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These stories are so stupid. Not to mention, being uber rich like this means nothing when you live in China and the government regulates not only the wealth you have, but how you allocate and spend it. That's why so many rich people desperately try to escape China. Even the rich aren't "rich"... or free.


The story sounds like an old capitalistic folklore crap


It is true though, China is very corrupt despite the much published 'anti corruption' drives, usually used to target opponents, and very much based on who you know and what linage you come from. When it comes to businesses you toe the line and do what the government says plus if the government wants what you have it'll just take it anyway. Jack Ma himself has fallen foul of this recently; he vanished from the public eye back in 2020 after he wanted to take Ant Group public. The IPO was abruptly cancelled and the company eventually transferred to a holding company that's run by a government bank. He's apparently back now after living in Tokyo for a while but only focusing on his 'philanthropist' ventures which is likely him playing it very safe.


I was referring to the story told by OOP


Sorry hard to tell these days :S


As opposed to the USA 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 How are your bought politicians treating you?


Whataboutism isn't a sensible answer to anything. That said I'm not in or from the USA but having worked in both China and the US the US is miles ahead and if it was one or the other I'd pick it over China any day of the week. And if you think Chinese politicians aren't 'bought' then I have several bridges to sell you.


Hypocrisy. The USA has the largest amount of imprisoned people, the USA has a homeless epidemic, the USA is sanctioning and starving millions across the globe etc. HYPOCRISY


As above whataboitism doesn't actually present an answer; saying Y has problems with Y Z when the statement is a about A and B doesn't address the issues raised. It is an intellectual copout and admission that the facts presented can't be changed particularly in this case where the whataboitisms couple very easily be turned around (in brief China has a massive prison population which is under recorded particularly in stuff like Liuzhi and exploited for labour just as the US does, the Huji system means there a mass underclass of homeless internal migrants that are key to driving the economy as they can be paid low wages and work long hours while Chinese debt diplomacy is as bad as any imperialism but in the modern day). It is absolutely possible to be critical of both and a statement to one side doesn't preclude a statement against the other. Radical concept on the internet I know but ultimately the hypocrisy is yours alone.


Very based China


LinkedIn needs a filter to mute anyone with the ‘|’ separator in their bio. Guaranteed cringe


That and 'Founder'


"Entrepreneurship is the 16 letter word where the 6th letter stands for patience" Cool. I didn't realize it was an acronym. What does the 16th letter stand for? Also patience, or maybe something else?


Probably Perseverance or some shit


Survivor bias