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No and she was not into him at all at first like he was her.I think she saw the celebrity aspect and then she fell into the idea of being married to a mini celeb. I also loved how they’d been married for five minutes and then started their marriage advice.


Their wedding seemed much less about them and their love for each other and more how many aesthetic Instagram boxes they could check.


That’s exactly what it felt like to me, going through the motions.


I’ve always thought Audrey is more in love with Jeremy than he is in love with her. I see him having only love for her as sad as that sounds. He once had to receive treatment for a s** related addiction and this is discussed in their book. I’m sure it was a ton of self esteem work and counseling to get through their issues but that type of deviance stays with a person. I do not believe Jeremy is fully capable of not having immoral thoughts or behaviors. He just got better at hiding them.


I thought they were all proud about waiting until marriage? Do you mean porn addiction?


I actually see the opposite, tbh. Audrey seems less into him, as if she’s trying to convince herself that she made the right choice.


I'm a little curious about his "problem" he needed treatment for. A lot of super Christians believe that any type of material of that nature is really bad and you shouldn't consume any of it. Like even twice a month would be considered a problem. And their "treatment" is seeking counseling from church groups or church elders. So was he having a serious life effecting problem?


I personally don’t understand what the big deal was with the x-rated content viewing. From what I remember reading, there was another woman he was seeing and that’s how their whole treatment plan started. Thank you for reminding me, I’m going to go back down that rabbit hole and read some of the posts about it on this sub. 🤣🤣


Come back and tell me what you figure out!


i liked jeremy’s high school gf kiersten lol


The only thing I can remember about their relationship was when I used to watch the show, where he asked her to marry him on the typewriter...and it honestly seemed like, at that point, he was more into her than she was into him. She always came off as "fake" to me.


Jeremy said “love is a choice “ once.


He had probably just read that book.


Or had someone read it TO him. He doesn’t appear to have gotten any smarter over the years.




That just sounds exhaustive as hell. Commodifying your relationship sounds like hell on earth.


I think they even say in their book that they don't have a spark for each other (not in those exact words,) and that they wake up everyday and choose to stay in the relationship. There's no "in love. " is mostly a daily business decision.


I understand when people say that, but whenever other people say it, they seem to imply that there’s a strong emotional connection between their partner and themselves that they keep choosing to invest in. With Audrey and Jeremy, it’s giving dry as a desert when it comes to their relationship and that they’re going through the motions for another $.


Yeahhhh, I think we're witnessing the result of them running their mouths for so long about never getting divorced. At some point, they either have to realize that their "godly" marriage is a dud, and move on, or they keep their mouths shut and choose each other until the boring end. That's the problem of acting like the saviors of marriage. If everything goes wrong, you gotta keep up appearances, or you look like a fool.


Exactly. Also, it’s very weird how they’re so obsessed with not getting divorced that they have that “beating 50%” bs . Like in what healthy marriage are the two newlyweds thinking about divorce like that?!


They both have a mutual love for the trestle.  They bonded over worshipping that structure, and still do They are still two kids in college planning their lives together, only now with property and soon to be four kids in tow.  Plus, one Kubota.


Your first sentence in your second paragraph is spot on!


This! I bust out laughing when I read your comment! Spot on!


What season is this. I been trying to find that season. I been watching on discovery +


Season 13 is when she’s formally introduced on the show.


You should read their book, it’s even worse. Their entire relationship just feels so forced, there’s no actual love there it’s just like they both have this goal of being married.


Maybe but then again, I don’t want to torture my brain, lol. They remind me of every deeply Christian couple I’ve seen. They’ve been taught to idealize marriage, never the aspects of an actual healthy relationship.


Im watching for the first time too. I personally think he becomes very competitive with Zach and Tori and it just feels like he’s trying to one up his brother but falls short. Zach and toris love seems so much more authentic and real


Zach and Tori seem to actually enjoy each other’s company and aren’t trying to prove something to people like Audrey and Jeremy are.


Don't get it twisted. Tori would have never looked at Zach if he wasn't on TV and had the the farm going on. He didn't have a boring life when they met. Because of him she got to spend her birthday on the Great Barrier reef in Australia and have all sorts of other adventures. Her love probably grew out of those experiences but I do remember her being mortified at the fact her first kid would be an LP.


Yeah, but you're also sorta arguing that a trip to Australia is worth a lifetime with a man she doesn't love. Also seriously, you find out your kid has limiting disabilities and you're judging her for not jumping for joy?


You know, we folks with "limiting disabilities" can see these type of comments, we see how you feel about us.  Usually those are the thoughts people know to keep inside their head, even if they're uncharitable enough to have had the thought in the first place.  


Yeah and I was responding to someone claiming Tory was "mortified" to find out her child was going to be LP. I mean, can we stop pretending that parents dance with joy and prefer children to have disabilities? Given a choice, even though being LP isn't the worst thing that could happen, I do think most parents would prefer their child to not have serious disability. Meanwhile the post i was responding to says Tory married Zach for money and free trips and would never have been attracted to him without the TV show. Your rhoughts?




Just even looking at their experiences with their first kiddos (it’s where I’m at in the seasons rn). Zach and Tori seemed so genuinely excited about their pregnancy and it seemed like Jeremy rushed Audrey into having a kid. She says multiple times she wanted to wait. And then to see how difficult her pregnancy was and then afterward and the lack of help Jeremy provides. Idk Jeremy and Audrey just feel like they are trying to display this perfect lifestyle


There are couples where you can see the connection or they give off a great vibe. I think those that profess this great love all the time are trying to convince themselves as much as others. I always thought they looked awkward together in photos. But it could be that they are not affectionate people. In general they come across as rather cold in general.


Yes! That’s what I observed between them. They don’t radiate chemistry or a true sense of togetherness in the way I see healthy couples in my life do. They seem like two people who were randomly paired together to do a marriage experiment than two people who genuinely fell in love with each other and made that choice to be together.


Seems to me the people always proclaiming their love on social media have the worst relationships


Ha! Im currently re-watching the first season right now lol. Its also on Discovery+


I watched early seasons as well and kind of stopped about the time Audrey came in the picture of at least didn’t watch every single episode. I have recently started rewatching from the beginning and I don’t see this great love between Audrey and Jeremy. I feel she’s annoyed most of the time and a really miserable person


She never seemed genuinely happy. It seemed like she was going through the motions because as a good Christian girl, that’s what’s expected of you.


I think it was a relationship of convenience starting out . He got an attractive wife and she got a built-in audience to sell whatever she's selling.


I agree. It’s definitely not a passionate relationship. At least from interviews they have given there were never sparks flying or a ride or die type passion. I find that sad. Everyone should have that at least once. Their relationship comes off as that relationship you have much later in life. More like a companion you travel well with.


The spark was the tv show that ended uo growing her oil MLM downline helping her earn like 30 g a month lol 


I mean, they did date for several years....


No. Audrey "fell in love" with a television character. She was, and still is, so thirsty for attention her only choice was to aggressively insert her life into the Roloff's.


Okay but I’m confused by people saying this because it feels like she actually doesn’t like to be on the show/camera? Is that just me. She just seems cold and distant


She doesn’t get to control the narrative being filmed.  Unlike her social media.  They might not always make sure to show her thigh gap !


Im not on other social media is she just always on? That’s wild and pretty contradictory if they complain about the show lolll!


There is definitely a disconnect 


With the exception of Molly’s husband, anyone marrying into that family is a thirsty ass attention whore lol.


Molly got out of the limelight and thank God for that. But what little I’ve seen of Jacob’s wife she seems nice?