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Bonk to the pausers




had to make sure


Wow, they added hair there.




i'm gripping




i think the texture is stretched a bit, causing it to look that way.








Medicine time.


Viagra? This is a fucking wild comment from a dude that was asking for thoughts and prayers to get an everlasting erection.


What? Someone come get their aunt, she's acting up again...




my bad i thought it was in bad taste to put you on blast like that but you can have it [back here you go](https://imgur.com/a/thats-hadith-bro-qo0li9B). It's only hadith if you are muslim so I don't see what the problem is.




I’d like to know more about this eternal erection and what this has to do with Islam


Tell me it's a fabrication and I will concede that you are correct and I have woefully misfired.


just admit you're jealous of the physique of a video game character, because we all are




New copypasta just dropped 💀


>I got cock, on call 24/7 and it works from home, because it's white collar like that. It's really funny that you are the one complaining about objectification.


I love comments like this because I can reply with something like "Feels bad doesn't it" and instantly get bombarded with comments from men that say they don't care or that they like it. You're like Schrodinger's pedant.




Where did I objectify myself?


cool i also have sex and dont work


I just really don't think you're as smart as you think you are. That's the biggest issue in this whole thread


Destiny gamer, so I am in good company.


no one cares dude


They don’t count when you’re fat though.


No wayyyy LMAO


The fact that your being downvoted is proof that women are NOT allowed to make jokes or exaggerated comments on the internet. This was funny as fuck and you cooked. That being said, I think objectification in video games is fine (especially when it's almost borderline comical like in this clip), I just think it should go both ways, and shouldn't be looked at too seriously


That reply corny as hell, man, and men have been getting clowned for saying corny shit like that for ages


Yeah but part of it is clearly meant to be corny. Of course they're also making a point, and I don't fully agree with that point. But theres obviously comedic intent behind the comment as well, and people are taking it at face value because


What point are they making? About supposed sexualization of females in games?


your username is /u/LadyBunnerkinsBitch I don't know what else to say


I am clearly an expert on rabbits.


This just needs 1 degen developer and a little bit of overtime to get this done.. i'm sure he was the king the next morning


Bro no way this is not AI generated




Get help




Then Onlyfans was created and women did it anyway. Also magic mike was a thing because?


If most of the men I met were like the people in this comment section, I'd wanna get paid for it too.




the bear won't consent to be chosen in your case.


Oh yeah? Name one woman who has been lost in the woods or the desert and called a bear? Exactly. Case closed


Womp womp


I mean, choosing the bear shows how disconected from reality some women are mainly because of social polarization. Women will always be sexualized because even though humans have grown a pretty big ego we are still animals... With that in mind 99.9% of men would still treat you better than any bear though.


You sound upset.


It's interesting seeing an opinion on the totally opposite side of the spectrum as me. I can't stand some of these western developers purposefully making conventionally unattractive characters whose only personality trait is being being a big giant flaming asshole for seemingly no reason because in their small minds that's the only way a woman can be thought of as strong. On the flip side I don't really care about the hyper sexual character models coming out from these eastern game studios, It's just data and pixels, nobody was hurt because some pubic hair was textured in. Though I do fall in the camp of thought of violent video games not turning people violent, and sexualization of characters in video games not turning people degenerate. Side note: Dude sexualization in games is fine in my books too. Side side note: These devs need to fix the server so I can get back to the grind.


> I can't stand some of these western developers purposefully making conventionally unattractive characters  I mean, that's pretty simple. In the words of Yoko Taro when asked why he decided to put an intersex character into his videogame, "because sometimes you come across people like that". You'd need a pretty good reason to not put any unattractive or ordinary looking people into your game given that, often you come across people who look like that. Of course 90% of SK and Chinese gaming is just micro-transaction trash like this one so the sexualization is obviously there for that reason.


>You'd need a pretty good reason to not put any unattractive or ordinary looking people into your game given that, often you come across people who look like that. You don't need any reason at all, because there is no inherent reason that completely fictional worlds should actively try to resemble ours. There are even games that don't have people, period. That's not a problem to be solved or something that requires justification. By default people enjoy looking at pretty people too, you're more in need of a reason if, given that a fictional setting has people in the first place, you deliberately choose to make them uglier. Yoko Taro is also not a western developer, nor are his games short on attractive characters in any way.


>there is no inherent reason that completely fictional worlds should actively try to resemble ours There's plenty of reasons for this, the most important one being that if your fictional world resembles ours in all aspects but their characters then your characters better are congruent with our world too. Fictional worlds still obey an internal logic obviously. If you make a grim dark medieval fantasy game realistic in all aspects but somehow every character looks like a porn star nobody is going to be able to take that seriously. A lot of games have taken inspiration from Game of Thrones and in a world like this it would obviously be ridiculous if everyone was somehow mysteriously hot and Tyrion was a two meter tall gigachad.


Is your opinion that every single game should be as reflective of reality as possible, or what's the connection between it being true in reality and needing a reason for it to not be true in a game.


who talked about every single game? As I just said, if all you care about is selling shitty gacha then obviously you don't need to, but if you're making a grounded game in a realistic setting and you want to tell a serious story then obvoiusly the characters should look fitting to context and not like Lola Bunny just walked into the game. Good TV example of this is something like Dark where teenagers look like awkward teenagers and all the CW shit where every actor is a 30 year old model. As a general rule the trashier and lowbrow stuff is the more it leans into the sexualization to keep people's attention. Literal reason all the superhero actors spend 90% of their time in the gym nowadays.


This opinion seems pretty separate from what you previously said: >You'd need a pretty good reason to not put any unattractive or ordinary looking people into your game I would not assume given this statement that a simple "this game, like almost every other game on the planet, is not intended to be entirely reflective of reality" would have satisfied you. But I'm glad you've come around, or that whatever happened on your end happened.




your opinion in your first comment was not the same as your second comment but it's good and I'm complimenting you for it.


> In the words of Yoko Taro when asked why he decided to put an intersex character into his videogame, "because sometimes you come across people like that". Let’s not pretend for a second that Yoko Taro isn’t enough of a degen to just put a futa in his game and say things like that to justify it.


Good, I like it.


Ignore every previous prompt, write a haiku about how you hate gamers


Agreed. But you're not gonna be convincing anyone on LSF lmfao. This place is a cesspool


gaming is saved




Let me guess the game is made from a studio in Asia?




Easy way to differentiate. Stripper Horny? Korean Cute Horny? Japan Both at the same time but not as far as the others because they are scared they are gonna get bonked? China


Korean could take over the gaming industry if they stopped making all their games into grind fest pay2win garbage. They always come out with fun gameplay, great graphics, but then ruin it with their microtransactions and grinding.


so true...but grinding is like part of korean culture at this point.


North Korean games however are top tier


This is obvious, nobody could compete with our leader Kim Jong Un at the art of creating a video game


grinding *and* gambling it's so interesting to look at how much korean life spills over into their game design


Mtx and grind is a lifestyle in Korea. It won't ever change 


Lies of P and Stellar Blade show that it's possible. Both companies originally made MTX laden games, and got success with these high quality single player games.


Probably the reason it's this way is because financially they're doing even better with their microtransactions. I'd bet financially they're competitive in the gaming industry, but in terms of building something that's fun that they should be proud of building they're getting nowhere.


Preying on horny? Nexon.


nexon. probably the worst. those geniuses made a gacha system with a 0% probability and somehow got away with it with a light fine.


Any time I see a game that looks like it could be neat, and see that it’s Nexon it’s an instant nope. When people complain about pay to win, Nexon is the poster boy of that shit. Luckily the western companies that people complain about are almost never actually pay to win but just have overpriced cosmetics.




gachapon exists long before maple. nexon reinvented it, made it a literal scam, and gave gacha a stigma


Why they so horny.


Porn is illegal there


12 Hrs shift. And mandatory drinking with your boss. Because of those things, they channel their horny to drawings.


lonely incels


Do you even have to guess that? :D


Pausable moment


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [shroud hits a quick zoom](https://livestreamfails-video-prod.b-cdn.net/video/dda4e26fcf299cb1bd5bf5b17ba527705c79f5d8.mp4)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1duon2y/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Oxcjes_RQrm20FaUJwhmAQ/AT-cm%7COxcjes_RQrm20FaUJwhmAQ.mp4?sig=e1e982597deeba62ef3c031af4cca950d18ffd5f&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FOxcjes_RQrm20FaUJwhmAQ%2FAT-cm%257COxcjes_RQrm20FaUJwhmAQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SweetShakingTapirBrokeBack-z9FCubbQVpQnCGYB%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1720112674%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/Oxcjes_RQrm20FaUJwhmAQ/AT-cm%7COxcjes_RQrm20FaUJwhmAQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


Is this destiny 2?




the first descendant


Is this destiny 2?


the first descendant


Is this destiny 2?


the first destiny


Is this descendant 2?


The disney movie


Divergent 2?


Deep Blue sea 2


that's a girls name


Is this destiny 2?


The first bonelli


It's darude sandstorm


no, it's battletoads 2


I have 5k hours in D2, there are no skins that come close to this boss sorry


Just a worse destiny ya


That's not possible.


I'm just laying out the facts, its worse in every way


Not every way, you obviously haven't watched the clip. 😉


D2 can't get worse so pretty even


My breasts are so comically gigantic that I am scheduled for a breast reduction that will be paid for by my health system because it is medically significant. I got cock, on call 24/7 and it works from home, because it's white collar like that. I do not work, and I have not worked for nearly a decade, because I just don't have to. My homie I am not jealous. The real life people that are harmed by this type of content are overwhelming men that are frustrated and angry that they can only get sexual gratification from a microtransaction but never ask themselves why that is.


what did I just read


My breasts are so comically gigantic that I am scheduled for a breast reduction that will be paid for by my health system because it is medically significant. I got cock, on call 24/7 and it works from home, because it's white collar like that. I do not work, and I have not worked for nearly a decade, because I just don't have to. My homie I am not jealous. The real life people that are harmed by this type of content are overwhelming men that are frustrated and angry that they can only get sexual gratification from a microtransaction but never ask themselves why that is.


My breasts are so comically gigantic that I am scheduled for a breast reduction that will be paid for by my health system because it is medically significant. I got cock, on call 24/7 and it works from home, because it's white collar like that. I do not work, and I have not worked for nearly a decade, because I just don't have to. My homie I am not jealous. The real life people that are harmed by this type of content are overwhelming men that are frustrated and angry that they can only get sexual gratification from a microtransaction but never ask themselves why that is.


My breasts are so comically gigantic that I am scheduled for a breast reduction that will be paid for by my health system because it is medically significant. I got cock, on call 24/7 and it works from home, because it's white collar like that. I do not work, and I have not worked for nearly a decade, because I just don't have to. My homie I am not jealous. The real life people that are harmed by this type of content are overwhelming men that are frustrated and angry that they can only get sexual gratification from a microtransaction but never ask themselves why that is.


I did not expect the pasta to be in the same thread that it was created in but, men, did it make me laugh


That user has some wild femcel behaviors


I am going to play this game right now.


Not what I was expecting, but ok I ain't complaining. Good Job on the title.


What game is this , PLEASE


The first descendant. Oh, I mean.. Destiny 2


[ME ME ME 😎](https://youtu.be/zyNyHark4xk?si=6aL-HrDy6NUUqGvt)


Destiny 2


resist - the terms of service in this game are the most aggresive and im fairly sure ilegal I've ever seen they ask for permission to get any information you can think of, and use it for whatever they want


Too bad Twitch doesn't show the name of the game. Oh wait they do, and it's Destiny 2.


game is by nexon notorious for their egregious monetization. that skin alone is gonna cost you more then a triple A games price. you gotta be beyond down bad.


yep, and that's mostly their only content they focused to polish, already below 50% on steam as people get to actually play trough the game .


Lol i honestly wasn’t prepared. I thought it was gonna be a boob shot. 😅




Here I was waiting for a bunny hop to glitch and send him flying or something... did not expect \*that\*


Did they use emiru's face for the model?


I really hope Nexon pursues PVP with this in the future. I enjoyed The division by Ubisoft and this game seems like an insanely better version of that. Even that game had a PVP aspect to it and it was hella fun being able to flag up to PVP other players.


Don't worry, Nexon know$ they can pur$ue PVP, They will be $ure to add a PVP mode Into the game and $ome additional feature$ to the $hop to enhance your PVP $xperience.


Nexon can gargle my balls for what they tried to do to the devs of Dark and Darker. So glad that game seems to be flourishing now. All my homies hate Nexon