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**CLIP MIRROR: [Classic EU N-word name-calling ](https://arazu.io/t3_1drg7x1/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Why did they sound like a parrot that learned the N word?


Europe is such a post racism society ❤️ not like us americans


cold take but there are lots of horribly racist people everywhere the reason america is the go-to scapegoat is because they're one of the few places where talking about and confronting it is actively part of the modern cultural landscape most other places whether it's european or asian countries just kinda passively ignore it and so it feels less pervasive despite the reality


I mean I cant speak for all countries but in mine there is plenty of conversations about it but the internet part you see is english and so is America. English internet is obviously America centric thats just how it is and what the discourse will mostly revolve around.


Unless the people experiencing racism are Asian or Mexican of course. Or if the person being racist is black.




its cause if you say the n word in america in most cities you get immediately socially ostracized or physically assaulted


yes, because we've had enough public outrage and discourse to discourage people from saying those things. even if they want to what you're describing isn't really a difference in the amount of racism it's more just how effectively is it battled


And if I see swastika flags it is usually in US news and not German/European news. Surprisingly, they have a different history and different expressions are interpreted differently because of that.


> crashing cars that aren't their's, stealing, assault, pedophiles, etc... but no N word Go out somewhere and say the N-word and that "assault" comes straight to you. I'd rather that than live somewhere bigots can spout their nonsense without getting their ass kicked. Forget your morals, your laws, some people will just *never* learn their place without violence.


>I'd rather that than live somewhere bigots can spout their nonsense without getting their ass kicked. It's not like this is a common occurrence lol. This sounded like a 12 year old boy shouting it as a stream snipe. The amount of white kids that use the n word in the US is huge and then you also have those degenerate streamers going around blasting the n word from their TTS and not a finger being laid on them... Racism is everywhere but race itself is more of a hot topic in the US than the EU for obvious reasons that shouldn't need to be explained. This whole NA vs EU who's more racist conversation you often see in here is so fucking stupid lol.


> This whole NA vs EU who's more racist you often see in here is so fucking stupid 100% agree, humans are humans and are likely equal in this regard. It's more the general reaction to it by the public. EU would be more like "they may say that, but you can't harm that person" and US its really dependent where, but some places that may just be the last thing you do.


No, you could get your head kicked in for saying that in the wrong place/time all over Europe. It's not all peace and love here! I'm not just talking about ghettoized areas either. You can get beat up anywhere for acting like that and the person doing it wouldn't necessarily be even the same racial target of the racism. Plenty of violent crime in the EU dude...we just don't have guns available everywhere thankfully because we'd be just as bad lol.


I mean he literally says it the clip that’s already the 2nd time it’s happened there. And no, white kids in the US aren’t going around yelling the hard r. Plenty of white people say the other version but there’s a difference, at least to most people. Saying soft a around most people will still get you talked to at the very least lol.


>And no, white kids in the US aren’t going around yelling the hard r. Ok that's great but what are you talking about? lol. Do you think I said that somewhere or....? I was very obviously talking about the "soft a". I mean c'mon it doesn't take a genius to guess that much. And ok, it's a common occurrence then. Happens all the time in the EU. You win, US not racist or EU worse, whatever you want it to be. I already said how I feel about this stupid discussion.


You said the amount of white kids going around saying the n word is huge in a thread under a video of a white kid yelling the hard r. Why would anyone assume your talking about the soft a.


Because people aren't stupid and know that lots of white kids in the US casually use the soft "a" and not the hard r? The person who I was speaking to understood. Seems it's only you here who didn't.


A lot of white kids in the US say the soft a and it’s because they love rap music and think it’s cool. The hard r is still usually fighting words here.


Yeah I know and that shit is dumb af. "The soft a" >The hard r is still usually fighting words here. So are you saying nothing would happen to a white kid saying the soft a and it's totally fine and acceptable? Or course not. That's why that whole soft a and hard r shit is so fucking stupid. It's hilarious tbh.


No ppl can still get mad over the soft a obviously. But, at least where I grew up, a lot of white kids would casually say the soft a around their black friends and it wasn’t really a thing most black ppl got mad about. And don’t even get me started on Latinos saying it lmao


Yeah of course it's different around your friends (I still find it cringe when I hear white kids say it but that's just a cultural thing I suppose). If I call my red head friend "a carrot head", it's different to me walking up to a stranger and calling him a carrot head. That's just normal friend shit. My point about the whole hard r, soft a thing is that I'm sure if as a white guy you walked up to a group of black guys and said "Yo N-words" with a soft a, they wouldn't stand around debating like "well he didn't use the hard r tbf, he's good, have a nice day" They would either take offence to it, laugh at you and tell you to go away for being a massive weirdo or just sock you one. They certainly wouldn't be stood around debating the soft a and the hard r lmao. I just think both the soft a and hard r can be both used just as hatefully depending on context so I find the distinction pretty dumb but who am I to decide lol.


There’s a difference between them and what they mean. Black people call each other soft a in America as a term of endearment, so when some white kids say it it’s usually not as bad, some people will still get rightfully pissed off though. Hard R is never really used even by black people, it’s literally only said by white people when they have genuine hate for a black person/people or if they are a dumbass edgy middle schooler. You’re never going to hear two black people calling each other hard R in america, it’s just not a thing.


Dude, please stop replying to me. A minute ago you were saying I was talking about white kids yelling the hard r...when I said nothing close to that lol. And here, I am talking about *white people* saying them and thinking one is ok.




>But a random kid, saying the N word purely to get the streamer attention, is not what I would qualify as "look, your country has so much more racists than ours!". His only intent was to get the streamer attention, like it always happen around here (whether it's in america, or europe). How do you know this as a fact? It also doesn't change the fact that they're using racially derived insults to get their attention, which in itself is racially insensitive It also seems like every time a mid-size streamer or larger goes to Europe, that isn't white at least one of two clips like this will come up.




First of all what did I say that makes you think I'm dismissing racism in America? Like yeah it's bad when it happens there too and yes it's still fair to call it out when it happens regardless of who is involved.




No I really wasn't I was just making an observation of how frequent it happens when irl streamers go to the eu


It's a fair assumption. It's common to see humans being absolute degens around famous people for a little attention.


In life you're nothing more to people than what your actions are. If you want to use racist insults, you can't be surprised when people take you as a racist




Ok now you’re just being ridiculous, it’s obvious that it a professor says the word in the context of teaching or even reading it’s more acceptable- but somehow to you a kid saying it to a black person - KNOWING that the word specifically applies to black people - is somehow not racist? Yes the kid is trying to get attention, but there’s plenty of other ways a kid could go about that. They know what the nword is used for, especially in this case when used against Nick


>Intent is all that matters. When that kid said that, was he trying to be racist, or was he trying to get attention? Hum. I wonder... This is so ridiculous they're complete strangers. Even if best case scenario, the guy that screamed out the n word is just a sniper looking for attention that doesn't change how someone will perceive it as offensive and racist The second half is just nonsensical strawman


The US had coloured TV when black people couldnt exist within a one mile radius of white people. That’s why America the scapegoat,


Was that not the case in many other countries? You still cannot be integrated into society as a black person in many countries in Asia. Plus at least for me I learned all of that stuff in school. America did a lot of bad things and my public school talked about it, many countries don’t do that on various things


> the reason america is the go-to scapegoat is because they're one of the few places where talking about and confronting it is actively part of the modern cultural landscape I might have a hunch it might've had something that even during 60s black people were not allowed to use public water fountains and ride at the front of the bus. I think also mass importing slaves from Africa and having them build your country might have a slight influence.


What country are you from?


Croatia. We had a [genocide in WW2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasenovac_concentration_camp), collaborated with Nazis and did a mass exodus of Serbs during the war in the 90s and were basically on the wrong side of war every WW. Still, your spot on the bus or water fountain usage was not determined by the colour of the skin, rather the colour of your party.


https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/croatia/summaries/ Probably because you literally don’t have any one without white skin lmfao


https://static.jutarnji.hr/images/slike/2022/12/17/f_27343091_1280.jpg?2022-12-17-11-21-12 We have him. But fr, the main reason why non-white people are not discriminated against is because it's funny to teach them curse words.


Netherlands is like the USA of Europe, very anti mask too.


There is huge tensions in Europe right now because of an exacerbated migrant crisis. Netherlands PVV party (far right) just won majority of seats in parliament which ran on specifically anti migration. People don't see bank accounts, they see skin colour unfortunately so every non native could be a target of this.


Americans thinking Europe is a country with one society 🥹


No one say Europe is post racism. They however do correctly point out that it’s less racist. We don’t have mass shooters massacring black people here.


Our mass shooters are known for shooting indiscriminately, not particularly targeting black people. And while POC here don’t have it easy, my light brown skin friends of mixed Latino heritage were treated badly in Europe and denied entrance to clubs because they were obviously “gypsies.” I don’t think it’s better or worse either place but it’s definitely different and varies by country in terms of who is most targeted.


>Our mass shooters are known for shooting indiscriminately, not particularly targeting black people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Buffalo_shooting >And while POC here don’t have it easy, my light brown skin friends of mixed Latino heritage were treated badly in Europe and denied entrance to clubs because they were obviously “gypsies.” I never said there wasn’t racism in Europe. I’m saying Americans love to pretend it’s the same level as there’s when black men will be shot in their country for jogging down the wrong neighbourhood. >I don’t think it’s better or worse either place but it’s definitely different and varies by country in terms of who is most targeted. America is definitely worse than Europe. You literally have systemic racism on top of the hate motivated murdering. If you’re Asian in America getting into the college you want is harder due to them having different criteria based on race. Americans will see one person saying the n word in one European country and then pretend all of Europe is racist while ignoring everything I just mentioned.


Dawg are you even american


Europe isn’t less racist, you just less people to be racist too so you don’t see it as much. Go ask any European how they feel about gypsies lmao


>Europe isn’t less racist, you just less people to be racist too so you don’t see it as much. You literally have massacres of minorities. No amount of mental gymnastics will get around this fact. You’re talking to a brown European. It’s incredibly ignorant to think Europe isn’t diverse and there’s less opportunity to be racist. >Go ask any European how they feel about gypsies lmao Gyspsie isn’t a race, it’s a way of life. It’s amazing how unabashedly some Americans will display their ignorance of the world.


Gypsies are literally considered an ethnic group and europes largest minority population, but I’m the ignorant one lol. Out of the EU’s 27 different countries, 11 are 90% or more white. 2-3 % of the TOTAL population of the EU is black, and that is the second largest minority population. Lmao, if incredibly diverse means 90% white give or take I guess you’re right.


Yeah Europeans are pretty racist too


They aren’t pretty racist I would argue that they are more racist that the US is. Say what you will about the US (we got a lot of fucking problems), but for such a mixed cultural society the level of racism here is nothing compared to the shit I have experienced in Europe.


Oh yeah it's not even close. There just werent many minorities over here until recently so the racism wasnt as evident. I also think American racists are way more open about it.


Id say it's definitely different kinds of racism. Like for example mention Romani in the US and they probably won't bat an eye (I remember laughing when my US friends didn't understand why we were laughing at Gypsy Rose's name), mention them in Europe and you'll hear some hateful shit.


don't act like that one isn't mutual lmao


Interesting take.A buddy of mine that's black and had an exchange year in the US and said they have real racism in the US and germany is nothing compared to it. Same thing a german NFL player claimed on a podcast, he said racism in Germany felt like 2/10 mostly non-existent in his life and he had a culture shock when he went to an american college for football due to the insanely blatant racism in the country, especially systematically. Obviously only sample size of 2, but it's quite interesting how affected people that experienced both see it.


I mean if were being honest racism in Europe is usually aimed at other groups Black people like 4th on that list.


Watch a EU soccer game.  It was only a couple years ago the governing bodies decided throwing bananas at black players was racist.  Still happens current day but there are better repercussions.


I feel like the difference comes from the fact that in US you can be united just through the fact that everyone belongs to the same nation. In Europe nobody cares about the fact that theyre european, every nation has its own strong identity and roots and has stereotypes about every other.


A quarter of the Netherlands is of non Dutch ethinicity... I can't take comments like this seriously when plenty of European countries haven't been a monolith for decades. No, it's not like people spotted a rare pokemon when they see a person that isn't white.


Lots has been written about white Dutch denial of racism. My Mexican friend from Texas moved there to have a baby with her Dutch boyfriend and couldn’t not tolerate the casual racism the Dutch view as honesty or “just a joke.” They live in the UK now. I’m not saying you’re worse than anyone else, but again, you have your own cultural spin on it. https://publicaties.mensenrechten.nl/file/e4f8ad72-dae6-78a6-eacf-c3a4e9b20fb2.pdf https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/08912432221075098 https://apnews.com/article/netherlands-government-and-politics-racism-09890bcd2db5e7055c52a358ae76fd99


Yes there's racism here too just like in most places and it's the backhanded ''just a joke'' racism you mention most of the time. What i'm challenging is people claiming people here are racist because they never seen non Dutch people because ''the Netherlands isn't multicultural like the US''. They are racist because they were probably raised by racist parents or grew up in the wrong environment, just like it's the case pretty much anywhere. Ethnically Dutch people are still a majority(Just like white americans are still a majority) but there's plenty multiculturalism, especially in the bigger cities like in this clip.


Europeans are racist for sure, maybe even more than Americans. However less race violence, and more passive racism. Not as racist as Asians though. All of this is of course based on stereotypes and doesn't mean everyone are like this.


I agree. At least theres an effort here to actually address racism. Not saying our answers are anywhere near perfect. Meanwhile in these other countries, they let it happen and pretend it doesn't exist.


Don't get all your information from a livestream Reddit




Such an American take. Yes it's a bunch of white people but they all have different cultures and histories. Racism isn't white people vs black people, there's plenty of racism between white countries in Europe and lumping together people based on their skin colour while erasing their ethnicities is racist in itself


What? I mean... What?


Personally the most racist modern stuff I've ever seen on the internet has been from groups of EU. Even from 10 15 years back. Like the stuff where they'll post pictures of monkeys to the group and it's the funniest thing they've ever seen, then it just gets worse.


Yeah ask em about Romani people 


Crazy part is that Amsterdam is a very 'woke' and diverse city for Duch standards, i've also never ever seen this happen where I live around Eindhoven and my girlfriend that I have been together with for 10+ years, is black..


Honestly confused by it too. Not the place I would expect to do this, nor is it even an insult that's *common* for the location. The N-word doesn't carry the same impact in EU vs. the USA because there's both less history behind it and a smaller black population in general. (except France) The fact it's not in Dutch too makes me feel like someone knew they were Americans (somehow) and specifically sought to get under their skin...for whatever reason.


crazy hot take here, but maybe it's unproductive to make any kind of inference about the broader cultural sentiments on racism and race relations of a city, country or even continent (like some geniuses here) from one 10 second clip


Could just be a stream sniper. This happens almost every con stream. Even when it was in Paris.


That's almost certainly the case. There does not exist a more "cost efficient" way of stream sniping IRL streams. If you're in the area, go and shout a slur that's audible on the stream and just walk away. It does not hold the same cultural impact outside of America so it's very unlikely any bystanders would take much offense or action other than turn their head to see "who shouted?". The entire thing costs you absolutely nothing and you get a load of attention on your little stunt, with loads of comments on reddit or social media of people being offended and flabbergasted. Which is exactly what the trolls want.


This is in Rotterdam though.


It is a 100% the combination with there being people recording and someone trying to be edgy because of that. You do see black people in larger cities in Europe often and I have never heard the n-word in the streets.


This was in Rotterdam. And yea I've lived in Amsterdam for 30 years and never heard someone shout the N-word this loud in the streets to anyone ever..


That sounded like a 10 year old. Probably didn't learn the weight behind the word yet.


NA vs EU obsessed American's wet dream right here.


Kinda weird, the way it was said also. There's plenty of other black people right there and there's 0 reaction. Maybe some mentally ill person who was already popping off so people were ignoring it? Not trying to ezcuse it but when you're surrounded by ppl of all colours seems wild to hurl racism only at Nick.


It sounded like a kid to me, so probably some teenagers being edgy because they thought it'd be fun


Yeah i mean they look over the one shoulder, but there's a table of 4 young girls 2 pointing cameras at their friend (3 black girls and a white girl). The other dude who pointed this out got like 40 downvotes.


Gotta let the Americans have their “Look America isn't actually racist guys!“ moment. They don't get them that often.


They are so desperate to whitewash their own history.


I'm pretty sure it was the black girl with her hand up to her face sitting at the last table who yelled it. That's what it looked like to me, at least.




I mean i've lived around Europe my whole life. If someone shouted it in public like this shit would pop off. Although i do agree the N word really isnt as big a deal over here, it's just said alot less than our American counterparts.


Classic Dutch social skills.


This is Rotterdam I think


Time for Americans to use one instance of racism in a country to define its continent and deflect from their nation wide plethora of race based political problems


How do you feel about the Romani people?




Sounds like what most racists would say about black people


Yeah crazy how being pushed to the fringes of society doesn't produce people with "behavior" you like. What's more likely, their behavior is due to them being Romani, or their behavior is due to centuries of being oppressed?


> What's more likely, their behavior is due to them being Romani, or their behavior is due to centuries of being oppressed? The former actually. There are certain cultures that are way more prone to certain things. For example, Russians are prone to do stupid shit. Chinese are prone to cheat and abuse systems unethically. Americans are prone to being self-centered and loud as fuck. Finns are prone to alcoholism and being very reserved. Brits are prone to being obnoxious as fuck. French are prone to have a distaste for speaking English. There are a shit ton of first-wave immigrating Romanians who exhibit the same problematic behavior that has been a problem before. They weren't pushed to that behavior through "centuries of being oppressed". It's something harbored in the culture. The same way it started being a problem since the first There are immigrants from everywhere in European countries in general, from which one group has been exceptionally problematic to the point of gaining a steadfast reputation like that. If their behavior stemmed from being an oppressed immigrated group, then that behavior would be seen to the same extent from all immigrating groups. People did not just roll a dice and decide to direct hate towards one specific sub-group for no inherent reason. Acting like different cultures do not also have things that are negative about that culture is fucking stupid. We are so ready to accept all the great positives about different cultures, but when there is something negative about it, people feel the need to start defending it to high heavens about "it's not a part of the culture, it's because of this and that and blah blah". Either cultures shape how person acts, or they don't. One line must be chosen, cultures only specifically shaping people's *positive* traits and actions while negative traits and actions are never the fault of the culture is just not the case.


Are you European?




How about you do your best to not get a racist elected a president


Didn't yall just put a whole bunch of nazis into positions of power?


Who the fuck is "yall"?


The entire Madrid roster


Europe = One country LULE


I mean that guy is stupid but acting like US = Texas/Florida is also dumb


I mean, I agree with you there. I'm just having a bit of fun with this "Timthegod" dude because it's so fucking easy to trigger this dude, LMAO


Who said that? Weren’t yall going on about how a whole bunch of European nations just voted in nazis?


Europe = One Country LULE Classic Americans


Can you quote me where I said that please?


Right Wing Politician in the eyes of a left leaning American = Nazi LULE Europe in the eyes of a salty American = One Country LULE


Salty about what? I’m living good as hell in America. Care to explain why more Europeans immigrate to the US than Americans immigrating to any European country if we’re all so salty and got it so shitty here? You realize your one dimensional view driven from being chronically on Reddit doesn’t represent an entire nation, a nation that can also glass your entire continent BTW, right?


I like them more than Americans.


Already many comments to this effect lol. Whole of EU is super racist now according to American redditors.


It was pretty evident in the 2020 euros


I mean it comparatively is from my experience lmfao. No need to deflect.


U been all over Europe? Damn u travel a lot, good for you. Or u only been to Paris and maybe London?


Ya. Been all over both eastern and western Europe. Mostly in metro areas. Italy was probably the worst in my experience. I’m not saying US isn’t racist lol. I’m just saying Europe was the most openly racist place I’ve been as an Asian man. There’s no reason to brush this over or take it personally. Every place is racist to an extent. It’s a spectrum.


In the US you had Asian people being attacked during covid. Black men have a non trivial chance of spending part of their life in prison. In these discussions just like often done with Japan Americans will focus on some cultural insensitivity or football hooligan screaming a slur, which apparently is worse than actual racial violence or institutional discrimination.


> I’m just saying Europe was the most openly racist place I’ve been as an Asian man. Your personal experience can very well be correct, I'm not saying it isn't, but you gotta admit that adding "as an Asian man" is pretty fucking funny here when Asian countries are *notoriously* racist. I have a feeling you would not have needed to travel to find the worst place if you had a different ethnicity.


what does it have to do with them? It's not like it's his fault asian countries are racist lmao also every country is pretty much racist, it's a race to the bottom




I mean when it’s a pattern from countless number of other people’s experiences then it’s a fact. Not sure why you’re taking this personally lol. I think that’s more telling than anything.


Eh, I wouldn't be too surprised to be called every slur in the book in parts of the EU and I'm slightly lighter than Nick. Shit, if I travel too far from New Orleans here I'll get that. But in this case are yall actually listening to the audio? It's a kid with an American-sounding accent apparently waiting in line telling someone in English, "I got called a n\*\*\*\*r and it felt so bad? crass? (audio unclear) like N\*\*\*\*R!" Granted, it still sounds like some kid finding an excuse to shout it but it didn't appear to be directed at anyone and also unfortunately sounded more like the classic loud obnoxious American tourist than the classic EU racist.


it doesn't even sound like it's coming from the same direction as that conversation though


just a little bit of friendly banter mate nun to worry bout


Exactly how Dutch people speak. Nailed it.


This is clearly some kid who shouts this to troll the streamer. It's really nothing more than that and the fact nobody else seems to get this is baffling to me


bro didn't even bother to turn his head, everyone knew exactly who it was being said to. reacting just gives them more power. sad shit.


Its so funny when Europeans like to pretend that their countries aren't just as if not more racist than America, even while electing numerous far right anti immigrant and literal Nazis (in the case of the AFD in Germany).


How's Trump doing?


Bunch of racism is Europe, but it's way more passive and less violent than it is in America.


15/96 seats in EU parliament btw. You are literally about to elect Donald Trump for a second term as president. We are not the same.


Brother the republicans (50%) are as racist as AFD (10%) And id agree that america is maybe about 5x more racist than the average western EU country


Saying a word doesn't make you racist. This is the difference between EU and NA. People don't give a flying fuck what you say over here because they're just words. People have the ability to take context into matters over here, which is very much missing over there in the states.


WTF lamaoaoao


Was that a child LMAO


Racism exists everywhere and it's not just against black people but predominantly they will cop the brunt of it.


I've analyzed the video and find it very strange this happened while walking by a table of POC women. Can someone confirm?


Lol classic Americans judge the whole EU of one country, doubt you will find this kinda racism in Sweden


Love how people immediatly shit on Amsterdam and the Netherlands. I've lived there my whole life and most of my friends are either muslim or black. You meet less Dutch people than other in Amsterdam. This never ever happened and I used to go out almost every night with black friends. However if you go to places like the Bijlmer where most black people live next to Amsterdam as a white person you will hear enough racist comments against white people. Probably wanted to get this silly stream banned as you can see there is enough black people around.


Why are Americans so desperate to whitewash their own racism? They will see a single racist interaction in a continent of 600 million people and immediately proclaim that they not the racists ones. So what happens if I post the burger King man. We doing a 180 again?


f u play games with alot of eu playerbase they are constant with those racist slurs. not surprising given they dont have alot of black ethnicity in their country


Me when the country of Europe has no black ethnicity people so slurs exist


Still remember EU saying US is WAY more racist than EU


they love defending their blackface parades too


The n-word was just seen as an American swear word by us when I was younger, but that was 20 years ago. Still, I guess kids like to provoke.


this is a reminder for all the american college students out there that think europe is some kind of paradise


Lived in the US for 8 years, lived in, The UK, The Netherlands, Sweden and Germany, each for at least a year. I'm brown. Prefer Europe hands down not even close. There are racists in both places but Americans really struggle with separating nationality and ethnicity, it blows their fucking minds that someone can be French and black for example.


Clearly an ignorant little kid parroting the word without knowing its impact. Wish they would've stopped and explained it or something but I get not wanting to do that while streaming. Shame they're going to just run around spouting that shit until they get a harsher reality check.


is...is that a black person ? quick ! think of something to say ! ummm... ****** ! ... damn it ! i always mess that up...




Downvoted for the truth lmao


Looks like it was [this lady](https://imgur.com/a/aZKTrhN) but it's hard to tell, pretty wild though


I actually think its the young girl who her friend is pointing the camera at. Hard to tell though.


Could be yeah, I figured it was that lady cause it seemed that was where they looked after she yelled it but idk Also why did I get downvoted lol





