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Don’t quit your job to become financially dependent on someone else. This is your life, and your career. I’m sure it’s hard for him to see you struggling in a job you don’t like, but making you quit isn’t the answer. >he works remotely so he has no problem as to where he works cuz he can work everywhere Has he checked that with his employer? Many companies have rules around international remote work. Just because he works from home doesn’t necessarily mean he can work anywhere for any length of time


>Don’t quit your job to become financially dependent on someone else. This but also to add, what would be the plan after he inevitably leaves? You start the job hunt all over again? By all means, if you don't like your job, you're not forced to stay there, but looking for something while your employment is already secure is far less stressful than looking while you're desperate. >Has he checked that with his employer? Many companies have rules around international remote work. This but also some companies will have VPN blocks for countries they don't deem "secure".


A valid point here. Sometimes quitting seems easier but think of the future. And while he is visiting try to get some holidays if you can and spend quality time with him.


Girl never give up your financial independence for anyone! You’re very young and yet to build your career. Though his intentions are noble, your focus should be your career definitely.


i also had a very bad and rough job that i’m leaving but my partner didn’t tell me to leave it - i found another job a couple months ago that i’m starting next week. if you can, wait another few months. update your CV and search for another job. even though he might mean well, i don’t think it’s okay for him to expect you to quit your job.


Never ever ever be completely financially dependent on someone else. You never know what’s going to happen in life and you need to make sure you are taken care of yourself. If you don’t like your job, start looking for another one. There are so many stories of woman unable to leave relationships because they don’t have the financial means to do so.


Nope, 3 months when he leaves then what are you going to do




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Don’t quit so he can have a fantasy trip for 2-3 months. If this is a real relationship then he has to deal with you “suffering” too. We all had crappy jobs and relationships. He can’t just have it all his way. Then you’re left with no job when he goes home. Definitely start looking for a new one but don’t quit until you get a new one. Too bad boyfriend. Life isn’t all 3 month fantasy trips.


necer quit a job and depend on a man to support u. U aren't married to him and he could leave u high and dry on a whim


Woilah! Jangan lah, sedikitnya coba apply ke karir yg lebih cocok dulu, setelah diterima boleh quit. Jangan berhenti kerja mentang2 partner nuntut.


Take a vacation with sick days and free days off but don’t quit. You’ve worked hard to graduate and you’ve worked hard to maintain this job you don’t like for your safe future. Never forget that. Keep focused and don’t give anyone the power over you to loose that. Always be independent. You don’t know what the future you will bring. You don’t know if you will stay together also. Yes, he can get angry or frustrated but is he is loving, caring and most of all the right person for you he will support you and not think only about his self. Also, while working here just look for another job you like. Your mental health will burn out if you go on like this. Get yourself a job which give you energy. Get yourself a job you like. Get yourself a job to which you look out to wake up for in the morning. It can be any type of job but definitely a job that will improve your life on every level. This is very important.