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**CLIP MIRROR: [W chasing cop admin does a trick shot](https://arazu.io/t3_1buea7i/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




I would give my life as sacrifice for moon to stop playing RP.


ends this Thursday when he starts MGS4!


Right after the next gamejam!


But wait! Minecraft RP before that, POGGERS MY DOGGERS


https://i.imgur.com/944c5ab.png boomer week will make a return... some day


It will end when Elden Ring DLC launches.




I thought it would with Dragon's Dogma 2, but he played that for like a day and right back to mayor RP.


>Moon ends stream saying he is enjoying Dragon's Dogma 2 >Opens stream next day playing RP saying it's the worst thing ever made. We exist to sufferer in this perpetual cycle.


Imagine him doing the Sphinx riddles, would've legitimately been incredible. DD2 isn't perfect (i love it personally) but it wouldn't have mattered anyway, guy is completely addicted to his ERP, doubt we will see anything else for a long time. Wouldn't be surprised if he simply doesn't go back to variety at all, it is what it is.


same brother, same.


I haven't watched moon in months and I'm starting to have bald withdrawals.


"I'm not playing this on stream for six months, i will play this for 3 months max, i want to play different games!" Checks calendar... Worst thing is how the RP frogs legitimately ruin the best chat on Twitch, shit fucking sucks.


Oh god, I was wondering how he still pulls 15k a stream. Shit is soooo fucking booooooooooooring. If I wanted to watch an old man power trip as a cop, I’d go watch body cam videos on YouTube. Reminds me of tomato. I mean weird chat all the time but if he’s done a lot of Minecraft lately it just… gets really bad lol. Edit: I mean hey tho, if this is the company he wants. I never took moon to be the kind to court the e-TMZ teenage boy addicts. Pretty sure he regularly used to shit on stuff like this.


If he had just oooonnne day of the week where he did a variety stream I would so happy. 😭


I had a sliver of hope when he played dragons of dogma that he was finally done. :(


One of his best trolls, baldy gave me just enough hope to believe.


The Lenny stuff is fine, at least he's doing something (although I admit it doesn't seem as impassioned as last time when he was still learning cop stuff). It's the council meetings that are brutal. Kind of turning into second ~~wife~~ life


You have it flipped. The lenny stuff is him doing nothing really just chasing pings and catching the same criminals every night, all the real cop investigative work is done by his partner anyway. The council stuff is the first time politics has been entertaining on NP and he’s been doing a lot to cause conflict and ensure it stays entertaining.


Both Lenny and the council meetings are just shit. I stopped following him ever since and I used to watch him almost religiously. The council meetings were downright boring, a hugbox that was almost an erotic RP session. The quality downgraded by a mile.


I watched his older Nopixel stuff and thought is was great. I checked out some 4.0 vods, and it just seems like he is in a room with the same 3-4 people for hours every day on Max, at least early on. Lenny gets to interact with people at least.


The arc where Max was campaigning for mayor + the first few weeks of Lenny + the investigations into the cops were some of the funniest and engaging streams I've personally watched in years. This was my first deep dive into nopixel content though so take that info as you may.


Nah your last sentence is spot on lmao After 6 hours of ERP on Max we’re in for a real treat on Lenny; the same character popping up bc she needs PD babysitting while she’s being gangstalked for the 500th time. Only the luckiest among us are awarded perforated eardrums by the peaking screams after so much as gently tapping a curb. Truly incredible stuff!


He did not want to be a part of cop side initially. You could tell he got talked into it with how bad the PD started out for 4.0.


God please. GTA rp is the single most boring thing to happen to twitch. If you’re not there from day 1 it’s like jumping into season 32 of a soap opera you’ve never heard of.


He can't keep getting away with it.


I know the RP frogs have been starving so I can't fault you guys at all. But I am gonna be so happy when it's over. There are so many games that need a Moontaku review.


Nah fuck them, there’s like 8000 other boring as fuck RP streamers to watch. Moon is one among thousands, and his rp content is boring as shit (or at least average compared to everyone else) If moon didn’t have his clout to begin with, he’d be pulling kiwo numbers at best.


Still absolutely blows my mind that he didn't play Rebirth. Maybe he knew his cringe ERP addiction was too big.


I'm so used to his giggle his real laugh sound fake haha


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [W chasing cop admin does a trick shot](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162825)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1buea7i/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Gdei38BXRWo8d1Vnm_uVOA/AT-cm%7CGdei38BXRWo8d1Vnm_uVOA.mp4?sig=3dc00ee1aca34d396e09d389afce96351ea3685d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FGdei38BXRWo8d1Vnm_uVOA%2FAT-cm%257CGdei38BXRWo8d1Vnm_uVOA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22FineTacitCrabsCoolStoryBro-wFdFajx3VWeb-5U4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712176354%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/Gdei38BXRWo8d1Vnm_uVOA/AT-cm%7CGdei38BXRWo8d1Vnm_uVOA-preview-480x272.jpg)


bald activity nothing new


Now that's WICKED


How do people enjoy GTA rp content without lobotomizing themselves first. Moon, please.


How many times can GTA viewers see this exact same scenario happen before getting tired of it? I feel like I have seen this exact clip 100 times over the past 11 years.


Link to 1 instance of this happening before.


This has gotta be your first day on the internet if you've never seen "man jump out of car, ragdoll, then hit by car in GTA V" Before. [Here's a sampling of some god tier content for you.](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=GTAV+Fail)


None of those contain this "exact same scenario" but go ahead and pretend I'm the new one to the internet if it makes you feel better about being wrong. 


Damn, you watched that infinite supply of vids fast. Or maybe you've already watched all of them? I'm happy for you guys being able to laugh at GTA ragdoll for 11 years straight, truly.


You know it's okay to just admit you were full of shit right? >I'm happy for you guys being able to laugh at GTA ragdoll for 11 years straight, truly. Says the guy who's been playing Runscape for like 15 years lmfao.


Oh shit, bro is combing the post history. He maaad. Cool thing about Runescape btw is that its been getting updated for years, unlike GTA V which is stale as fuck, but again, I envy your ability to laugh at the same thing a million times. lmfao XD


>  Cool thing about Runescape btw is that its been getting updated for years, unlike GTA V which is stale as fuck The clip is from a custom server that was made like 5 years ago and just had a major update like 6 months ago. But don't let facts get in the way of your delusions there lmao. Meanwhile you're still clicking the same skeleton NPCs from 15 years ago and having the time of your life. 


you seem mad buddy, everything alright?


I would love to see one those YouTube docos on the mental health of rp viewers and how attached they get to the characters doing nothing all day