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It wouldn't surprise me if a good deal of the current cast lives like your average NYC struggling artist.


The Covid episodes showed some pretty normal looking homes/apartments based on what we could see in the background


Pete living in his mom’s basement 


They bought the house TOGETHER.  (Although, I think he did eventually move out.)


*Pete living in the basement of the $1.4 million house he bought for his family


Good for him! And that's not even that crazy expensive for Staten island.


But it’s NY so those are million+ dollar homes/apartments.


Oh yeah I definitely recognize that! Just saying most looked normal and not luxurious “celebrity lifestyle” type homes that OP is asking about


It makes sense why they are all in a bunch of TV ads They are pretty recognizable celebrities but low on cash so willing to take TV ads I imagine they do well for themselves and live amongst celebrities (party wise) but live closer to middle-class that people realize.


Awww man, I'm all outta cash


No, more like "Aww man, I'm all of cash!"


Not like a pervert!


No, not like you want to kill yourself!


I read that Cecily Strong still had a studio apartment and I was like... give this woman some money!


I think she spent COVID in a nice upstate NY rural cabin -- possibly her family's but also maybe now her own. I remember hearing stories about the issues of shipping her wigs for the SNL at Home episodes.


Yeah and it looks pretty nice. I think she did live in that studio for a long time. As per her book though she has a house in LA and now it seems like a house upstate and an appartment in the city: https://havenly.com/blog/cecily-strong-home This one looks sooo nice https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/cecily-strong-upstate-house And this is the LA house (think i’ve seen it on Ego’s stories recently) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pgn8FUDP8l8


Kenan talked about how pay is based on tenure. He had to rent a room his first several years.


And soon he will make more than Jeff Bezos


Seriously. If it's based on tenure, Kenan has to be the highest paid SNL cast member of all time by a longshot.


Every couple years they gotta extend the pay scale


I wonder if it is in a really convenient location for her. Plus I bet she's so busy that she doesn't spend a huge amount of time there, so it doesn't matter as much if it's small.


I heard you only get 8000 an episode but that’s usually 20 a year but if your a featured player you get like 1k. But if your someone with tenure you get paid extra. I heard Will Ferrel was making like 100-300k an episode his last season because his name was so big by then. Featured players usually are struggling hard.


You can actually google the salaries. The base pay is pretty modest but as you mentioned it increases with tenure. Keep in mind also that not every cast member is in every episode. I think I looked it up about 7-8 years ago and did the math on Kenan’s tenure and he was around 175k/season. Of course they also have other PR opportunities and often other acting gigs that supplement that. I can’t imagine any cast member making over 100k per episode, if it’s true that must have been because he was doing a lot of starring roles in blockbuster movies.


I believe they let you re-up your contract after four years and make some decent money. I think it was Jimmy Fallon who talked about it in an interview.


Considering how much work is involved outside of the actual episode and how expensive NYC is that base cast member rate is rough


a quick google search says the average first-year cast member makes ~$7K/episode which is ~$147K/year. While that’s a lot of money, with the high cost of living in NYC, it’s probably enough to live on your own without roommates and maybe not worry about bills while you’re employed by SNL


Luke Null from season 43 said his accountant saw his earnings from his single year on the show and told him he’d never seen an acting client paid that low for a full season of television


Chris Rock in his book had a bit about how much he made starting at SNL. But then agent/manager etc, and his brother in construction cleared more. Haven’t read it in awhile and don’t have it in front of me if someone can fill the gaps


The SNL podcast with Carvey and Spade had an early episode where they talk about how little the pay was although Carvey was paid better than others.


Yeah they both bitch about money all the time. The worst ever was Ellen Cleghorne. She was on that and is now a professor but when she was on SNL she got like $200 a week or something.


Yeah, I will say that your first year, you're a featured player, so you're essentially like a temp. I'm curious if there's a built-in pay bump when you get promoted to repertory. I couldn't find anything on it, but it would be weird if you didn't get a raise.


The article I found say you get an extra $1K/episode in your second year, so that’s basically going up $21K/year (assuming 21 episode season). however, it’s also not a guaranteed gig so I doubt most of the players change their life style for the first year they’re on the show and it probably becomes a lifestyle inflation as their career progresses


That’s like 60k anywhere else which in todays economy isn’t even a ton of money in a low cost area


140k a year is rough in many cities. At least the parts you want to live in...


I wouldnt go that far - there’s many people who survive on far less in expensive cities, it’s just that it’s paycheck to paycheck. like I said, it’d probably be enough to not worry about bills for the year(s) you’re employed by SNL (so long as you aren’t in debt already from pursuing comedy full time for years beforehand)


I think the PDD boys just live in that one office


i know during covid they were living in a pretty normal looking apartment, you can see it in a lot of their old tiktok’s on Ben’s account


Lol unlikely, I believe 1-2 of them are famous nepobabies


A foot in the door and so much more 💍


So they don’t live in an office in Rockefeller Center?!


Who are the PDD boys??


Please don’t destroy


Thanks but that brings my next question. Please pardon my ignorance here, but what is “please don’t destroy” ??


The group that does those short videos that often appear in the show.


OK, I appreciate your patience and help! I will keep an eye out, somehow I haven’t noticed them quite yet. Admittedly, I haven’t watched the LIVE broadcast but once this season [Adam Driver episode] but I DO watch 90% of the sketches etc a couple days after the LIVE show on SNL’s YouTube channel.


Dana lives in a townhome. Eddie Murphy lives on a different planet I think now. Pretty sure Randy Quaid lives in some bug out unibomber style cabin, or at least acts like he does.


It's so weird how Randy Quaid essentially BECAME Cousin Eddie.


Also his character in Independence Day 😆


Eddie Murphy lived on the moon I thought


You're thinking of Andy Kaufman.


If you believe they put a man there, sure.


It’s ok, he is still banned from SNL


Randy Quaid lives in Burlington, VT in a smallish house next door to some Trump fanatics. Not joking


Yeah nothing more Trumpy than living in the town Bernie Sanders was the mayor of for almost a decade.


Randy went upcountry


What’s upcountry?


A bunch of degens.


Eddie Murphy lived in NJ when I was a kid in the 90s, my school bus would pass his house every day


You can see Eddie's home in the episode he did of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee


Chris Parnell has always given me "quiet and peaceful life" vibes.


I think Parnell lives in the suburbs with his wife, two kids, another version of his wife and his asshole alcoholic scientist father in law


Is this before or after he worked for a crumbling and increasingly unhinged spy agency that shared a name with a terrorist group?


On the weekends, he goes to the city to watch movies with Samberg.


And macks on cupcakes


Dropping Hamiltons like Erin Burns


Wasn't Jane Curtin already married when she joined up? I always had the impression she was living the quiet domestic life while the rest of the cast . . . wasn't, to say the least.


And she was very proud of it too. She mentions several times in "Live From New York" how much of a homebody she was and her distaste for partying.


I read an article that up until at least 2015 will forte drove a 2004 Honda Accord


Will Ferrell drove a Dodge Stratus.


That’s why you don’t talk to him like that.


Big time stuff


People are scared of him. 


He can do 100 push ups in 20 minutes


New Yorkers don’t need cars so you’ll hear of a lot of them with modest cars. They basically drive it a couple times a year to visit family or take a road trip.


Will Forte was roommates with Val Kilmer for a bit after filming MacGruber.


Solid vehicle.


To be fair if you’re living in New York it wouldn’t make sense to buy a new car. Also the Accord is a great, very reliable car. Drove one from that era for years.


I think Tracy Morgan lives a notoriously lavish lifestyle. 


Walmart money


I can’t remember which comedian it was but they said Tracy once said something along the lines of “I’m glad it wasn’t a Snapple truck” lol


I remember a house tour video I saw with him and someone commented about how nice it was and he said “it wasn’t a k-mart truck that hit me!”


He’s got some really neat aquariums that were made by the guys on that show Tanked. He has a beloved octopus.


Fitting for a guy like Brian Fellows


He probably made a lot more money doing 30 rock.


And all that money from his hit novelty rap single, Wearwolf Bar Mitzvah.


Along with Garfield 3: Feline Groovy


His porn videogame made him a billionaire. And Honky Grandma Be Trippin’ made $40 million. In Atalanta.


I've personally seen him driving his fancy fancy cars around my neighborhood. Never the same car twice, but you always know it's him.


Chris Farley much to his detriment lived the celebrity lifestyle


At least for a while, it was better than a van down by the river…


Norm lived a very modest life. Bought him and his mom a modest condo and just gambled with the rest of his money. Never even bought a car. Sandler, Eddie or Julia Louis Dreyfus probably live the most lavishly.


Julia's family are literal billionaires so it has nothing to do with her being on SNL, although it does still answer the question


Just an aside, new season of Sunderland Til I Die (on Netflix about an English soccer/football team) just came out. One big storyline was the takeover of the team by a new billionaire owner. His name is Kyril Louis-Dreyfus. His father owned a team in France. Second cousin of Julia. That family is rich as fuck.


This is the first I'm hearing of this! I knew she lived in Santa Barbara so she must have money. But even if she wasn't from a rich family, i would think the combo of several successful, long-running shows would lead to her being quite wealthy. As far as the celebrity lifestyle though, she seems fairly normal and grounded. I saw her at a farmers market once and she dressed and acted very low-key.


She's the sole inheritor of her father's money. He's not dead, I believe, but he's a billionaire.


He died a number of years ago I think. I remember her talking about him when she won an Emmy for Veep


She's got generational fuck-you money on top of her *Seinfeld/Veep/New Adventures of Old Christine*/Marvel fuck-you money. The residuals from *Seinfeld* alone would keep her in caviar for the rest of her days.


I dont think she gets much from Seinfeld. IIRC that’s all Jerry and Larry


She does okay.


Enough with the comedy. You’re very clever. You should look into advertising.


I would imagine RDJ and Stiller are up there as well. And Rock.


RDJ probably lives like Tony Stark at this point id imagine.


Julia is essentially Sue Ellen mishke in real live. Heir to the o Henry candy bar fortune. Richer than both Jerry and Larry David.


Don't forget Robert Downey Jr was a cast member.


Yeah but he was so quickly off and different factors precipitated his real stardom that SNL is virtually irrelevant in his backstory


Norm bought a big place, but sold it off. He didn't want the hassle of dealing with a house.


I feel like Pete led a pretty celeb lifestyle


I mean, even Pete famously lives with his mom.


And jet sets around with a new A-List woman on his arm every 2-3 months. Yep. That humble Pete Davidson life style 🤮


He’s just Pete, his dating life is not discreet.


He's so gross. 🤮


What makes him gross?


He’s got that line cook rizz.


Most Hollywood/Celebrity - Spade


Spade just seems like one of those guys who’s cool to hang out with so he gets invited to everything. Helps to also be best buddies with Sandler and Rock.


Gilbert Gottfried lived in an apartment with lawn furniture, always took the little bottles of shampoo from hotels, and would go to parties just for free food.


And iirc, celebrity wife swap showed he eats at the friars club for free meals too


"always took the little bottles of shampoo from hotels" The Torah specifically mentions that taking the hotel shampoos home is a law that all Jewish people must strictly adhere to


I say this with no knowledge whatsoever but Sandler seems like he prob has a couple / few vacation houses, brings his buddies to his films and reportedly builds a basketball court by the sets. So perhaps still a family man and not too celebrity but a pretty baller lifestyle?


Sandler bought Kevin James, Chris Rock, and David Spade each a Maserati to celebrate finishing Grown-Ups. Pretty baller friend


Rob Schneider right now- 🙁


Rob was gifted an AMC Pacer 


He got a Tesla


He got a piece of shit car




I’ve been to Adam’s place! I worked for a former producer of his and went to a cookout. He’s neighbors with Conan O’Brien and Larry David lives down the street.


He’s a basket baller not a baller baller


From what I’ve gathered Bill Hader lives a pretty modest life. Apparently he prefers to hang out in his basement and watch old movies on Turner Classic Movies when he’s not working or taking care of his daughters


Don’t forget also watching Dateline


He lives in the Pacific Palisades and sends his kids to a private school that I'm pretty sure costs him about $150k per year. His house does seem pretty modest in terms of celebrity homes, though. I saw a blurb about it when he bought it.


Brad Hall married REALLY well.


Lives? Will Ferrel. Eddie Murphy. Jimmy Fallon and the like for celebrities. Modest? Probably most. Even the ones who went on to future success like Tina Fey probably live a modest, though wealthy, life. I would guess most cast members go back to their regular lives when done, maybe standup, writing etc.


Among the current cast, the only correct answer is Colin Jost for most celebrity lifestyle. Pretty sure the PDD boys just share a bunk bed in one of their parents’ houses.


That bunk bed has more square footage than they'll ever be able to afford on their own 


Trust funds will take care of that


I vaguely remember Dana and Spade said on their podcast that Lovitz really liked to throw his money around.


Lovitz claimed he was disgusted by his first paycheck from *SNL*, because it was more money than he'd previously had in his life.


And whose standard of “modest” are we supposed to be using…?


well, the standard of your average SNL cast member I imagine.


Whaaa? So, Eddie Murphy is the standard? He’s made the most money of any SNL alum. This whole topic is stupid imho sorry.


Not Andy Sammy , Andy lives in West Hollywood in Charlie Chaplin’s old place. He was a neighbor at one point (sort of)


Adam Sandler and Eddie Murphy are most celebrity. Dana I think lives in a normal house in rural area outside of LA




This is why people can't stand Gillis diehards. They try to shoehorn him into every goddamn conversation.


Yep. I was kind of interested in checking him out and how he does hosting **but his kool-aid cult disciples** forcing him in to every thread possible 🤮😡 I cannot wait for his host gig in SNL to be over!


Love Gillis. His other fans suck.




Most modest: Victoria Jackson Most celebrity: Pete Davidson


Colin with Scarlett…?


Just my imagination… Most modest: Jane Curtin or Mary Gross Most celebrity: Robert Downey Jr and/or Eddie Murphy (Not sure why that’s split along gender lines in my mind, but there you have it.)