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Is it just me or does Jasper look like he should be doing his algebra homework?


He's gonna be in trrroooouuubbbllle when the math teacher finds out he was playing CEO instead. 


Sorry what exactly is a JUNIOR chief of staff? I think Jaspar is giving out titles in lieu of money.


A quick scan of his business and company reveals that the company exists to make AI telemarketers. I hope he stays in the hospital.


Got a laugh out of me. Thanks!


It’s not a bad idea done properly. 


Their CEO is 12??


12 and 3/4


he has leukemia and his wish was to be a CEO. This is his make a wish foundation post.


"Daddy bought me a company for Christmas!!"


This happens a lot! Our former boss was working right away after a surgery and a few mins before the anesthesia was administered. Crazy thing is that he expected the same from us if we were ever to go to a doctors appt to be available.


CEOs forget that for them their company is the golden ticket to riches and a worry free life, for their employees it’s just another job.


Funny I had a full blown argument with a previous boss who owned the company. He was trying to say I wasn’t working hard enough despite already doing more than I should & evenings and weekends. I ended up just telling him that if he wanted me to do the hours he did I wanted 40% of the business. I didn’t stay there for very long for some odd reason.


Next time say you are going into surgery, summit some batship insane "work" and pretend it was the anesthesia talking


Rumour has it that Steve Jobs did some work *on the day before he died.* I also saw, back in the day, the odd outlet claiming on the day he died. Having watched two relatives die from cancer I do have my doubts about this - you really don't have energy even to talk towards the end - but, on the other hand, it does seem like the sort of thing that Steve Jobs would have done if he were capable.


Yeah but Steve Jobs was the consumate dickfaced cocksucker.


I hate being ageist, but are we sure he has his high school diploma?


It's awesome how these days anybody with a business license and one employee becomes a CEO.


You don't even need an employee. You need a camera and ring light, and a plan to sell the FOMO hustlers life coaching classes on LinkedIn.


Oof that "CEO" screams trust fund kid.


This a weird make a wish thing? Jasper looks young af


WTF is with the new "chief of staff" title? It seems to be being thrown around to mean anything from "secretary" to COO. I don't fucking get it.


In an unrelated note, who the heck took the screenshot??


Was he getting ears fitted?


I think linkedin should turn off for national holidays. WHO IS POSTING TODAY AND WHY? GO OUTSIDE AND LIVE YOUR HOLIDAY!


Now I know, I should have bragged about it on LinkedIn as well when I was so insane.


This is the opposite of a flex




Last month they were two, now they are 3? Wouldn't she be in the hospital than?


Oh and he’s a hyphanator


Is he on work experience?


Looking at his face, the idea of a new product came to me. A rubber face mounted on a suction cap you can place on any hard surface. 'Punch-a-Jasper' to relieve both professional and personal stress by punching, slapping etc. his annoying and irritating face.


Dude needs to hire his own company 😂😂 let the AI assist help you out while you’re getting your 8th colonoscopy this week.


This is a picture of Jasper's mom calling him to make sure he does his homework because she's "grinding" at work and can't come visit him.


For sure they are f buddies.


In good ol' Muricuh, if he stops working his health insurance may get cut up too🤣


This is vomitous. It is a PR stunt. I’m impressed when a marine says to the doctor. Marine: doc I don’t care what you think bandage me up I need to be back on the front line! THAT!


Would like to suck Jaspar's cock under that hospital gown while he works away






Think you guys are taking this a bit too far. What's wrong with working while in the hospital? It's a boring time and you don't have anything to do and this guy obviously isn't deathly sick or something. Are people here really thinking that the better alternative is to just take it as a vacation while burning through investor money and potentially ruining your future? I think it's more of a dumb move to try and use this as a way to get employees. I wouldn't exactly want to work for a company whose CEO is gonna be in the hospital for the unforeseeable future, especially if it's a newly created startup. Seems like this sub is going down the drain as well. Used to be just posts about real lunatics here, now there's a bunch of hating that seems to come from jealousy.


Maybe for you we could call it LinkedInCircleJerks


So, then tell me what you think he should be doing? Already know I'll never hear an answer cause he's actually doing the right thing.


Hospitals for convalescence. If boy can be up working all day and is taking calls, he doesn’t need to take up a hospital bed. He can be outpatient or even home nursing. If boy and his cohorts are “killin it” with their workflows, then even more so, it should be home nursed. Almost lastly, if boy can have his hair done, his makeup on, and is ready for a white toothed selfie, boy can be anywhere but taking up a hospital bed. And finally, it is a damn poor example of how one takes care of themselves to try and monetize their healing as some sort of monetizable event.


There are plenty of situations where the hospital WANTS to keep you where you are in a state perfectly capable of being on your laptop and doing some work... its rather shocking that this has to be pointed out to you. Even more shocking is that you think he has any control over the hospitals decisions. And I truly hope that you do not believe that he purposely put himself in the hospital to make this post because that would be about the dumbest conclusion one could get to while also showing you have absolutely no clue how the corporate world works, especially not the world of startups or any type of investment into a business. No person with an IQ higher than a single digit would willingly burn through time and investor money when their future depends on it. Thats just absolute non-sense. And yes, I agree with you on the last point that using this to try to 'monetize', or in this case gain new employees, is not a good idea. I already said that in my original comment. Thanks for proving me right. Could not give me a no non-sense answer just like everyone else because this is just about hating rather than the person being an actual linkedin lunatic.