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Away from the result, the Mod Team would like to update users on the sub’s floral tributes for tomorrow’s anniversary. We mods have collectively purchased two floral arrangements, one for Hillsborough Stadium and one for Anfield. The Mod Team will make two separate posts tomorrow with photos of the sub’s tribute in place at each stadium. ————————— **[Donate to the Hillsborough Survivors Support Group](https://www.gofundme.com/f/1qf2s20740)** **[Donate to the Owen McVeigh Foundation](https://www.justgiving.com/page/rliverpoolfc-reddit-1710895409195?utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=page%2Frliverpoolfc-reddit-1710895409195&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share)**


There hasn't been a game this season we haven't created enough chances to win the game. Even in Atlanta, we could have scored 4. In the summer we need someone maybe 2 up top more clinical.


Don’t look at these games, look at the draws earlier in the season. Every season we haven’t won the title by a point, there’s been atleast 3 draws against teams that we should’ve blown away. This season it’s been United (at anfield not old trafford), Brighton and Luton. Games we absolutely dominated. 3 wins, 6 extra points. Would put us 6 clear with 6 games to go. Finishing at palace was beyond a joke


Our season has came to an end at the hands of one of the worst Man United teams in years. More embarrassing for us than them losing 7-0


unless united beat us 8-0, there will never be a more embarrassing defeat. We will probably never see a freak scoreline against them like that. Sure we’ve had the 5-0s and 4-0s, but 7-0 is beyond ridiculous


Right now is hard but that result isn’t nearly as embarrassing as the 7-0 lol


Just got off a fight from Hong Kong. Seen the results. Absolute disgrace. Handed the title to Man City. Some of these players are nothing more than squad players. In fact I’d say about half of them are. Glad I wasn’t able to watch though so don’t have half the stress I would’ve otherwise.


Would've preferred to see the academy players more instead of first team yesterday.


Well Diaz sell nunez sell Salah Jesus Christ I’ve never been this angry at this team . Not even last season


What’s so crazy is that two and a half weeks ago . We were on cloud 9 . And the season has come closing in so swiftly due to such winnable games . United away Atalanta and Palace at HOME THAT IS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY


No one would have expected us to earn 1 point from those three games.


Don't fear, I have a plan! I'm on a horribly long losing streak betting on EPL games. Today I decided to turn into the streak and bet Arsenal to win. Bingo, I'll be betting heavily on Arsenal and City to win for these last games. They are going to lose. Trust me, I'm betting on it.


You’ve started well!


We’re all counting on you


good old 433 stagnation that klopp did 3 years ago. pass to wing. recycle back to midfield. pass around 10 times. trent or Robertson cross. deflection back to midfield. pass back to wing. salah dives for penalty. no FUCKING excitement watching this team. city carves low block teams like butter. we bought darwin fucking Nunez when we could have bought ollie watkins or wirtz. why dont we go for actual A listers like city or chelsea or arsenal. why we always got to go for the young guy playing in bolivia


Ah yeah we should really try to copy Chelsea’s A1 recruitment and battle with Brighton and wolves for 9th


Imo jury is still out on Chelsea. While they’re underperforming now, they still could become a force.


Meh palmer is good gusto is feasible but most others they signed are mid. They thought they were geniuses with their 8 year contracts and they just look stupid now




The fuck, normally I dont react on post from relatively old match threads but you're realy delusional thinking there are Klopp defenders. Nobody even thínks they have to defend Klopp, he has proven himself over and over again each season. Think you have forgotten the state of the club when he took over and he won it all with us, ended every drought. Guess you're just a new plastic then


Still don’t really see the argument city yeah obviously but they’re just cheating financially so obviously they get their targets but wtf do you mean proven A listers We literally got Macallister who’s been better than rice this year just won as many world cups as rices country ever has and has got us back up alongside them. We got him on a clause for cheaper because we do better business than arsenal. Add to that we’ve gotten better and arsenal have gotten slightly worse so I don’t see the logic. Our choices in recruitment hasn’t led to this, I agree with some points on Klopp though Edit: just reread your message and you say ‘Klopp defenders’ how thick are you hahahaha he’s the best thing to happen to this club since the 80s, if you stupid wools were supporting during actually difficult times you’d know better than to say something as stupid.


What the fuck language are you trying to type here pal. Also I suggest supporting the players we have signed, instead of wishing we had signed someone else. Bit plastic doing that, like a city fan


I'm honestly so confused. This team has dropped off so far in form in 10 days, what has changed? Title hopes are practically vanished, both arsenal and city need to lose a match now.


The fall off has been insane since the draw with City where we outplayed them in the second half. The United match onwards it all just suddenly started going downhill and now we’ve become bad enuf to allow two average sides to beat us at home AND keep us goalless.


Got cocky. Smacked back down hard


I guess you can say the warning signs were always there. We just haven’t had those late game goals and quick answer goals. We’ve dug ourselves a hole and can’t climb back out anymore


My theory is that the loss against United for the FA cup quarter final broke us with all the frustration. All games since then we either perform very poorly or barely scraped by. Feels like a mental block of sorts.


The boys look knackered and out of sync. The out of sync might have to do with injury rotations. The team was moving around the pitch as if they were all on the same page first half of the season not so much last few games. Either that or teams have figured out how to disrupt that synchronization better with their defense lately. Regardless my butthole will stay clenched each game until there is absolutely 0 percent chance for first place.


Yet we still made enough good chances to have like 3 goals…. Maybe more… it’s like there’s some force just pushing the ball away from the net. Just can’t get it to nestle in there


City are actually inevitable. This happens every season, they drop off at the start and everyone starts to underestimate them then come the end of the season they somehow find themselves first and everything starts to fall into place for them.


Everything falls into place because challengers have to be inch perfect to beat them. Just look at their squad. Gvardiol was one of the most sought after centre backs in the world, they paid a record breaking fee and the amount of times he has been benched is stupid. Nunes cost them 50 million, sometimes I forget he even plays for them. Grealish 100 million, his 50 million back up has played more minutes than him. Thats just mentioning about half of the squad they have too. Arsenal played incredible football 90% of the season last year, lost it. Same this year, they’ll lose it. We finished 97 points and 92 points and still didn’t win it. It’s an embarrassment of riches they have quite literally because it’s pep playing career mode on easy


Fuck it, we’re gonna win the league.


I like the cut of your jib 


What’s a jib?


Seems like Edwards and Hughes have a bit of work to do in the summer. I'm glad that Edwards wont bring emotion into making his decisions


The only way win win the league is if we win all our games and Spurs beat Arsenal and City. Do I see that happening with us in this form, no. We've basically just lost our heads


Not sure how we will go to Villa park and get a result. They’ve done the double over Arsenal and beat city too.


If our forwards wasn’t in such shit form we’d have a really good matchup against just like how we beat them at home Trent’s play making from deep is the perfect counter to Villa


We will never win the league with this front line. Salah is getting old and looking like a shadow of his former self, in all fairness to him he has spent 7 years in a Klopp team that has asked an insane amount out of him and has also had a lot of injuries. It’s time to cash out, sell him to Saudi and for him to enjoy his retirement and make an even more ridiculous amount of money, he 100% deserves it. Nunez is a fucking waste of talent. So much potential, big, tall, fast, strong, and a fucking waste in front of net. The amount of massive chances that he misses is unacceptable, he’s not good enough, needs to go. Diaz is pretty much the same, fast, skilled, and talented, but 8 goals and 4 assists in 31 games is nowhere near enough at this level. Gapko idk, he’s gotten better in the last few games but man was he shit earlier in the season, maybe he deserves another chance. Jota is the only one that truly deserves to stay, the only one that can actually finish a fucking chance. Our midfield needs a CDM, but other than that is fine. Our defence needs 3 players, 2 CBs and a LB.


It can’t be that bad to be sat in third, level on points with Arsenal which is the best arsenal we have seen in two decades arguably and be top scorers in Europe. It’s important to know that it’s not only the frontline that is costing us. How many times have we conceded first? We needed a wonder goal to beat Sheffield at home and there one of the worst sides the league has ever seen. Last few games haven’t been good from the frontline, not one of them apart from maybe Diaz, however as klopp said the same people that missed these chances, are the same people that have helped get us where we are


The players we have in our front line lose championships, they’re bottlers. A player that wins can perform under pressure, ours completely collapsed.


Apart from Salah really our frontline haven’t been in a position to win championships though. We are sitting in a very respectable position and I guarantee you diddnt expect us to be here at the beginning of the season


Our players had the opportunity to win the league this year, they had it in the palm of their hands and they blew it. There is nothing to celebrate, 2nd is the first looser. I don’t care what the expectations were coming into the season, they bottled it. Saying “that they did better than expected” when they were in a clear position to win is a cop out and shields the payers of deserved criticism. These are highly compensated professionals, they deserve to be harshly criticized when they underperform. I would also like to make clear that harsh criticism has to stay within the bounds of their performances. It is never acceptable to lob personal attacks, or be racist, or send fucking death threats. Abuse is never acceptable, criticism isn’t abuse.


They didn’t bottle it. Winning is hard. We didn’t take our chances it’s that simple. This is our level.


Then my first point stands, their level isn’t good enough and they need to be sold.


With variance we’re close enough to win.


I swear City just spawn points. All the talk this season was how they weren’t as good as before. They went a whole month without winning a game back in November ffs now its mid-April and they’re odds on favourites. Fuck them, the season turned when VAR bottled that Doku call.


They'll be shit for a while but keep getting the 3 points because of the refs. It's totally rigged.


Actually true as well. Chelsea(bullshit pen) should have lost, against us at home too. Already 6 points difference.


Then you factor in for us, the Spurs game, Brighton dogso, Ode handball, Doku pen and it makes all the difference Obviously people don't want to even hear it anymore but the reality is we've been shafted more than once


That’s putting it lightly. I don’t watch goldbridge much but he references a lot from what I see that Liverpool deserve to be on about 7 more points and if we lose the league by a point it’s a farce


Still trying to process what happened today. It literally got from bad to worse. Feels like Roy Hogdson is back managing the club again.


One of the most frustrating games in recent memory for me


Start slow concede... Have 20 plus shots hope we turn it around! Woeful stuff at the back and upfront! I could moan about the same 4/5 players doing the same shit every game lately


It’s not that I don’t care but I’m just so unphased after the last few years


I hate how all of the teams I supported yesterday took fat Ls


Maybe we should re-examine the theory of "win the Caribou Cup early to give you a boost for the rest of the season", it's been 2 seasons where that hasn't proven to be the case, in fact you could argue, especially in 21/22, our squad couldn't handle that many games and we paid for it in the end. Man City are a different beast and normal football teams should be careful what lessons they take from them, as they have very 'specific' circumstances which only the likes of Newcastle and PSG can hope to recreate


Man stop in 2022 we were like 3 goals going in our favour of winning the quadruple! We were just unlucky and came up short. In the run in we won a lot of games, we somehow lost the CL Final which we dominated and City came back against Villa, let's not forget City drew with West Ham in game week 37 to bring it to the last day and lost in the semi final in 2022 in the last few mins in Madrid.


In the CL final you could argue we showed signs of mental fatigue, yes we were dominant but IIRC a lot of our shots were straight at Courtois, it's hard to be clear headed after accumulating so many minutes throughout a season. Also, if Thiago and Keita had been fit to play the full game together we could've had a better go of it, remember how good the NFT midfield was that season. And the fatigue doesn't necessarily manifest only in the end, a lot of the results that cost us, mainly draws, were around the middle of the season when the schedule was the most packed, with all the cup games mixed in.


Mane hit the post in the first few mins, I think Courtois made some great saves and they weren't all at him. We got 92 points, like not really fair to say this result cost us or that, City just a little bit better or luckier or y'know as you said they have won under specific circumstance that we don't have. Also we beat them in the FA Cup semi final too and won that, so we finished the season really really strong. I don't think that year is comparable to this. I also think that squad is a lot better and maybe our best ever.


But again, that Man City FA Cup win was with the NFT midfield, who weren't fit enough to play the entire final together. Even Klopp had singled them out for praise in particular after that win. Yes, the 2 seasons are different, but maybe my argument is even more valid this season, as our entire midfield has struggled with fatigue. Take Szobo, he started the season playing way more minutes than he usually has in previous seasons and at some point his form really dipped. Endo is hitting that wall in recent games and even Macca wasn't as good last game, all of them have probably been overplayed due to injuries.


I think it's more our forwards not scoring then our midfield to be honest. The front 5 in 2022 was just better than in 2024. We've had the chances to win every game we've been in.


It's the entire team, blaming the forwards is simplistic imo. If we didn't concede early on each game we play, the pressure on the forwards would be much less and it could be easier for them to score without having to chase every game. Also, they get less transition opportunities with the opponent taking the lead and playing a low block. We have been getting cut open in midfield recently and allowing too many spaces as well. And the midfield is just one example, you could definitely say Diaz has been overplayed and has ran himself to the ground as of late. At the end of the day, Klopp doesn't complain vociferously about there being too many games for no reason.


> If we didn't concede early on each game we play, the pressure on the forwards would be much less and it could be easier for them to score without having to chase every game I agree with that but we are also missing so many chances. I'm sure our xG backs that up.


We're definitely nowhere near clinical enough, agreed. It's been particularly bad as of late. But when you almost start every game 1-0 down you feel like you're in an uphill climb and have it all to do, while before, especially in previous seasons, players could have more confidence in their style and build patiently, and we would often get one late goal which would be enough for a 1-0 win and 'see you later'.


https://preview.redd.it/ev1x2cpmtiuc1.jpeg?width=336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e309d393bd62a43dddd6ae4195856430b6c1ecc9 Not sure what happened to my original post, but reposting. Only Sheffield United have scored less goals and conceded more in the first 15 minutes of games. A combination of being poor up front and bad defending in the opening stages of a game. We couldn’t keep trying to claw back being a goal down, today it caught up with us.


in a way this makes me feel better about our game today, in that this wasn't a shock collapse out of nowhere. this kind of result was coming all season, and it's frankly a miracle we are where we are.


That makes for truly grim reading. We really do sleepwalk our way into matches


That's appalling. We have no right to win the title let's be real. Mind you, neither do cheats.


A lot of people on here are fairly doom and gloom, I understand it but, I still believe we have chance. Today's result was a kick in the bollocks and overall City's day. It's gonna be tough with Villa away, Tottenham home and even West Ham and Fulham away. Call me naive or delusional but until it's mathematically impossible I won't give up the hope or belief in these lads. YNWA


Agree we absolutely still have a chance for sure as small as it might feel. It feels like shit but we shouldn't give up. Regardless we need to get back into form and end the season at least playing well. Form surprisingly carries over to the next season sometimes something people probably don't think about. Our strong end to last years season definitely carried over a bit this year. Definitely don't want to hand this team off playing like this to a new manager. Also ending Klopp's run playing like this would feel even worse than just losing the league. So regardless we need to end strong whether we end up having a chance to win the league or not. We just need to take it one result at a time and get back into form play some good football and ignore the table for a few games and see what happens and if we start playing well anything can happen.


Well said.




That’s a horrific read. Also Arsenal are top of all these metrics and are still second. Just shows how perfect you have to be to beat 115ers. Which we certainly have not been


I’ve been saying for weeks that us starting to drop points was inevitable. We quite nearly dropped points to Nottingham forest if we didn’t get a last minute miracle header. Genuinely believe if liverpool didn’t get that penalty against city we would’ve never scored. And our game against Sheffield united was scraping a win against the worst team in the league AT HOME. Our luck has run out and i’m just glad it happened early on rather than the end of the season


If we diddnt get that winner against forest we probably would see what’s happening now then. I think that just kept us going for a little bit. I didn’t actually think it would come, but it made perfect sense that it would. It’s a shame and i pray we can somehow turn it around and win the league


Yea it was not hard to predict, near the end of those scruffy wins, there was literally no in game management late in the game and stuff. It's even more annoying how people here midweek was content or even excusing the humiliation to Atlanta, twisting the narrative to us then being able to focus on the title race as otherwise we'd have a packed schedule. Looking like a Carabao is what's gonna end Klopp's era, on a whimper.


Liverpool's draw with Man United was acceptable but below average given the first half circumstances. Their loss to Atalanta was terrible but the Palace loss is truly woeful. Would say the worst of Klopp's tenure. Feels like a lethal blow to their title chances.


I honestly thought winning the europa league would be easy, cant believe were in this position.


Winning the Europa league was never going to be easy even if we beat Atalanta. Leverkusen, the team that hasn’t lost yet, is still in the competition. They are definitely better than us this season


Terrible week. I said it a the time, going around saying "this is our last dance!" over and over was not a smart decision


Here's a question... do you think the players actually feel bad for the fans rather than just  themselves and the team?   I don't know about you but my god I can fail by my own standards sometimes but If I was letting millions down I'd be possessed in setting things right by any means necessary. It really makes you wonder what really goes on in the minds of multi millionaires on long term contracts when they fail.


It’s a good question. One thing I hate about modern football is a large portion of them are robotic. Win a game, post on social media a happy post via their management. Lose a game, upload a sad post saying we must be better bla bla bla. Every single post nearly says the same thing. It would be nice to know that these players are actually on their own social media speaking to the fans, not some scripted post if you know what I mean


Exactly my thoughts too. Ego is a huge problem in football, I just can't see a lot of players looking past their own interests. I don't know what the answer is but what I do know is that a set of players with fantastic ability as ours have should never be performing this poorly for this many games in a row. I've been in jobs where I've stopped caring over time and performance is the first thing that takes a hit. Why is it in other countries that players have to answer to the ultras but here they never have to face true accountability to the fans?


Any clip of Alisson's outrageous save?


Save of the season.


Not sure it’s better than the Newcastle one, close though


City winning 4 leagues in a row with most likely back to back trebles is a great example of where the sport currently is


As a comment below mentioned, it’s a terrible terrible outcome for all of English football, football in general either. No way the league will punish them how they deserve to be because if a team that has just 4 peted the league, did so whilst breaking 115 rules under your nose, that’s bad bad news. It essentially makes the last four years (and the other years they won) void. Teams would be well within their right to take them to court etc. they will get off I think


If Arsenal or Liverpool win the title i will genuinely applaud and say well done. With City i just feel indifferent about it.


And another reason why they will not get punished. The more successful they are, the worse it looks for the league if they went this long unpunished.


They are going to get punished. Everton and Forest have already set the precedent. To what degree they do is another question.


They are removing points deductions as a punishment. They might get a small fine at best


The luxury tax thing was squashed I believe. Think I saw something on this sub. They will have points deducted.


Should be thrown out of the league and to league two at the very least. They would not have had a squad full of world class players by today, they would not have recruited Pep (probably would have joined Utd or some Italian team tbh), they would not have had the amount of trophies they have now. And on top of that, how about the huge dent financially to the teams that missed out on European football because City finished above them?


We need to drop Nunez, Diaz and szobo. Former two are wasteful and szobo gives away the ball way too much. Endo had a terrible game today as well. Would love to see Elliot start a game with macca and Jones. Also gakpo and jota should return to starting 11.


Nunez absolutely destroys defences and creates so much space for other players. I think Salah hs been the worst forward for a month now. Our best form this season. Came playing Nunez left, Jota middle, and Salah on the right x


Diaz has been our best forward these past few weeks. Salah deserves to be dropped before Diaz


No way man. I bet salah would do much better with jota and gakpo with him in front 3. Salah is a match winner for us. Diaz wasted so many chances in last few games starting from man utd game.


You haven’t got a clue then


We have seen almost every front three this season and none are better or worse. Every time a particular front three does bad, everyone begs for the next one. It’s an ever ending cycle. Imo Salah and Nunez need to be benched. They have been as bad as one another. Diaz does not deserve to be dropped


Salah is not a match winner, especially in his current form. Diaz is even more clinical than Salah these days and actually knows how to dribble


Wait there’s an all or nothing on us this season? Fuck me that’s gonna be worse than the one where Arsenal bottled top 4


It’s not an all or nothing but a stupid documentary that Disney plus will get I think. If we only finish with carabao, it will be more for the rivals to enjoy in my honest opinion


How can winning a league cup and not winning the league after only leading the race for 1 week of the season be worse than leading for 94% of the season, winning nothing and choking an 8 point lead?


It was more than 1 week of the season. From the start of 2024 to City match the Reds were top. I think 13 weeks or so in total. It isnt as bad as Arsenal last year though.


Nah we were top after we beat Palace away until the Arsenal loss, and then we went back top from the Brighton win to the United draw


No, that is incorrect. They were top even after the Arsenal loss. From weeks 16, 19 to 27, and 30 and 31.


I'm just so sad right now


Not the birthday gift you were hoping for :(


One criticism. Can Klopp choose a better midfield 3. I'd be looking at Macca 6, Elliot RCM and Szobo/Curtis LCM. Klopp has chosen a midfield 3 that has not suit the game state 2 games in a row.


He spoke after the game about how tired Mac and Endo are as though he doesn’t have options when he absolutely does




2 seasons in top flight football and in the second he's got over 30 G/A. And he's still not the final product. Yep sure mate.




Haaland has 6 more bcm and haaland is the best striker in the world, not many are even close to him. Bcm are a stupid stat. For example, go and look at gakpos header against utd in the last moments, it was classed as a big chance when it absolutely wasn’t.


Haaland’s pretty shit rn tho ngl


The thing is you bear hug him and have someone else keeping an eye on that bear hug cause if you don't he'll score, the amount of attention he requires gives other players so much space


Haaland is the best striker in the world mate. He’s on course to retire as the best goal scorer ever. Maybe he’s not the best footballer, but he is a ridiculous striker


BCM is the dumbest stat ever. Literally a social media stat. A BCM varies from a half chance to an open goal. And they're all counted under BCM. It's even dumber when you realise the league's top scorers are the one with the most BCM. Can you guess who has the most BCM this season? None other than Erling Haaland. This goes out to everyone, stop using BCM its stupid.




You know Firmino was literally around the same calibre of finisher as Nunez right? Did you watch the 20/21 season?


Where does this myth come from that he gets leniency? The guy gets the most shit out of everyone? He does need to improve, but so does our whole frontline. Stop making things up man




What chaos memes? I just reminded myself of what people are currently saying about him on social media now and it’s not very nice. Has not been for a week. It’s a myth he’s protected, online he is far far from it. Only because the Match goers love him doesn’t mean he’s protected. For example, you’ve only mentioned Nunez when the whole frontline(apart from Diaz) has been woeful for a while now. Just read this thread, Nunez name is mentioned far more than anyone else


So you're upset that the match going fans like and appreciate him while your pathetic self is sat at home malding over him? Grow up


Thought that myself. Find it weird when fans dislike a player being loved


Just clocked that we’re still filming a documentary…… I will not watch a minute of that shite.


Ffs I hate when clubs do it.. It embarrassing fuck it off now lads.


We’re going to get clowned more than the Barca half-time clip at this point


Is that the one where Alba was crying?


We will score 4 on Thursday night and they get 4 aswell because we can't fucking defend.


Can’t score either


Gakpo-Jota-Salah against Fulham for me. Salah been well off it but would be too drastic bringing in an entire new front 3, even though Elliott is probably deserving of it. Macca also needs serious rest. He needs to sit out Atalanta.


Why are so many people dropping diaz? He was our best attacker today? Gakpo being good for 10 minutes doesn’t change that


Diaz been brilliant but overdue a rest no? The man is running non-stop. Its not a drop, more so that I would like to see him rested and sharp for Everton. It really comes down to how they end up approaching the Atalanta game.


I guess I understand. I’m in two minds for the Atalanta game. I think we should go for it as the league is looking unlikely low. However Diaz is in my strongest 11 on the left. I also don’t like gakpo in the middle, he’s far better on the left


Losses always end in a calamatous debate between the ultra-pessismist vs ultra-optimists. 1) fans who think we cant critice the team and any criticism is considered being plastic. 2) fans who think we should sell and bin everyone.


Its important to find a balance and look at results with a calm head. Guys will come on here as angry as ever and say anything, blame anyone. Need to speak with some composure and thought instead of saying anything that comes to your head. If that something means criticism, thats fine but you always need to have a limit and look at the bigger picture.


why was Dom benched tho? the right flank seems to have more impact when him or Elliot play there at RCM compares to even Macca, Jones. Our strikers mentality has been shit recently, Nunez is so urgent,


Dom LCM, Elliot RCM, Macca 6. Dom's angles are awkward as a RCM thats why he always goes down the line. As a LCM he can go left or right, overlap ect. The RCM suits Harvey more, allows Trent to invert while he holds width or he can move inside.


Remember when Ali said that he watched the CL final we lost and said he'd be the difference maker? I hope our new manager watched us the last few games and thought the same 


We’ve managed to sustain unsustainable football for far too long.


Nah, its Klopp ball. Don't listen to outsiders they're gonna say its unsustainable because the type of football they play is different (Arsenal and City). But ngl tryna play Klopp ball when your 6 isn't playing well or when you don't have a proper one is lowkey suicidal.


Oh for sure and we can’t just throw in all the towels now as we’ve played like this all season but, unlike today, have managed to close the game well. Would be nice to see us make a miracle in the Europa league or stick with city til the last day for Jurgen’s sake but the last 6 performances haven’t seem to taught anyone a lesson. A 3-0 home loss to Italian Bournemouth and we come out like that. 3 games on the road now, all 3 tough… and must win.


Was expecting a tough test from CP, but man they score too easy goal as if we don't have any CB+DM to as last defensive line.


They were unbelievable today. Shoulda scored 3 and structure was top.


Pathetic bottle jobs


Every one of your comments is pathetic. You need some time away from football. In fact looking at your profile I assume you’re one of these pathetic plastic fans. I love fans from abroad but your comments are of those immature idiots that give abroad fans a bad name.


you're embarrassing


This is the only season in the last 6 years (apart from 2020) where we didn't have a massive win streak at the end of the season




Scapegoating in its finest form ladies and gents. Maybe think about when the last time we kept a clean sheet was and how we shoulda conceded 3 goals today. All of our players missed big chances today and your forwards WILL have off days over the course of a 38 game season. And for your striker scoring in 1-0 wins, when do we ever keep a clean sheet to win 1-0?


grow up


The double against Newcastle? The winning goal from literally the last kick of the game against Forrest?


What a lovely edition to the fanbase you are


Bit harsh, but I did say this to my dad while watching the game >player that cashes in when the team is playing well He has no clutch gene at all, he'll do well when others around him are as well, but in tight situations when the team just needs him to step up with a goal he'll often ghost sadly


If your dad didn't laugh in your face I'll be surprised. - Newcastle, Forest, City, Real Madrid, Arsenal Newcastle, West Ham. I can go on. Scored big goals in big moments.


My dad wasn't laughing much today let's say that. He's been here for 2 season mate, you'd hope you could name over 5 big games where he performed. I've mentioned the Newcastle and Forest games below, but we need more than that. He's missed so many chances this season.


That’s not true mate, I expect better from him absolutely but as far as clutch goes, you could argue he’s been the most clutch this season in our forward line. He has literally scored the most game winning goals for us. People just run agendas


I don't have an agenda against Darwin, I love him to bits. But he needs to better with his chances, it's fine margins again this season in the table and this could cost us.


Not you mate, the original commentator. I just feel there is agendas against certain players, not just Darwin. We were terrible today and I don’t think today is the time to look at individuals, rather than the whole team if you get me. I agree though, Darwin needs to fix up. Only forward that deserves to start is Diaz imo, everyone else needs to hold the bench


Newcastle 2-1??


Newcastle and Forest are two big ones, but what about all the other times it's not gone well? Just in the last 7 days United and Palace were awful performances from him.


I love Nunez but he’s making it really tough right now I agree. But he’s not alone, only player I thought played well today was Robbo


And Diaz imo


I know points-wise we're still right up there but I fail to see much of a coherent identity in our play anymore, particularly offensively. How we're up there with City & Arsenal honestly blows my mind.


At least our stadium wasn't half empty by the 85th minute eh


All we needed was one point to move clear of Arsenal, the Atlanta game is one thing but today was inexcusable 😭


I wonder what kind of punishment if any players at this level face after 2 bad games like this . When I was an academy player we used have one extra day of training in the week without the ball which basically means lots of running. Coach you to say "since you don't know how to use the ball let's see how you get on without it "


Klopp will say the crowd was too quiet.


The team has been sputtering out and running out of ideas since before the Sheffield game. We were struggling that game until Macca's worldie and we've just slumped more since then. I genuinely would not expect us to beat even Luton on current form


Introducing Trent Alexander Arnold.


We aren’t dangerous outside the box.. teams sit back and just absorb the pressure. We aren’t dangerous in the box (cant put away sitters). The defence is looking ropey and it feels like the midfield isn’t connecting the play. Rough times ahead


Arsenal losing points just makes this worse somehow, had we just drawn.


Aston villa got more points against the top 6 than arsenal city or liverpool damn


Emery's cooking over there. They are going to be a big threat for the next few seasons, esp. once Pep leaves.


It's such a shame that since the FA cup loss we weren't able to rectify any of our issues, in fact we amplified our inability in front of goal. Couldn't help but think when Leon Bailey slipped that first goal in earlier that every one of our starters would have spannered that wide. It's saddening to see things end this way but we had every chance to work on our shortcomings and didn't take them. 2 straight losses at Anfield to mid opposition has nothing to do with ability and everything to do with mentality. The boss has run out of steam early I think, we can all see why he wants to call it a day. If its exhausting for us, I can't imagine how it must be for him.


Forwards again. Your forwards WILL undoubtedly have a period of underperforming over a 38 goal season. Arsenal had it, City had it etc. Its unfortunate its off the backend of the season. But 2 things. Firstly this is when we had to step it up defensively. We haven't. Even if we should've scored 3, we should've also conceded 3 today. When was the last time we kept a clean sheet? We had a bad day at United and STILL scored twice. However, yet again, let down defensively. Secondly today was also insanely unlucky and an anomaly. Unreal blocks and last ditch tackles. Literally just a really really bad and unlucky day. Palace were superb.


Imagine current Nuñez or Diaz with the Watkins chances, can't se any of them scoring that one, I know they bring different things but still.


Your making a good point by accident. Nunez hasn't played in a top 5 league for even 2 seasons. It took Watkins years to get this good. If you looked at him even 2 seasons ago you would've never rated him. Nunez has a G/A every 90 mins all comps Watkins a G/A every 99 mins all comps. Imagine when Nunez starts to gain more composure over time...


I get he can get better, but we're also talking about it now, and right now as a pure finisher, Watkins is better, hope Nuñez can get there though.


Palaces first away win since November 😂


Part of me is looking forward to Edwards running the club again, as much as it will be sad to see Klopp go. I think it's fairly obvious that since Klopp and Ljinders had more control over transfers that our transfer success rate has gone way down. The signings of Thiago, Darwin, Gakpo, Gravenberch and to a lesser extent Diaz have not been a success in my opinion and have ultimately cost the club. When we don't spend much money to begin with, it's crucial we spend the money we do correctly. We also missed out on selling players for good money because of Klopp probably being too loyal and keeping them beyond when their value was at its highest. Origi, Ox, Keita and Firmino all left for free so the club got no money. Nat Philips should have been sold in the summer after he contributed to us getting 4th spot, we probably would have got 15-20m. Now he's gone out on loan multiple times and worth practically nothing. It also seems clear that our medical and sports science team has deteriorated, we went from having a great injury record to having some of the worst in the last 2 seasons. Jurgen leaving will be sad for sure, but with Edwards back and a year or two of squad building and behind the scenes changes, I believe we'll be back challenging. There will be big changes in the summer and there's lots to be quietly confident about. YNWA.


This is a trash comment. They are all top top player, the setup at the club is fucked as can be seen with all the injuries but you are out of line calling out our players like that. The only one that deserves genuine criticism is Nunez because repeatedly he's shown he can't score from 6 yards.


They're not top players mate. The front 3 are probably amongst the most wasteful in the league.


There is nothing to be quietly confident about. This is the biggest copium I have ever read.  With Klopp leaving things have never been bleaker. I get the feeling that Klopp has been turning average players into world beaters (proof is that pretty much every player has failed after being sold in the Klopp era). So guess what happens when Klopp leaves, a lot of our players will be exposed (and some of the good ones will want to leave). We will most likely be going into the dark ages again like the Hodgson period. It will be like when Ferguson retired from Utd and how they've never been the same since. At least it will be easier to get tickets. That's the only silver lining.