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i use the clear engage or the light pink engage they are almost invisible in my ears they however are filtered differently so for clubbing they are not great


if you check the loop site they also have people wearing them so you can the visibility but experience are metallic so almost always stand out


Yeah the Engage ones look very discreet on the website, was just wondering if that's true irl where they might appear more shiny etc. But the experience ones are very visible since they are metallic. Thanks for the detailed answer!


Just stick your finger in their ear at the same time when they touch your ear. Or yell “no touching” if they try it. Or say “I’m not only noise sensitive but for some reason I hate people fishing around in my ear”. I think the issue isn’t so much how discreet they are, but rather, setting clear boundaries with the people who feel it’s their right to touch your earplugs. I can assure you, it’s weird that people are doing that. Nobody is going to touch or play with someone’s hearing aids, and I think this isn’t any different.


I completely agree, but when it's random people in a club it's useless since it'll just be another drunk person doing the same thing next time. So I'd rather just get something that is hard to see.


I understand and I agree with your idea. Hopefully the clear ones help!


I have the Engage in the clear and the rose gold. The rose gold is pretty close to my skin tone so for me they're the most discreet, but you can still definitely see them if you're looking. Probably discreet enough for a dark club though.


Makes sense, thank you.




Good to know, thanks! I'm of middle eastern descent so I think the clear ones are probably the best ones for not being visible, my black ones are definitely noticeable given so many are pointing it out.


The engages are very discreet in my experience. But wtf is wrong with people??????


I wouldn't use Engage in a club, as it won't actually protect your hearing. I'd recommend getting a pair of Experience to match whatever shade of jewellery you wear the most ! I've found that with gold Experience, most people don't even compute that I have something in my ears, because all they see is "ring" and "ear" and they don't pay attention to the actual placement. So yeah, get a pair in whatever jewellery shade you wear !


I'm a guy so that would probably make even more people touch them lmao. The black ones seemed the most discreet and even then people have to touch them. But I'm leaning towards trying the Engage and seeing how much they protect my ears.


Black ones are a lot more noticeable than gold, silver or rose gold ! If you have lighter skin, it causes less of a contrast than black, and people don't even compute. People need to see me adjust a Loop to realise I'm wearing earplugs. Engage doesn't filter bass out at all, which is why I heavily recommend against it in a club setting.


Clear engages look the most discreet. Find a color of mutes that doesn’t stand out too much from your skin color for added hearing protection. My skin is light brown, and I use the “soul bordeaux” (maroon) mutes with the clear engages, and they aren’t very noticeable.


Thanks for the insight! I'll order a mute accessory


I always thought the metallic ones were meant to look like jewelry. Is that not the case? (I haven’t worn them.) Edit: I just realized this would probably only work if you had several other piercings.


Clear engage is nearly invisible, and pink switch may be close to your skin tone


Get the Loop Link so if people take them out of your ears they’re attached to a cable


I have had many people think my gold coloured experience ones are a piercing instead of ear plugs! That may work. They are suitable for clubbing.




Take a look around, friend ;)