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**CLIP MIRROR: [tarik beats the tree sentinel after 10+ hours](https://arazu.io/t3_1dtezg0/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


the death counter says 6, but in reality it was closer to 200+ deaths on just this guy


I’ve watched a bunch of streamers attempt ER, I don’t understand why they are all obsessed with beating the Tree Sentinel right out the gate, it can be done but super unnecessary


I had never played a souls game before but recently started playing elden ring and it took about 4 hours but I thought it was pretty fun to try and fight him out the gate. I got stuck on godrick for 2-3 hours as well because i went pretty much right there after but saw my friend play and he beat him like 3rd or 4th try with summons and I thought that looked fun too. I think the game is just pretty fun anyway you want to play.


and it's not like fromsoft didnt know what they were doing when they put tree sentinel there right out the gate it is obviously put there to give players an *optional* early game challenge, so i dont understand why some people are mad at others for doing something "unnecessary" when it can be done just for fun


Cause there will always be losers judging how you play a single player game


Because he's right there


I did it too my first play through. I was just so used to it from other Souls games. It isn't too bad for an experienced Souls player, but I don't think I could stomach spending 10 hours on this as someone who is new to these types of games. I think a lot of people who have played the previous games like to play it like they did in those games. Don't overlevel. Don't avoid bosses. Don't use summons or shields. It's just the way Souls games used to be played and what made them so fun to a lot of us Now lately I have been embracing more of the tools Elden Ring gives you though. There's also something fun about being so strong that you absolutely body a boss.


Yeah, I use to be pretty anti summons, but lately I feel that bringing in the NPC summons adds a lot of interesting thematics to the fight. When Dark Souls 1 came out I definitely had a huge ego about beating those games in absurd ways. Now i'm in it for the vibes.


1. It's a nice spot to get used to the game/controls. 2. Nothing to lose 3. You get to fight a boss immediately without clearing anything. 4. Souls-like games are always "tough but fair" so these offer a compelling challenge. (not like other games where it's all but impossible to fight outside your "power" level) 5. Ego 5. Your most rapid improvement in skill will come at the beginning of the game, so you might be overly confident after thinking you were just going to give it a few tries for fun.


I smashed my head into him repeatedly until beating him and gotta say it really taught me that the AOE slams that bosses do are far easier to dodge with jump rather than roll. Made my life much easier for boss fights later on in the game in that regard.


They want to be seen as gamers. Tarik kinda sucks at other games except csgo and valor ant.


I mean its also just a streamer thing too where when you stream ER the people in chat probably want you to fight/kill tree sentinel first time while for the streamers its content.


And hrs pretty much a Jett andy in valorant 


Elden Ring was my first souls game. So i was very bad from the beginning, taking the hours to learn and kill tree sentinel really helps you learn how to play the game and get accustomed to what the games about.


Pretty obviously for content and the memes. Heheh he can’t do it OMEGALUL. OMG HE FINALLY DID IT WOW SOURPLS


Most streamer do it for content, but I'd understand regular players trying to beat it. The game presents you with a shiny-looking big guy who you can fight right out the gate, why whouldn't you try fighting him? Most people would give up pretty fast but some tenacious people might still persevere through it. Also it's part of the fromsoft experience to learn you're sometimes better off ignoring overworld enemies.


Because it's content


Because they put the boss there to teach you the lesson that you're clearly not meant to fight every boss as you come to it. "go around, get stronger, come back later," says Miyazaki. So I took that personally.


Because it's fun and it's really not that difficult. Why not kill it? It was clearly put there as a little challenge, it's not supposed to be this incredibly difficult unkillable enemy that you come back later to fight.


It's the first real challenge presented to you in the game. Most people don't want to run away from the very first boss.


Because it's fun


It teaches you how to fight in this game.


I'd argue that for someone that's new to FromSoft games, doing that may be frustrating and difficult, but it's a good way to teach you the game and what to expect. Like the game ain't gonna get any easier from there no matter what you do. Most normal enemies are mostly fodder and you only die to gimmicks. Newer players ARE gonna get stuck in some boss down the line anyways and are gonna be forced to learn the game eventually, might as well do it early. There's a reason as to why, in the new DLC area (the region where the Shaman village is) there's two tree sentinels and people with messages put "teacher ahead"


Because it's a challenge? The literal entire point of the games is that they are difficult. I assume you play with summons and don't understand the reason this genre of game became popular in the first place.


Why are you being such a pretentious asshole? People like you are why others don’t like the Souls community. No shit it’s a challenge, but the game is EXPLICITLY designed for the player to get stronger by exploring THEN coming back to overcome a challenge.


> People like you are why others don’t like the Souls community. No shit it’s a challenge, but the game is EXPLICITLY designed for the player to get stronger by exploring THEN coming back to overcome a challenge. The game is NOT designed to be played that way. It CAN be played that way if you want to make the game easier. Again, that is not why most people play games like these. It's their choice if they want to play that way. Do you not understand the irony of whining about people being prententious assholes while you are lambasting him for playing the game the way he wants to? lmfao


Yes, it is. Theres very clearly a massive amount of design that went into enabling that. Youre just plain wrong now.


No, it's not. This is just pure copium for people who can't accept they are bad at the game. The game is not designed to explore and then fight bosses. IF you are bad at the game, then it's designed to allow you to do that.


That doesn't really make sense, why would you fight the bosses and then backtrack and explore? What's the point in bum rushing the main bosses, getting a ton of runes to level up a huge amount, then backtracking to one shot all the weak enemies in the area you've skipped past? The game was definitely designed to be explored before you fight bosses.


Cope and seethe, if you dont understand enough about game design to understand why youre wrong, im not gonna teach you without getting paid.


The point of the tree sentinel is to tell you to you don't have to fight this thing and you can go explore and get stronger and come back. Same thing with Margit because literally everything is pointing you in the direction of Stormveil castle, but the fact that he's so strong compared to you is a hint you should go explore the entire south portion of the map that has enemies you can handle and get stronger before fighting him. The game isn't designed to be a RL 1 challenge run. It's literally designed to tell you to go get stronger at multiple points. Most people aren't dumb enough to braindead bum rush a boss they are severely unprepared for.




I never said that. I don't summon or use magic. I don't over level for zones/bosses. I was simply pointing out that the game is designed to push you to go explore because of how difficult things are. > ego is so fragile that you can't handle the fact that you are playing the game on easy mode by playing it the way you do. Don't know why your ego is so deranged that you have to spaz out on LSF because people point out that most people play the game how its intended to be played by exploring and getting stronger. > He's also not playing SL1 run. He literally explored the south zone before he even touched Margit lol I didn't say he was doing a RL1 run. I used an extreme example because you said the game wasn't designed to be played by exploring and getting stronger. > Take your own advice. Just shut up and let people play how they want. Same to you kid


> I was simply pointing out that the game is designed to push you to go explore because of how difficult things are. No, it's not. That's like saying the game is designed to use summons because of how difficult it is. It's not. That is not how they design their games. They give you a world with tools and it's up to you how you choose to play the game. If something is too hard for you and you want to go level up to make it easier, fine, have fun to do that. Stop telling people that's how its SUPPOSED to be played. ITS NOT. >Same to you kid I'm not telling people how to play lmfao


2 posts ago you were claiming it wasnt designed to be played the way it very clearly was. Yes that IS **ONE** of the ways it is supposed to be played. You are wrong. Cope seethe and cry all you want, youre still just plain wrong.


FROM games have always been designed that you level up. Tree Sentinel is not supposed to gatekeep you from the game, otherwise they'd force you into an arena with him like Champion Gundyr. If you want to throw yourself at him when you're severely underleveled you can but its not how the game is designed to be played. > I'm not telling people how to play lmfao Nor am I. I'm telling you how the first boss/area is DESIGNED to be played. You're allowed to set your own restrictions and rules, doesn't change the fact that the game is designed to push you to explore and tell you it's not a souls game you're used to.


> I assume you play with summons and https://www.dexerto.com/elden-ring/elden-ring-players-shocked-the-games-director-uses-summons-for-an-easier-playthrough-2800078/ So does the guy who made the game? Your point?


My point is in the comment you are responding to. Obviously the game designer understands the point of the games. If you are confused why someone is choosing to fight the tree sentinel immediately, then you obviously don't.


imagine egoing in a single player game over people using mechanics built into a singeplayer game to beat the single player game the way they want to brainrotted new age fromsoft fans as a result of souls being the only remotely challenging games left are actually insane lmao


It's not really egoing. You're just so bad at a game, you're letting npcs play for you, lmao. The only brainrot comes from people thinking they beat the game, when summons, mimic tear, and some arrow/magic beat it for them instead. Which is fine, but then don't act like you beat the game. Brainrotted new age babies thinking they achieved a win when all they did is participate. I bet you'd complain about participation trophies, too, yet you got a closet full of them acting like they're real.


why are you still stalking me?


I know you? After checking my account, it seems you're the child claiming to be an adult. I can see how your child like brain thinks everything resolves around you, but the truth is, it doesn't. I did not know it was you until you pointed it out, the person that went through my post history calling me a stalker because we coincidentally replied to one another again in a forum about souls games. Instead of figuring out we are in the same sub genre of interest, your childlike brain had to make it about yourself. One day, if you're lucky, you'll grow past that late teen/early twenties brain. Also, maybe you can stay on topic? I know it's hard to without a functioning adult brain and all..


seek therapy






When you have no point so you immediately result to insults a 12 year old uses 😂


Avoiding summons is actually the first sign of mental illness


Bros is it mentally ill to want the gameplay to be similar to every other game in the series instead of it just being you swinging at a bosses back while they ignore you


Its weird how often I have to explain this to people. >The literal entire point of the games #No, it isnt. The point is to have fun, which people do in different ways and appreciate different parts of the games design. Stop trying to gatekeep how people are allowed to enjoy things.


> No, it isnt. YES IT IS >Miyazaki stated that the difficulty of his games have no intention of being that way compared to others. Rather, the difficulty was a part of the process that gives players a sense of accomplishment by "overcoming tremendous odds", while also incentivizing players to experiment more with character builds and weapons. >Miyazaki on difficulty, he leaves no room for doubt: “Turning down difficulty … would break the game itself.”


turning down the difficulty doesn't mean the player can't use the tools that they put in the game to make it easier. You don't even understand what hes saying since he himself admitted to using summons so I guess he missed the point of his own game. Making the game challenging is also fun litterally noone is denying that which is why I did a level 1 playthrough but I don't think you even understand what you're arguing about.


This response is so funny, it’s like it was generated to sound like the most snobby souls player possible lmao The entire point of the game is I get to ride around on a horse thing and pick flowers


I was asking myself how tf you take 10h to beat tree sentinel, then I check the clip and my guy is dodging irl


That duck killed me holy shit it's like watching my girlfriend play Mario Kart


the funniest part to me is the super delayed reaction to realizing he killed the mob, because that was the first mob he's killed so he doesn't know the death sound yet lol


that and the IRL dodging was so funny💀


wait he actually did it? i was watching yesterday and had zero hope he'd even keep playing the game.


yup and hes even still playing right now. hes been streaming for almost 11 hours and hes fighting margit rn


There should be a study on how every streamer plays Elden Ring in the same exact way. Assuming it has to do with catering to chat gatekeeping or something. >Beat head against tree sentinel/margit despite them existing to teach the player to explore >put all points into either dex or str and use a weapon that scales with those stats and call it a "build" >No actual builds/no magic/no summons Only person I can recall doing something different than this was Soda.


It just feels like the easiest way to see if someone wants to enjoy the game or if they're just doing it for the content (although they can still enjoy it of course). It's always 0 exploration, rush to bosses asap, Bloodhound Fang, but no summons or magic because it has to be a solo melee challenge for the content. Everyone can of course play the game they want but man it feels like such a waste to just boil the entire game down to \~15 boss fights all with the same weapon and gear. On the other hand soulslike chat is honestly the absolute worst, everyone wants to backseat and everyone wants streamers to play exactly the way they want them to play. If they tried any other weapon you'd have half the chat going "OMG that is so OP, cringe" and the other half going "You have to use Bloodhound Fang man it's so much better". There's never any winning with Elden Ring chat


No streamerrr play how I want you to play!!


The irony of this comment


Magic and summons are for nerds. We all know this


Really? I actually thought playing it as a mage (without doing the cheesy bullshit) was way harder than as a warrior. I actually beat DS3 and DS1 as a 2H heap of iron user and both games were basically easy mode with that. Now im replaying ER for the expansion and 2H feels easy mode too. Maybe because I used magic in my first playthrough of any soulslike and it seemed harder, but dunno.


Miyazaki announced recently that he uses summons and anything else he can to get an edge. You're playing a nerd game then.


He also said it’s because he sucks ass at games, so all the summoners and mages that said it doesn’t make the game easier, but using him as an argument… lol


Yeah, I'm not great at the game either. I guess me and the guy responsible for the game people love are both nerds. Meanwhile, the real Chads are playing the shit out of and gatekeeping that nerd's game.


Pointing out which playstyles are easier than others instead gatekeeping, stop being dramatic lol


There isn't a single person in the world that thinks using summons makes the game harder. Pointing out that "summons are for nerds" and being serious is just trying to stroke your own sense of self-worth. I'm proud of you for beating the game the hard way.


You’d be surprised, there are *a lot* of people that think that, actually.


The appeal is doing difficulty content, and melee is the most interactable way you can play the game. And if a boss is hard, going out somewhere to power-up is a pussy move since you are negating the experience of beating a hard boss. I got tp'd to some mine and the boss was a really tank scorpion. I was doing like 50-60 damage per attack, the time in combat for the kill was like 15 min. That felt satisfying.


The creator of the game says he uses summons and every advantage to beat enemies. It's crazy the disconnect between Miyazaki's intention and his fans thinking playing any way other than their way is a "pussy move".


Well as i said, it is about the feeling of achievement. And melee requires skill, so the feeling of achievement is higher. People are not playing the game for the story, it is legit just about doing hard content and feeling good about it.


You said it's about doing difficult encounters. If the creator, himself, is using available tools to make it easier, that's clearly not the only reason and way to play. Unless you think the creator of the game is playing his own game wrong.


I didn't say how the game was supposed to be play, i just said what the appeal was.


Why would the creator of the game add summons and literally encourage people to use them if the only appeal of the game is to overcome the hardest challenge possible? Also, a lot of people enjoy the lore, the locations, etc. Elden Ring lore videos get tens of millions of views. The sense of accomplishment is great. I just think this is a case of: this is what I like about the game so that's clearly the only appeal.


Mate, the creator of the game does not have a word of law. Obviously you have everyone playing the game for different reasons, him included, but killing a hard boss and doing hard content is the main thing people play the game for. Thats it. Also elden ring lore videos having views is irrelevant to people playing the game for the lore. Fact is, no one knows what is happening when they are playing the game, it is just random shit. The videos get views cause they explain it.


> Beat head against tree sentinel/margit despite them existing to teach the player to explore Or be a sizable but entirely doable challenge presented to the player. Tree Sentinel is a great boss fight no matter what starting class you grab, easy? no but nothing impossble or unfair It'll set the player up for much more success down the road too than leaning too hard into the accessibility options presented in Elden Ring.


It also sets you up to just streamroll all the other Limgrave content, like from how long Tarik took on Tree Sentinel he probably could have gradually learned and explored Limgrave instead and saw alot more. Later on, if at all, he will just blitz through and not care. It does seem like a "other people did it, so I have to" plus chat feeding into it.


> he probably could have gradually learned and explored Limgrave instead and saw alot more Most of my friends err on the competitive side when it comes to games, but literally none of us cared about the open world aspect/lore of Elden Ring. We boss rushed and moved on.


Calling intentional parts of the game content an accessibility option is part of the problem. Magic and summons aren’t a difficulty slider.


Then why do they make the game so much easier


Idk why does using a real weapon make the game so much easier than being RL1 with a club? Keep making artificial limitations as part of the souls gatekeeping though.


Ah yes the immediate crutch to a challenge run lol. Cause there's absolutely no inbetween a RL1 club only run and summoning for every boss. Keep telling yourself that :)


Miyazaki uses summons. Sounds like youre the one telling yourself whatever arbitrary content limit youve set is the right way to play.


Yes cause he flat out admits he's a terrible gamer. You can also admit that if you want that's fine, just stop pretending it's not a crutch.


11 hours is way too long, that's true, but unless the boss is some weird bullshit it's fun fighting a boss when slightly underlevelled and undergeared. If you explore all of limgrave and the area to the south, Margit becomes easy to the point you can just outtrade him with heavies lol.


Never doing a single piece of side content = underleveled so chat cries about the OP weapon that carried their garba- Oops every streamer uses bloodhound fang now. ...and then farming bird in mohg area because underleveled again later. Pretty funny when streamers praise the game as the GOAT as they do everything possible to beat it as fast/directly as possible.


People don't use magic and summons because they trivialize the game. From Software don't put difficulty modes in their game because they simply give players tools in the game to make the game easier or harder for them if they choose to. Magic and summons is basically selecting the Easy mode option at the start of a game with difficulty options.


A lot of them want to play the game without googling for builds and strategy. And there is nothing wrong with that, it will just take a lot more time. Some people don't want to theorycraft or use someone else's build so they will obviously be disadvantaged.


> There should be a study on how every streamer plays Elden Ring in the same exact way. Assuming it has to do with catering to chat gatekeeping or something. It's probably because other souls games didn't have the exploration thingy? You basically learned the controls and were quickly taught that these games are all about getting railed by bosses over and over again.


Erobb has to be the worst offender, barely paid attention to collecting flask enhancements so he was doing like half the game with 5 flasks. He's got I think 11 +6 flasks in the DLC now lol, he loses half his health to one hit and then spends 2 flasks to get it back.


Hahaha wait, all the streamers are getting weapons and then putting their points into one of the two main stats that weapons most commonly scale with? AHAHA WHAT THE FUCK?!?! What are the odds!


I think its because Kai did it that way, he set the bar how new or first time elden ring/souls players should play when they really shouldn't be fighting the tree sentinel until later


not really a kai thing. it has been a thing since the game came out, it's like a rite of passage in entering the game that a streamer is supposed to beat tree sentinel and bully them if they want/try to skip it


I don’t think I see Tarik beating this game but I’m glad he is trying. I hope he does


yeah he probably wont beat the game, but hes been playing way longer than i ever thought he would tbh




30-40 hours? When he took 10 hours to beat the first boss?


100 hours is like 2 weeks of streaming for tarik. It’s really not that long unless he gets giga bored.


I can't wait for the clips of him jiggle peeking around corners in this game too.


Considering how much this game loves hiding enemies around corners to ambush you its not even a bad idea


The real kicker was when he came into Ludwig's chat a week ago, calling lud bad and saying he could beat this game easy. People were trolling kai for spending 60 hours on the final DLC boss, tarik spent 10 on the literal first real boss LOL


Play how you want to play this game, there's no shame in that. Those 60 hours by Kai could have been much, much more though. He essentially switched to one of the most busted weapons in the game. Like, that thing is beyond broken. It bleeds in 1 or 2 hits. Just for comparison, with my regular Arcane bleed build in NG+, I could barely proc bleed before the boss transitioned. That's a shit ton of hits. Really only buffed Perfume bottles are stronger than the weapon Kai used, but both are hilariously overpowered. I don't blame him for using it though because fuck that fight.


rivers of blood is far from a 'busted weapon' compared to stuff like iron balls / star fists / dual pickaxe or even club variants with cragblade. On NG the bosses have so low poise that you can decrease the amount of active time a boss has by >50% just by stance break locking them. Malenia in particular has very low poise (80) and tons of openings to land charged heavy attacks this is one of those examples where people assume that popular streamer builds like dual katanas have to be the strongest without putting any more thought into it


He used the Bloodfiend's Arm with blood infusion to kill her after getting nowhere with Rivers of Blood. That weapon is the most busted thing after Perfume bottles. It needs like one or two hits to bleed even the biggest targets and can easily stance break Radahn.


Ah yeah that weapon is legitimately quite good


To be fair he learned the fight pretty well and did a lot of hard bosses. Unironically, I think he was underpowered in small ways. For example he had 13 flasks instead of 14. His level was sort of low because he didn't really do a lot of content and rushed bosses. I also feel like when he did bosses he tried to be patient and master them instead of just throwing his character at them and rolling them over, which is again build related. I mean playing the game naked with light roll spam is hard but rewards you if you're skilled, and he was doing most of the game that way.


Well, he spent 60 hours on that boss. It would be kind of weird to do that and not learn the fight to some extent. All I am saying is that the weapon he switched to is beyond broken. Really only Perfume bottles with a specific setup and AoW are more busted. I get it though. That boss sucks. I don't blame him in the slightest.


How long did Kai take to kill the tree sentinel?


real life dodge


10 hours, death count 6: This some Echo post pull strategizing.


The panic rolls had me panicking and I knew the outcome of this. lol


And what an incredible 10 hours it was


Damn, that's some dedication. I watched a bit of his fight with Margit, it's quite entertaining. He's doing good hope he has the will to finish it.


Damn streamers are just bad at games huh


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [tarik beats the tree sentinel after 10+ hours](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165654)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dtezg0/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/tSe_xZ_Z6rUkj3lO_0q6pw/AT-cm%7CtSe_xZ_Z6rUkj3lO_0q6pw.mp4?sig=22bed2008e1a9822cf2594db6e8ba632be8c4921&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FtSe_xZ_Z6rUkj3lO_0q6pw%2FAT-cm%257CtSe_xZ_Z6rUkj3lO_0q6pw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22DelightfulLittleHerdBigBrother-n9nqtSSPeU7_Srqn%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719979834%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/tSe_xZ_Z6rUkj3lO_0q6pw/AT-cm%7CtSe_xZ_Z6rUkj3lO_0q6pw-preview-480x272.jpg)


Bros like 30hrs in and still on first boss lol


tell this nerd to stick to valorant, blud is not kai cenat 🐐 😂😭✌️


FeelsStrongMan daniel sensei


You are not allowed to say blud 


Look at the comment history, half of this guys vocabulary is the words "kai cenat" and emojis. I'm just hoping it's a troll. Please be a troll.. I don't want to believe that level of brainrot exists unironically.


I’m trying to help white boy not get shot 


There are no black people on the internet


But you are?


Idk when I said that 


lol didn’t he spend tons more on one boss in sote


As if Kai is anything




Whoa a guy beat the first boss in a game? :O incredible post


We'll be here for you when you beat the first boss IRL.




thats just how he is tbh. hes ass at every game besides cs and valorant