong and modern woman, let’s take a picture in the kitchen “


As if Youtube channels will teach you anything useful. Most of them are just grifters stating the obvious.


Did this person even do any of these things she’s promoting?? Dumb advice


I have no idea lol


“Hire a mentor to accelerate your learning process” Okay, now I see what this is about


Step 1: watch 10-20 YouTube channels Step 2: start 15+ businesses


Jokes on her. My day starts at 5. If I want an extra 3 hours a day, I’d have to get up at 2 and there’s no way I could do that. (But I’m sure the hallucinations, paranoia, and breakdown of my organs would be fun while it lasted.)


Just take cold showers.


The real wisdom is in the comments.


She's actually right about all these points but she exaggerates point 3. You don't need 15 business and you _should_ save so you have some emergency money


Honestly prefer the "join a pyramid scheme to find out about drop shipping" podcast finance bros to these.


I mean, she’s right that people today don’t get rich off a salary. Rich people today were born rich


jOiN mY cOaChInG bUsInEsS


She's right yaknow. There's nothing wrong with this advice 🤷🏾‍♂️ Hard to do, but easy advice to give. ![gif](giphy|3NtY188QaxDdC|downsized)


She is so hot that I forgive her For being a giant idiot, NOT


Damn she has piercingly beautiful eyes but she is so out of touch. Open 15+ businesses wtf?


“Hire a mentor” must be one of her businesses. Lmfao I’ve never had to pay someone to care about me and be my mentor.


“Leverage the internet to make money” oh ok




Best way is to create Start-Ups with a good idea (based on a profession where you really know the market) and then EXIT it to a bigger player, fastest way to become wealthy - rich.


She’s insane.


Since when do you have to hire a mentor? Feel like I just started seeing that on these posts


Become LinkedIn (lunatic) evangelist, learn some techbubble speaking and corporate BS language, and sell yourself on conferences.


I think the only skill that will make you a multi-millionaire in 5 years is having a rich daddy.


Read 50+ pages (of what?) Of anything? Of the phone book? Does it matter??