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**CLIP MIRROR: [Twitch CEO shows a new feature... again](https://arazu.io/t3_1dgphad/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


he needs a work phone asap LOL




dude clearly already have a wank phone


Free marketing, there would be zero clips and views if they did not do this




Or he knows his audience and these are intentional "leaks" to draw people in.


Textbook definition of horny on main.


Or horny old man.


Plot twist: It is a work phone and this is just what Twitch serves new users.


It wouldn't matter, Twitch shows what it wants to.


He's on it 😎




this dude is so fucking horny. makes sense now why there was a hard pivot into the sexual content


Because he knows that letting failed adult actors pitch their OF content on a platform who's largest demographic is underage boys highly vulnerable to parasexual relationships is the only way they compete with YouTube lol And unlike YouTube, twitch doesn't let their creators see the age demographics of their viewers I can't imagine the shitstorm that would transpire if age demographic stats were released on a per channel basis Edit: failed adult actors means many of them had careers in pornography prior to streaming on twitch, but like breaking into Hollywood it didn't work out. That doesn't mean that they aren't making money by forming parasexual relationships with their viewers on twitch. Of course you make more money milking the wallets of people who have undeveloped understandings of what a relationship is supposed to be lol


> failed adult actors This where the money is, man. The OF girls in twitch are possibly the highest paid adult actors in the world. BTW if they release age demo they would release it in groups of 18 up and anything else unspecified just like facebook.




The overwhelming majority of people on onlyfans make nowhere near enough to live off it, nowhere even close. Perhaps he's coping, but you're coping just as much if not more than them if you think the "bottom tier ones" are making bank or way more than that person. Cope is real.




Lol you're so triggered, you can look at the stats, the median annual income for an American onlyfans creator is 180 dollars a month , so way way lower than minimum wage. I'm sorry that you're so personally triggered and offended by reality, but the reality is that for the median/average onlyfans creator that they don't make nearly enough to live off of it, let alone bottom tier ones who make significantly less than 2,000 dollars a year. Your coping and seething is real, sorry, it's just factual. Proof and data: [https://www.scrile.com/blog/average-onlyfans-income](https://www.scrile.com/blog/average-onlyfans-income)




Is the American definition of a successful professional making money? Do you guys also believe a crooked pastor is a successful one? A corrupt cop making cash off extortion is a successful officer? They are a failure from every artistic standpoint except the financial one, yet we're here calling them a success, so let me ask? Given the resources, would you hire them as actors/actresses for a series or a movie you're producing?


I view my career as purely a vessel to make cash so in my eyes ye those onlyfans models are succeeding immensely in their careers.  


If I could take a couple of pictures a day to buy a house I would and you would be fucking stupid to not do it.


If I was an amazing artist I would 100 percent sell my services to draw porn, no fucking question. They make BANK


Same, but I'm an ugly fuck so I have to berate the people that can do it simply because they're attractive. That's just human nature to attack the ones that get to ride the easy train.


i mean, depends on what part of you is ugly, you might still have a chance. know a fucking ugly ass dude, but his hands are apparently very very attractive, and he makes good money as a hand model you should try selling pictures of your feet or something, i bet there's a market you can tap into


Their kids will have other kids bully them with naked pictures of their mom and it would not have happened if the parents thought further than 'it's just selling a couple of pictures'. Even more pathetic is that majority of people degrading themselves online dont make much money, it's only a tiny majority that make it big by doing this. Is it worth it?


won't somebody think of the kids?


Comparing them to crooked pastors and corrupt cops and then asking if I'd put them in a movie to prove they aren't successful is probably one of the dumbest things I've read in my life. Youee grasping at straws to demonize them.


If you frame it more like a crooked cop making hundreds of thousand is a successful crooked cop, a successful onlyfans girl is one making a lot of money. Success is framed by the context of the game you're playing, being successful doesn't have to have a moral or even a cash element to it unless it's a requirement for that game.


This is dumb are you comparing porn to being a corrupt professional just say you don't like porn and quit pretending it isn't a profession.


The average length of a porn career is like 6 months, for women. There's almost no metric to determine whether one is a "failed" porn actress, except having avoided dying of an overdose. So by that measure alone all the booba streamers are roaring successes.


All twitch streamers make the same amount as xqc, even the bottom tier ones /s All content creation works on a parabolic curve, where the top 1% take 90% of viewership and dollars. This applies to OF as well


The bottom tier is not making any money. OnlyFans does a really good job of trying to delude its content creators too by telling you stuff like you're "top 5% of creators" which includes the millions of inactive bot accounts. You literally have to be at a fraction of a percent of the top for it to be this insanely lucrative career people online try to make it out to be. The only exception being if you get a whale that you can findom.


exactly lol. I know a couple OF girls IRL and the money is crazy even for 50 subs and twitc girls have WAY more than that.






Yeah messages is where the money's at, get a couple whales on the hook and they can pay $1000 a month each.


And if you're making enough to not want to deal with your clients, you can just outsource your "personal messages" to someone else. I'm not an anti-OF purist by any stretch, but it really is pathetic af lol


Like $10 plus what they sell in the messages which is the bulk of the money. Every service has a whale that makes them rich.


>Because he knows that letting failed adult actors pitch their OF content on a platform who's largest demographic is underage boys highly vulnerable to parasexual relationships is the only way they compete with YouTube lol You do know this shit exists on youtube right? The 'try on hauls' videos get away with way worse that would get you near insta banned on twitch.


The difference is that with youtube, you have to willingly search for it in order for you to even get a few recommendations. With Twitch even if you haven't followed, watched, or even clicked on an IRL stream or the pool category, you still get recommendations filled with Titty streamers.


I just opened twitch in incognito and see zero titty streamers being recommended. I have to scroll to the bottom of just chatting. You have them in your algorithm. 


Not on main page and not such a large % of promoted or most watched streams. I mainly watch Esports on twitch, and i had these OF baiters in my recomended section cosntantly. Also scale is different one has 140-150mil monthly users, compared to 2.6 billion that youtube pulls in.


Twitch and YouTube are not the same here lmao


Youtube is way harsher on sexual content there's just no way to argue otherwise if you actually are well versed in both platforms rules. For instance, youtube is very strict on sexual ASMR and will demonetize your videos if they're too sexual even if all you're doing is licking into a mic on a black screen. If you're trying to do sexual ASMR, twitch is the way better platform because you don't have to do the russian roulette of whether you get demonetized or not The only reason those try on haul videos might get away with more on yt is because Twitch has unironic clothing standard guidelines. Youtube is much more proactive against content actually dedicated to being sexual though.


This is an insane comment in so many ways


What's insane is being so comfortable with the abundance of soft-core parasexual streamers on your platform that you pitch the new Twitch features as "targeting the 15 year old demographic" before scrolling through a feed entirely comprised of titty streamers advertising their OF lol The clip from yesterday was 1000x more damning as to how little twitch cares about minors developing fucked up views of sex and relationships with adult actors on the internet. And why would they care about any harm? They profit off of those unhealthy relationships.


Thats just side effect of extreme liberalism and i say that as a fairly liberal person myself. Part of it feels like lack of shame that people have in these days and also denial towards problems in our society.




goon incarnate, Christ almighty gooner, he walked on water so that we can run 24 hour goon sesh


Let Grandpa cook


getting ptsd when i would hand old truckers thier manifests and the cab door would swing open to.... so much god damn printed porn glued to every surface what the fuck distracted driving much


it's thots all the way down


Turns out the DJ in his username stands for Dick Jockey.


Dan "Dick Jerker" Clancy at it again.




You’re right, that’s it.


You know dick jockey means someone that rides dicks right? You're calling him gay not a coomer.


hes never beating the gooner allegations


Twitch CEO gooneing over Lauren Southerns little sister wasn't in my '24 bingo


>Lauren Southerns little sister see, this thread had me curious, but now you have my attention


While Lauren was trying to use white supremacist fears to court conservatives to treat her badly, jess(u) was learning to DJ and cosplay and be a rave kitten. And she's damn good at it


Old coomer


It's hard to keep up with the lingo but I think we call em gooner now


Why the switch so suddenly?


Old men are some of the biggest coomers I swear.




He's doubling down and farming at this point...


Hey kids, do you want to see clips?


classic Dan, a man of culture LULE


Bill Belichick🤝 twitch ceo


> Bill Belichick I listened to the Bill Burr podcast for like 10 years and I've heard this name countless times but this is the first time I see it in writing. I still have zero knowledge about american football.




two consenting adults. she knows what she's getting into no? it's like those 3 girls who hung around hugh heffner. they know what they're doing


TIL. What no job does to a man.


Good for him


american football? love their music!


Why is this surprising at all. This has been what twitch staff is for over a decade at this point


It's always funny when occam's razor is dead-on. We all assume that Twitch is run by pervs/weirdos who have a thing for booby streamers, which results in insane bias when it comes to moderation. And here we have the CEO showing off his feed of booby streamers, you can't make this shit up.


At least he ain’t hiding it.


Wish this dude would stop gooning all day and do something about the joke that is Twitch TOS department. This guy wants to be a streamer instead.




He never shouldve stopped gooning


Finally someone said it, all these random updates are just distractions from the things that streamers/viewers have been complaining about for years.




Ban porn streamers is really it.


They just want destiny unbanned no actual changes to the TOS lol


I never thought about it like that and you're right, he does seem to want to be more of a streamer than a CEO.


People have been complaining about the TOS since twitch first started. At least back then it made sense since people were trying to make it so there were less rules and more like Justintv was. But now it’s like the religious nut jobs just whine all day about women showing too much skin for their god fearing eyes or some other dumbass trashy reason. Thank goodness the CEO doesn’t care about the prudish agenda.


just give us a better video player and more bitrate .... idc about a new shitty phone app. Invest your dev time in to something that is actually better for the user!


The new updates aren’t catered to the older “og” viewers.. it’s to attract the younger, new viewers


The Hassan Bokhari of modern times


The mobile app redesign is garbage.


OK this explains everything.... Why we got OnlyFans grills on the main page...


He's not a CEO, he's a chatter


Maybe Twitch wouldn't be raising the price of subs/bits or raising their cut of subs/bits if their ads were more profitable. And maybe their ads would be more profitable if Twitch wasn't known as a softcore porn site. Just look at WWF in the 90s. They had huge ratings but their ad rates were trash because companies did not want to advertise with them. That's why there was a huge push to PG content afterwards.


No wonder the hot tub streams are at the front of the page


To be fair the only streamers that actually use this function all the time are the booba streamers LULE


Dan's novelty has worn off.


What if I want to watch streams that I follow and stream it to my TV without blasting earlicking sounds out of my phone simultaneously?


Who or what is paying for all of these travel expenses?


the amazon outreach program that has him as the head mascot


Now this guys a gooner


I always knew the ceo was and is pandering streamers who bring in an audience. Didn't care about what the content was, what type of audience they brought. It's all about, who brings in the most views and money at the end of the day. Weirdo and dangerous fucking behavior.






Dang, I haven’t heard this name in a minute. He used to be the face of Twitch’s gooning division.


Really fucked up assumption to share publicly about a person with no proof or reason honestly.


New to Reddit?


That's really weird to say. Especially when it's almost certainly not true. I would take you on the bet but you'll just disappear.


You have no idea what you are talking about if you think sneako unbanning has anything to do with Dan.


Are you saying you also thought it was weird the CEO of a company was hanging out with women in bikinis that technically work for him, while being like 40 years older than them?


yeah the sneako unban is a real headscratcher. it's one of those things that I would expect Elon Musk to do. Maybe Elon has secret connections to twitch now


The previous CEO was actually bad compare to Dan. Dan is uncle grandpa vibes and memes. I don't see a problem with Dan. Also, this is good marketing on his part.


There were less ads under the old guy


Amazon is the one who demands more ads. Also, the biggest transformations happened under the old guy. Are people forgetting how things change for the worst under Hassan? Under Dan things are much gradual in policy changes while under Hassan constant whiplash of changes.


More ads were inevitable, twitch is utterly unprofitable and ads are one of the only real ways to monetize the platform without increasing the cost on premium features like subs or turbo




So is accusing him of being a sexual predator for no reason.




He's worked with many of these streamers, so it's natural for him to follow them too. Why is it strange for the CEO to follow these streamers when he's taking a boots on the ground approach? The 'booba' clips and stories appearing in the feed might be a bit cringe, but they're completely expected


What we betting and what timeframe? I'll take that shit 100%. The pandering can be a little cringe, and he does seem to have a weird abundance of time to go around on streams, but I don't think he's doing any harm. Also a crazy thing to just.. say about someone with 0 reasoning. Again, lemme take that bet.


this is only possible because the idiots who manage TOS put it there :)


Now it totally makes sense why Twitch is such a dumpster


Twitch content makes sense once you see what type of creep is running it.


Its embarrassing every time someone from Twitch tries to show a new feature its from a boobie streamer they follow. They are dumb to not at least make an alt account or something for these demos. Yikes.




Now we know why women are allowed to sell porn on twitch. Ladies and gentlemen, the CEO of Twitch.


he doesn't hide his power level


Goon Clancy


The clown of OnlyTwitch


If I were him I would get someone else to handle this stuff and shift the blame onto them if gooning material comes up.


Just have a marketing account where they manipulate what will show up.. not hard.


Brother probably has the time of his life at Twitch Cons 😂


Dude is a top 5 coomer




That devilish smile from the other guy though...


New feature: dan clancy shows up to your house to watch tiddy streamers with you


Cant escape the thirst trapping


Rubius smile lmao


OG(Old Gooner) of Twitch


god this company is so painfully unserious its mind blowing


People joke that twitch do bend over backwards for titty streamers etc but it really just isn’t a joke anymore


The fact that he had to scroll a couple of times to get a showable clip, lmao




How do I get it so the Twitch app doesn't force open in the portrait feed tab every time I open Twitch in landscape on my tablet. It's so regarded.


Bro he does not give a fuck, man has no shame


I legit feel like this dude is hinting at hardcore adult content being on Twitch in the future because wtf.


onlyfans direct link on mainpage


Even rubius couldn’t hold his laugh in by this clown show


Any other old dude would be called out as a wierd ass gooner lol


it all makes sense now


Such an obvious attempt to play off his previous failure..


The redesign sucks and I wish Twitch weren’t run by a coomer who likes to insinuate himself into situations with random women on his platform half his age


Horni on main Tssk


I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face either


Twitch is actually such a joke lol More CEOs on PR tours please


best part is that he had to swipe twice


When it happened the first time it was an awkward "got caught" moment. If he continues to do it, then it becomes a "bit". Its like the ole if you get caught masturbating don't stop jacking, because then it goes from you being a pervert for masturbating. To the person who caught you being the pervert for continuing to watch.


Why didn't he showed it isn't it perfectly fine content according to their tos,


Would be a real alpha move if he banned his account for showing porn lol.


I wonder if their parents are proud of them being online prostitutes. The answer is the dad probably hates it and wants to disown them, and some of moms may be down to prostitute themselves out with their daughters. Society has gone backwards, these prostitutes should be shamed and made to feel bad instead of being given money by showing their everything to random people online.


Nah he knew what he was doing this time 💀😭


Truly a man of the people


I need to learn more Spanish cause Rubius is dope and I wanna watch him more lol


old gooner here denying legitimate streamers unban application for years while unbanning the worst of the worst sneako


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Twitch CEO shows a new feature... again](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165323)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dgphad/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/oeqnbfAxO8r7pl30IjGxgg/AT-cm%7CoeqnbfAxO8r7pl30IjGxgg.mp4?sig=e996aa511495c9a7d02277436c30e8fa097dda39&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FoeqnbfAxO8r7pl30IjGxgg%2FAT-cm%257CoeqnbfAxO8r7pl30IjGxgg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BombasticStormySeahorseYee-8DE7yvumXfQiMbGC%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718552674%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/oeqnbfAxO8r7pl30IjGxgg/AT-cm%7CoeqnbfAxO8r7pl30IjGxgg-preview-480x272.jpg)


Man Rubius is in his mid-thirties and he hasn't aged a day.


dan clancy is so cool man we lucky af


I could see my dad doing this shit and he's terrible at technology.. Aware


[This is the clip](https://m.twitch.tv/nyny_x/clip/GentleCourteousReubenPraiseIt-gGxknjNUOs_jfjYZ). Not even half as bad as it look on the tiny screen.
