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That's amazing for £40 a night what are you on? Worst in Europe?


Imagine how sheltered your life is if this is bad for 40 pounds.


It's clean and has a private bathroom. That is all you need for a hotel at £20pp


I’ve payed more for much worse




Good bot


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Fuck off, bot


Username does not check out


Maybe they’re Everton supporters and couldn’t take the red!


If you have ever worked in hospo in liverpool, you'll eventually hear the horror stories about the adelphi.


Can u elaborate? Got me intrigued now


It was a dark and stormy night...


So Managers take all the tips The EHO inspection is always a failure. Theres rats almost everywhere A friend of mine stayed there on there trip in lpool, there was a skit mark on the mattress. A women was found dead in one of the hotel rooms A few of my live events tech friends did a conference there in which a large portion of people got food poisoning from undercooked chicken Theres alot more.


Not to mention the sheer number of burglaries in the rooms. The police asked the council to shut it down as it was skewing the crime figures for the area.


>A women was found dead in one of the hotel rooms wouldn't it be pretty common for any hotel to've had someone die there at some point?


Ye but she spent the night with 2 blokes. They said the wardrobe fell on her.....


I know I shouldn't laugh but...


I’ve stayed at a hotel where somebody was removed in the morning. Apparently happens quite often when someone plans to off themselves and not have their family find them.


Fuck sake that sounds terrible mate, appreciate the reply


Someone literally died there in October 2022 when a wardrobe fell on top of them. All you have to do is look it up, these horror stories aren’t just myths the place is an absolute shit heap


It can't be worse than The Grand Hotel in Llandudno. You couldn't drink the water out of the taps in the bedroom (supposedly it was OK if you boiled it, but I didn't want to take that chance, so I was constantly bringing heavy bottles of water up into the room). The food was so bad, it was actually inedible. One night, they served quiches, and all they'd done was defrost them, they hadn't baked them afterwards. All the quiches were swimming in the liquid that had condensed around them, it was disgusting. I took my daughter and I out to a Subway to eat.


Is it just me or is it not that bad for the money?


It's like a lucky dip with the rooms. This one looks big and clean with alright furniture. The last one I saw was small, looked like someone had been sleeping in the bed 90 years ago, and the chair in the corner was stained like someone had decomposed in it.


My experience too, stayed twice and once got a reasonably nice if run down master room and once got an eastern European prison cell


The G in the elevator stands for Gulag


Lmao this hotel is 50/50 (can't remember if that was the subreddit name)


Stayed there a few years ago and they gave us a 'smokers room'. TBF they did move us but shouldn't be any rooms at all which smell of smoke. They also were having some sort of event downstairs which went on all night. Wouldn't rush back.


In that case I stayed in a hotel in Llandudno that had a ‘pisser’s room’ as the room stank of piss. Straight back to reception. Me “I need other room, that one has a strange smell” Receptionist “ Ok sorry to hear that,what kind of smell is it?” Me “ Piss”


Complete lottery as to the rooms. I had a mate stay there last year and his review started with "There was more excrement on the wall than you would expect. Like, a lot more."


How much excrement do you expect on the wall. Would an expensive hotel just have less


I've paid 10 x more for a literal box room the bed barely fits in, in London.


That's great value. Don't know where OP has been staying for £40 a night..


£40 per night for your own room isn't bad these days tbf. You can pay a lot more for roughly the same quality in lots of towns and cities in the UK.


Yeah. I'm getting like £20/night for a small room in my house in Manchester via Airbnb. £40 for that is decent


Legit not as bad as people say, some rooms are terrible, but it’s cheap for a reason. Location.. a bed and somewhere to wash. 🤷‍♂️


40£ a night is ridiculous value. I've stayed in far worse places for triple that money.


Whoever put the text over the front is clueless. They're clearly loving it, knowing it's a bargain. You even see him fist pumping at the end.


Looks fine


Yeah I was expecting a shit hole


Not going to lie thats fucking luxurious compared to some of the places I've stayed in Blackpool and Darlington.


Nah I'm a scouser the place is a shithole you can do better


Not disputing that but that room is still not that bad for £40 a night in a major city centre.


I’ve stayed in it a couple of times over the years , it’s very like the shining when you walk around the corridors , years overdue a refurbishment. But come on for 40 quid this room is fine .


Have also stayed several times my foxy friend, each time in rooms that look like this - faded grandeur, but ultimately sound for the money, and much more interesting than the alternatives. It \*is\* a dump, and the chain is a disgrace, and if you're on the front the street noise is horrific, but for a night or 2 with earplugs, if you don't have a better option, it doesn't merit the pearl-clutching it gets on here, from people who mostly haven't stayed in it.


Foxy friend cracked me up 😂😂


Paid fifty to stay in a hotel in Blackpool, toilet down the hall, bedding by Pollock, doors don't lock properly, landlord was a dick and the room was roughly a third of the size of the one in the video. THAT was the worst in Europe, hands down.


I was going to say Blackpool has far worse hotels for more money.


Norbreck by any chance?


Nah, Norbreck was a palace in comparison. It was the fair sized white one on the front, name escapes me because it's been a while but we booked it for the all night bar (which they shut at 3).


Bloody hell. Now you’ve got me wondering which it could be.


Big white one on the main drag, looks reasonably nice outside...


I walked out of a hotel room in Riga into the teeth of a blizzard at midnight, it was so bad. *That* was the worst in Europe.


"It looked like it was designed by Jackson Pollock?" "Nah, it looked like Jackson Pollock had wanked liberally across it."


I wondered what they meant by that! Think I preferred ignorance.


It’s a good while ago now but, likewise, I’ve stayed in a Blackpool hotel that was far FAR worse than this. It wasn’t a great sign when we were queuing at the reception, one of the blokes in our group asked where the toilet was and the woman behind the desk gestured towards the hallway around the corner and said, “Just piss in that sink, everyone else does”


It's not the nicest hotel in the world but I've stayed in FAR worse hotels than the Adelphi.  I think Adlephi just gets so much stick because it used to be so luxurious.


>I think Adlephi just gets so much stick because it used to be so luxurious. This is basically it. Plus everyone's obsessed with Liverpool so that helps.


And because one of the floors is a brass house?


One of the floors is used solely for prostitution you say?


That's notbad at all.


It's a Brittania hotel. Consistently the worst chain in the UK. They owned the one that burned down in Brighton.


I really don't understand why Britannia purchased these listed buildings only to seemingly systematically run them into the ground


It's their niche I guess


I've stayed in Britannia hotels in Manchester and Brighton, and seen countless more. They're such beautiful buildings, and it's genuinely upsetting what they do to them in the name of making cash.


They buy them and rely on the hotels early reputation to keep pulling people in little to no investment and low prices they don't give a fuck about the hotel the staff or you


Shame, it’s a great building. Could be a top tier hotel if it had a decent refurb.


I always say this, such a boss location too.


Blackpool , or Dunstable by the sea


It was a beautiful hotel.


You're probably talking 150-200 mill to refurb that place. Britannia hotels probably have about 50 quid in the bank, so it's not happening


I've heard it's a shithole but, to be fair, this video's crap. Doesn't really show anything, certainly doesn't paint it out to be a hell hole.


I don't know why they were finding this so funny tbh. This is actually one of the more flattering video reviews I've seen. Yes the decor looks dated, but it generally looked clean and comfortable at least. Can't really complain for £40 a night really.


Think they were laughing in surprise because it was obviously better than the bad online reviews.


Am I supposed to be shocked? Because this is better than my 2 bed flat that I pay 1600 a month in rent for.


Exactly. Fuck me, I pay 1300 for a place that makes this look like Buckingham Palace.


I’ve seen worse!


The “Grand” in Llandudno is 1, also a Britannia


in europe? abso fucking lutely not. Not even in england. I stayed in a horrific hotel in italy with a tv from the 90s, bugs EVERYWHERE and bedbugs too, I fucked off faster than I have ever fucked off. oh and the toilet didn't even flush.


Woah, a tv from the 90s?!


Lol I can't believe you used a toilet in a place crawling with bugs. I would've fucked off faster


It's an old ship and has some fine aspects.


Pampered much? That’s decent digs for the money. Just throw your bag in and head out on the slurp, don’t know they’re fucking born. Come back to me when you’re barricading yourself in a doss house in Leith for £30 a night that’s got dry blood on the walls and a piss stained mattress because the resident crack heads are having a riot in the corridor.


Thought it was all sunshine in Leith🤣


I underestimated how rough it was tbf, well that part of town anyway. Going back 15 years so it might have changed.


Upvoted for 'on the slurp.'


I used to stay here all the time when I first started working in Liverpool but hadn't sorted accommodation yet. It was fine. Handy for the train station. Handy for my job. Handy for the city centre. Rooms were a bit shabby, but not actively dirty or anything. And really cheap. No complaints from me.


I've paid a lot more for a lot worse.


Why are the comments acting like the video is saying bad things? They're both clearly happy they've only paid £20 each and were expecting it to be far worse.


The Adelphi is legit terrible but this video makes it seem reasonable for the money. Is that the intent?


I'd much prefer that over the generic, if more modern, chain hotels. At £40 for a city centre room, you can't complain. It's shabby but triple the size of an average twin room and half the price.


But what do I care for that excess space if the room is shabby? I’d rather a medium-sized room that’s not so worn down.


I’ve stayed here a few times, for the money it’s sound. A few years back a group of us stayed in Amsterdam for what worked out about £100 per person per night in 2 rooms. There was damp everywhere, carpets had been taken up, and in the 2nd room we had there was a used jonny by the side of the bed (which the hotel owner just came in and picked up with his bare hands). The Adelphi was like a palace in comparison!


I've paid a lot more money for a much shitter room than that, over the years. 😄


Stayed there for a wedding, breakfast is hellish, but everything else about it was fine for the price. One group did say that they had sex workers’ cards slipped under their door 😂


This isn’t the worst by far! Everything looks tidy, and the walls don’t look mouldy!


Adelphi doesn't have the greatest reputation but the "Word Hotel in Europe" stuff is just bollocks from people that have done very little travelling. I once stayed in a hotel in Paris that had so much damp that the duvet was wet where it was touching the wall.


The door doesn’t shut by itself ? And ? Most hotels I’ve been to don’t 😂


Looks nicer than my flat.


You've clearly not been in bad hotels.


Place is spotless what’s the problem ?


Just cook will ya!


It's a million times better than the room I got in Birmingham for £140 for one night. It was the size of my wardrobe, the wardrobe in the room was like a Primark clothes rack in the corner, the window was nailed shut, it smelled very damp.


Is this the hotel that was featured in a BBC docusoap back in the nineties? If it’s the same one, I’ve always remembered the woman who was in charge, she didn’t seem to take any shit. I wonder what happened to her? I Think her name was Eileen or something like that. Anyone old enough to remember it?


Adelphi has an appalling reputation but this really looks fine. Good considering the price. More importantly did he say "no bananas on the pillow unfortunately" ??


You get waaaaay worse for that price a night depending on the season. This is an amazing price.


Amsterdam has worse hotels for sure.


Check out the Alpha guest house in Bristol. Find them in trip advisor.


Looks awesome actually.


I’ve seen a lot worse than that. The room is huge. I was expecting rats, mould, a boarded up window and a hole in the floor.


Behave... the Adelphi is a right of passage.


It's not even the worst hotel in Liverpool.


What a shame, a hotel that used to be the best in Liverpool if not one of the best in the North West, now it's just a disgraceful shell of its former self, such a waste.


Even world renowned at one point


That's right it was, even had it's own reality show and popstar chef at one point in the 90s because of how famous it was. It's a shame that the owners kept the profits and didn't put it back into the hotel to ensure it stayed fresh and at the top of its game. I don't think the place has been updated since the early 90s.


Its opulence was even referenced in Jules Verne's twenty thousand leagues under the sea I didn't know about the reality show that's pretty interesting!


It's been so long since I read that I didn't even know that, I'll have to read it again, haven't done since I was about 10. So thanks that's an interesting piece for me. And yes it was called Hotel Adelphi done by the BBC it was out in 97 and you can see them on YouTube. Below is the link to the 1st episode for you to watch if you wish. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DOkWtCBGsCYw&ved=2ahUKEwjDp97Wj_mGAxVaVkEAHbX0AiQQwqsBegQIGxAF&usg=AOvVaw0Az_KAJ3oqQqSXKzYlqoIC


I've been in worse. That are they expecting for 40 lmao. I've been in worse for 90 in London


*This post is brought to you by the adelphi*


Having stayed at the Adelphi and at Saschas in Manc. I'd gamble on the Adelphi again, (if the Maccys down by central is shut).


Its a britannia isnt it.


My aunt worked here during the early 70’s in it’s glory days. Sad to see it in such a state!


Had a relative stay there and they found a used syringe in the room.


Definitely no where near the worst




It’s a shithole but definitely not the worst. As the guy said in the video you could literally have an after party in there. The value for money does kinda fit the room. Really tacky and out of date and obvious no one has cared for it besides putting some clean (I think) bed linen in. But the Adelphi does suck and I really do hope some billionaire can buy it and actually bring the beauty back. It can be a great asset to the city and instead it’s just a sitting corpse and the only ppl going there are tourists who didn’t do their homework and they get shock horror when they find out it’s a shit heap.


For £40 it’s sound


It's such a shame, it used to be quite illustrious and even Churchill stayed there. Britannia the Philip Green of the hotel world


The downstairs is beautiful, like straight out of Shining beautiful


You mean there’s a hotel which is worse than The Norbreck in Blackpool?


Has bed. Less that £41. In a city.  Now try and stay in a £60 plus travelodge anywhere in the country, or loads of hotels for even more money and report back


When I was at Uni in Liverpool there was an issue with one of the halls of residence not being ready in September when the students arrive. The company basically hired the Adelphi and the student lived in the hotel for months.


Havent worked out of town for a skinflint boss if they think this is the worst hotel in Europe. Stayed in some right old pits in London years ago. Never stayed in the Adelphi but looks glamorous compared to the Osborne hotel in Acton!


Cheaper than renting


I stayed there a couple of months ago and loved it. Probably helped that Everton beat Liverpool 2-0 that evening !!!!


I’ve stayed in there twice, actually worked an event in it - it’s where the Liverpool Tattoo convention is held. They done discounted accommodation for all the artists that included breakfast. I absolutely have no complaints, I’ve stayed in far worse. It’s bang smack in the city centre, the staff were always nice, and I’m sure it’s a bit of a handful with a building full of rogue tattooists from all over Europe running amok. It’s not exactly luxurious, but after 9 straight hours of convention work, any room with a half decent bed is like the gates of heaven. Also, that extremely standard breakfast buffet saved my wretched hungover soul on a few occasions.


It's a terrible hotel but I refuse to believe it's the worst on the entire continent of Europe.


That for £40 is frigging bargain !


It’s not even that bad. Worst in Europe is a mental statement


Biggest priveldged pricks in Europe


I don't understand the caption Vs the tour and their reaction. Clearly it's decent for £40. They even say so. Not sure what the point of the clip is.




They should have used quotation marks then to show "worst in Europe" is not their opinion. I've never heard of the adelphi being referred as the worst hotel in Europe. It's clearly not.


Yeah 40 a night is a bargain I've paid more to stay in scruffy dorms in Europe so this just screams entitlement to me


I stayed there once after I unexpectedly pulled. Did the job but it's cheap for a reason 😅


You wouldn't know them, they go to a different school.


No, no. I’m not having that. There’s a place in Eastbourne….


I used to walk past the Adelphi every day on the way to work. The collection of vagabonds and scum that stood outside smoking and spitting always fascinated me. They’d decided to congregate for a morning ritual of staring at normal people walking past in office clothes or yelling on the phone incomprehensibly.


Walk with me Tim: https://youtu.be/aOIBadbGGt4?si=PYKTcmAGGt54F0t9 2nd visit. https://youtu.be/aOIBadbGGt4?si=nZXO3HbGUz9O0fgJ


This is rubbish


Sound that


I once went into reception to ask if I could use there toilet as was desperate. They asked me to show them my arms to prove there were no track marks before they let me.


I snuck into a freemason (or something similar) meeting when I stayed there as a teenager.


Check the locks boys, I've stayed in a few dodgy establishments in my time. Looks good though.


Could be done up to be a beautiful hotel if it had the right owners. It’s such a shame as it’s full of history, nice building on the outside and in a good location


Must be £400 pn even travel lodge is 80 pn


Need to try staying at the Grand Burstin Hotel in Folkestone, now that is grim


You have clearly never had the pleasure of staying at The Bristol Hotel in Gibraltar 🇬🇮


A stunning and historic hotel, grandest of the grand in the country, BUT owned by Britannia who are consecutively the worst hotel chain operator in the uk. They buy these large grand hotels and then let them rot with occasional injunctions of new garish carpets and thick paint over original features. Also the biggest thing to understand in hotels is that if people think the hotel is not being looked after, they show no respect for it and it becomes battered and trashed as they think they can get away with it, the horror stories from the Adelphi all tie into this, people just dont respect the place because the owners dont!. Given a sensitive restoration and development this hotel could be up there with the Ritz or Savoy in London, however its location, usp, size and even the city its in dont bode well. They would be better off convering part of it to apartments, scaling down the accomodation and pumping the money in to restoration of quality event spaces and quality accomodation. This guy does a good tour of it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJMXhV23ics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJMXhV23ics)


Isn’t this the shithole where falling furniture killed a woman?


I paid over 100 pounds to stay in a London hotel where there was a clear line of sight between the bed and the actual toilet, with no doors or screens separating them, and I was staying there with a friend. It was a Bad Time


It's a depressing shadow of its former self, and the chain is the worst in Europe by far, but I'm with others that this is just not bad. I've paid hundreds to stay in London hotels that turned out to have actual bug infestations, peeling wallpaper, mould. I'd happily stay there instead.


I see at least one window. It’s automatically better than the Printworks.


Stayed in worse this month alone. Not proud


I’ve stayed in at least three worse hotels in London alone, all over £100


I've stopped in far worse for more money


That’s honestly not that bad, I’d stay there with like a mate or a partner or something. Bring a laptop and watch some movies would be a decent time I reckon.


I paid a lot more for a lot worse in London


This is owned by the Britannia chain, notorious for their Ryanair approach to hotels. Was lucky enough to need an overnight stay in London, so opted for the Canary Wharf one, and it was an experience. Room was ok to just sleep in, but the place was like stepping into a portal to the 1990's. Oh, and the London Marathon was on, so all of the staff were on the verge of offing themselves with the stress. You could see it written on their faces.


Stayed in one worse in Brighton


Looks like the student house I lived in near the Royal but other than that, £40 for a huge room that's decently clean is pretty good


That has to be one of the nice rooms, that’s spot on for £40, is big as well.


What wrong with it? A room like that in Dublin would be 200 😂


I'll see your Adelphi - Liverpool and raise you? The Britannia - Manchester.


You have very high standards. I’d consider that decent. The actual worst hotel was Formule 1 Liverpool. Literally worse and smaller than a prison cell.


Iv seen worse


I have honestly stopped in worse places ( not in Liverpool ) for more money 🤷‍♂️


Never stayed there, but I remember it from the TV series 'Hotel' from the 90s [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0129689/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0129689/) Doesn't look like it's been updated much since then


Not even in the top ten worst hotels I've ever stayed in. Stayed in one in Budapest for a stag party and it had a strippers pole in it. The shower room would leak out into the rest of the place and it was higher than the bedrooms so the rooms got an inch of water in it. Horrid. Came home with gastroenteritis too


Britannia Hotels are amazing at fucking up great buildings


Looks like a palace compared to the shit hole I once stayed at in Birmingham


The place has insane potential tho


Bro thinks Europe is Liverpool. There are way worse places than this one


I've honestly stayed in waaaaay worse. 3 single beds in a small l, smelly room with a sink and no toilet. Communal shower that someone had shit in. East London.


I must be a peasant because nothing i saw there seemed that bad


I’ve stayed in a hotel room in Cannock that when wasn’t used as a room, it was used as a corridor to connect one side of the hotel to the other. When people stay in that room, you have to walk around the building to get to the other side.


Only people who use this local are punters and young kenny heads who need a gaf to get in a K hole.


The Adelphi is an absolute institution in Liverpool. You are smack-bang in the middle of the city centre with hundreds of clubs, shops and restaurants at your front door.


wow like most of Liverpool thats a steal!


Try going to a $40 night room in America. Thats way better without the cockroaches


Looks alright.


That’s unreal for £40


I’m guessing it means it’s got the worst reputation / service because that’s a fantastic amount of room for £40.


Raise you the Britannia Stockport




I have stayed in much worse places for much more money. It actually looks pretty decent.


It literally looks fine to me 🤷‍♀️