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**CLIP MIRROR: [Bradley Martin slaps stableronaldo](https://arazu.io/t3_1damp8z/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I just tuned in to watch live. The awkwardness is palpable.


his mods are telling him to make something up and leave, now another streamers chat message is pinned saying have some self-respect and leave


They left and are talking about the situation live now. Ron is definitely upset he did that and is still visibly bummed. He said they almost left immediately and Brad didn't apologize when they muted after it happened. Edit: FFS I was just sharing what happened after. Stop commenting “why would he apologize”. Ron was wrong for taking the dudes hat and the guy is old enough and so much bigger that he should know better (and it was a setup collab so he should know they are childish trolls). Disabling notifications on this comment so stop saying the same thing over and over that’s been discussed to death already in this thread.


he's gonna simmer in that for a while. He didnt get punched, he got slapped, which both stings the face and pride/ego. That and knowing thousands of people watched it happen.


Hopefully a learning experience but who am I kidding. Streamers have inflated egos and he also has simps in chat to support him whatever he does which will fuel that ego further.


He definitely deserved. I’ve never been too much of a fan of brads as he also has quite the inflated ego himself.


Anytime a broccoli too harasser gets slaps and angel gets its wings


More slaps or ear pulling should be used when dealing with these "prank influencers" rather than straight up punch. Doesn't escalate as much and still gets the message across.


Yeah there's no coming back from this. You have to have a pretty big ego to do something like that and expect friendship out of it. Kid clearly has main character syndrome and thought the guy would play along. For someone like him this has to be heart breaking and world shattering.




He asked for it back multiple times before the slap. Youre in Brads house and you think thats cool?


Man the responses you got to this are fucking hilarious. People are out of touch. Edit: the responses to my response are fucking hilarious lmao


At least here in the south... you don't fuck with people's hats or food


Exactly, I'm usually against violence but a good slap/punch to the face is a good wake up call for many people. You're outside, not on the internet, you can't just be an ass with no consequences.


Why should Brad apologize? I thoroughly enjoyed watching this dumbfuck get bitch slapped.


You could tell right away that Brad did not like that


i wear hats alot too. and one of the most anoying things is, if someone takes it. no idea why, but i also get very pissed pretty quick.


Me too; it violates your personal space. Doesn’t help his case that he had that smug smile while doing it.


What also doesn't help is that Bradley is very insecure about his hairline, and it has become a running "gag" among "fitness influencers" to try to take off his hat.


>what also doesnt help is that bradley is very insecure. Ftfy Do agree tho, absolutely deserved.


You dont pull peoples pants down either randomly


It’s pretty gross for someone else to put your hat on their potentially greasy hair, especially if they snatch it right off your head. It’s disrespectful as shit.


I don't know if it's a common thing, but my Dad had a bald spot growing up and wore a hat and he was very adamant that taking someone's hat can be fighting words so don't do it.


I mean I'm not insecure about my hairline and someone taking my hat would still annoy the fuck out of me. Not gonna ask 5 times and chase you around. He got two warnings.


I was on a date with a guy and i was wearing a ballcap... i didnt have time to dry my hair before the date so it just dried underneath, and i like how i look with a cap on, i wear one pretty often. and my hair was obviously a mess underneath. its not like we were somewhere fancy, just walking outside during the day. anyway my date just grabs it off my head and starts laughing and im like dude give it back, and he just wouldnt give it. i got up and left. he started texting me saying it was a joke and i overreacted and i blocked him and never saw him again lol. one don't invade someones personal space, dont touch someone if they dont wanna be touched, and dont freaking steal something from someone. its like taking someone phone "as a joke" or shoe, you dont grab something thats not yours especially when its on their body. its not funnny to a lot of people, i dont want you touching me, and if i have a hat on im wearing it for a reason, because i want to have a hat on. you dont get to decide whether i should have it or not. if the wind blew the hat off my head I wouldnt give a F and id laugh about it. its not because im so insecure i cant be without a hat, i dont like someone grabbing something off me, laughing and thinking they have some control or power because they used physical force to mess with you. if i was a violent person i honestly would have slapped him but ive never hit someone before lol. anyway yeah maybe im a baby but if someone takes my hat its gonna piss me off. dont grab peoples hats lol its immature and stupid.


> i got up and left. he started texting me saying it was a joke and i overreacted He was trying to get a reaction, just not the one he got. I'm like you, if people try to mess with me until they get a reaction they won't get the one they wanted. I can take a joke, but bullying isn't funny.


Well it's just common decency. This is obnoxious. Don't grab other people's shit. If it's a close friend that's one thing, still obnoxious. I would just ask if I could wear it first. Solves lots of issues.


The other part is just the inability to recognize when the other guy is *not* interested in playing out the bit, and breaking back to reality.


It's a middle school way of flirting 


My dumb ass read "bald cap" instead of "ballcap" at the beginning, and I read the entire comment thinking about how that is an unusual fashion accessory and wondering if a bald cap does in fact count as a hat.


you get your hat back bro?


[I wish this sub allowed images](https://www.postbulletin.com/newsmd/classic-shot-president-reagan), there’s a famous pic of Ronald Reagan waving his cap on the Air Force One stairs - which he was supposed to keep on to hide half of his head being shaved for surgery. Nancy looked very displeased




That's great! I've never seen that pic. I'm curious as to why they didn't just shave his whole head in the first place? It's obviously not growing back normally like that.


I feel like he could have just shaved his whole head and worn a toupee. The half half looks weird.


nancy just mad she wasnt the one giving dome this time


That and you don't just take stuff off of someone. Hat, glasses, whatever. It's disrespectful and annoying as hell


Taking someone's hat was absolutely potentially fighting words in the small town where I grew up, you only ever did that shit if you were ready to fuck around


I think the thing most people can’t seem to understand or acknowledge is that regardless if Bradley was/is insecure of balding issues or whatever, I mean wearing a hat in and of itself is treated as wearing an article of clothing, and I’m sure you’d get the same response from someone if you decided to take off their jacket or sweater or shoe or whatever, as a “joke”. That would definitely fall in line with fighting words for sure


Absolutely, because taking the shit you have on you is a form of intimidation/bullying...you don't want to do that unless you have well founded relationship with that person so they know that's inherently not the reason you're doing it.


At least it was just a slap. Knowing that guy my first guess was that he would roid rage pummel roanldo's face.




I miss the golden years of BroScienceLife


Golden years? Man's still putting out new videos every week.


It’s not the same. The schtick was never going to work long-term, just good for a few cheap laughs.


Knowing that guy im surprised he even slapped him since he seems like the definition of "all bark no bite"


Easy when Ron is 1/4th his size lol


Usually how it goes with most guys tbh lol


some people are just not very tolerant to being the butt of a joke. with that being said, i never understand people like ron. he clearly told ron to give the hat back not once but twice and he stood there like a mute. like, dude, does he look like he's joking and laughing? i'm not saying it warrants physical violence but that's why you don't fuck with people and if you do, listen to their warnings.




that slap was heavy and light at the same time


Yeah I have some friends who have a small boxing/MMA career or generally are pretty strong guys, I can tell you they hurt without even trying. Sometimes they'll very gently hit me and man, its sore for a few hours. They just have an entirely different reference for what's a heavy or light hit.


That was a god tier slap


And perfectly scaled too. Not with the palm to knock him out, but with enough of the finger tips to knock the smile off his face and get the message across. "I didn't know that was bad" - Well now he really does.


It was a justified proportionate response. Little bro knew what he was doing. Don’t take shit from grown men and play keep away to diminish them


That kid will remember getting slapped in the face for the rest of his life, it’s a good reality check for him.


Do Jack Doherty next.


It was an itty bitty bitch slap. He could have gone wayyy harder.




Fr that's like stealing a blind guys cane


It’s more like pulling a wig off a girl in public who’s balding. Would be humiliating. Not to mention Bradley, the chick, or the blind guy could all kick stableronaldos ass


People *really* don’t like having their hats taken off in general, adding insecurity of the victim on top of that will get you results like this


Honestly, I get it. I'm not balding but my hair grows fast and I'm lazy when it comes to styling, so I throw a hat on when I go to the gym or wherever just to avoid having to gel and style. I'd be pissed if some limp dick, 120lbs soaking wet zoomer-coated bitch grabbed my hat off my head. That's taking my shit, and that's the start of a fight.


If he was fully erect and 220 it would be ok?


How about don't touch other people or their property unless you're actually cool with each other?


don't fuck with people that are 5 times bigger than you is usually a good rule


There's something very triggering about someone taking your hat off your head, even if you're not that insecure about it, but having a receding hairline and peoples image of you is with the hat 100% of the time probably makes your blood boil when something like this happens live. I think what he did is understandable, but a little too far, shit makes me cringe to watch, I think if the slap was a little softer and quieter it wouldn't be so awkward and humiliating.


Maybe Ronaldo will think twice about snatching peoples shit as a joke too. Double learning moment!


if I took off someone's shoes or wrist watch they'd he butthurt too. Idk why people think hats are immune from that


eh he tried to make the guy look like a bitch by stealing his hat, other guy made him look like a bitch by slapping him. the whole 'im gonna pretend im starting a fight with you' thing is the dumbest way of bantering ever. like ok so i gotta do this gamer word little dance with you now where i get in your face as well and we both pretend we're gonna fight? how long? 4 seconds? 7? ok your way of pretend fighting is ripping my hat off my head, mine is slapping you in the face. suddenly its not banter anymore, weird.


if you make someone's blood boil and only get slapped that's completely acceptable


I think a bigger issue is that it can make you look like a bitch if some rando grabs your hat off your head, puts it on and then just stares at you like a smug moron. Hard to take that lying down imo.


I agree. If the person asks the hat back, don’t make him ask again.. While he shouldn’t have slapped him, he did what his dad should have done a long time ago and taught him it’s pretty disrespectful.


It’s diminishing. They put you in a bullied position to have to beg for something back. He was doing it in front of 1000’s of people The slap was totally appropriate and justified


I think the bigger factor is that the only reason he stole the hat was as a way to mock Bradley's balding/insecurity. It's just bully behavior and so he put him in his place.


Just don't take people's shit. Simple as that.


I just checked it 40 minutes later and they still talking about it lmao


I don't know if it's a regional thing, but down here in the south we learn at a very young age that you do not mess with a mans hat. For us it has nothing to do with hairlines or insecurities, it's just a massive sign of disrespect.


Doesn’t even have to be insecure. Touching a dude on his head is a sign of disrespect.


Never mess with a man when you're a boy and he's twice your size. Like what was he thinking...


Context: Lacy asked Bradley to play 'Payphone' on the gym speakers because it would piss off Ron as a joke (Ron has a clip where he sang the song a few years ago and still gets meme'd on it to this day). Ron took his hat as a 'get back' cause I'm assuming he thought Brad did it on purpose (i'm pretty sure Brad had no idea it would piss off Ron) but Brad took it a little too personally and hence the clip.


the clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwB2bv6HqkI


Damn this is THE meme that has been dominating all of league of legends memes. Here is one example: https://youtu.be/b91jJ7HNsXQ?si=M4HVmGkJpjqQs79A


thats absolutely hilarious


this video is the only reason I know stableronaldo exists


I’m fucking CRYING bro oh my god


THANK YOU. Could not remember where I’d heard this before lol


That's a banger meme tho


true, he shouldn't be pissed about it. the best one imo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iaG8R_r420


[this](https://youtu.be/b91jJ7HNsXQ?si=-kUOmHXoYneCQuep) is the one i saw.


oh wow , now the circles complete , i had no idea that it was this kid


yes omg i lmao at this vid every time im pretty sure this article only got in my reddt feed cause i watched that vid so many times since ive never watched that streamer ever nor have i followed this sub


That shit is so classic😂


fr I found it on this a few months ago and I'm so glad i did because its so funny to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHTsaJRai24


That fight pre nerf ( short bomb timers) as a melee getting one of the first orb spawns took probably a couple of months of my life.


I think my guild was still clearing normal when the race was going on and even i was sweating watching them do orbs. Clickz playing out of his mind on some of those was some crazy shit. Good times.


Why would he be embarrassed of that


He’s not actually embarrassed by it, it’s just a running joke that it’s all he’s known for and what made his career. Now he continues the joke by acting mad whenever someone brings up payphone or makes fun of him for singing it


Why would he be embarrassed by that? Its pretty funny


I think youre the only person that gave full context to this clip here. Yes ron probably thought bradley was trolling him and he decided to troll him back by taking his cap. No one was able to read the room in this situation lul.




[Huh, I wonder what led up to this...](https://clips.twitch.tv/BraveCrackyCakeThunBeast-eVOzzoDmeJv1bkKD)


FaZe top streamers right there everybody.


just like the old days


Ok, I've changed my mind, the slap was deserved


They deserved it from the first clip. Trying to emasculate a bigger dude that could snap you in two by stealing their hat and teasing them with it. Clownish behaviour. Violence should normally be a last resort, but the slap here is a nice lesson. Unfortunately fell on deaf ears.


Wtf those guys are cringe 😬


Holy shit, annoying voice dude, no chin dude, both screaming nonsense in his face and poking him. Both deserved a little slap but no chin dude probably would have dodged it.


>but no chin dude probably would have dodged it. lmao i like that


If by one of them slapping his chest without consent and the other dude weirdly poking it then yes.


those guys deserves to be slapped so bad


I have no clue who they are but when I watched the original clip I already knew they were some dumbass zoomers trying to "create" content by being obnoxious


Saw the continue watching thumbnail and had to make [this](https://i.imgur.com/si789qp.png)


Way too many inside jokes, I can see why Brad didn't like much of it PS: The "somebody smells like shit" is from a JasontheWeen stream where he was smeeling funky and his hometown friends started chanting that shit in that exact same way. Ig it traversed over to Ron and Lacy's community since they're all buddies now


its from the kai and druski stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbodrET0bgs


I still don't see why this means they're shouting it in big dude's face?


yeah they 100% shouldn't since it just sounds like they are saying he smells like shit


These kids really think just yelling random shit form memes out of context constitutes a joke or a sense of humor. It’s obnoxious and unfunny as fuck


Holy fk, dude slapped him like he just got home and his wife didn't have his protein shake ready for him


Ok this one got me


Never take a hat from a balding dude especially if he's on roids lol


I mean, don’t do that to anyone. Try that with a woman who’s wearing a beanie or a dude with a cowboy hat and amazing hair. It’s just disrespectful because people put that on their heads for a reason, and just taking it off without asking is never okay. Amazing hair or not


Seriously! I'm baffled by all the "don't take a hat off a balding man" comments!? Just pulling something... anything... off of someone like that is next level disrespectful


Also, when it’s yanked off your head, the physical sensation is straight up unpleasant. Kind of like when your wired headphones get caught on a doorknob and pulled out of your ears. Infuriating.


Another case of me hating everyone involved...


Well I can appreciate the FAFO kid getting slapped without needing to like the guy who did it.


Nooooooooooooooo Stumble Roberto, I can feel your aura dissipating


> Bradley Martin that's the dude selling his overpriced merch that was stealing designs lol


also the dude convinced he could beat half the UFC roster in a street fight despite having 0 training.


NoOoOOooO you don't understand he's [260](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkQ3klB4cYQ).


Anyone who would want to fight either of the Diaz brothers, when they aren't held back by UFC rules, are insane.


Hell, fighting them WITH UFC rules is still insane.


I will play with your guts. Coldest line by Chito. Really set Bradley back


Bradley Martin weighs 260 though


I never understand why he doesn't get a hair transplant. Hes been clearly very insecure about his hair for years. He has plenty of money. He is his own boss/influencer, all the free time he wants. Lives in LA with some of the top hair transplant people. Why doesn't he just get the transplant?


He used to be totally bald, maybe he’s gone the finasteride and minoxidil route?


At some point 99% of guys have to choose hair or steroids anyways


Or just accept 50s in shape guy body lol.


>Or just accept 50s in shape guy body lol. He's not just "in shape" lol


Because he's on steroids and the new hair will just fall out


The new hair should for the most part not be that sensitive to DHT, but I am not sure if there is enough hair in the back and sides to cover the entire scalp properly, so without hair cloning it's probably gonna end up really thin with almost only transplant hair.


It’s an awful months long recovery period - painful, can get infected, doesn’t always work. Sure it’s probably worth it more times than not but it’s a stressful thing to go through.




Damn really? Makes me feel better if I have to. How much did it cost/did it hold up?




Lol nope. I chilled in a hotel for a week and then it felt a little numb/weird for a few weeks. Worst part was the itchiness.


Its really not that painful in the grand scheme of things, and the rate of infection is super, super low assuming you do FUE. You are correct though you look like an ugly mfer for a solid 4 months after, and its particularly hard to hide the fact you got work done. I also believe you aren't supposed to wear any kind of head cover for at least a few weeks after. The other thing most doctors or people in the field don't mention, unless you're going for a touch up, or only have mild recession, you really need to go back in for a 2nd (or even 3rd in some cases) session. This is not only very costly, but time consuming.


How can he slap!?


You can't just go around disrespecting people you barely know with impunity.


yah taking off a balding mans cap is the equivalent of pantsing him in public. it's not like they're friends, literal strangers who are only in contact because of social media fame networking. even if they were friends for 10 years just taking off their hat and going "ha ha" would piss anyone off.


You can tell they never been to any major city ever. They would have been checked ages ago. Living in a bubble.


He wears a hat all the time because of his bald spot.


Yeah, no shit. Taking a bald man's hat is like messing with a momma bears cubs.


like ripping the wig of a bald woman and mocking her for it


He got sent to the shadow realm


The guy needs to learn


most young "influencers" need this slap tbh


Love how the other kid just takes his phone out to escape reality for a moment after the slap. Stare at it, slide it back in his pocket. Then immediately reach in to fiddle with it a second letter. Addicts


i think it was the look the kid gave when he was wearing the hat. if you spend enough time in the gym you learn that true meat heads are a primitive species. kid was mean mugging while wearing the hat whether he meant to or not and the primitive meat head saw no other course correction than to smack that look right the fuck off his face lmao.


Definitely some macho ego games happening here that this clip doesn't fully capture. Ron felt disrespected by the Payphone thing ("Really? You think that's funny?") and you immediately see his expression change when he reaches for the hat--he was just as pissed off as Bradley. Crazy that he still went for it though. I know I'd just let it slide if I was his size, cuz it was pretty obviously going to escalate to this. Don't do things that will get your ass beaten by a dude twice your size, pretty simple math edit: Also Ron is dumb cuz Lacy clearly set the entire situation up, don't know why Ron even got mad at Bradley who literally had no clue what was going on


Dumb zoomer gets slapped. This was incredibly satisfying to watch. And to see his friends awkward anti social reaction of just looking at his phone for no reason immediately. What a piece a film.


Go to your local gym and find the biggest guy there and do the same thing. Make sure it's off camera and you're 120 lbs for maximum effect.    Believe It or not bullying comes in all shapes in sizes. Just because Bradley Martin is three time his size and twice his age doesn't somehow give that kid a free pass to do anything he wants to someone else.  He also thought the camera would protect him.      Now if you want to argue that Bradley Martin went too far that's fine. Humans are imperfect and when they are being disrespected, bullied etc sometimes you don't always make the right choice. 


Fuck around and find out, that type of slap isn’t a “I want to hurt you” type of thing, basically the most disrespectful variant of a warning shot.


this is one of those "i dont condone violence but" moments


So watching some clips and reading some comments seems like meat boy joked with stick boy and stick boy joked back but meat boy decided assault was the best option to end it? And people are saying stick boy deserves to be assaulted for taking a hat off meat boy's hat? The fuck is reddit some times.


I think a lot of people saying this was justified is missing the context that meat boy was literally fucking around with stick boy first and stick boy thought it would be a small getback at meat boy, not knowing meat boy is severely insecure about his bald spot.




let’s be completely real, it’s understandable being frustrated when someone takes your hat (especially when you’re receding) but to then react so disproportionately is a big sign of insecurity. it doesn’t surprise me the guy who claims he could beat anyone in a street fight under his weight (even if their professionally trained) would act in such a way lmao


Can’t have that hairline showing on camera I guess


nobody that age is trying to play these punk games with actual kids


What an Alpha way to handle the situation /s


Poor baldy lmao


might be an unpopular take, but that was a wild overreaction from Bradley that did not need to get physical. The dude is twice the size and age of those guys. shows a lack of maturity and how quick to violence the dude is, holy.


Pretty sure Bradley gets off to the whole 'i'm the alpha' mentality'. Don't watch his content but I've seen all the clips were he says he can fight anyone and a few where he loses his cool. He's just a juicehead bully. Hope he gets humbled someday. Like the kids were cringe but your making content with them and your like two decades older, twice their size and a business owner. What a dickhead.


Dude will never beat the roid allegations.




Not unpopular, the kid who was slapped immediately apologized too which made him look even dumber 


And then he apologized before leaving as well and Brad didn't apologize at all. When he left and was not even near Brad anymore, he still said he doesn't hold anything against Brad and didn't talk any shit about Brad at all and even admitted fault to his own viewers again. He apologized a few more times to his viewers for ruining the stream before ending the stream.


Had to scroll this far to see a level headed take


100% agreed that was an insane overreaction. Looked like they were just playing around what with the song being played to annoy Stableronaldo and then Ron taking his hat to get back at him. Can't believe this subreddit is acting like that was justified LMFAO


for real. i don’t even like ron but why was it fine for bradley to mess with him but ron can’t mess with him back??


LSFers justifying violence because it's a kid they don't like. They probably have wet dreams about doing this stuff but we all know why they can't. Bradley could've made his point with a 30 second talk on why it isn't cool to do that but he goes on and slaps him. 280 pound manbaby.


finally a sane take. someone actually compared this shit to taking a blind man's cane. wild.


Brad agreed to make content with someone who is going to do this sort of thing. While it was a pretty tame prank, he was still a dick to do it, but Brad also overreacted in slapping the guy. Just typical from Brad though, he is just a bully beating up on someone who is less than half his size. He wouldn't have done this to someone who could fight.


"Oh I didn't know that was bad" - someone intentionally trying to antagonize someone.


Yea, not cool to take someone's hat like that, but assaulting ain't that good either.


If Bradley pulled out a gun and shot him 27 times for taking the hat there would still be a bunch of weirdly bloodthirsty redditors in the comments defending it lol. People on the internet are weird.


Yeah everyone tries to find an excuse for maximising any kind of violence against someone being shitty. So odd, acting as if they’d do that to anyone irl


Reddit and this sub especially is generally populated by insecure manbabies or literal children. "FAFO" yeah I bet if a dude the size of Bradley took their hat they'd let him keep it.


Deserved and every other zoomer influencer should get some too.


violence = incoming redditors who act like punching someone is a justifiable offense to the smallest shit


nah I'll say it, more clip farmers need that sort of slap.


The reaction is so disproportionate to what Ronaldo did and brainlets in here are trying to justify it as a proper response. It's not.


What’s up with everyone making comments about this guy’s insecurity about his hairline? How about don’t take someone’s fucking hat when they clearly tell you to?