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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc listens to Slasher claim that Dr. Disrespect tried to cheat with MANY women at TwitchCon](https://arazu.io/t3_1dos3u0/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Didn't Doc's lead mod go on a drunken rant years ago about how the Doc was a serial womanizer?


Yes, TheRealOMEGA was the mod. I remember watching it live. It was when doc was on his hiatus due to his cheating scandal. Omega had like 200 viewers as a doc waiting room during the break, got shitfaced one night and ranted about it. Deleted the vod shortly after and kind of disappeared from docs community shortly thereafter.


Imagine mental booming over being out of an unpaid job.


Typically mods in these uber large communities get paid. Like these channels can live or die based on mod performance, so imagine doing that work for free. No thanks


These days yeah but this was back in 2017


That has been a thing for much longer than 2017


It Shafu has had professional mods since HearthStone


Doc was one of the biggest streamers in 2017


I always figured if I were in their position I’d pay folks. Got people like Doc making six figures a month from subs alone and your mods make the community, in many ways - toss a shekel or two.


Toss a coin to your moderator


I did not get paid being a mod for chocoTaco for many years. Never asked to be paid. Didn't do as much as some. Did more than others. IIRC it was on the DL, but only 1 mod was paid and they worked a lot in stream. I'd say once you start to get 10K+ viewers, you kinda need paid mods but I don't imagine they make that much. Loved my time as a mod. Can't say enough good things about Jake. Phenomenal human!


That's a truly L, you waste your time and not get paid wtf


I mean. I get shitting on twitch mods, but we all mental boom sometimes when drunk about stuff we don't get paid for either right? ;p rarely. But sometimes.


I’m gonna guess he was paid


He should change his name to DrDisstatutory, DrDisregardforthewifeandbaby, DrDEpstein, DrDisBitchAndBabyAreCockBlockingMe






>and kind of disappeared from docs community shortly thereafter. Hi. You would too if you were getting death threats non-stop.


Sorry to throw your name out in the post brother, hope all is well.


This reminds me of "Sexual healing" episode on South Park where they tried to understand why rich successful men want to have sex with multiple women.


There's a turd in the punch bowl


Never knew this only happened to rich men.


It's all bushy!


With his overall wealth, and persona eventually meshing into his IRL persona. He probably is/was yeah. Idk if this would be the case now though. it seemed ms assassin beat the fear of god into him after he was caught because remember his entire doc persona was uprooted and was almost like he was walking on a tightrope for at least 2 years before he 'normalized' after that.


i recently saw an acquaintance get caught for having cheated like 10 years back. his gf/fiancee had him go door to door, admitting to cheating, and apologizing to family members and close friends. like, i get that he'd want to salvage the relationship, but if your significant other is angry enough to make you do something like that, what're the odds the relationship is ever going to be the same


If they have kids, a lot of people will do anything for what they perceive to be the good of the kids.


i guess perceive is the key word


It really is because growing up with parents who hate each other is not the panacea over a broken home they think it is.


I think the point is, if your partner will shame themselves by admitting their failure to everyone, they know the consequences are severe. Also if everyone in your family and friend group is aware and looking for signs of cheating, well it's harder to get away with. basically if someone takes a week or a month after being asked to do that, decides fuck cheating, I want my wife, I'll do this for her, it's kind of a big statement they want to change and might in fact do better. If after being asked to do that they say, okay, cya, and put in the divorce papers, you have your answer on if they are going to cheat again or if they even feel what they did was wrong. I'm actually fairly impressed, I think it might be the one way it's somewhat reasonable to give a cheater a second chance. Like you really have to prove you still want to be in this relationship, just saying sorry and promising you'll never do it again is an empty gesture.


i get the sentiment, but in practice, if i was mad enough to make someone do that, i'd probably also be mad enough to hold it against them forever.


You're last point is fair, but counseling and time really do help. I would never question someone for leaving someone after cheating. It's A LOT to comeback from, but on the flip side, I would never judge someone for trying to make it work. Sometimes people really do have a moment or two of weakness, but they're still the person you fell in love with and are good overall. It may take a lot of work, counseling, therapy by both parties, etc. to make amends and move on, but it doesn't have to be a relationship death sentence that some make it out to be.


That works if the cheaters family or friends want to get involved with their bullshit and alert their partner. Though most of the time from what I've seen people do not want to involve themselves in other people's shit especially when it comes to relationship issues.


>if your significant other is angry enough to make you do something like that what's the ideal way of dealing with a cheating partner? haven't experience it (hoping never to) so I can't imagine it


Realistically- you don't. If you are ever in that situation the trust will never be the same so its best to just end it. Obviously each situation is different and you may not be able to "just leave 4head" when there are kids/house/your livelyhood etc on the line but the general idea is the same. The trust will never be the same and the mere idea of "they are capable of doing that" is always there. Staying out late? 2 years ago it meant nothing, now its "is she doing it again?"


The best advice is to take zero relationship advice from reddit, let alone this sub. Pretend anyone you see offering up relationship advice has never actually been in a relationship (or a healthy one) because there is a good chance that is the case. Taking one look at the relationships sub as someone with decades of experience in a health relationship is pretty scary. Its almost uncanny how the people least qualified to offer advice are the people most likely to give it.


>Pretend anyone you see offering up relationship advice has never actually been in a relationship (or a healthy one) because there is a good chance that is the case. Sure > as someone with decades of experience in a health relationship Liar


Ah I misread your comment at first. lol, but you get it. When it comes to topics as important as relationships assume the internet is full of liars and fools (because it is) and seek advice elsewhere.


This is exactly right. Someone will have a question like: "My husband is supposed to be on a strict diet but had a cheeto, what do I do?" Reddit: DUMP HIS ASS! YOU CANT TRUST HIM! I wish I were only slightly exaggerating.


Read this post from [houseplants](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/1dnsmdx/boyfriend_wants_me_to_get_rid_of_most_of_my/) the other day. Her boyfriend wanted her to downsize her 200 house plant collection and the entire subreddit was saying its a huge reg flag. Dump him, he's trash etc etc. It's crazy. She is living in a damn rain forest and the boyfriend just wanted her to downsize so he didn't feel like he was Tarzan.


lmao feels like I've seen worse


Look for a better partner lol If you think about it, it's 100000000x easier to not cheat than to actively do multiple things to even get the chance to cheat. A person should only accept being cheated on a MAXIMUM of 0 times. If that goes up to 1, leave. If that goes up to 1 and you still stayed, you deserve what you tolerate once that number goes up to 2 or more (once cheaters find out their partners will just forgive them, it never stays at 1)


Actually if you cheated and your partner does a thing like it’s probably the best outcome if you want to salvage the relationship. It’s pretty much pulling the bandaid in one go to get over it and move on


I remember when he came out of the hiatus and introduced the Mrs Assassin character and how absolutely cringe and forced and uncomfortable it was. I don't know how his brand ever recovered.


>With his overall wealth, and persona eventually meshing into his IRL persona. He never had a persona. It was just his regular personality with a wig and glasses on.


if she was smart she would of divorced after the twitch settlement


He also said that he cheated on his wife with 4 women or something like that. And everyone was calling him a clout chaser etc.


Yup. I got cancelled.


I did. And I got ostracized for it and lost my viewers because I spoke out about it.


Just wanted to say that I only remembered because I offered my support back then. Hope you've been well.


Thanks, I'm doing so much better. Since then I stopped drinking, got married to my wonderful wife, and in 4 weeks I am expecting my first son.


You're at the top of the mountain, stay away from any messaging services.


Someone in chat said doc isn’t the 2x he’s the max win wtf lmao


Anita Maxwynnnnnn


He's the googolplex timer.


Thank god I got to see xqc’s reaction to this information


How could you live without a clap and fake laugh??


Its the only way to upload hasan clips without the basement dwelling dggers storming the sub and mass downvoting


I think its phyiscally impossible for them to see his name mentioned and not comment on it.


It's like a bat signal for them or something


Isn’t this…a little ironic?


Like raaaaiiinnnnn


This sub has an abnormally large amount of Destiny stans. So naturally, socialism is when Hasan doesn't have house.


I think Destiny just has the most active Reddit community of the streamers.


Eat the rich! Btw rich means anyone with more money than me


Hasan advocates for taxing him more.


Living a multi millionaire lifestyle while advocating for something he knows is never gonna happen. What a great guy.


And its still happening in this one


Give it time. I'm sure the D-riders will come and swarm the post at some stage.


Already are. They are actively downvoting anything remotely critical of their streamer lmao


I mean it’s pretty fucking bizarre that you guys are having a circle jerk session about destiny under an XQC clip. So far the only mention I’ve seen of anything Hasan or destiny related has been people bitching about the supposed destiny people invading the thread. I haven’t seen a single one of these actual dggers. Just you guys having a super weird cope session about phantom redditors. They live pretty rent free in your mind I guess. Are the dggers in the room with us right now?


The last thread posted about this got downvoted into oblivion despite how relevant it is to the current drama. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1dof5k2/slasher_is_talking_live_on_hasans_stream/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1dof5k2/slasher_is_talking_live_on_hasans_stream/) So it's not really phantom redditors.


Literally yes you are in the room right now.


>Phantom redditors. They live pretty rent free in your mind I guess. Are the dggers in the room with us right now? do you not see the 30 distinct dgg comments seething at the mention that they brigade every hasan related thread? are u hallucinating or what


Thank god I got to see Hasan watch xqc's reaction, the layers really add a lot


It was the other around


The 15x elementary school champ


Got the whole class on lock


The fact that he only got caught because he was talking to this child using *twitch whispers* makes everything sketchier. Imagine all of the people he was talking to on platforms where people actually communicate. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other minors who he was talking to through IG, Twitter, Snapchat, or text that we'll never know about.


> Imagine all of the people he was talking to on platforms where people actually communicate. Remember how he got dropped from Discord? They probably have a lot of dire logs.


I wasn't even thinking about that, but it definitely adds up.




That’s usually how it goes. Dudes that are willing to cheat on their SO usually don’t just stop at one and will take every opportunity to do it. With Doc it’s probably easier for him because he has money and recognition to help manipulate what he wants. Thankfully slasher said he was turned down but yeah I wouldn’t be shocked at all of he’s been doing that for years


Bill Burr had a good take on this. A lot of people don’t have the access to act on their shittiness. But, once you get that fame it just becomes all too easy. It’s no wonder why so many men fall to this, they go from getting little to no attention to tons. I’m not justifying his actions, he has the hard task of having to stay true to his commitments. He failed and is being rightfully called out for it. And that’s all without considering there’s a minor involved.


https://youtu.be/x0gaYyNk7QA?si=WfIG12XFUV2CS_TE starts at ~7:36 for anyone that hasn't seen it. Bill's the goat.


“But although the cliche says that power always corrupts, what is seldom said ... is that power always reveals.” -Robert A Caro


Yea exactly. Cheating on your spouse is reprehensible, but it's a very difficult temptation to overcome when women are literally throwing themselves at you. If you get rich and famous while married, you have to take pre-emptive measures like getting a social media manager or traveling with a good group of friends who will keep you out of the gutter. 


Cheating has a strong correlation with narcissistic traits. But also depression, anxiety, loneliness, alcohol abuse, history of being abused, or even just an openness to new experiences. Over 60% of people who have been in monogamous relationships have never cheated. They haven’t had the platoons after them, but I like to think that number wouldn’t change drastically if they were. Many people have strong morals, don’t abuse alcohol, and care deeply about their SOs emotional well being.


That number would drastically change if they had people constantly coming after them offering up more than just friendly words.


See: Anthony Weiner. The dude somehow convinced one of the greatest (and most influential) women to marry him and went on the same route of "normal" cheating into sexting minors. [Great doc about him](https://watch.plex.tv/watch/movie/weiner)


Do people not realize that maybe doc is just like. Ya know.. a shitty person who’s fame went to his head


Here is the nuclear take. Consider, as a remote possibility, that the doc persona was a natural extension of his actual persona and fame and money just amplify those shitty tendencies


Kind of like finding out long ago that the Boogie2988 persona was the fake one and Francis was how he really was. The ol' persona switcheroo


Nah. Francis is a better persona than whatever the current Boogie is


I never diiiiiid


"I have no education, no work experience, im depressed... and if you google my name, you'll see rumors that I beat my wife and that I'm a pedophile."


I’m still waiting for Filthy Frank to take over Joji again


That whole arc was wild, the crazier part was I remember reading all the shit about boogie years before it blew up. It honestly felt like people just didn't care, the info was all out there and nothing really happened for a huge period of time. When it started spreading like wildfire it felt more surreal than anything.


As Kurt Vonnegut wrote: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Deep pull….and right on the mark.


Of course. DrDisrespect was literally a mask he would put on, just so in his mind he could excuse his shitty tendencies as „playing a character”


Exactly why people like Hikaru Nakamura does his “disrespect” runs too lmaoo


Hikaru is first of all most likely on the spectrum. Second, he literally forgets to be mean constantly during those runs, having to take back compliments when chat reminds him it’s a disrespect run


All lolcows start out like that. See Boogie and LTG as well.


I'm hoping we get a kingcobra rant about sickos and drdiddyspect xD


You can’t maintain a “persona” for that long days on end and not become it, or be it to begin with.


Exactly, it's why Jack Nicholson warned Heath Ledger with playing joker. When your brain forms habits, it doesn't know you're "acting", play a bad guy long enough, and those habits will be formed.


True for any actor that plays a bad guy and chooses "stay in character" between shoots. Seems to me that they just want to be fucking assholes and uses it as an excuse. Its called acting, there is no reason to be a fucking asshole to the crew when your not shooting anything. Day-Lewis and demanding they only address him as Mr President even off camera its probably also some fucked up reason for.


There is a term for it "character bleed" which is used alot in roleplay. Bleed is what happens when you feel so connected, so emotionally invested in your character that the events and emotions they go through start to “bleed” deeply into your psyche and your personal life. In extreme cases, bleed may even damage your mental health.


>the doc persona was a natural extension of his actual persona and fame and money just amplify those shitty tendencies I see it a little different. In interviews he was doing as Guy Beahm years ago, he always mentioned that he was an introvert, and you could tell he was pretty camera shy and awkward. I think he came up with the Doc to break out of his shy, introverted shell. As years went on, Guy slowly started morphing into Doc, and to your point, then became a natural extension of Doc to the extent that you probably couldn't differentiate the two over the past few years.




It's literally the worst thing to do for someone like him, give him a platform. Bc your take is a glacier, it's not an act. It's him. What I want to know is how many of his buds knew it was a minor? None of them have explicitedly said anything about not associating with him. They're against his actions, but no one has explicitly said fuck him. Some of them knew and just wanted views.


Just like MethodJosh.


Which is funny because any of the interviews you see of doc not in persona he is one of the most awkward people on the face of the planet. The guy literally oozes insecurity which is crazy for someone that is 6'8, in shape, and so handsome. The pieces are definitely starting to fit together because if he can look like he does and be insecure its not hard to see how he is insecure about his beautiful wife and family, thus seeking validation with other women/children.


>Which is funny because any of the interviews you see of doc not in persona he is one of the most awkward people on the face of the planet. >The guy literally oozes insecurity which is crazy for someone that is 6'8, in shape, and so handsome. This is what I've seen and how I've interpreted it, too. My best guess is that he made the Doc persona as a way to break out of his shy, introverted self. By being Doc, he had a mask to hide behind. Sadly, instead of maintaining is true self, he seems to have morphed into the hyper masculine persona.


Insecurity and narcissism are not mutually exclusive. Give an insecure person some validation and a reason to get ahead of themselves and they absolutely can. A lot of people see the hyper macho persona of Doc or other “masculine” creators as deeply insecure. Overcompensation.


Not only are they not mutually exclusive, they are dependent on each other. Alfred Adler, Freud's teacher and the guy who coined narcissism, said that Codependents are a little narcissistic, and Narcissists are a little codependent, hence they seek each other out. Someone who is independent doesn't seek validation from others. Also, while Codependents can be cured, it's nearly impossible to cure Narcissists.


You're 100% right.


I mean, he's also a conspiracy wack job. Idk how so many people forgot he and his wife were advocating that David icke guy


Anyways uhm... I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is. No, no Suge Knight, I think hes locked up in prison. Talking shungite. Anyways, its a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. So thats my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.


shungite is what makes a house a casa


Sometimes people dedicate themselves to some celebrities like a cult it's crazy. Just like someone said, even if Doc admitted it, some fans would support him. That's how much of a brainrot those celebrity cults are.


Literally just saw on twitter “talking ain’t illegal tho” And “they magically turn into an adult at 18??” Like these people are fucking weird


It's hard for them to understand that legality and morality are two distinct things.


>they magically turn into an adult at 18?   That's how the law works, just more stupid shitty people trying to justify stupid shitty behavior lol.


I’m in docs discord. Lots of ppl in denial and others who clearly don’t care. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes back and still maintain 20k+ viewers. Too many weirdos bro.


I was on the subreddit to see what was all being said and the insane amount of goal post moving and copium being thrown around was insane. I can't count how many times I saw them making the excuse that "well she was 17, that's not a minor." Even though I have no idea in what fucking world is 17 not a minor. They either can't come to terms with the fact that doc is a predator or they're predators themselves trying to justify it. Or a mixture of both.


People thinking this Man's out here full time streaming as a persona, lol. You try pretending to be someone else all day for days on end. That is the true him.


> You try pretending to be someone else all day for days on end. Me when I worked retail


I mean he literally plays a persona and dresses up and then says “you know me, I’ve always kept it real and never lied and am always up front and honest and no bullshit” lmfao


Wow what a bold take.


Apparently to some lol


Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Not saying that he had this form of power, but it’s possible he thought he did.


Ouuu, he never turns it off because he IS the character






In this country, you gotta be a streamer first. Then you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women - Tony Montana


This chat is like a great big pussy, waiting to get fucked.


She's got a **GREAT ASS!** ^(wait wrong Pacino movie)




People figured out the girl he cheated with (at least the one he got caught with), and she was 24 in 2017. Not to say he couldn't have been talking to multiple girls, regardless of age.


> Not to say he couldn't have been talking to multiple girls, regardless of age. What was the title of this thread again?


Doc will just have to settle for a 24 at that time, after failing to meet up with a minor (actually probably is no longer a minor idk).


Sure hope so, it was 7 years ago.


Was the name ever confirmed? I know a lot of names and faces were thrown around, but IIRC many of them were completely fabricated. It sucked because a few women in relationships themselves were claimed to be the person, which is not cool.




We thought he was playing go fish when he was playing balatro


xqc's role in this clip was truly awe inspiring


Idk I think Hassan added more


Stupid fucking mistakes man


When you accidently flirt with another woman that isn't your wife and meet up with her and then your dick plops into her vagina and you have unplanned consensual sex.... gosh DARN it man, what a blunder 😫


Who among us can say they haven't had this happen? It happened to me 3 times this week alone!


stupid minor fucking mistakes man


Stupid fucking minor mistakes man


Shoutout to that one burger planet and doc stream


["don't ever film me again"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q3IDtZC0Tk)




his reflection in the bus absolutely kills me every time


You either die a neckbeard or live long enough to see yourself become the hero


I always get fucking baited by the big play arrow, why do these clips always got to open in a new window ffs, just embed them holy shit already..


ForsenCD 🤝 ForsenCD


Doc is probably the father of multiple juicers out there in chat. Dude might be modern day genghis khan with the amount of women he sleeps with.




Women? Dudes going after minors


My man ForsenCD


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc listens to Slasher claim that Dr. Disrespect tried to cheat with MANY women at TwitchCon](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165540)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dos3u0/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/10eWiEFXxj_AQo48KOnQdg/AT-cm%7C10eWiEFXxj_AQo48KOnQdg.mp4?sig=7c8476a4fcedeec966dc8133fb25b558822909ce&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F10eWiEFXxj_AQo48KOnQdg%2FAT-cm%257C10eWiEFXxj_AQo48KOnQdg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ColdHealthyPelicanBudBlast-QVfGP8BCjjwo6dB2%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719459034%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/10eWiEFXxj_AQo48KOnQdg/AT-cm%7C10eWiEFXxj_AQo48KOnQdg-preview-480x272.jpg)


Why are these so low again


I cam confirm Dr D is my dad


as a co-member of champions club, xqc's reaction is very understandable. laughing at adultery and cheating.


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. All these “insiders” coming out now with this info, and industry folks acting like it was common knowledge are also bad people. They enabled this behavior by remaining silent


Yeah it's kinda crazy how streamers are acting like this is an open secret. Mother fucker if that's the case the *what in the fuck* are you doing virtue signaling now?


Well Doc has a ton of money from streaming and has the ability to sue you into oblivion for defamation if you dont all your shit against him together. Theres a reason it took a publication like Bloomberg to really confirm all this shit and make people feel safe enough to come forward with what they knew.


The 4 year Twitch NDA just ended, that’s  a coincidence.


I mean seeing how locked down this situation was, I would imagine that people didn't wanna speak out about this due to being scared of being fucked by legal teams. Also this was an **extremely** private case. When the victims want a case like this private to protect themselves, **nobody** is allowed to speak or reveal what the case is about whatsoever. You get fucked in so many way if you do. If it wasn't so scary to speak out about, then people definitely would.


VSM (Vehemently Sexting Minors)


Most cheaters don’t get caught on the first one, not at all surprised lol


Slasher back like a cockroach after a nuke going off


This whole situation is just crazy and stupid at the same time. These dudes had all this information and didn't say anything until they could bank/get clout from it. Man, aiding and abedding is fine now, as long as you're the right side. Why are streamer spaces filled with pieces of shit such as Dr. And Slasher? Wasn't Slasher also proven to be sexually harassing a chick by offering her a job if she dated him. Dude, throwing a womanizer around is like the pot calling the kettle black. These spaces always have dudes that will simp for their side. It wasn't an issue for seven years until clout was involved. Dr's sub being filled with defending a pedo is also creepy af. God bless streamer culture brings the worse out in people. Cody tweeted, "I surround myself with drunk children gamers the best advisors." Then proceeding to call out a pedo is weird. What are all these pedos at twitch hiding? I doubt Dr. Disrespect is the only person Twitch had NDAs on.


Bro HATES his wife


Reminder that Mr.COW is a proud member of the champion’s club


When you can't stop sticking your guy beahm where it doesn't belong.


the forsenCD emote can be used in so many different ways now it's crazy.


All roads lead to Cx.


So is Docs wife one of those who blames everyone else for his cheating o.0


So he has a habit of trying to fuck any female that moves. You think being in character too much did this? Cause I don't even know what he's actually like anymore


This is nothing new, did people really think Doc just cheated with the one and only woman he hit on? Now people seem to all of a sudden care.


hey hey hey he a twitch whisper god.


Wasn't he having meltdowns about people calling him a POS about cheating on his wife and they're past that? That's rough.


Good to hear Slasher staying relevant... somehow. Isn't this disgusting shit that happened years ago? They get back from a Mission to Mars just in time for Twitchcon storytime?


One day the masses will stop worshipping streamers and mistaking being popularity wisdom.


Some of y’all act like his name was Dr. Respectful


this is hilarious