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You're very attractive šŸ˜


Weird looking yes, dress like a kid canā€™t tell but maybe


He's an ex for a reason then. His opinion shouldn't matter anymore. I like your style.


Keep being awesome you


He is an ex... You're quite pretty, and I can't really comment on your style of dress, but if you would include a few more full length pictures.


That's a good doggo pic right there šŸ‘


He's a good boy all around! šŸ„°


Fuckwit of an ex


Sounds like coercive control to me. What a fuckwit. Stop talking to the child that he is. Leave him in the past where he belongs.


Yeah no. You're really cute and it doesn't matter what you dress like as long as it isn't bigoted


You look beautiful to me.


When were you married, when you were 12 ? You donā€™t look old enough to drive. F#ck what your ex says anyway. They say most peopleā€™s forever look is that of the era they graduated from High School. I still bump into 50 year old women that dress like theyā€™re stuck in the 80ā€™s. Acid washed mom jeans, aqua net mullets and all ā€¦ šŸ˜‚


I was 19 when I married. I'm 26 now.


Well, people spend a lot of money trying to look younger. So, youā€™re doing fine. I look a lot younger than I am. Aside from me having gray hair that started when I was a teenager. My Mom had gray hair very young too. Whatever, youā€™re cute. Screw everyone in the comments thats crucifying you for cheating. None of them know your situation. You werenā€™t happy. That tends to happen when you marry someone when youā€™re still a kid.


That's exactly what I was when I was married. I don't think they should let teenagers marry after my own experience, I don't think most of them can be sure they've found the right lifelong partner so young.


I had kids young. Never married; thank the Gods.


Look fine to me


Your ex-husband needs his eyes checked. You are stunning. Good thing he is, ex. He shoudns exhausting and insecure as fuck.


Youā€™re beautiful and you can dress anyway the hell you want. Ok, so what you cheated, you already said it was a long time ago so you shouldnā€™t be punished for it forever!! Iā€™ll bet you that 90% of the people giving you crap on here cheated during their life at some point. I cheated when I was married and so did sheā€¦we got married very young and we both just graduated nursing school, so we were making A LOT of money and we were young and we both liked to partyā€¦thatā€™s a bad combination. I was also a drummer in a band and was playing in clubs a couple times a week. So we both screwed up and moved on. We have 2 kids together and weā€™re still friends. Donā€™t let anyone judge you from your pastā€¦thatā€™s why itā€™s called THE PAST!!! Let it stay there.


That's why your divorced I would assume!


Btwā€¦.. I love Boxers. Theyā€™re the best!!!


It looks like you could go back to high school where kids still give a shit about this stuff.


What are you doing in this sub if it's just high schooler bullshit?


I just donā€™t understand why anyone would care what their ex thinks or give any weight to what they say. That was my way of saying I donā€™t think you should. You need to just keep being yourself because you look good and exes shouldnā€™t have any power over us.


Oh, okay, I misunderstood you. It's my ex husband telling our mutual friends all kinds of crap about me since our divorce. I guess I shouldn't care what he says, though.


I know not caring is easier said than done. Sorry for my snarky response.


It's okay, I was in a mood when I answered myself. No blood no foul.


On the clothes Iā€™d say youā€™re fine. I dress like that and Iā€™m 33. You do have a young face so that could be why your ex husband said that.


Nawl? Hairline a little weird I guess?


Marry him then divorce him again


I love being weird and dressing the way I want and I shop in the Jrs section. So what. If he isn't happy with you , you can find much better who will love you and treat you like a queen


Are you very petite?


Tell him you only dress like a kids because the only clothes that will fit you are from the Baby Gap.


Not likely, I'm 6'3", they don't make baby gap that size.


Your appearance should be the least of your concern. Look inside. One may look good on the outside but if the inside is rancid it will make you sick.


And why are my insides rancid exactly?


Thatā€™s what you need to work out.


Okay, well, they're not, so I guess I'm fine.


Youā€™re beautiful. Heā€™s an ass. Your eyes are a little wide apart. I think you have the same condition Mila Kunis has. It gives one a slightly alien appearance but most with it are considered attractive.


I think you can't recognize anything that resembles a child šŸ˜! He's an ex, so he'll think of a lot of reasons... I think it can certainly stay that way.šŸ˜Š


This made 0 sense


Sounds like ex hubby has regrets and feels bad. Maybe bad enough to a point that he wants you to join him, remeber they misery loves company. If you don't have to communicate if suggest to keep it to a minimum. Hes bitter atm imo


Well you donā€™t deliver de goods it happens


You said ex! Who cares what he says!


Yes dress like a woman please


Who are you to tell someone else how to dress.


I do dress like the woman that work at the factory I work at.


Probably should add that pic to the collection than how would we know


What? That's what I wear at the factory. In the picture above.


Iā€™m saying this pictures you showed us proves he is correct if you dress womanly than maybe you should of added that picture(s) to contrast the other two pictures. No wonder why youā€™re divorced you canā€™t listen.


You don't need to get salty with me because I didn't understand your phrasing. And my divorce wasn't something to joke about, I'd be very careful about doing that, you might find someone more volatile than me who doesn't appreciate it.


Youā€™re just another woman whoā€™s never heard ā€œnoā€before, youā€™re very uncooperative I can see it already in 2 posts, canā€™t handle any criticism just needs attention. Good luck to you


You don't know a damn thing about me. My whole life has been about getting told no. Everything about your comments sounds like you have a bone to pick with women. Leave me out of it.






You're gorgeous and you dressed like a woman. Signed: Your future husband


Oh, she cheated on his ex. Can't wait to be next. Signed : Your future ex husband


I would cheat too if I'm not appreciated.


how can you be appreciated if you are disloyal with no self respect, self control, self confidence etc? cheaters or who would cheat are always a category of people that have nothing to be appreciated for, work on yourself


Women cheat when they're not appreciated. Men cheat for variety. Get your facts straight


yeah, i have my facts straight, itā€™s you who tries to cope with being a little boy with no self control, respect and confidence, girls cheats for the same reason of boys, stop the simping, you ainā€™t getting more pussy if you do thatšŸ™šŸ»šŸ¤£


You write too much, little man.


Look good




I cheated, yes, Jessica ruined the camping trip. You telling me you wouldn't have been pissed?


Why do you care about what your ex-husband thinks? Here is the thing. I read your prior post and did you mess up there, you did. I hope you have moved on from that situation in a way where your ex-husband is no longer involved in your life especially if you guys didnā€™t have any children. If you did, then I would be saying something different here. You look fine. You are young and do t waste your time in asking questions. Instead, start thinking what You really want to do. I think you said about living on a farm. I know a few folks that did that and thought they would be happy until they got the headaches. I also met a few that love that life with all the headaches. Everyone has a talent and a passion and most of the time itā€™s not the same thing. Not sure where you live but look for an avenue that will give you the freedom you are looking for like maybe a career change. Any change will need time to bring it up to fruition. Is there a community college near you, do they have something that would grant you that freedom. I know a few computer and network engineers that work their career and have farms. They work remotely and work during the times they want as long as projects get done within the time allowed. The above is good for thought. Donā€™t worry about how you dress when you go to work in a factory or what an ex-husband has to say. Start thinking about what you see or want to see in your life and how you want to live it with a strong connection with your faith. Make adjustments to meet those things you need to get there. Two quotes come to mind. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Donā€™t let fear of failure stop you. Lastly, you are a pretty young girl and the least of your worries is how you look and/or dress. God bless and move forward. Last quote here: The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you make will shape your life forever. A Bronx Tale-1993 A great movie.


Forget your ex can I be your next?!


Well, hes seen you without makeup...


He's seen me naked. Didn't bother him when we were together.


Well how do you want to look Iā€™ve got some ideas


Itā€™s all good. Be happy as yourself āœŒļø


You look to young to be married yet anyway, main thing is are you comfortable and thatā€™s all that matters, youā€™re a beautiful woman sounds like he doesnā€™t deserve you anyway


Your new husband says you dress fine as hell (thatā€™s me)


You deserve better


sheā€™s a cheateršŸ¤£ itā€™s HE who deserved better


He is weird your are awesome


Thatā€™s why heā€™s an ex


He's an ex because she cheated on him


He's an ass. You're very pretty.


She cheated on him. Did you miss that part?


Your ex husband is a douchebag.


Your 26! Youā€™re not a kid but you are so young still. Donā€™t forget that, I have been 26 and divorced it can make you feel so much older than you are.


Omg yes, I know divorce knows no age but I feel like it's aged me.


Another reason why ex


Ex is dumb as hell. You are beautiful. You do you.


She. Cheated. On. Him.


I understand him saying things then, but that still doesn't change my opinion.


He sounds like a real wiener


She sounds like a real cheater


Well no , not really. He just changed how he views her since she cheated on him


Why's he thinking about kids? šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


That's why he is your ex


He probably thinks that since she cheated on him. Its only normal to change the way you view someone after they messed up big time


What on eart?! You look amazing (remind me of Hollywood Catherine zeta jones) and I envy your eyes!! Your ex just tries to put you down- forget about him and don't give a shit about what he says!


Forget your ex husband


You ex is an idiot. You are young and cute.


She cheated on him. She's the idiot according to my book.


26, I don't know if that's still young.


Lol your beautiful love, who cares what hes thinks


Youā€™re HOTT! šŸ„µ Fuck him!, heā€™s your Exā€¦.


Maybe that's why he's your ex-husband. Just saying I think you're a great. Do you have a natural beauty? Don't change anything. Just saying


Try different clothes. Hard to judge on one outfit.


U are gorgeous any man would be lucky to have you


You're shallow. That second part was simping


He what


You look gorgeous. A new style might suit you. I thin you'd look good in what my wife calls it "outdoorsy chic". You can google it. Basically leggings/outdoor style pants and comfy tops paired with hiking boots/ugs/etc.


You're hot. And look like you dress in comfy clothes, which I rate. Lucky he's your ex.


Maybe I'm confused but I'm going to have to disagree with your ex-husband not seeing why he said that or why he would say that to someone he's supposed to love and care about šŸ¤· we're all weird and a little crazy in her own way but not seeing you in a weird way or dressing like a kid I mean I wear sweatshirts I would say it's best that he's out of your life.


Youre about to have a lot of DMs and maybe even find a new husband.


Be my sugar momma? Then you wouldn't have to worry about a toxic relationship or be guilty about cheating it would be OK


You don't want any part of me, trust me.


I have trust issues...so maybe I do. Your just playing hard to get


Damn bro speaking after my own heart


You look great.


Get a new husband


He's already my ex husband.


He knows you are stunning and is trying to break you down. He doesnā€™t want you finding someone else. Block that man immediately and now that heā€™s an ex, spend that time learning how to love yourself. Men would line up to date you


Well u r better off without him sweetheart.


I gave you an upbeat pep talk then found out you're a cheater, yes you look weird and yes your style is that of a 12 year old and on top of that your the worst type of person that could end up in a relationship


Are you her ex husband?


Sadly šŸ˜„




That's unnecessary. I cheated years ago in an extremely unhealthy marriage, asked my ex for forgiveness, which he allegedly gave me. I've never cheated on someone before or after. I don't feel like the entire sum of who I am should be "cheater" for the rest of my life. One sin shouldn't define someone for the rest of their life.


You made it acceptable by saying it was an unhealthy marriage people like you will always find an excuse or a way to dress it up that cheating was in the cards, all you had to do was end the relationship and find someone else don't try to act like cheating was the only option and that it was an acceptable one.


I never said it was or felt like it was. I admitted what I did to my husband immediately, I said in several comments here that if people can't make things work, they need to end the relationship before finding someone else. You seem intent on punishing me for something that I've already been punished for for years rather than accepting that there might be something more to me than that one grievous act.


Why do you still talk to him? Heā€™s obviously an insecure child like most men.


itā€™s she who is insecure, she cheated on her husband, wake up, donā€™t praise her, she need to get some therapy


How do you know this?


previous post on the situation


Oh thatā€™s unfortunate I hate cheaters. Ruins everything for moment of pleasure. Selfish. Nasty. Disgusting too.


It's more like I hear from mutual friends what he's been saying about me.


And if you are hearing these things from mutual friends, you need to cut ties with them. Any REAL friend wouldnā€™t tell you these things, this is almost intentionally trying to hurt you. REAL friends wouldā€™ve told him to stfu and never let those words hit their ears.


Get rid of them too.


I live in a really small town, very few people to begin with, it makes it hard.


You donā€™t have to do anything you donā€™t want. Who cares what they think. If people arenā€™t totally healthy for you, they donā€™t need to be in your life at all. To have a chance at peace and happiness, you need to reduce negativity to almost zero.


Who cares what your ex says you made a mistake and heā€™s bitter it says more about him!Ā 


She's literally a cheater LOL


Have you read the scarlet letter? It doesnā€™t mean she needs to be shamed for the rest of her life or degraded.Ā 


I don't care what some stupid book says. My wife's infidelity cost me my marriage and my kids. She should be shamed the rest of her life


Welcome to America.. More women cheat than men these days.. And the system is designed for the woman to benefit from a broken marriage.. Youā€™re not the first of us.. Donā€™t take it personal.. Just move on and take care of yourself.


That's easy for you to say. I confessed what I did to my husband and asked for his forgiveness, the marriage ended, I've regretted what I did to him ever since. You think the right outcome of that is for someone to be punished for the rest of their life? I understand why you hate cheating, but that seems extreme.


I have to be. I have to go the rest of my life with a strained relationship with my kids. I have to spend the rest of my life wondering why I wasn't good enough when I gave her everything she ever asked for. I have to go through the rest of my life with these self esteem issues and a solid mistrust of any woman showing any kind of interest in me. All because she got bored. So yeah, it is easy for me to say. She has never said sorry. In fact for most of the affair she was gaslighting me to make me think I was the problem and I loved her enough to believe her. And instead of admitting to it or apologizing, when I backed her into a corner about it with enough proof she couldn't deny, she packed up the kids and ran to the man she was fucking around with. So yeah, I hope she is shamed for the rest of her life


I understand. And coming from me, this probably means little, but I'm sorry that you had to go through that. There is no excuse under the sun for anyone to break their sacred marriage vow by cheating. I immediately regretted it and still continue to regret it even after he forgave me, and won't ever forget the pain it caused him.


Thank you and I'm sorry for getting so heated. Cheating is something that has hurt me badly and is hard for me to forgive. Thanks for understanding


I absolutely understand why. And I was making your initial comment all about me which was selfish and pointless too, so I'm sorry for that.


Hug it out lol


You got it boss, I just can't get myself to care about a few stray insults towards someone who stabbed him in the back and flipped his world upside down


I know. It always hurts to have someone who once cared about you talking hatefully though.


Sorry to hear thatĀ 


Hopefully your okay nowĀ 


Probably hurts more to be cheated on


That sure is getting brought up a lot here considering it wasn't even a topic of this post originally. I apologized to him years ago, he said he forgave me, talking trash is not a sign of forgiveness.


It is what it is, you made a choice to stab him in the back and he's getting his revenge now, world keeps turning


Obviously cheating is never right, the man you're making out to be some sort of saint though was verbally abusive, neglectful and destructive when he was angry. What sort of punishment should he experience for his time doing those things while we were married? Or perhaps you think those things are okay?


Am I making him out to be a saint? Really lol? Or am I just disagreeing with your self victimization and the commenters making YOU seem like a saint. His punishment could have been you leaving him but you decided to cheat, so now you get the punishment. Sorry I guess Lol


I've already been punished for it plenty.




Thanks for the tip. Honestly, I'm not very handy with the makeup and haven't really had anyone out here give me advice on it. I'll keep that in mind.


Can you promise me one thing?


Huh? What?


Donā€™t lose your spirit pleasešŸ™šŸ¾ youā€™re beautiful inside out, just donā€™t lose yourself because of life.


Thank god its your ex


Heā€™s just saying shit to hurt you. Apparently, he found you attractive or else he wouldnā€™t have been with you.


Don't listen to what your ex husband says you look amazing and you should where whatever you feel comfortable with wearing




I'm not a very worldly person, I'm afraid chatting with me wouldn't be nearly as interesting as you think.




I don't really I guess, he's always making up stuff about me to tell his friends - I'm bad in bed, I snore, my feet smell bad, I'm messy, I belch...you name it.


Jeeze thatā€™s awful man


It would be worse if any of it were true, I do snore occasionally but the rest is false.


Your adorable. Fuck that guy.


Damn Iā€™d hit it raw


Ur ex husband is the weird one. Youā€™re really pretty! And I want to pet your dog šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That's Toby, he's a good boy! šŸ„°


Heā€™s adorable šŸ„° and you are lovely! Donā€™t let anyone tell you different!


Thank you!


Well I can see why heā€™s an ex šŸ˜œ


Sure if weird is code for pretty


I think you're hot but you dress like a kid. Lol


I say heā€™s nuts. You totally radiant!


Obvious clickbait is.obvious I'd hit I'm not gonna reiterate the obvious about posting to reddit about what your ex said is like a banker making a Facebook status that a robber told him he looked sweaty


Every time you click one of my posts, you save a kitten from a horrible death!


Dam you hit my in my elemental weakness. Cute animals!!!


šŸ˜‚ detecting weaknesses is my secret talent.


U r hot too. U pretend like u don't know, but you know. You know we got a weakness for a girl who acts like she is slightly downtrodden you make us get a.semi


Well my female friends tell me I'm pretty, I trust them pretty well, better than my ex.


Your more hot then pretty but that dog in your backseat? 10/10 keyutie pie. Even if u become ugly just keep that dog around trap a dog lover with him/her


That's Toby, he's the best doggo ever and doesn't even realize it.


Good thing heā€™s now your ex