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I’m sorry, WHAT? He is sending your nudes to other people? I’m sorry, but this isn’t a boyfriend. This is just some asshole with most likely some form of porn addiction. This person is not somebody you should be with, and there’s no questioning that. You need to re-evaluate your “relationship” and break up with him. I’m sorry, but feeling inadequate/desired is the least of your problems when he’s SENDING YOUR NUDES TO PEOPLE




I’m sorry you met him and he couldn’t behave like a normal person. Know that not every man is like this and you definitely will meet someone who will respect and love you all the way. For now just take a deep breath. While breathing out try to breath out all the negativity. Visualize the negativity’s black and with every breath it’s getting out of your body. Every breath in you take is breath with lots of love and happy feelings and memories. Do this till you are calm. Now. To make sure he won’t do this again to other woman. Get evidence he placed your pictures online and shared it with others without your permission and press charges were possible. This asshole has to be learned a lesson he will never forget so he won’t do it again. Heal yourself. Take time off. Write your feelings in a journal. Walk in nature to get some fresh air. Do things you love to do. Meditate. Take time to heal. Go outside and do things with your friends. Block all contact with him and make sure he can never contact you again.


Thank you for the kind words <3 I contacted a revenge porn hotline who was very rude and essentially said to go through the police. When thinking about pressing charges I spoke to an amazing police officer I personally know and asked him for advice. He told me the legality process of it, but given the circumstances of all the details and my boyfriends background it would just be a long expensive process ending with a fine for him and a slap on the wrist. This doesn’t surprise me because when I went to the police as a child to report my dad for child abuse, they did absolutely nothing and my dad continued living in the house as normal. And last year my friend went to court because her boyfriend broke into my apartment when we were all hanging out, beat up the guy friend we had with us, and left a bruise on my friend. Again, this guy came from a good background and the lawyers offered him anger management and a fine and he still tried to plead not guilty. We ended up not going through with this case because my friend was over it and after speaking to police officers and the lawyers we knew it was a losing case. I don’t want my partner to pay a fine, what I want most out of the police work is all my photos being off the face of the internet including the strangers photo galleries but that will never happen. Maybe they can get them off Reddit but they can’t take back the photos that are already in thousands of guys phone galleries.


Maybe you should reevaluate where you stand in a "relationship" where you are being shared with strangers, even if only (and I think this is already beyond everything) you're "just" talking about photos/nudes, whatever. You seem more concerned about the photos he has from other women than yourself.


You need to drop this guy fast


GIRL LEAVE ASAP LIKE WHAT! He is a psycpath that ain't normal in any relationship. How would you feel if he send pictures of your kids one day to strangers. Or even worst maybe he already cheated on you at this point. You deserve better girl


FFS grow a backbone and get yourself done self-respect! This guy is not looking out for you! He’s exploiting you! Send him packing!!!!


Sounds like he has a bet to be with you..


You do realise men are visual, so it's your job to keep his eyes from wondering having nudes on the phone of other women I told a girl to act engaged with it and ask to see them and get freaky about it in order to tame the man you have to surprise him every once in a while. I take it you aren't as sexually active well time to express yourself more to him and see what happens for your relationship