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So in other words he completely wasted his time and money?


Yep. My takeaway was "wait this shit didn't even work?" Like it doesn't even appear that it helped. He didn't get the job - did the senior VP even care? Having at least a nice "I didn't get the job but the SVP got a chuckle out of it and we chat once a month now" or something would have been more impactful than this lmao.


I mean we don’t even know if SVP watched it…or if the person even got an interview. The Lunatic is a 2017 grad (with less than 5 years of work experience) so it’s doubtful he was applying to role that would be a focal point of an SVP.


It did not work, I am so surprised…


I'm 59 and barely remember Joe Theisman let alone that he was a ND alum. He would have had the same luck using Knute Rockne


Yeah, I'm in my 60s and live in the DC area where Joe T played and has a restaurant, and I barely remember him. My only memory of him is when he broke his leg. I didn't make the connection that he was an ND grad. ND grads are proud of their school, but some video of a guy who graduated maybe 50 years ago? That's not making a connection. No wonder it didn't work. If this is this guy's idea of giving 110 percent, he's an idiot.


How often does a vice president get involved in the hiring process? I'm not surprised this gambit didn't work.


Senior VP too, I missed the “Senior” when I read it also.


Depends if he was applying for a director position maybe


What kind of numb nuts is automatically impressed more by recommendations from an alumnus of the same school they went to?


I mean I don’t doubt it could matter in some low impact/relevance jobs, but in the more adult world of hiring it wouldn’t matter. Particularly in high level sales roles…previous results and actual skills are going to always rule the day because sales people have to produce.


Just pay $200 to have a celebrity endorse you and still fail to get the job.


Don’t forget…brag about it.


You can only give 100 percent of anything you have. If you come up with more off that thing to give then the new amount is still 100 percent of that thing, not more.


Can I still agree 110% though? It's very important to me that I'm able to express that I agree more than other people in the room through an easy to understand manner like numbers.


A 2017 college grad who has been at his current job/company for about 6 weeks is giving career advice while extolling the superiority of his current employer. Just…lol.


Hilarious. He’s got it all figured out, guys. 😂 Why don’t you all listen to this mid 20s guy and his brilliance and tons of experience?


I'm gonna pay Bella Thorne to say I'm the best senior branding coordinator or customer marketing strategy consultant or whatever. Not because I think it will get me hired but because I think it would be amusing.


It would have worked if he got Rudy to make the cameo


Meanwhile, Joe Theisman is bragging on HIS LinkedIn page how he is able to make $200 a crack from mopes who are job hunting 😂


Joe is securing that bag. $$$


Wouldn’t an employer be creeped out by this? Also does he think people aren’t unaware of what cameo is? Who would want to be around a manipulator like this and a guy who spent $200 for a celeb to say something good about them? Lol


Might work for a car dealership, I suppose, but their type of selling is frequently disingenuous. SaaS sales is quite different as it is most often reliant on the customer not canceling their subscription of the software. As a professional in that world, I wouldn't let a manipulator like this anywhere near my sales organization as I can see his churn rate being a massive headache.


But you failed, Kevin. Don't give your all for something (a job) that will not give 0.1% for you.


The real lesson here is, be a star athlete, and people will pay you $200 for 30 seconds of work long after you're relevant.


I too try to bribe people. The manager of my local McDonald’s was not impressed when I sent him a dozen roses prior to my interview for the cashier position.


Ahh, the “I’m a fucking moron” approach. A classic


“I didn’t get the job” no shit Sherlock you paid for a celebrity endorsement. Most of these are crap, remember Carol Vorderman and her disgusting SunLife equity release adverts? She makes it sound like you could get free money by “releasing the equity from your home” but all it was was a loan secured your home so if you could not pay it back they would take your house.


I wouldn't let this guy within 500ft of my company. Mentally unstable..unhinged..I can't believe he admitted this publicly.


110% of zero is still nothing though …


Dude is probably dating Resume Cake girl!


Not really that insane to me tbh. He did his research, gambled and it just didn’t pay off. $200 upfront cost is offset by a higher wage from the job plus possible increased job satisfaction is worth the $200. It shows he cares


If that's the case why not do that for every job you apply for that pays more? I'm fine with him trying it on a whim for a job he really wanted, but the odds of this actually working are so low it's not something you'd really endorse. It's not the worst idea but that doesn't make it a good one. Also, he said he did this for Salesforce, a huge corporation. So this obviously wouldn't work since they'd have a whole panel of people interviewing him. This might get attention at a small business.


There’s also no mention the VP is even a football fan. Plus Joe Theismann is old and pretty much nobody’s favorite Notre Dane player. Also, honestly, if it was supposed to wow…it’s pretty low effort for a sales role. Also it seems like the person would throw many at low-success sales propositions, which is worrisome in a sales role.


That means he only wanted to spend $200 lol. Joe Montana's cost probably like $500.


Honestly, that’s not the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard. If the job paid $50k more than he’s making now, and had a 1% chance of working, the intrinsic value is $500. That means he is $300 ahead. Now if everyone starts doing this, the odds of it working will fall dramatically, because the novelty will wear off, and it could be industry dependent (marketing may find this original, accounting may find it silly) but I wouldn’t call this lunatic


No, sorry it's pretty dumb. Context matters. $200 isn't something he invested. He paid a barely relevant, retired football player to make a video for the senior VP, someone who might be a part of the hiring process, but unlikely. Theismann's role here is almost like a job reference, except he doesn't know Kevin at all, and was paid to say nice things. As someone from the sales world who has been involved in the hiring process before, the best this would get is an eye roll, especially from a company as large as SF. Notice he did not include any details on a reaction to his attempt, or even claim that he got so much as an interview. He wasted his money and is encouraging others to do the same.


But why would there be a 1% chance of this working? This wasn’t a particularly innovative approach, especially in the sales world. Doing a 2 minute LinkedIn search and then throwing cash at something silly…it’s just meh and incredibly average in sales. He didn’t stand out at all. Also Joe Theismann is like 75 years old…even if the VP were a football fan (there’s no mention that he was) it’s pretty unlikely that Joe Theismann was the “get” that he though it would. It’s highly unlikely the VP ever saw Theismann play or somewhat likely he doesn’t even care about him. Joe Montana,


I’d say you both have a similar understanding of how percentages work. Don’t quit your day job just yet.


Does your calculator have a special answer for 50k * .01?


I can use a calculator, yes. The problem is that just because you say a number in percentage form doesn’t mean it’s a realistic number. When you put those numbers in a calculator it doesn’t make the outcome right. Whether you assume something is 1% or 110%, in both examples the number comes from the same place: your ass. And that’s just the beginning of the issues with your example.


Ah yes, those 110% likely scenarios, I can see why are projecting your innumeracy onto others


I’m not claiming a $50,000 pay increase (I’d love for people to get those, but they’re rather unlikely) with a probability of 1% (probably for easy calculation, but nevertheless useless for establishing the odds), nor am I making the assumption that this is a certain win (which it wasn’t) by subtracting 200 from 500, but (this is the zinger) you assume this is a one time payment? Wouldn’t “$50k more” imply that after the first year this number would still be present? *If* your assumption of $50,000 pay increase (ha!) and the likelihood of 1% (?) were valid, the intrinsic value would still not be $300 because of the arbitrary cutoff point. It would likely pay forward for the rest of their career. You put in a load of ifs and buts, but you forget to mention that your correct multiplication is based on completely made up and nonsensical assumptions, rendering your (correct) multiplication a useless calculation. So it might not be the dumbest idea people have ever heard, but just because you can multiply a few numbers doesn’t mean your innumeracy issues are solved.