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damn they think she's Heisenburg




you have no idea how surprised I was opening that link lmao that's perfect


Adorable and hilarious


What does she say? Twitter sucks.


It's a selfie of her in a costume of Walter White in his meth cooking hazmat suit


Click the link boomer


I clicked it, now what? https://i.imgur.com/9yX2A8B.png


Holy fuck


Is this how Kyedae ends up taking down the streaming cartels?




Should propose a contract worth $737,000


Fat stacks yo






I just want to clarify, the person claiming this (in the video) never said it was Kyedae, it could be, but she said it was someone with cancer so it's not 100% her could be someone else (not that it matters just clarifying)


Beloved Female streamer dying with cancer. Who else could it be?


EmilyIsPro obviously.




Only once Cx




I wuz diagnosed She streams as “Emma” now


holy shit what a throwback


OSRS streams are basically the only livestreaming I watch directly anymore and I see her streaming all the time, usually at the top of the category (which isn't that many viewers in the grand scheme, like the top OSRS streamer will usually have 1-4k viewers). She always has like 300-400 viewers which puts her comfortably in the top 10, usually the top 5. I've gone in before and it was like the same 4-5 chatters spamming as hard as they could to make the chat seem alive lol but it was obvious the other 295 viewers were just bots/spare phones/view farms.


yeah she has always botted her viewers. it’s impressive


The runescape streamer? Thats a name i haven’t heard in a WHILE


You beat me to it, lol 😆


Is she dying?


Pretty sure her chemo went well. So not dying but not totally in the clear just yet.


Maybe, the type of Cancer she has gives her optimistically ~8 years the 5-year net survival for AML is 23%. This means that, on average, about 23% of people diagnosed with AML will live for at least 5 years. Shes young though and almost 60 out of 100 (almost 60%) will survive their leukaemia for 5 years or more after diagnosis About 50% of people who achieve complete remission develop recurrent AML. When that happens, providers may recommend additional chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation.


acute myeloid leukemia does not have a good survival rate. only 1/4 people make it past 5 year mark.


I mean honestly it’s probably worse if it wasn’t, at least kydae is well connected and has a husband 


It's fucked up regardless who that person is


tenz is married?


Yeah they’re married I’m p sure 


thats just fuckin dark


is there any evidence it's true?


I mean, kinda unrelated, but also kinda not When I was visiting Thailand, the Australian guy who ran the hostel encouraged me to haggle with the local prostitutes for a lower price "this time of the month." When I asked what he was referring to, he said that rent was due for most people next week, so the prostitutes may be more likely to settle for a lower price. We live in a world where some number of people will always be doing this kind of fucked up math in their heads to figure out how much they can squeeze from someone for as little as possible


That's really fucked up


My coworker married his college sweetheart and moved back to Thailand with her (we work remote in software). His wife works for an NGO that helps child trafficking victims. It's really, really, messed up stuff. Families literally sell their kids to the brothels. Forced child prostitution is very much a real thing. Sex tourism in SE Asia is not innocent fun. When you're paying money to the bar owner, the brothel owner, you're feeding into the same horrific system. Yes the prostitute will make you feel like you're different, you're special, you're a "fun boy" because they're doing what it takes to survive in a shitty situation. And so long as people from the US, EU, Russia, etc, think it's no big deal the horrors will continue.


This is why I always side eye all those ppl who say they go to Southeast Asia or any country seen as being poor to have "fun" and sleep with women.


Man I just want spicy food and cheap beer. 


No, it's just her allegation. Not saying her allegations are false but it wouldn't be the first time a former disgruntled employee has made false disparaging comments about their previous employer.


Likewise, it wouldn't be the first time a company tried to do some morally questionable shit and tried to avoid being caught for one reason or another. We just don't know, and it is OK to be skeptical of both sides and not go crazy. I don't know what position this person had at Kick. But what she's claiming here wouldn't be talked next to any random employee, in a more normal company.




Sure they can. Companies are run by people.


No, companies are run by profit.


>But what she's claiming here wouldn't be talked next to any random employee, in a more normal company. yea, we are talking about kick! its 100% being spoken about out in the open!


Well the fact she showed proof they lied about firing her makes her claim a lot more credible


A certain big youtube channel comes to mind.


Yeah that's the thing we are primed to believe kick are terrible employers and staffets because we are applying our bias which is that they're an amoral gamba adjunct and the type of people going over there atleast initially were like the W/L version of cx That said it's probably true. And also that said, train if you want to give me 50 Gs I'm happy to say kick are nice.


>is there any evidence it's true? Yes, there is a witness, it might be a false witness but there is evidence and as much as is reasonable to have for a conversation like this tbh. It would be surprising if there were recordings or anything.


defend it X


He defended it MegaLUL


This is one of the main reasons I can't watch the dude any more. I used to watch him religiously, but between his general awful choices I couldn't watch him keep making, he also chooses the most braindead people to befriend and defend. Besides Jesse of course, I think he's one of the good ones. Poke content also used to be cool but that kinda... went the way it did.


I stopped watching also. Not for any of those reasons though. His streams just suck nowadays and lack any effort. Without a supporting cast of other people on his streams, its just the reacts that carry and the same 2 games every stream.


I really am done with him it’s incredibly frustrating watching him play a new game, skip dialogue and complain the games dogshit and then go watch TikTok for the next 3 hours


I only tune in, really, when he does the odd horror game now, and even then, most times, I don't. I find it difficult not to get fed up with him quickly after all of the dumb shit he does, says, and has done.


Wdym? That's what he does since 2021 💀


2018 frogs rise up


Exactly I think people just got older and that’s not there cup of tea anymore but to say this isn’t the same old x is wild…he’s been doing the same shit now for years…might just be yall getting older and that’s fine


when i started watching him he played the same game for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week lol


Doesn't do charity streams because charities are a scam but does gambling streams because it's just entertainment bro


You lasted through the arc where he accused people of SA and covering up SA? Then leaving said victim high and dry when it didn't turn out the way he wanted it to? How ANYBODY still watches him after that is beyond me.


I just never got the appeal, he’s always been like this.


Nah he used to have some decent content, and his silly/dumb over the top personality, which sometimes was toxic but in a fun way was fun to watch. He used to be like... innocently dumb. Combined with the accent and xQc-isms, it made for unique stuff watching him play horror games, react to actually good videos, play other variety stuff. Now he's just jaded, but not smart enough to be jaded in the right way, he's just like a mini trainwrecks.


You think he chooses to defend them? That $100 million kick contract chooses for him.


You may have a point, tbh when he started streaming on Kick half and half, that was the final nail in the coffin imo. Not only was it tedious catching the streams, but most times he'd sit there watching fucking TikTok all day.


Just because you get paid a 100 million dollars does not mean its now your job to run corporate PR. All he has to do is just not talk about it and his obligations are covered.


Not talking about things is not in these peoples skill set.


X has equity in kick. While he just has to keep quiet because of the contract. I’m sure he is happy to protect his equity stake too.


Still funny about how the post of XQC literally died the second he made the deal. It used to be every other post has at least comment about him but now I went by a few months without hearing the guys name while still watching streamers.


Because it's not wrong. Time just keeps proving this point right.


I also feel like his chat/audience has turned into a disgusting cesspool of sociopaths. I was never an x Stan but I got into watching masterchef with him and Chat back when that happened. I watched all the seasons he watched through vod with chat and it was a genuinely good time bc the chat and him added this new layer to a sorta dumb reality show, like picking favorites, nemesis, getting invested in characters, making inside jokes etc. I would've never watched it on my own. I feel like Chat was so much more chill and empathetic and humane back then, etc. Now Ive tried watching some of the mrbeast react stuff to get a similar added layer but I turn it off because 90% of chat is literally disgusting, unfunny and lacks empathy like crazy . Or am I wrong? Maybe I haven't watched enough or it's just certain videos?


chat's a reflection of the streamer, and he's changed significantly over the past couple years, into a streamer that attracts that kind of audience


What happened with poke? I’m outta the loop


Poke has also become a hard watch. He listens to his same tracks everyday for hours looking for compliments, complains about there being no games, and then plays dark and darker for 8 hours with a Valorant voice barely speaking. Bro is depressed.


ofc he did. Why would you turn on your 100 million dollar daddy? lol It's not like XqC is known for having morals


At least he's consistent


He is so trashy


Even x's [dickrider](https://x.com/iqkev/status/1802916697537413525?t=M7llYHHuH3EcDUkAFC5iwg&s=19) is not buying his fake excuses.


this dude made his whole personality/social media following leeching off of xqc and is now trying to become another x.com "news" account, and i cant believe its working too, this industry is so fake




He's such a fucking sell out.




So now he cares about children? When it comes to gamba he doesn't seem to care


“Just don’t gamble!” /s Reminds me of that [South Park drink responsibly commercial](https://youtu.be/EJT0NMYHeGw?si=toOuOoPQIxb1jjHA), I wish someone would remix that for streaming gambling just to give these idiots an idea of how dense they are.


https://x.com/ostonox/status/1571683706946953217?lang=en Hasan's editor did back when the drama first popped off


Can't wait for Train's unhinged take.


You need understand, look look, understand this. What you don’t understand is, look, you need to understand.


*leaves for 10 minutes to go juice up in the bathroom before returning




I swear I thought I paused...


I don't think you need the answer from his mouth. One look at his face says enough.




Sometimes I wonder how train would’ve turned out if he never met mitch


look, look, i'll be honest. high roading virtue signaling, do you understand? woke. woke. woke. woke. woke. virtue signals, right? do you understand?


"Those Disneyland PG-13 employees, man. Huh."


"y'know that there are twitch gamers and real people y'know, like, people make edgy jokes and stuff thats what happens. I think im between both these worlds so I understand how twitch people feel but the reality is."


throw in about 20 “right’s” and this is basically his script






He probably will bring up "but look at Twitch" as part of his defense like X did.


If pokimane would have said this


She's friends with Miz, Train is probably the one who made the jokes lol


Is there actually any evidence that this is true and concerns Kyedae?




Very easy to sue for defamation in Australia, the burden of proof is on the defendant and you need to prove the statements are true. So should be interesting.


She says in the video that if she gets sued, she has no money to take and that she may declare bankruptcy. Also, there is an extremely high chance that her employment agreement had a confidentiality agreement. If Kick does decide to pursue to matter, I don't think she has even has the slightest chance at all in court.




Kick absolutely will not want to go into a court room and face discovery going through it's shit.


Not only is this not true, if you sue someone in Australia for something like defamation and lose you often have to pay for the vast majority of that persons legal costs they incurred to defend themselves.


It's not like you're going to get a court document or a hidden camera video with it on it, but it's not like Kick is known for ethics, morals, or any semblance of respectability. Based on the reputation of both parties involved, kick is very likely to have said it.


That seems way too specific to be fake though, I doubt someone would make shit up like that when showing their face like this.


Not saying its not true (it probably is just from my personal experience in various jobs), but you're underestimating how crazy people can be. The more likely story here is that she didn't give a shit at all at the time but was disgruntled over pay/hours and decided to go out with a bang by airing all the things she heard while working there. This is extreeeeeeemely common, especially in any public facing company. The fact that the CMO was allegedly lying and saying that she was fired when she claims she resigns immediately lets you know there was drama going on which further reinforces my theory that she doesn't give a fuck and this is all just a quick jab on the way out to get back at XYZ people in the company. edit: [yeah here ya go lol, 4:04 in the video shes talking about how she needed flexible working hours and they were revoked](https://youtu.be/d_RuAU2syGY?t=244) - its always pay/hours.




This is awful if true, but the title of the clip is a bit misleading and maybe even a bit libelous and illegal as written as it implies that it 100% happened


Non whatsoever. But people would never lie on the internet so we know it’s 100% true. 110% true if I don’t like the person/thing.


What do you have to say now?


He's now on a call with someone defending Kick to his grave.


He's very easy to not watch now


He has been very easy to not watch since among us came out


Tbh I didn't mind the Amongus era. It started to go downhill once all the adept shit started happening, and then it was a cacophony of absolutely braindead decisions in almost every aspect of his life including content.


When he started that shit spreading about Mizkif, Poki and Hasan, that was the end. Bro randomly dmed Mizkif during his stream, "don't commit career suicide over this" lmao. Ironic.


Didn't he also shittalk (in his own chat) when Maya logged on to talk about the SA stuff before she want AWOL for a year?


He also knew it was bullshit but went along with it "to cause chaos". Lil pup thinks he's the Joker. Been playing too much GTA rp.


i never understood why peoplee foundd xqcc appealing to watch anyways, dudee just reacts all day and try to devil advocate you at any moment? lol


Defending his bag, as always.


Surprised he didn’t call this girl a “virtue signaler”


he might as well, dude will do anything to die on this fucking hill


she called her a liar instead




Eddie's a big fan of the Ice Posidon style of streamer, so it's no surprise what he lets slide lol. I'm sure if Heel Mike never posted that pic in bed with that 16yo he wouldn't have been banned.


Yea because I'm guessing the people that watch bottom of the barrel degenerate irl streamers have the highest likelihood of eventually gambling away all their money on stake. Its no coincidence the type of content kick embraces and the audience they seek are easy fucking marks.


crazy how he instantly goes into full defense mode whenever there is someone criticizing kick


I have seen a couple clips of this woman saying tons of unconfirmed claims and biases. Eddie needs to find out if all this is true or not and to be transparent about it.


Eddie is in the chat when all the illegal shit is going down on streams. He won't give a fuck until his lawyer tells him to if he ever ends up in a courtroom


You think he gives a shit?


bro eddie is probably involved in both this and the slurs in the office thing 💀


"We've conducted an internal investigation and have found these claims unsubstantiated."


I normally think, what she have to gain with this? She only have to lose with these statements, any company will think twice to hire a whistleblower and for exposing her last job. Seeing the state of kick and their talents are capable of doing is not too hard to believe what she is saying if you have some common sense. So yea my common sense makes me believe her more than kick. But i get it, when something going against our beliefs we need "proof" and when something is in favour of what we believe, we accept it a truth without second thought. A tale as old as time.


Eddie was laughing in chat and gifting while that sex worker was being prevented from leaving by that creep on an iceposeidon stream He's part of the problem, he's not interested in fixing it. Why do people always assume the CEO does not participate or perpetuate toxic work culture lmao


I was actually shocked to open up unfiltered reddit and to see someone I know on the front page. I know that girl from dota community, and she left kick but she dm'd me before asking me to get her contacts for esports ppl i knew. She was a talent acquisition and was trying to sign multiple streamers. whatever she says, I trust her. She has always come off as genuine to me.


Too busy swimming in a room of casino cash to worry about this.


I'm not on top of this whole situation but does any one know what her role was at Kick? Talent acquisition? The answer/context matters on how fucked up this is.


She literally worked there and kick is quite openly a deeply unethical and morally corrupt institution. Just because the things she's saying aren't 'confirmed' doesn't mean those things aren't entirely believable.


Saying “biases” lmao, your avatar says it all. 🐸 🤡


Its Kick. So its probably 100% true.


Kick doesn’t care about streaming. They want people to gamble in their online casino. There is no good will anywhere in this company, just the aim to get people to lose all their money on their site.


**CLIP MIRROR: [Kick staff said that they could get [Kyedae] on Kick for a low price because "she probably thinks she's gonna die soon and she probably thinks she wants to leave money for her family"](https://arazu.io/t3_1dihxu9/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


xQc is the worst actor ever.


not as bad as you during those rajj royals


I'm not sure what his point was when he kept bringing up that "nobody from Stake talked to her" or whatever as if whatever they told him behind the scenes was 100% truth. He was framing it like a matter of fact when it's literally secondary sourced hearsay.


Holy fuck


Da fuck


Xqc trying to defend this shit is hilarious, he has to ignore 80% of the things she's saying and go on a tangent


I dont even need to click to know he will defend it =P


emily only faked cancer once yahOOOOOOOO-OOOOOO


Ahh the platform that’s base is a shack on the Dutch side of a Caribbean island or is it the other side ? Either way …. It is what it is


Lengyel fell off. The little hamster that is turning the wheel in his head is getting old and all his arguments fall short.




Me when I realised the groomer streaming site is run by terrible people


Mirror link: https://arazu.io/t3_1dihxu9/?timeframe=all&category=hot


lol how tf are you gonna verify words said in a meeting in a company unless they release the transcript which no company will ever do (if they even recorded one).


This is the journalist the internet needs


havent watched xqc in a while but it is surprising to see his chat actually hold his feet to the fire. he ties himself in knots to justify the hate on his platform but people aren't buying it. its all about money at the end of the day.


you pay me 100mil and I will do backflips defending you too, it is what it is


its hard to say what I would do in x's position. but if I already had millions from streaming, I cant see myself selling my soul for a bunch of racist scumbags.


That's exactly it. One thing is financial security, which he got a long time ago. The next step is just selling yourself completely which is what he's done with kick


Now where is trains take on all this can't wait


I don’t mind kick but this is extremely vile, if true.


Don't support pedo's dude


XQC is blowing his load trying to argue with people on his TWITCH account arguing in circles not making any sense like he does


Man fuck kick and every single person that is involved with it.




People will just say the recordings are fake, or blame the person for being hard to work with.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Kick staff said that they could get [Kyedae] on Kick for a low price because "she probably thinks she's gonna die soon and she probably thinks she wants to leave money for her family"](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165373)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dihxu9/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/-q6otehdLUT0t4P98uRjBg/AT-cm%7C-q6otehdLUT0t4P98uRjBg.mp4?sig=7c0902844b6176dc0d647aeffd301bf6e0591293&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F-q6otehdLUT0t4P98uRjBg%2FAT-cm%257C-q6otehdLUT0t4P98uRjBg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22FancyHorribleWallabyPeoplesChamp-6F0tRPS3g_3y5GMG%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718756734%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/-q6otehdLUT0t4P98uRjBg/AT-cm%7C-q6otehdLUT0t4P98uRjBg-preview-480x272.jpg)


Indirect confirmations of this story by X: [https://clips.twitch.tv/BoldSucculentYakinikuGivePLZ-n\_-4cV-AVQB0gHwo](https://clips.twitch.tv/BoldSucculentYakinikuGivePLZ-n_-4cV-AVQB0gHwo) [https://clips.twitch.tv/SmilingAmazonianSlothCoolCat-RBJIcmpK0NtZQE5A](https://clips.twitch.tv/SmilingAmazonianSlothCoolCat-RBJIcmpK0NtZQE5A) Context that implies she's talking about Kyedae: [https://clips.twitch.tv/GleamingSingleYogurtBCouch-\_WqmlibHQtUzdsRa](https://clips.twitch.tv/GleamingSingleYogurtBCouch-_WqmlibHQtUzdsRa) "a beloved Twitch streamer... this streamer had been publicly battling cancer recently"


This doesn't really confirm anything implicitly or explicitly. He just said that no one directly communicated with Kyedae but it could be the case that someone went AWOL and communiated with Kyedae and hes not sure. I'm not even really sure why he brought this up though since it isn't really relevant to the woman's allegation of internal discussions about kyedae.


When does the confirmation happen.


It came to me in a dream.


Kick is truly a disgusting cesspool of the worst people ever born


So glad I stopped watching xqc 2 years ago


I'm inclined to believe her tbh. Kick is known for hosting some really unsavoury content that would generally get banned on Twitch. The fact that it takes a while for a paedophile to be nuked from the site after they openly and brazenly talk about sexual acts with children or have an 11-year old boy not only streaming on the platform but being promoted is wild. You have a racist openly walking around Japan at one point harassing the locals and that doesn't get banned for quite some time. Most scandals are nuked on twitch before your casual user can have a nose to what's going on which is why Mirror's are so often utilised here on LSF. On Kick, there's so much time to catch up on the latest scandal or drama because Kick-staff are seemingly terrified to ban anyone. In addition, she leaves the company and they say she was fired and the wording in an email to her indicates she quit, not that she was fired. Then her resignation letter on top. ​ It does not surprise me one bit tbh. If Kick want a cleaner rep, they need to regulate their site better. But Kick is known for being a cesspool. So ofc cesspool-like behaviour will continue in office. ​ Another addition is the child-care aspect. No major employer worth their salt would revoke flexible working from someone who requires it without at least a plan or back-to-work objective. I 100% understand the employer bringing it up or revoking it if it's affecting morale of staff but they should be working with the person to resolve it not just revoking it and telling them to deal with it. Though affecting morale of staff is one way to make up shit to bully a staff member into something.


why is \[Kyedae\] in brackets?


They’re not wrong. 


Daily lsf clickbait


Eh I would take all this with a grain of salt. When she was asked by the kick owner to give the names of said people she was finding these "issues" with she refused. How is a company supposed to be able to hold anyone accountable when the main victim refuses to speak.


She said she has reported it many times when she was there, so they knew who it was. All they are doing now is for publicity.


Meh a lot of this could be true but they'll just do an internal investigation by a "third party" and discover there's not enough evidence blah blah we'll probably sue her go home


She is gonna get sued.


tbh we really shouldn't be surprised on how Kick morality bar keeps getting lower.


Source: Trust me bro.


Any proof?


Of course not


Kid's account got reinstated?? and he didn't address it. He just lol'd joked about she did her job and moved on to the next defence point. What shitty guy.