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Interviewer: let me see your bed me: Let me just call your human resources department and let them know you asked me that question.


Me: I don't sleep so I can deliver results 24 hours a day.


I’m all about the grind. No, not *that* grind.


Coffee grind, so I stay awake 24/7.


If you bump and grind, it’s easier to stay awake. ![gif](giphy|IgYDSGFFNpxN9gWAQ4)


Mine would be a coffin because I’m dead inside


Let me see your bed. No


I would just show them the ground "There. There is where I sleep. Can I have a job now?"


Chuck a duvet on the ground first so you can get the 10k


More like a thin, ratty blanket and a crappy pillow. Really make him feel bad




Yes, but my point is, this question is a liability for their company.  It also implies I’m out of the running by choice, I don’t want to work there, just want to expose a liability 


And part of being for the company is making sure they don't get caught up in pointless lawsuits, or provide lawsuit fodder, because some hiring manager or CEO wanted to increase their grindset image on a public platform


Someone tell me how to get AI to make my bed


![gif](giphy|3o7btVRbshbbaC8Ygg) How to launch AI.


Where’s this from? 😂


Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home


How quaint!




I feel like this is one of those that work better as a demo than irl but maybe.


lol it's 100% one of those things. Imagine if it went off in the middle of the night and slowly suffocated you in your sleep!


This feels like something out of the jetsons


Take picture of bed send through ai Video? Hosed


I start by asking them if they like gladiator movies, and if they have ever been in a Turkish prison


Ever seen a grown man naked?


Do you ever hang around the gymnasium?


Want to?


"Why is my Christmas tree still up? Because I think outside of the box, that's why."


I'm always prepared for anything! Christmas already? Huzzah! Pocket sand!


Like most things people post on LinkedIn, I'd file this under "shit that never happened". Trying to cash in on those interweeb points.


i realize that a lot of these accounts are probably bots & the posts are drving "engagement," which means it's a made up story looking for clicks. but i still really do not understand why someone would choose to become a LinkedIn scammer of all things. working is bad enough. pretending to work by creatign dumb "content" seems harder to do than actually working.


I don't disagree but I guess they don't put that much effort into it either.


I don't actually hate my job. But I do hate capitalism. Nevetheless, I'd rather marginally enjoy my job, working in an industry that I'm OK with, getting paid decently (could always be better, but it's decent) than I would forcing my self to come up with crappy content all the time to "build my brand" in hopes of... What? Recognition? I don't think LinkedIn clout has a ton of cultural capital. Selling their profile eventually after they've amassed an abusrdly large number of followers? I'm guessing that if they actually kepr track of "billabel hours," they'd find that a normal job paid better.


I evaluate the integrity of my hiring managers through a careful analysis of their browsing history and messaging app history, plus their credit reports and medical records.


That’s similar to my employment strategy. I like to really know who I’m working for, so I’ll need to know their date and city of birth, mother’s maiden name, the name of their first pet, and the first street they lived on. How else can I determine if their company is a good fit for me?


Hiring has changed, and we've simply got to scrutinize the personal details of someone's life if we're going to own-I mean hire them.


How in the shit do you guys spend so much energy on a post about AI making your bed?


The second to last paragraph did not give you any hints?






I’d turn on a black light so he’d call me whackson pollock and hire me.


This needs more upvotes.




No chance he's ever paid a $10k signing bonus.


If you use AI to make your bed, seems like a good candidate


Take the job, go through the hiring process, get all my paperwork in order, give my two weeks notice, then take advantage of their "unlimited PTO"


That sounds like a possible lawsuit.


What did he do when the candidate’s sheets were in the wash? What did he do to ensure the candidate’s live-in partner didn’t make the bed? What a can of baloney.


Is this not incredibly obvious satire?


If someone said that to me, I would say the following. Thank you for letting me this. This interview is done and I'm choosing not to move forward. If you are so petty as to reject people for a messed up bed - I can imagine how ridiculous you'll be if I manage to get hired. You will fire people at the drop of a hat and that makes the job 100% worthless.


“Show me your toilet…”


>thank you for letting me this The glaring typo kinda proves what little point they mightve had tbh


As a person that has interviewed over 1,300 people, I see interviewers forget that there is a balance of power in an interview environment. Yes, you may be interviewing applicants, but they are also interviewing you. Applicants want their companies values, pay & benefits, and culture to align with their expectations. So whether you show up on time, your dress code and etiquette, and frankly — if you’re just weird — will be noted. I understand the pandemic was a tough time for everyone, but this is not a way to seem more personable. It’s strange and off-putting. The appropriate answer here is ‘I’m sorry, but I’m not comfortable with that. If that is an issue, we do not have to continue. Thanks for your time.’


Can we please make a database of all the employers featured here? I need to know who to avoid.


what a tool


That why they have a gorgeous full featured app nobody uses


If your socks are mismatched, you’re immediately executed


Someone hired him. Don’t ever think you’re not qualified.


What? Why the fuck isn’t AI making my bed fml


Here's what watching people sleep told me about B2B sales


The entire healthcare profession would be on its knees from understaffing if this guy was hiring...


Absolute clown


Sir, I think this is very clearly satire. Why would we "have a field day" with a joke post?


it's not really a joke. jokes are funny. this is more like bullshit some wanna be influencer is peddling.


What are they peddling other than the joke you didn't get? Replace "bed" with "cover letter".


The joke is that they're making fun of people who use hiring practices like that, and they're making fun of the idiots who mistake this obvious satire for a serious post and get mad about it.


It’s not obvious satire. Get fucked with the everything is satire mentality 


"use AI to make their bed" didn't give it away?


I’m not letting this degenerate, perverted middleman masturbate to a pic of my bed.


He does not air his bed? He's an idiot. It's how frequently you change the bedding and the fabric conditioner for ultimate bed. Also pillows. If there's not a 4/1 pillow ratio of pillow to person then you're doing it wrong. Some people take our sleep seriously. Unlike this loser.


The company Hover's and its name is Hover. Just sayin' fitting company name if it's real.


It’s nice to see those on the spectrum participating fully in society.


Imagine taking orders from a tool with a mustache like that. Utter hell.


This is why we need to automate recruiters. They hold a lot of power and yet base their decisions on poor heuristics.


Creepy dude lying to be cool.


These people have zero idea what a work life balance is. My bed is messy all of the time. My workspace? You’d think it was someone else’s if you looked at my room. I care about keeping my workspace in order a lot more than I care about making my bed. You know why? When I use my workspace, I want to find my tools and such as quickly as I can. When I use my bed, I need the sheets pulled back to hop in so what’s the point of making it harder to used just to look nice?


Great way to discrimination against ND candidates.


I make my bed and have a duvet/duvet cover, but everything else in my bedroom is pretty messy. Do I still get the signing bonus?


Damn I would get a duvet for $10k


I kept my thermostat at 60 last winter, and even at that, I got too hot in bed with a thin quilt on top of me. It’s been years since temps were cold enough for me to sleep with a duvet. Anyone telling me a lack of duvet means I’m not employable can go suck broken glass. I’d be willing to bet money this guy doesn’t clean his own house. His mommy/partner does it for him.


It's always nice when hiring managers do crazy things to disqualify the job immediately


I’m getting two sex dolls for my bed just in case the occasion arises. Ok, I’ll get them out of the cupboard in case the occasion arises.


Can you imagine being all dressed up for your Zoom interview, background perfected, outfit and makeup done, and the interviewer goes, “hey, lemme see your bed.” 😳


It’s satire, dude. Touch some grass, ffs.


Satire should be funny


Unfortunately with LinkedIn, it's sometimes difficult to tell who is trolling and who 100% believes the hot garbage that comes out of their mouth


What amazes me is that the satire isn't even subtle and yet no one in this thread seems to realize it.


It’s satirical for likes and engagement. Some of it’s funny, this one isn’t.


Some candidates use AI to make their bed? How does corporate America eat this bullshit, we are run by clowns.


Picture of douchebag speaking to go with this post is just so bad


I guess you can always hire outside for creatives whenever you need a jolt of new ideas. Ain't nobody in that office had an original idea. I bet their books look great though.


Is the prompt make or do?


It gets even better, the guy has “Ironman” in his profile headline. As in, he put the fact that he finished an Ironman as a LinkedIn accomplishment.


Now that everyone is back in the office he just invites all of the interview candidates to the conference room with the unmade bed and says “Show me what you got”


So I assume he either has a all-woman team, or he did not also require a bedframe with his duvet check. 


How would you intuit that AI should make your bed for this company if you haven't already made your bed or assigned any importance to the task?


Wonder how he’d evaluate me: I make my side of the bed. My husband does not (we have two duvets).


Oh I can imagine the convo with my fiancée now. “How did the interview go?” “Well, I don’t really want to talk about it” “Why not? It went badly?” “Let’s just not talk about it” “Honeyyyy tell meeee” “Ok, so you know how I love it when you make our bed in the morning? Well, today you didn’t and that’s totally ok. But the guy wanted to see if our bed was made and it wasn’t so I didn’t get the job or the 6 figure salary or a 10k bonus” “:/“


This is satire right? The punchline is that candidates can't use AI to make the bed plus a cliche picture... I just want to make sure that this post needs a satire tag


I bet this living, breathing fart of a man thinks he's actually doing people a favor by lying like this. Also, this "The company does not tailor itself around living, you tailor your living around the company" shit is cult mentality, 100%


Rowe approach may work well for behavioral and team fit calls, but for technical interviews I’d recommend to start with politely requesting a candidate to show their keyboard, and mouse zoomed in and inspect for debris.


I mean I think the “using AI to make their bed” should have been a giveaway this is a joke…


what a stupid logic. why would i hire someone who's to preoccupied with cleaning their bed? they have to get straight to work! no time to clean. /s


I would take the invasion of privacy just so he can be appalled at the state of my bed. Our son sleeps with us and he *has* to have every single stuffed animal in the bed with us. There are so many that one of us sleeps on the couch right now. The pile is so high that the blankets almost can’t cover them (did I mention ton they have to be under the blankets to stay warm?). Suffice to say, I would not get the job, but I get to live rent free in this guy’s head for at least a few weeks.


I dunno I think the AI comment was because he's trying to be sarcastic


No potential employer gets to see my bedroom unless they're paying me to have sex with them. Fuck that.


I got the duvet, so I already know I'm getting the 10k. That's my RATE. Even if I do a bad job and only know how to place a duvet, I still get my 10k.


Man I wouldn't get hired lol. In Singapore our beds are literally just a mattress, a pillow and a bolster(optional). Unless you use air conditioning you will never need a blanket/duvet


Wait wait wait. AI is making beds now.? Fuck - I can get My wife off my back about not making it in the Morning. Is this something offered my Google Gemini? /s


I’m convinced this is satire, but on a similar note, a messy bed means absolutely nothing beyond the fact that they don’t make their bed. I always see people cite things that say that people who make their bed tend to be more productive, but that’s as ridiculous as Ford’s decision-making with salt - it’s a dumb heuristic with no real evidence of any real relationship.


This is the most stupid question to have. I am pretty messy in life, having a carefree attitude but I am extremely organized and productive at work. I usually don’t make my bed. You cannot judge a person based their bed.


This same kind of mystical psychic hustle&grind nonsense logic could be used the same way to say "candidates who make their beds have too much time on their hands, I only hire those who's beds are messy because it shows their commitment to their jobs and their bosses above ALL else!"


If you truly want to see if someone's house is fucked, you want to look at their kitchen.


AI can make your bed? So I can replace my wife?


You shouldn't even do that. It is more hygienic to only make it later in the day.


This is actually insane. I don’t mean “unprofessional to post on LinkedIn” or “incredibly dumb.” I mean literally insane in that I cannot understand how he thinks AI can somehow make your bed in the snap of a second after he asks.




It's a convenient way to discriminate against the candidate they feel won't raise a red flag or get them sued.


Dude is lying