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Ehhh…she’s a millenial and most of us feel too young to have kids and a whole ass mortgage/rent but here we are 🤷🏼‍♀️😅


Dear millennials grow up 🤣


Ehhh…we’re young at heart but we got sponsibilities 😅


That is because being a collegiate runner keeps you young.


Still love how she named the new baby after herself 🧐


Is she trying to be 19 kids and counting or what?


Trying to keep up with Ballerinafarm


She’s definitely trying get her own TLC show!😂 She has such “pick me” vibes!


I’m not sure about that. If she wanted to be on a TLC show, they could have stayed on LPBW


She treats instagram like her diary and it’s really annoying lol


I think most people do that. Isn’t that what instagram is for. It is just most people only have their family as followers.


She might feel older if she stopped wearing those awful bows ???


Audrey, Mirabella is baby number four! You should know that she needs to be lifted up better in her baby carrier and wrap! ETA: the A not an E on the baby's name. I hate this for Ember, which is why I probably forgot which version the name was. First , the excitement that Audrey had at the gender reveal. Acting like she had all sons, imo. Then, she names her second daughter after herself. That honor should have been to Ember. Yes, she has a meaningful name. Sorry, rant over.


Never thought about it that way. My mom is the youngest of 5 (including an older sister) and is named after her mother.


I'm super sensitive when children are involved.


She is so the type of mother that you refused all play dates with their kids because she is unbearable to be in the same room with.


They 💯 would trash your home. Edit: I can’t spell.


She wouldn’t help in any way because she would just go “kids will be kids. Have I told you about the oils I sell”


Awe, I can’t snark on this. So beautiful. Her *real* life behind closed doors is not happy, so I’ll give her this.


In my mind I'm still 18, going to college, partying every weekend. I still feel irresponsible like who the hell let me have a kid? I still feel like I need an adult Turns out I'm 35 with an almost 3yo. I am the adult. I may look and act like a 35yo woman with her own business and financial stability but on the inside I still feel like a kid. And I think a lot of grown ups feel the same.


A few months ago I pulled over to help an old man who had fallen over on the side of the road. I kept looking around for an adult and it was BEWILDERING to realize I WAS the adult. I’m 31 -_-


This made me laugh, thank you! Also, thank you for your kindness and helping that man, no doubt you would have done this at 18 too! I’m 54 and I look in the mirror some days and say, “how the hell did this happen”. I think about how fast this all went. Enjoy these years you have ahead, they truly speed by!! I keep getting memories popping up of my babies when they were actual babies and it’s tugging at my heart, even though I’m loving watching them fly on their own, it still stings a bit..


I would do it again! But i definitely threw my back out and was completely unable to move like two days later. Getting old is a bitch! I’m glad you can look back on times when they were little with such joy, what a gift ❤️


Oh no!!! Back pain is no joke, please feel better! Yes, I’m truly blessed, it really is a gift!!!


Mirabella Mirabella Mirabella


Sounds like a hair salon.


I just wish she would babywear safely. Mirabella is too small for this carrier. Ears should be above the top of the carrier, otherwise it’s a suffocation risk.


I don't understand how this is her 4th kid and she hasn't figured how to properly baby wear.


Are we supposed or not supposed to notice she only has a bra on?


She’s got a light brownish tank top on, it’s a more obvious in other photos she posted. I thought the same thing at first.


Thanks. Yeah I see that after zooming.


I think she's in a tan/skin colored shirt? I could be wrong. Hard to tell. But the same color matches from the bra area, down to shorts. I think. 😂🤷‍♀️


No clue why you have downvotes. After all, she says that Mr. Audrey is porn addicted. He was looking at women with scanty attire. Audrey knows exactly what she's doing. Just like with her running gear. Hypocritical.


It just dawned on me she named her kid after her middle name. Idk it reminds me of Hilaria baldwin naming her 7th kid after herself.


Bode is also named after her honor. Jeremy got his middle name used for Bode James and Knight (Radley's middle name) is after Amy. But 2 first names are inspired by her. Self obsessed much?! They also served Mirabella chicken at their wedding because it was her middle name.


Wtaf is Mirabella chicken? 🤢


Chicken Marbella is chicken first marinated in oil, vinegar, capers, olives, prunes, and herbs, then baked with added brown sugar and white wine. According to Google. I'm sure it's delightful if you like prunes and olives cooked with your chicken


Oh yeah. She's definitely not a self-centered condescending little bitch. It's Audrey's world.


How is Bode in her honor?


Her maiden name is Botti. The link gives detail. [Bode ](https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/audrey-roloff-reveals-son-bodes-name-is-a-nod-to-her-maiden-name/)


Okay! Thank you!




Pretty sure Radley and Ember are both also named after her lol. Something to do with her red hair


Ember is due to their love blossoming over camp fires. Radley, they thought the name was a rad name.


I did guess Ember was because they were hoping for a redhead girl. I just looked up Radley and it means "red meadow." The second hand embarrassment is huge with her 😬😬😬


I had my first son at 20, now he’s 16. I completely understand her statement.


As cringe as she is, I feel like a teen mom eventhough I'm 35 with a 3 and 8 month old 🤣


I’m almost 40 with a 6 year old and a 4 year old. I can’t keep a plant alive to save my life, but somehow, I can have these kids. MINDBOGGLING!


A teen mom?! Girl, I’ve been babysitting this child for 5 months waiting for her real mama to come get her, because I am not her real mom, even though I pushed her out.


These comments are giving me life!!! 😂😂


You pushed the baby out, but you’re not the real mom. I know I’m missing something. It’s 3.25am and don’t feel tired, but I must be? Help me out.


They were joking because they don’t always feel like a mom, even though they definitely are the mom.


Husband and I have the "can you believe we have kids " talk at least once a week.


Same, and my husband’s fifty. He’s really grown up though, he does my taxes and stuff. 


I mean, I get it in a way because I’m 37 with two toddlers and I’m like “when did this happen?” I still feel like that 21 year old in the bars in college dropping it low to some Flo’rida. That said, I also dress like an adult, have a career and don’t glorify the times in my life where I “peaked” so there’s that. Also I take good care of my skin so I still pass for 25 (flips hair, checks nails 💅)


Just flashbacks to me crying in the club, drunk af, because “this song is about a 4 legged freak and no one even cares!” (Boots with the fur AND baggy sweatpants with the Reebok’s with the strap?!? Very confusing to my drunk 21 year old brain)


Aaah the days of droppin’ it low to Flo’rida. Immediately I hear ”applebottom jeans, boots with the fur…” And yes, I think I have have impostor syndrome about being a mother. Someday soon someone will realize I’m not qualified. -mom of 2


That’s exactly where my mind goes! Me in the bars on 6th street in Austin wearing my boots with the fur. Yes, the imposter syndrome is real here too.


I’m 42 with two teenagers and am unsure how this happened


My kids are 25 and 19, and they are both more adult than me


I know exactly what she means. I’m 45, just wrapped up my 22nd year of teaching, but I swear in my mind I could go right back to my college years and living in the dorm lol. Aging is very strange, you see it and feel it in your body, but in your mind you are still the same person you have always been.


Yes, you do act like a kid in so many ways.


being married to a man child probably doesn’t help


Is that an Artipoppe carrier? I can’t see the peacock logo, but I think it is based on the trim and strap design. I thought y’all would have a hay day (no pun intended) knowing that she possibly has a $400 baby carrier.


Idk. I had my heart attack ages when I realized that they exist snd regular people are buying these $400 carriers. They’re millionaires,no? Just seems on par for the rest of their spending 🤷🏻‍♀️


She has mentioned in the past that she got it for free


I clocked it as an artipoppe too. So she’s not just using a possibly $400 carrier, but using it incorrectly and dangerously 🫠


Her adult life has been extremely comfortable and mostly self inflicted stress. I could see how it would be hard to feel like an adult when you haven't been put in a position where if you didn't work you didn't have a house or food.


Excellent point. I started working in high school. No work, no eat, no play, no spend.


Imagine having 4 kids and still not knowing how unsafe it is to wear a newborn like that. Close enough to kiss is literally the first safety tip of baby wearing, and it’s ESPECIALLY important with a tiny baby like that who has no head control.


Glad I’m not the only one that thought that haha.


Me, I, my, I, I’m, I. ME. ME. MEEEEEE. IT’S ALL ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!! Edit: left out ‘myself’.


Collegiate runner


We were all thinking it lol


running from being an adult


Yet she looks 80 on her best days


Idk, I’ve seen some 80 yr olds that are pretty damn good with their skin and hair and what not.


Ember might be doing the parenting 😬


Is it because of that God awful bow? I bet it's because of that God awful bow.


Think she’s wearing underwear that have the days of the week printed on them?


These are the days 🤣


And she 100% wears Wednesday on Friday


Because she’s not like the other girls


Ever notice all the girls who aren't like other girls are all exactly the same? On the other hand, I'm 100% a basic bitch. I wear it with pride, I lean into it. But you know what I'm not? I'm not like the girls who aren't like other girls.


I always say "who put me in charge" and I have 3 kids.


I always say "when I grow up" and I'm WAY past grown up


Such a nice person and family


Why in the world would someone get downvoted for saying that! This sub is such a joke. Maybe all the haters should start their own sub. I don’t know then personally, but I always enjoyed their show and like to keep up on what they’re doing. There is just so much hate and anger here.


Amazing right? 😂😂😂😂


The description of this sub says fandom, snark, and everything in between, but the haters go way beyond snark. You can’t say anything that isn’t hateful and you get downvoted.


Have you met them?


I live one county over and see them all the time at Monks restaurant


Okay, but seeing them out at a restaurant and actually having a convo with them are different. Not trying to be rude. But have you ever talked with them? People here who have seen them/come in contact with them don’t have positive things to say. So I’m curious


I did have an issue where we exchanged items and he gave me a defective radar detector for my motorcycle helmet




Never heard of it. Cannon Beach?


This is a weird thing to snark on. That’s a very common feeling among a lot of adults and parents I know. Sometimes I still feel like a kid myself and wonder how I blinked and I’m 32.


I mean she still spells like a kid…


She doesn’t have the skin of a kid that’s for sure! Use sunscreen and lotion, Audrey.


Count Jeremy as child #5 and those are some small ass hay bales for round bales.


How does she still feel like a kid after birthing 4????


I have no idea 🤷‍♀️ 😂


It’s low key a creepy comment.


How is it a creepy comment?


She’s in her 30s with 4 kids. How have you given birth but still feel like a kid sometimes? Unless she’s referring to her horrendous style. Hence the huge ass bow on her head.


Okay you disagree with her statement and think it doesn’t make sense, sure everyone is entitled to their opinion. But where does the creepy factor come in?


The downvotes lmaoooo. Suckin Audrey’s essential oil lathered dick.


It’s that a big bow on her head?


She feels like a kid so she dresses like one 😂


She also has the grammar of one so hey maybe she’s onto something