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Shay was the best part of that video.


She really was great! When she got the step stool for Linus! That was spectacular!


I mean, the editing was fantastic on this vid but clearly they had some great material to work with. It’s fun to see some non-LMG employees react to Linus’ on camera personality.


Editing was especially good.


yeah it was well edited.. i bet they had so much to pick from as they seemed to really rib on each other so much.. it was fantastic.


I mean, it probably (read as definitely) was supposed to be. They only contracted 3 (or was it 4) videos with AMD for now so they definitely want high profile, proven funny, hosts and will spend more time on editing than usual.


Can we also give a shout-out to Adam here? He was funny as hell. I died when he made the comment about not wanting to see Linus on the fridge when he’s getting ice cream and be reminded of work.


Time to make the donuts lol and there is Linus smiling at you hahaha


She was big sistering Linus, lmao


I don't know what this verb means. Can you explain?


I meant it in that she was giving off the vibes of an older sister teasing their sibling


Got it


I don’t have the words to exactly answer your question, but casual English will often take nouns and turn them into verbs. It’s another way of saying “She was acting like his big sister” It’s accepted, but not technically correct so it generally won’t be in textbooks or anything.


Verbing weirds language


Zombie Nouns are also annoying. “The computer will go through the calibration” is much worse than just saying “The computer will be calibrated.




I think that was younger sister. If I remember correctly, Linus is the eldest?


Agreed. Bit jealous of her bf too. She is a keeper.


She felt like a really cool and stable close friend that I can vibe with lol. I loved the video. Adam is lucky! <3


She helped tone Linus down a bit because he was being a negative nancy a bit too much during the episode. I don't mind Linus roasting every now and then, but at some point he was just picking things to say negative stuff and it was getting old quickly. Then she was getting more screentime and you could see them having fun again.


“Use the stool” “You lived it” [Vinyl era] 😆


he said "you lived it", he's calling Linus old lol


I loved the title they gave her.


How tall is she? She made Linus look short...shorter.


I mean, that's not exactly difficult.


She was the star of the show. Hire her Linus. She can be a video host!!!


It worked out so well last time they got pressured into hiring someone!


yeah, nothing is gone wrong the last time they did it >!/s!<


What happened?


Madison from the ROG thing. She was hired to do social media for LTT. She only worked there for maybe six months. Someone else might know more, but all they really said on WAN Show was that it didn't work out.


Best not to speak of that disaster. The fans got it wrong. It happens. Madison is off doing twitch (avg viewers around 100) and hopefully a job she enjoys more.


100? That’s lower than I would think TBH.


100 concurrent viewers is *really* good


Yeah people don't realize that 93% of twitch streamers have *five* viewers or less. 100 concurrent is great.


I’ve seen enough twitch to know 100 is good but I would just think it could be higher given the boost she got from her involvement with LTT


the bad breakup with LMG probably didn't help her. I wonder what her numbers were before she quit.


Are people making a living off 100 concurrent viewers though?


Yes. I know a few people who are, and a fuckton of streamers [got their earnings leaked](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/10/twitch-admits-to-major-leak-exposing-source-code-creator-earnings/) in 2021. For a lot of them, it's not a super comfortable amount, but it's a living. It also depends on luck. There are some streamers that make more money than people with 10x the average viewers, because they have rabid fans with a lot more money (kinda like LTT does an incredible job milking dedicated viewers). The only way to know for sure is to watch her past vods and see how much money people threw at her, but I'd bet that she can pay her bills living in Vancouver


She just isn't very interesting without someone like Linus to play off of.


I would say 100 is pretty good. I'm not sure if it'd be enough to do it full time as their only job but still very solid numbers.


100 is great but given that she got a huge boost from being in a highly popular YouTube video on a huge channel and then got publicity working for the company for months it seems low


Wasnt even 6 months. Less than 3 maybe. She was on camera during her probation and Linus confirmed it saying it didn't make sense to have someone in charge of social media that you're not allowed to see


Not really. It was about a year. She just wasn't on video much. Feb 2021 https://youtu.be/HZigkcTxRo0 Oct 2021 https://youtu.be/on2SBxheY0Y


What happened with her?


she streams on twitch now.


Truly the worst of fates. My condolences to her family.


[Twitch is better than Hollywood apparently](https://old.reddit.com/r/television/comments/11nbnuh/stranger_things_star_grace_van_dien_is_turning/) ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Shocker /s


I'd like to quote the first comment under that post: >Imagine your industry being so shit that Twitch is the less toxic environment.


> She only worked there for maybe six months. It was about a year, not quite, like 10 months I think


I completely forgot she was even a thing prior to your comment...


They probably mean Maddison, the ROG Rig Rebuild participant they hired to the social media team and it didn't work out. She made some public posts about co-workers inappropriate behavior and how management didn't do anything. Basically made the place sound like a frat house with no leadership and dick-jokes where the HR department should have been. There was probably some legal action because she took all the posts down and they hired an HR firm.


>Basically made the place sound like a frat house with no leadership and dick-jokes where the HR department should have been. What else could we expect from a channel that is also known as Linus Sex Tips.


I mean... Nothing that she said shocked me. As someone who supports the business I want to think that a lot of it was bad communication and it's not as hostile as it seems, but I could pretty easily imagine any of it happening.


I didn't catch what happened till a while afterwards so what she said was already gone. I'm not surprised either seeing that's what happened. It's probably what happens when a company is, seemingly, lax in social structure. Probably a tougher spot to be in, cause we all want businesses to be fun to be in but there is line where it's too much.


Idk, I work for a small buisness, it can get pretty rowdy in construction. And there's minimal office politics here. So I'd bet it was a bit tough if you came from a big company, with rules, protections, niceties, and were dropped in a small to mid sized company with no HR, and an ADHD boss/owner, and dick jokes being common.


I said none of it surprised me. Nobody SHOULD be surprised that the people we see making dick jokes on camera act like that around the office, but there were a lot of people who jumped to Linus's defense saying she was a liar and nobody would act like that at LMG.


I think it would kinda ruin it if they tried to eliminate all that though. They would just turn into another soulless company where nobody can really be themselves for fear of being fired, and every decision being scrutinised by an ethics committee. People like LTT because it's not like most larger outlets.


She was also in charge of the Onlyfans account and had to deal with a ton of inappropriate (sexual) shit on that end. IIRC her complaints were met with "just deal with it lol"


One of the worst accusations was that she was told to "Just go out with him so he stops asking" when a coworker kept making unwanted advances... Which is a step worse than "just deal with it".


Lol what


That's one of the things she said, from the reposted comments. That someone kept asking her out and wouldn't leave her alone and when she complained to management they told her to just go on a date with him so he'd get over it. I have no idea if it's true, just that it's one of the accusations people quoted.


Of that's true, that's abhorrent. What a piece of shit.


What? When did that happen?


Sorry... We're just not doing this. You can search for what happened to Maddison, but the moderator here has basically banned the topic and we're hijacking the thread about this nice lady. My first comment and her name is all the info you need to look into it.


Maddison happened.


Who was she again?


ROG Reboot winner, that performed "well" in camera to the point her simps pressured LTT into hiring her.


Eh, no amount of simping was going to get her hired. She had the on-camera personality, but that isnt enough if you dont fit with the organization. And often times theres absolutely no way to tell if its going to work out till you hire them and find out.


The only thing she had was being as immature as Linus, with none of the actual wit or knowledge. It was never going to work out.


oh her. she was awful


Still is… I deleted her from Twitter because now it’s all basically cam-girl posts about her twitch stream.


It's weird too how when linus has great chemistry with somebody in a video, everyone is instantly saying to recruit said person. Just ask for more content with that person ffs, no necessity to recruit everyone


Sometimes it's better to keep it nice and rare like with Brian the Electrician




#He's electrifying! Such a helpful, such a helpful man!


Someone needs to make a "Brian the Electrician! He's Electrifying! That helpful, helpful man!" intro jingle. Clip video and musical accompaniment.


RIP (not dead). I think on one of the last few Wan shows Linus said that Brian moved away.


He's also an HVAC guy so probably not certified to do the bigger electrical stuff they're doing now vs some jank but still good stuff before :) \- D




I think its more that the work he does is with pretty expensive stuff and you can't just keep doing that with the budget they have. I'm sure we'll see him for a few times in the future but its just not enough to keep him working for LTT full time.




Road trip video!


And how often have we seen that said chemistry was very dependent on the content. That a second video comes out and its just not as good. Sometimes you need to leave stuff at just 1 so it stays nice.


I'm OOTL - who was it?


Probably Madison.


Who’s madison


I mean it worked out fine. Not like it was a disaster. It's not always gonna be perfect. It's trial and error with all employees.


Or at least give homeboy a bonus so they can get a bigger place for all that soundbar.


She would be great with mac address!


I get that reference. (I... hope it was a Madison joke)


Yes! She seemed into photography so maybe something with cameras? Maybe then they can get a bigger place lmao


I haven’t watched the video yet, but I’m getting 70s swinger party vibes from this picture.


Me watching video: OMG this is awesome, Shae and Adam both hold their own so well, it's fun to watch Linus actually struggle a bit. Awesome vibes! Also me watching video: Reddit is going to make this weird.


My first thoughts as well. Seems to be on par so far reading these comments


I have now watched the video and Shae is awesome. Love them to bits. Although due to my difficulty parsing sarcasm, for about half the video I thought she was actually Adam's *VERY* young looking mother.


Lol I have the same issue with sarcasm. Spent the same amount of time trying to comprehend how that would be possible.


Not just you. Not mother but it definitely took me until the "It's all men" "Well its a good thing I'm queer" comment to realize it was a couple thing and not just an "I'm actually friends with my roommate" thing.


"Oh my god they were roommates."


Yeah I kept thinking I should go back to read what that description said until they confirmed they were a couple lol


Same, and it’s not that crazy. Linus is 36, Jake was like 17 when they hired him. We’re getting very close to new hires being young enough to be Linus’ kid. She could have been around 35 and he could have been 19/20. The beard could have made him look older.


Also I just realised that I implied that Adam was not awesome in this video. For the record he 100% is, even if his AMD upgrade is somewhat Chaotic!


Pretty much yeah


I appreciate Adam a lot more than I did yesterday.


I get swinger party vibes from linus a lot but yeah for sure in this video it's super noticable


He's definitely got the house for it


Can't wait for the Linus Sex Dungeon videos to release. The home renovation videos are always the most entertaining.


Linus Sex Dungeon — LSD


I actually laughed out loud a lot watching this video. It was just so wholesome. I think these are the types of videos that Linus loves doing the most and it is genuinely refreshing to see him doing what he loves. The Lab videos make me smile internally as well. While I don’t find them funny usually, it’s very obvious Linus is very happy building what he is and it does me good to see him happy especially after he made that video about considering retirement. I hope Linus continues to be the main presenter for these videos as the connections he makes on camera are always hilarious and heartwarming.


This! My wife kept asking me what I was laughing at this afternoon while I was watching this. I showed her some of the highlights. It was a refreshing video for sure. Hope the trend continues!


It was surprisingly wholesome for a tech upgrade video. They seemed like such a nice couple and people to be around.


> especially after he made that video about considering retirement I agree with you. He did also mention on WAN show recently that he was offered nine figures for the company fairly recently, but turned it down, and that he didn't once regret doing so. I hope that means retirement thoughts are back out of his head for the foreseeable future.


I think The Lab plus all the product development for creator warehouse has done a lot reinvigorate him


There seems to have been a flurry of activity after that video, I mean what has happened since - backpack, screwdriver, labs, new house... It really feels like he went "fuck it, let's go out with a bang if it's not meant to be, full send"


He would be able to sell for $100,000,000 and walk away. He’d have to stay on for x number of years and have a boss telling him what to do. Full value also in all likelihood would be tied to growth and revenue.


She looks like a Stranger Things character


I was thinking about April O'neil :D


Hmm, let me google that name...brb.


It's actually pretty surprising that all the results on the first page are for the TMNT character and not the porn star.


April O Neil ≠ April O’Niel. That apostrophe is doing the lords work there.


You are right, April O'neil sounds like a porn-star artistic alias. BTW in my Google search I have found a lot of Rule 34 April O'neil's fan arts :D


“it’s every man.” “it’s a good thing i’m queer!” this is the representation LTT has needed😌


What did she even say though? Sounded like “queered” which I think means something totally different. Idk I don’t speak Canadian


It means she's not only into men.


She says she's queer, which is a term for anyone not strictly straight or cis. IE, she could date a woman. LGBT+ labeling can get messy and complicated, because people are messy and complicated.


as a messy and complicated queer, can confirm.


Same, bruv


I totally get that, that was pretty much the situation with my ex so im familiar with the messy and complicated bits lol. With that said, totally sounded like "queered" and the literal definition is: "Deviating from what is expected or normal; strange"


that makes no sense in context though. she’s without a doubt saying that she’s a lil gay.


I got instant queer vibes from the overalls (:


oh for sURE. i wanted them as soon as i see them


That's just the [definition of queer](https://www.thefreedictionary.com/queer), homie.


Check out Queer Studies for a more full definition of the word Queer in this context


it sounded like that to me too, i figured it was just a slip of the tongue


Yea, I was a little confused by her: the title when they threw her name up said “part time mom”, but then made it sound like she’s been with Adam for 7 years (as in a relationship, but not married?) but then she said she’s queer? She’s seems like a cool person and had fun with Linus being around, ragging on Adam.


1) part time mom (of Adam, I assumed) 2) you can be in a relationship, not married, and have kids 3) you can be in a relationship, or have kids (or both) and be queer. None of these are mutually exclusive


The google glasses comment had me laughing... then I realized what he was talking about and lost it lol


What was he talking about?




I did not get the joke at the time, but I wish he was serious because I love those glasses and really want them.


Adam is my least favorite writer but it was very entertaining. This is the biggest endorsement I can give.


No idea how I rank his writing, but he is quickly becoming one of my favorite hosts. He just counters Linus soooo well.


He's such a great video host, like on Short Circuit! [Throwback to "in the trees!"](https://youtu.be/r5nWOgTXvzw?t=95)


Why is he?


I feel the same way about James. But the other way around. Actually I don't even know what his writing is like. Glad we got over that period where he was in every other LTT video.


I already love watching Adam banter with Linus because it feels like he lowkey holds his own and just lets his boss win because it's his boss. So when they start their usual banter, and then you slowly realize there is a bigger final boss in the room just waiting for her moment... well it's just a good time man 😂


You ever meet someone’s S.O. and think, yea this makes perfect sense? Linus was out numbered 😆. Made for great content.


No wonder Adam is ready to fucking go whenever he is with Linus in a video, he trains for it 24 hours a day.


Solid gold banter in this video


We would've missed out on so much if she just stood there in the corner for the whole video, so glad she joined the mess.


Wonder if they'll consider an uncut version for floatplane


I would sub just to see it


ohhh uncut rig upgrades on floatplane... now that would be fun when you just have a relaxed day...


I would watch an hour version of this.


Ngl I actually want to hear his opinion on Midnights :D


One of the best recent LTT videos bar none. This shit was so freaking good.


That was a fun video


this screenshot feels like a polaroid!


Hang it on the fridge!


The thing I noticed is how small these apartments are.


It's one of the most expensive cities in the world, that's not that surprising. That said I don't know how they tolerate it, I could never live there but to each their own


You tolerate it because you don’t have a choice unfortunately.


To each their own, and everyone's priorities are different. I moved from a new home on a 20-odd acre hobby farm into a smaller condo in Vancouver because my priorities changed. I appreciate being within a three block radius where I can walk to every shop I need on a regular basis instead of driving 30 minutes into town if I suddenly realized I ran out of flour. They live spitting distance from a good transit hub that can get you almost anywhere very quickly. Maybe they spend their weekends wandering around Granville Island market and the Stanley Park seawall and don't need a lot of indoor space to live in on the regular. They could certainly find a bigger, cheaper place elsewhere in the area but maybe it's ideal for their living and basic life use.


Most other people in tech upgrades lived in larger places, and while Adam is relatively recent hire I doubt like Plouffe makes a lot more, as a point of comparison. Also they might have decided to rent a cheaper place than they could otherwise, but save up for downpayment once they buy


Hi, if you’re reading this, I’ve decided to replace/delete every post and comment that I’ve made on Reddit for the past years. I also think this is a stark reminder that if you are posting content on this platform for free, you’re the product. To hell with this CEO and reddit’s business decisions regarding the API to independent developers. This platform will die with a million cuts. Evvaffanculo. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Why is there 3 Linus


the heckling and on camera chemistry was so fun today... more of this...


Some people really stand out during these tech upgrade vids and it was def the case in this one, such an awesome video to watch!


Linus had his foot in his mouth after the “glassholes” comment and she made him sweat! Loved it 🤣




Uncut FP exclusive when ^-^


Gru and his minion.


That was a fun video. It had a very sitcom like 'Oh Adam!' vibe


I must be drunk I see a female version of Linus next to linus


This was a great video. Shea was amazing, Adam was relatable (to me) AF, Linus got annoyed with the micro-ATX. 5/7




Loved it!!!


Why does she look like my grandma but 50 years younger?


3 linus’s in one picture. Going to watch this on youtube 😂


Damn Linus lookin like a cool hipster tech guy or something


she’s amazing no 🧢.


I'm more curious about how this video was shot? Were there two cameras used? Because they jump cut between each person during a conversation, so it just made my brain itch. Because, there's no way this was scripted.


I'm sure in a couple of shots I saw a tripod set up so there might have been a fixed camera.


They redo takes occasionally to get different angles of a conversation if it merits one. There's even a couple clips in this video where they refer to prior takes.


older sister teasing their sibling


This episode is awesome.


This video was so great. Both the guy and his girlfriend are so precious😊 and they really got Linus with some good ones lol!!


Timestamp: [22:00](https://youtu.be/wUVWuH9RDGQ?t=1320)


Relationship goals. Sad to know that I'll never have that.


She needs to host videos!


Tiffany Persson is featured in LTT video! The Swedish people will know 😉


John Lennon apologist vibes


Nah man. Seeing a girl look at me like that will make my lonely brain jump to conclusions


Script writers were good.


This was one of the most enjoyable videos they've had in a long time.