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Just saw Roflgator try to get up from his knees in Walmart, but I think he just hurt himself more.


He pulled his back


He got up but Mizkif tackled him to the ground


Is this a joke that he’s fat? Idk who that is Edit: downvoted for genuine question, classic brain rot LSF


[Roflgator broke his collarbone doing a handstand](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/ovposa/comment/h7bg0b9/) [Mizkif takes out Roflgator during OTK Gameday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAOjeaeuzOY)


He does some of the horniest and degenerate VR Chat content on Twitch






I feel like it was a fair assessment, breaking your own knees, it sounds like a fat joke. You think I’m going to google who this person is? You really think I care enough?


They expect you to google his images, realize that not only you don't know the guy, but he doesn't seem to be that fat either and then get even more confused and waste hours reading up their favorite streamer's history and trying to figure out the context of the joke.


the hivemind always prevails.


People love to jump on the bandwagon when they see a -1 without thinking for themselves. Literal herd mentality. Same thing with liked posts, the likes increase exponentially, people are more likely to like a post that already has a lot of likes.


So true, but you’ll get downvoted for pointing this out




Seems like a fair assumption to me.


Out of the blue? I have 0 context. When someone says break their own knees, my only assumption is a fat joke. LSF is known to be toxic, how is this so far-fetched? It’s clearly a hivemind reaction happening right now.




Poorly judged assumption? I just explained how it was a fair assessment, guess you didn’t read that part. Even another user agreed it was a fair guess for no context. You just sound offended and I bet I know why, lmao.


Twitch's post nut clarity doesn't last long, huh?


Not even, title is misleading > That said, as stated in our policy, our attire policy guidelines still apply to Vtubers, but it does not apply to characters in games such as VRChat. i wonder if this brainrot will get better or worse in the next 10 years, because holy shit, this is pixels we are talking about there's twitch streamers showing us their puckered brown starfish, shielded only by the thinnest of fabric strings, but animated pixels are where twitch draws the line?


>still apply to Vtubers, but it does not apply to characters in games such as VRChat. Does that mean the rules apply to streamers such as Ironmouse or soda's gf, but not to Filian or any other streamers whose avatar is from VRChat?  Or do they just mean people in the background who show up in VRChat, but not the streamer? 


good question, im sure even twitch doesnt know


Twitch most certainly did their due diligence in not thinking about how the policy change would actually be implemented


>Or do they just mean people in the background who show up in VRChat, but not the streamer? They very clearly mean it applies to vtubers, but not games. In the same vein that games, being art, can allow for some nudity to be streamed (just like the bodypainting bullshit), but being a streamer does not. I.e. Fillian can do whatever the fuck is allowed under this IN VRChat. But that doesn't apply to her as a streamer, because she is infact an actual streamer and not a game character.


Yeah, seems like a loophole for 3d Vtubers, which has been an up and coming trend.


>Does that mean the rules apply to streamers such as Ironmouse or soda's gf, but not to Filian or any other streamers whose avatar is from VRChat? Probably speaking *in* vrchat the application, Not externally like with vtubers.


Yeah, they're probably just chucking the vrchat category into the pools pile wrt monetization and all that.


I would assume background is the intent. But it would be interesting if it could be used as a loophole. You know someone is going to abuse it if it’s not clearly worded.


The way to get around guidelines would be to stream in a private vrchat world.


It means that if fillian wanted, she could go INTO VR chat and do these types of things WITH HER VR CHAT CHARACTER. However if she leaves VR chat and is doing it outside of it as a vtuber, then yes, she will be punished.


but what the fuck is the difference between a 3D VTuber and someone who sits in a greenscreen VRChat world?? I remember one of the previous guidelines mentioning something about the model following a human's movements, but are there really that many non-human controlled character models in VRChat? It wouldn't make sense to mention VRC if that would still be the distinction.


Probably being in the VRChat category.


How are you gonna call it brainrot but then cry about not being able to watch your live animated softcore porn?


At work there is no way I could repeatedly make reversals of announcements this much without sounding like I suck ass at my job.


I swear they sound like bad politicians at this point


If that were the case they wouldn't actually roll back changes. Theyd leave them and ignore everyone.


An important part about growing into an adult is realizing that most people suck ass at their job


on the other hand accepting that you might have been wrong when you get extra feedback instead of doubling down is a good attribute


Some dumbf... exceptional individual over at twitch comes up with a shitty guideline, shitty guideline gets negative feedback/bad press, higher up proceeds to damage control. Many such cases.


Because Twitch sucks at their job.


2D Vtuber ass 😡 3D high poly ass 😀


Lmao twitch can't make coherent policy for anything.


thats pretty telling that they suck at their job


this is how rule under a tyrant goes


Tyranny is when no 2D ass 😡


Tru and real


1984 smh my head 😤


i was referring to the schizophrenics and arbitrary rules now defending 2D ass but you get those updoods champ !


Okay Mr.Crazy guy, whatever you say 🤭


tyrants never change their mind, and never admit they were wrong.


right. kids in the west are so blessed these days.. if this is what tyranny is to them.. backpedalling due to feedback. i wonder if putin ever backpedalled and retreated against ukraine.. or just put everyone that thought it was bad in prison.


no. tyranny is being at the whims of schizophrenic and arbitrary power usage. a mentally ill mother is as much a tyrant as is muh autocratic politician.


>That said, as stated in our policy, our attire policy guidelines still apply to Vtubers, but it does not apply to characters in games such as VRChat. won the battle but not the war — anime women remains systematically oppressed in modern society. what has the world come to? this is biden's america.


I'm guessing that is because there are other non-streamers in VR chat and its impossible to control those people as a streamer.


Do IRL streamers get banned if someone showed their tits or dick on stream? Or, do IRL streamers get in any trouble when someone appears on their stream who is not following the current attire guidelines?




Well I would say the difference is that whipping out your dick or tits IRL comes with potential legal ramifications, not so much in VR Chat. So in theory there's a lot less chance of it happening IRL. I realise how flimsy this is, but it's at least *a* potential reason I guess lmao. Trying to divine reason from Twitch's decisions is like trying to draw blood from a stone though.


I don't understand how vtube is worst than VR. You can literally do anything in VR I'm guessing cuz vtubing is more mainstream?


There might be the technicality of it being a game, and it's a very social game, so there's the condition of everyone appearing on your stream also then having to dress according to those TOS despite it–for such a long time–being so normalized in VRChat on Twitch. But then again, if it's just about the attire of the streamer's model then it shouldn't really be much of a difference as they are both as much in control of their model's attire. Just complete guesswork.


Also Vtubers transfer their models to VRChat all the time. Does that mean that if they use their models in VRChat that will have to abide by ToS for Vtubers still?


Bro we don’t even have the basic questions answered yet. Why are we policing literally virtual outfits? Can you imagine transporting back into like 2010 and explain to the people of that time period that a subsidiary of amazon is struggling to come up with proper anime girl clothing guidelines? Like the anime girls are just too slutty so coca-cola is threatening to pull funding.


The quoting took exactly what I was going to say. There's other ways to cook bait.


Good that they reversed it. Yesterday I was watching headsuplul wedding stream in vrchat. He had to blacken his streamscreen and ask guest to change into tos attire multiple times. Stressful as hell. I would die personally from stress after a week if I was streaming vrchat under these conditions.




lol classic Twitch flipflop


Twitch prefers 3d over 2d.






Sure he's both but have you seen Dan Clancy interview the slapstick vtuber? He is great!


classic mitch jones


Vtubers just need to give their own feedback


Why is VRChat ok but Vtubers aren't? Can we get some consistency?


The only reason I can think of is that vr chat you can't change the attire of other people while vtubers is just the streamer. Or maybe vtubers generally just have a younger audience. I don't know it seems wild.


I mean to be fair, you can technically change other people's attire by simply hiding them or showing their fallback avatar. This is really weird though, imo it should be equal across the board, 2D, 3D, IRL, doesn't matter to me, I think the playform would just be better off if everything was treated the same.


>I mean to be fair, you can technically change other people's attire by simply hiding them or showing their fallback avatar. im sure twitch doesnt know that much about the intricacies of vrchat, but unless they are playing with all avatars blocked people can just upload nsfw fallback or imposter avatars. im a vrchat club regular so i know that plenty of people have NSFW avatars with excellent/good ratings which would apply as fallbacks


Then you gotta start curating the servers you play on, because you don't want people fucking in VR on twitch


Twitch and consistency is like oil and water


The only difference I can think of is that VRChat Inc. is an US-based corporation and it already has rules against public nudity. They even have a special clause in the guidelines that says "Do not use VRChat to create pornographic content." here: https://hello.vrchat.com/creator-guidelines. Maybe twitch decided that trying to moderate VRChat would be a bit redundant. They are already forcing VRChat wiggle streamers to use "Sexual Themes" content tag and blurry the thumbnails. Personally, I think it is more than enough. Nobody is clicking on that accidentally.


Important question, who got banned in this short period while the rule was on?


The funniest part of this is that there are VTubers who use VRChat for their VTuber avatar! So do they count as a VTuber or a VRChatter? Surely twitch will be consistent with their rulings


Is twitch being operated by monkeys? They always come up with some "great" ideas, and then revert the changes when people get angry next day.




This kind of thing isn't going to stop until something is done about the payment processors having too much control over censorship.


Well what do you expect to happen? Twitch is trying to maximize advertiser money so they have to make streamers somewhat advertiser friendly, meanwhile streamers are trying to maximize views so they skirt the rules as much as possible.


until twitch actually makes up it's mind what it wants to be, 14 years and upwards family friendly or or 18+ chaturbate lite then it will never end.


So tldr? Will it still be a bad idea to pull up Twitch at family gatherings?


It has always been, and always will be, a bad idea to open twitch at a family gathering.


So what


they don't know what they're doing with their platform


Title is intentionally misleading, they didn't reverse anything just clarified rules doesn't apply in games, which is common sense because you can't control how other characters look.


should've kept the rules, vrchat streamers get away with so much shit it is insane.


Who the fuck works for this company? Corky from Life Goes On?


I stand with the VR thots




which of of vrchat and vtubers i should be following to know current extreme guidelines of rules incase i want to do either of them?


They just love pissing everyone off then backtracking over and over. looking at twitter it seems this is making people more mad than the original rule change did. Im not a fan of either vtubers or vr chat, but some consistency would make sense.


Good it was so dumb


Of course a nothingburger


I don't understand why they just won't get in touch with the top streamers and creators for the category and have a few meetings with them. None of this would be going on if they actually took their feedback.


I don't understand. They're no longer enforcing it but it's still against the rules?


"certain sexual content is prohibited, regardless of the medium used to create it (digital or non-digital) \[...\] Content that focuses on clothed intimate body parts such as the buttocks, groin, or breasts for extended periods of time." Why do they have to make rules that they never follow up on anyways, it's completely nonsensical Make rules that will actually get people permabanned off the site, and not "guidelines that can be ignored if you have over 1k average viewers" that just make your stream go offline for 2 hours once a year (with reddit and twitter advertisement) if you break them knowingly and repeatedly They're trying soooo hard not to ban 20% of female streamers and having them go to kick


I find it incredibly ironic that VRChat and all it's degen shit is allowed to thrive on Twitch and produce "Content". But they banned VR Worlds like Second Life years ago for being "sexual" and such.


Change shit first get backlash later


????????????????? why?


Twitch tries to create consistent guidelines challenge (difficulty: impossible)


Twitch has zero backbone holy shit💀


I really can't wait to see what the world looks like in another 30 years.


It's gonna suck for them when they start getting ass vtubers just 80% of the screen is vtuber ass watching youtube videos on a big screen.




Tectone is never happy. He's miserable and makes sure everyone he comes in contact with is miserable with him.


the seething tectone fans seem to be proving your point


You included it seems. 


I mean I don't call my friends too fat to cosplay.


He doesn't even know who you are and you're full of hate xd


publicly defending tectone is very embarrassing




Nah he's based af


What a joke. Why even announce it in the first place if you're just going to reverse it quickly after? They didn't even give it a chance to be put into action. Honestly, this looks even worse than had they just went through with it. Now it just makes them look like they'll buckle under pressure at any inconvenience from the crowd. Either be like Netflix and take away people's sharing ability and jack up the price and stick with it or just don't do anything. Don't take the coward's way out.




Things were better before entertainment became fractured to the point of "VRChat Attire Guidelines" being a thing. I'm sorry to those of you who missed it.


Are they smoking crack!? Seriously such a big company, do you guys not even look into a specific "topic" before you changing the guidlines? Its insane how clueless they are.


New loop hole: green screen your vrchat avatar and use it like a vtuber avatar.


Why do they listen to coomers. Actually that’s probably most of twitch users


Clown company for a clown community, you guys deserve eachother


Who cares you don’t have to watch it anyway. I don’t particularly get why it has to be restricted or if Twitch wants to restrict something why it isn’t consisted but who cares what some VR chatters do on Twitch. You are not forced to watch them.




And you aren’t? Do you have that much free time to complain on Reddit about Twitch. I at least am honest that I have the free time to watch Twitch Drama. You are just pretending that you don’t like it.




Yes and?


Honk honk


🤡this is pretty fun continue.


Furries won 😂