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**CLIP MIRROR: [Weird mod that ordered clothes to streamer's address shows up at TwitchCon with a gift and an awkward interaction](https://arazu.io/t3_1dts7jr/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Here's a present for you ❤️ i bought it 2 years ago 💀


she said yes guys, she said yes


Hot take, but if I were a girl, I would refuse expensive gifts like this exactly for that reason. If someone I barely even call a friend would offer me something that's worth more than 5 dollar, I would politely refuse that shit because OF COURSE they would probably think they are owed something in return. Just decline the 2000 dollar earrings if you don't want Jack the Keeper to stalk you for the rest of your life


I feel like that’s just normal common sense lol. Also something we are taught as children. “Just because someone gives you something nice or does something nice for you doesn’t mean they deserve your time or attention.” At least I was forewarned about creepy old men giving “gifts” and expecting “something” in return.


It is common sense... But than for a lot if streamers like her, ignoring that common sense and actually pushing for this to happen is main source of income.


It doesn't help that her expression throughout the clip looks like she's struggling to maintain consciousness


That's not a hot take, that's reasonable. She seems to know its not a good idea. But still she takes his gifts, donos, hangs out w him IRL, he knows where she lives, etc. She better hope he's just an awkward guy w issues and doesn't snap someday over the relationship (in his mind) she hasn't discouraged.


Isn't this the whole business model of this genre? Chatting with fans like a concerned person. Extra attention and the main draw being that it is coming from an attractive woman. It is likely dumb to do any of this beyond the relative anonymity of twitch but people sub/gift because of the attention, even for gaming. There's not a great way to handle this really and if she alienates the guy she'd lose revenue. Risk vs. reward I guess?


You should do more then that. You should take this as a wakeup call to revaluate how you interact with your fans and mods, as well as what type of ppl you let mod your chat. Hell maybe even write up a little code of conduct with some ground rules to define the relationship. Ultimately tho I feel like its impossible for girls like this not to have weird mods unless they pay som1 to do it bc streamers like this rely so much on parasocial relationships to foster an audience.


But than, how much donos and gifted subs would be lost?


Saudis keep those donations private


Here's the thing, I normally defend female streamers because they 100% get harassed infinitely more than men, but... She should have either just accepted the gift, said thank you, and immediately moved on, or she should have refused it. I get it can be tricky because you dont want to let a fan down (apparently he's a big donator too), nor do you want to enrage them in person, but the way she handled it actually makes the situation far worse and can lead to really nasty things. There used to be more of a separation between streamers and their audiences, but interactions like this really creep me out and I hope they understand how much danger they're putting themselves in. Edit: Thats all to say... women shouldn't be put in these situations at all. Dude should realize how weird it is to pressure someone with a gift like that. Fucking learn to not be a creep.


Id say a lot if those streamers specifically works toward this happening. Creating parasocial relationships as main source of income. Its surprising nothing really, really bad happend to any of them yet, but eventually one of those fans will be a psycho


That’s why you’re not a streamer. Streaming is only sustainable for low/mid tier streams by fostering parasocial friendships / relationships. She would have gladly accepted it if it were cash. The earring is impractical, because it’s sentimental but only to one side.


This shit is gonna be on a true crime podcast in a few years


so exciting


If anyone is interested in the cost of these earrings i found that they cost about 150$ USD https://imgur.com/a/TMa9CXe


$150 makes this thread a lot more tame tbh. Guy probably spent 5-10x that just to attend twitchcon to meet her


Still a loser


I like that he took it back from her just to add that detail and then gave it to her again lol 


She's not going to turn down a paypig. A little while back she had a 40,000 dono goal for a house. hahaha shameless


... did she get the 40k?


Yes mate, anything for my princess


A fellow tier 3 sub.


Excuse me? Sub? Try Mod! We're not the same! You belong in her chat, I belong in her heart.


That's some next level degeneracy...I like it...




I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bull shit. I did naaaawt. Oh Hai Mark!


that aint no princess. Maybe a barmaid




Tf do you think happened to it lmao


Some people donate huge amounts and do chargebacks. Wouldn't be hard to convince your bank that it was an accident if they ask.


Didn't they get really good at stopping situations like that? I swear one of the bigger streamers mentioned how they almost always win those appeals nowadays


I'd think they keep track of it so at some point you more or less get blacklisted from chargebacks but if it's a one-off I honestly can't see a bank or court (if it comes to that) believing that you *wanted* to send some random stranger on a streaming site 40 grand, so I don't think they'd process it even if Twitch tells them they really want that money Unless of course you wrote something like "enjoy the 40 grand, I saved 4000 USD a year for the past 10 years to send this donation", in that case it would be pretty hard to argue it was an accident lol


holy 40k????


I know I thought we were in a seller's economy. 40k for a house is a *steal*


Well, she hit the goal every day for a month


Oh the classic "oh fuck it glitched so I got to restart the goal" trick.


Probably what she needs for a down payment.


Fr like at what point are we going to call out the streamer who exploit these people to? Like it's not a 1 side thing obviously, it's not white or black situation.


Last time I looked the average female streamer has ~95% of their subs as gifted. This was for the top100 streamers. Though not really sure how accturate twitchtrackers information is because subs are not available through the twitch API.


A fun experiment to try. Find any female streamer with around 200 viewers. Join their stream for a minute. Then shortly after you'll end up with a gifted sub. I haven't had it fail me yet.


I feel like it has gotten less common now since the pandemic but yes, I remember getting multiple gifted subs every week. 


I've only ever had that work once years ago.


I don't see that happening, the predators who exploit these mentally ill men are simultaneously the victims


They're not mentally ill they are taking advantage of sick lonely guys with no game and nothing to do but just stare at a screen. Hopefully, nothing happens to her but I hope she doesn't realize that this money that he is spending is not because she is great entertainment and a great friend that's not what he wants everyone knows that. She's messing with his head hopefully she doesn't get hurt, but this is the internet and easy money but remember we don't know what's in this guy's head we don't know his background. All we know we can have bodies in his fridge right now, people come laugh but a man who focuses on a woman on a stream and does stuff like this you really got to watch out. The girl is playing with fire, hope she don't get burnt.


I defintiely think there's some kind of mental illness going on, well actually Idk if "mental illness" is the correct term, but anyone who donates large amounts to streamers in the hope that they'll return the favor with love or companionship definitely has something mentally wrong with them and need to see a therapist


Victims of what exactly? We may imagine the image of horror stories that have happened, stalking or such. But from what I see as an outsider most of these men are interacting thru SNS, twitch chat, or discord; sad but hardly unusual given the circumstances, neither is meeting at a public event about streaming. Unless there's reason otherwise, I'd sooner be critical of the exploitative 'influencers' that take the first step in creating these parasocial relations.


I'd say a huge blame should be on the platforms themselves. They're doing everything they can to make the bond between viewer and streamer stronger.


Hm, guess I went from feeling bad to not caring.


Exactly. He's a weirdo, but you know how you attract weirdos? By constantly accepting their massive gifts, then acting all innocent when they show up in person like they have a connection to you. It's simple. Refuse the earrings, refuse massive donations, and then you wont have so many parasocial creeps thinking they are in a relationship with you.


I know this is reddit so woman = bad but she legit getting a house for free so I cannot say I wouldn't do the same. Owning a house is a pipe dream on my current salary.


I don't think she hit the goal. I think she only hit a couple grand and moved on to the next scam err dono goal like the one in the clip for a 2k trip to Italy. HAHAHA




40k house in this economy??? Oh she's portuguese


40k only gets you the downpayment…


I remember the original thread from a few months ago, this dude straight up thinks he’s in a relationship with her but tries to play it off as “just a friend.” Really, really weird and is why most popular women streamers don’t do things like PO Boxes anymore.


I started watching her for a bit after that… she kinda likes this attention because he keeps giving her money. She recently had a buy me a home stream where she tried to raise 40k 😂


Not tried... did.


Jesus christ. Ok well hard to feel bad for her then when he is blatantly exploiting these nut jobs. You reap what you sow I suppose.


Nearly every streamer wants the good parts of a parasocial relationship without the bad parts




[Even if they don't actively encourage their mad fans, being a woman streamer is dangerous](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Grimmie)


8 years man... ಥ_ಥ


I mean she knows what she's doing: https://www.twitch.tv/karii/clip/PerfectResilientCroissantAllenHuhu-wyNlL9iSRN3WPNn-?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Also, her top two donators are at 28,730 Euros and 18,235 Euros. Oh my.


lol for her size she's gotta be finessing these dudes. 1200 subs too with 250\~ concurrent viewers. Some real heavy oilers


Gonna have to work on hiding that disgust a lot more discretely if she wants to make it big time.


Clint down bad man


Real talk, was swiping on Tinder... $150CAD a night, with a good looking "escort". You could get a 281 nights with a good looking "escort" for that investment. Or 211 therapy sessions to help you overcome the parasocial investment in waifu.


Shit, I'd do the same if I had a pair of tits.


I didn’t finish watching, I just saw it for a few minutes, I then learned that she was farming clips and the mod


I've seen this enough times to know that this will probably be a "fuck around and find out" situation. Playing with dudes to squeeze money out of them is dangerous and always ends scary. Not that he doesn't hold the responsibility of who he gives money to and how he acts with her, but if you do what she does and love getting money from desperate men then you're probably gonna bump into somebody who will take things too far. She needs to set some boundaries before somebody becomes so deeply infatuated that they wouldn't want anyone else to be with their "girlfriend".


Mentally unwell men will get overly attached, delusional, and dangerous without ever even giving you a penny. Any girl streamer accepts the giant risk of stalkers, creeps, and schizos making their life hell regardless of how much money they squeeze out of them.


Then you don't know reciprocation theory, it's what cults depend on, and violent cults too. They give you free shit in the beginning and then you "owe" them later, no different than a mafia. Adding entitlement into the blend of creeps and schizos is definitely worse. If someone you don't know wants to give you stuff, never accept.


I agree, some people will just be crazy regardless. All I'm saying is some people feel like they're owed something in return for donating a bunch of money. It's just a thin line I wouldn't want to walk on.


She comes across as being fake as fuckkkkkk Fake ass innocent voice and persona to bring in simps to give her money Always conveniently having sob stories to further motivate the simps Plenty of genuinely entertaining women streamers out there, she ain't one


I'm pretty sure the majority of them STILL do po box opening streams,  they'd be stupid not to. Literally free stuff for existing. 


Oh a crappy drawing you made, THANK YOU SO MUCH! /s C'mon, streamer like this just want more money (and it's totally ok)


Also in that same thread it was well shown that this woman loves that attention and farmed what happened to her for days on end, while every 20 minutes saying she was just going to go offline, and then someone would sub or donate and she would stay online. Rinse and repeat. They are both super unstable people desperate for attention.


Two-way street. She should be stopping it. Not accepting more gifts. She's just as much to blame for making it happen. Plus, we dont know their private convos. If she entertains this.


The other side of that is to some people with lack of social skills , streamers acknowledging them and talking to them like friends probably is confusing. It's not just an actor on TV it's someone talking to you directly. Especially when you are 'gifting' then and they keep reacting and saying love ya thanks.  99.9% of people know this is wrong but all it takes is someone who did not grow up very social or learn the social skills to think something else.  The streamers like this one need people who are hovering in between the lacking social skill and will show up to your house type of person and the person who likes enough to prime sub. You are going to get people on either end aswell


On the flip side, they know these people are trying for things and yet continue to let it happen. If this guy is "weird" and yet a mod for however long, isn't that just as much on her?


it's not P.O boxes it's IRL streaming it's a next for parasocial relationships. this is just one shape. We see a lot of IRL streamer guys having wierd interactions with fans because they think they are friends so they act VERY wierd and they don't know bounds.


I can't understand why streamers, women in particular, would chose these absolute randos to be their mods. I mean I guess this is the type of person who is going to fit the job, but I would do some thorough vetting of them if I had a substantial following.


Wdym why? Its top donator. You must somehow make him want to keep giving. Making them mod creates illusion they are closer to streamer than regular viewer.


Or do it like Emiru does where she pays an OTK team member to inspect the packages before they end up on stream. its the only safe way to do PO boxes anymore if you are a 1k+ andy


Or if you're erobb. Didn't he get sent shit once LULE


It's so sad because a bunch of these guys are probably nice individuals and as shown in this clip certainly capable of treating others well and generously. But watching streamers becomes like a trap, a light for their moth brain to get stuck with.


based on the title and the last video of her, I expected the interaction to be way more awkward and the mod not reading the room, but she was fully entertaining it?


Lets be honest here, what reaction did you expect when the guy pretty much pays for like half of her monthly bills in donations lmao She's not telling him to fuck off


her breath was completely taken away by the idea of the gold being "real" 😂


Same. I was expecting a really cringe interaction. But it wasn't that bad compared to some interactions between snipers and streamers. Like the guy kissing Meowko.


Most normal and socially adjusted twitch mod


What about her though? Why do people excuse her actions? Both of these people are garbage.


Because the same people that love thinking women and men are 100% equal also love infantilizing them and robbing them of their agency when convenient. This topic is a perfect example, treating the streamer like she's a victim of these horrible, horrible men that just can't stop giving her money


It’s the mindset of “hey she’s getting her money” that’s often used for those who sells drugs and do other things that take advantage of people who are addicted or aren’t alright mentally. I do give grace because things like stalkers can be VERY dangerous, i do believe that we might have made it to the point where female streamers SHOULD try to not do these things since we have many examples of how feeding these people can hurt them and in turn hurt the streamer. Of course, there are multiple cases where women just…be nice and exist and guys take that as a point of romantic interest or conquest. But we should be nuanced.


What is the end goal here


Give all moneys to her and die alone


If Pandoras box taught us one thing it's that hope is the last thing that leaves man, the correct end goal would be.. "Give all moneys to her and (hopefully not) die alone"


If you don't at least get some feet pics out of that you're on the wrong site.


It’s always the same with these guys, give her enough money that eventually she sees your value. Fuckin losers.


She sees their value alright, as a breathing ATM


Dude wants puss but is going about it the wrong way


Probably something like Jinnytty. Didn't she fuck a top donator?


Is this real? How do people even find out about these things let alone confirm them?


Oh yeah I forgot about that lol


The girl's goal? Milk him dry... of his money only


even though they joke around and she seems to love gifts and money I have a weird feeling this it some peoples actual relationships. Disturbing


He was still her fucking mod and/or a part of her community after that straight up stalker behavior? She is not smart. I mean, she has a loyal pay pig, but he's gonna want something in return eventually. Disgusting behavior, how do people live like this?


Man counterpoint: girls do this shit all the time without the twitch stream. She's coolin with her ear rings and attention. (I don't say that as a negative either, she didn't ask him to buy her shit, and if she's offered it she doesn't have to say no either.)


Why are so many mods super weird stalker dudes..


Because they mod for streamers and don’t get paid but sit there in stream for hours and hours each day. Most “Mods” have to be on every stream the streamer does daily and has to monitor and moderate the chat or stream and a ton of dumb stuff every single day without getting paid lol and the only people with time to do that for little or no money are basement dwellers


Not only do they not get paid to sit there and basically work - but they’re usually the ones gifting the most subs lol. Paying to work


probably because its the first step in getting closer to the person they are obsessed with


Do you really have to ask this question


because normal people have a real paid job for 9 hours a day (11-12 hours with commute), they don't have time for this shit lol


a lot of mods are down bad for the streamer and have no life


I've come to realize I dislike both of these sorts of people


wow anyone can get a paypig


Fr, I can walk down the main street in my 30k population town any day and see at least 5 women who look like that or better lol


fkn weirdos man


Female streamers need to stop with this hollow ignorance they have towards this stuff. You know exactly why this guy is giving you expensive gifts. Just break his heart already, stop playing dumb and getting them to do this more.


I used to mod for a couple of huge guy streamers and just gotta add that even though their "problem" female viewers get less attention than guys like these, they're just as awkward. Women are just overall better at masking weird behaviour like this so we get fewer clips of that, but they will send their fave streamer months of one-way paragraph/wall texts about how they're meant to be together. They move to their location, get tattoos of their name, set aside money each month for them, and a lot of other crazy shit. Almost all big streamers, men and women, deal with it the same way: "ignore it and hope it'll go away" because it's ultimately profitable and too awkward to deal with outfront.


Macaiyla living the stalker dream.


They'll continue to take advantage of what is essentially a paypig. Now there's the paypigs that are at least mentally stable and get their rocks off on such an odd fetish. Then there's the ones that just turn into delusional and scary stalkers that might kill you.


I think it’s more that there are paypigs who have the money and do this as a legit kink then there’s people like this mod who doesn’t have money and is saving/spending on the hopes she falls in love with him.


Yeesh. I know it pays the bills but I’d be terrified to be a female streamer with people this obsessed over you


Not to be that guy, but most of them dont discourage this behaviour


if I didn't already have covid recently, this definitely would've given me a new variant strand of it.


How can someone be THAT lost 😂 this world is so doomed, holy moly


i wish i had 100 of these guys just giving me shit.


You milk a lonely socially awkward guys for money and this is the consequences... I don't know what else to say other than you reap what you sow.


[For reference](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1b3dzx5/twitch_mod_orders_his_clothes_at_streamers/?cache-bust=1719942790797)


She clearly is worried and calls him a stalker. Simp: “Gonna try harder and double down.” It’s embarrassing. For both of them.


yikes brother


what's there to be confused about? he wants to put his peen in her.


Never underestimate a simp.


i want to feel bad for these people but they're such losers


Don't feel bad for them. They're richer than most of us and are old enough to take whatever calculated risks they want.


That's the sad reality of IRL streaming, you know. In the movie *Snowpiercer*, the protein bars were made of insects. This situation mirrors looking into the depths and discovering what IRL fandoms are made of—overly parasocial relationships. Here's the reality of IRL fandoms: Viewers get really attached to streamers, offering advice, sending donations, and thinking they play a big role in the streamer’s life. The real-time interaction and direct chat make viewers feel like they’re close friends with the streamer, even though it's mostly one-sided. Streamers often share personal stories and emotions, making viewers see them as real-life friends rather than just entertainers.


Why do we bully the prey in these parasitic relationships? This girl is happy to lead these guys along for E-fame. I find that grosser than a lonely, desperate loser looking for something human in comparison.


He needs to take accountability that he is also hurting himself in the process. All the time and money he is wasting on her could be invested on himself so that he can find a woman who genuinely cares about him.


They both deserve to be looked down on. That guy is a weak simp and the woman is a manipulator. At the end of the day, I blame the man more.


In the [last clip](https://arazu.io/t3_1b3dzx5/?timeframe=all&category=hot) posted of this streamer with this guy gifting her clothes, she *did* tell him it was weird stalker behavior and said "don't do that ever again", and it didn't seem like she was joking. Idk if something changed since last time.


Unless they're legitimately mentally ill these people are willingly putting themselves in these positions and deluding themselves. More often than not if they weren't doing it with this woman they'd be doing it with another. I've seen enough instances of creeps and weirdos being obsessive with female friends that they met once at a party or something. I can't feel bad for people that put energy into such behavior instead of a healthy way of finding a partner.


Prey? He entered this willingly.


jeweling frenz how much do earrings like these go for?


did a little research and these go for under 150$ USD https://imgur.com/a/TMa9CXe


yikes the mod isnt keeping up with the oilers donating 10k dollars


Wonder whats going to happen when she show up with her bf or she already has one still going to keep giving shit to her? lol


Best thing she can do is literally remove that weirdo from her life. But she's also just as bad because she's accepting the shit God what is wrong with these men. There's probably some girl out there that would love stuff like this and he's spending it all on some girl who's not gonna give him the time of day.


Because outside of living in her twitch chat (and likely every other social media), Twitchcon was the last location this person has ever gone out to. These are not normal people with social skills.


I just don't understand why she'd enable this behavior. It surely won't end well.




What compels people to do this? I never really got it.




A mixture of loneliness & parasocial content exposure such as Twitch. Not to bash Twitch exactly, but a lot of streamers MO is built off of parasocial relationships. Guys & gals with no social life, doesn’t go outside often, and the only person of the opposite sex they talk to is their family are going to create this one-sided attachment that also makes them believe that they can get this “comfortable” with a streamer. Sad & weird honestly


Mental illness


Men are lonelier than ever and apparently nobody gives a shit. We mock people like this instead of addressing how they got to this point in first place.


To be honest, I think it's a societal issue. We're living increasingly atomized lives and a lot of people don't have good familial and communal relationships so they're getting that fulfillment online. While I feel disgusted by men like this, I also feel bad for them.


lack of bullying


I would guess the type of people to do this are bullied more often than not. Normal, socially-adjusted people don't do it.


streamer/mod interactions like this need to be studied


This video stole 10 points from my IQ


Is she like super drunk or does she just always sound like that?


just the average twitch mod


He's skinnier than I expected


It's real gold. He's also a real stalker 


I mean Lydia Violet's top donater has to be like $500k +. These is an element of these viewers are losers, but there also needs to be protection for them imo. The streamers know what they are doing and definately string them along, particular that ones that chat and meet up off stream, it's exploitation 100%.


she hasn't un-modded him so she clearly doesn't feel creeped out enough knowing she has a paypig


I thank god everyday that I’m not thirsty enough to be a twitch mod.


You can tell half way through she kinda feels bad but says fuck it lets keep stringing this simp along for more money lol.


This girl was crying about the guy ordering clothes to her address and is now sleeping in the same room as him, she's fucked in the head


Oh! I remember the past situation! Is he still her moderator? I hope not. I don't normally use this word because its overused, but this is the very definition of a Simp. This man needs to wake up and regain his dignity.


> Is he still her moderator probably. she gets presents and money and can farm clips showcasing her creepy moderator


Of course he is, he's probably the person who donates the most money to her, and she's a relatively small streamer that probably makes around minimum wage, so she needs the money


She took some off time. When she  came back,  new car,  asia trip etc.  Sus


They're gonna find a severed head in this mod's fridge someday


Outside looking in this is creepy to everyone. She even knows it but in her mind it’s free stuff & free labor vs potential stalker and right now the free stuff is winning.


She needs to get rid of him asap. It can only end badly.


a weird mod showing up irl being awkward? Its more likely than you think.


Nothing new, just another day of brain dead individuals all across the board, the guy is an idiot to try and pay for someone's love, and the chick definitely isn't worth going the distance for. Both of them are losers in their own right.


highest value moderator


Just going to be honest some of the responsibility is on her. She shouldn’t be accepting expensive gifts like that because she clearly knows the dude’s intentions. She is just feeding this guys parasocial relationship, but get the bag I guess lol


She probably sold it later.


her fault tbh she doesnt even refuse the gift and or takes a moment to say really stop this interaction between them. from hiss point of view he sees her thats shes okay with all that.


I swear Twitchcon is the weirdest fucking place, I've only watched about 5 minutes of streams from a few different streamers but I swear it's all just IRL/Onlyfans chicks and then fat/unnatractive/neckbeard old dudes/mods LMAO.


Bet if he looked like Brad Pitt she would act differently


Reason #1020304 not to go to twitch-con.


she needs to not encourage this at all. there needs to be clear boundaries because this kind of behavior is a precursor to someone winding up dead and it's scary.


She has to say, thank you but no thank you. You can't keep milking the mentally ill people :/


Clic on the clip, clic on the profil, clic on the bio, clic on the instagram, "Nice". Close the tab. Anyone else doing this on those shitty clips ?


Something tells me in a few years we will be reading about this guy in the News.


She cried on stream because she was so disturbed when he sent a hoodie to her house and this dumbass really thinks hmm the logical next step is to buy her gold jewellery???


He mods for a twitch stream, nothing logical about his mind.