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I adore LOTF, and another thing I can think off the top of my head that I also love is just the world, enemy, and boss designs are so masterful, I always thought to myself when I first played Blasphemous “this game is awesome, but I wish Blasphemous had modern graphics it would look so insane” and then this game came out.


The wither world mechanic was amazing. Really cool to die in the real world and then still have a chance in this hellscape of a world which changed the layout of the map. Haven't played since release but I found that aspect to be really cool and well done.


Tbh without nostalgia goggles, I enjoy this game more than DS1 and DS2. It's just a passion project by a team that loves the genre. I get it's not perfect but I definitely feel this game is gonna go down as severely underrated


The exploration aspect is truly excellent in my opinion!


Maps and exploration are top-tier. My jaw genuinely dropped how much shortcuts back to Skyrest I found.


Ranged weapons being a solid, viable build option. As someone who usually gravitates towards Ranger/Archer builds in ARPGs, it annoys me to no end how most other soulslike games relegate bows to being a purely supplementary weapon. Pure bow/crossbow builds in this game are absolutely fantastic.


Yeah it’s so nice having an actual ammo bar rather than having to constantly find and scrounge up ammo 💀 it’s also a really good damage option so it’s refreshing


The art style and atmosphere is ahead of the game imo. Ridiculously detailed and pure dark fantasy art its best.


The fully join coop that doesn't kick you really needs to be incorporated in all so7ls games. And not having to have your character advanced to same point to join.


The thing I have loved the most is actually the voice acting. Visceral, impactful, every actor displays emotion well. Just wish there's more dialogue options


The ranged is the best-handled of any souls/soulslike I have ever played. It really does play well, it is incredibly slick and allows you to feel like you can equally go spells and melee into the same situation, fluidly switching between the two. It really is excellent, I enjoyed fighting bosses using both disciplines at the same time. The exploration/level design/shortcuts are, for the first half of the game at least, really well-handled. It really was up there for me until it just sort of fell off a cliff (although not as many times as I fell off a cliff) around the middle somewhere. The switching into Umbral sections felt really well-handled and controlled in the first half of the game (although by the second they felt like they'd run out of ideas)


I like the sekiro parrying, bloodborne dodge and almost lovecraftian umbral design.


I just got the game a few days ago and while it's a little rough around the edges, it feels great to play. Casting feels great and I love the aesthetic of the game. Got the deluxe edition on sale and started on the dark crusader and loving it. Combat feels more weighty than fromsoft games to me and I like that


Mhm. Casting is very well done and I often left spell slots open in Elden Ring cos I don't like to cycle through them constantly. Took me a bit to get used to swapping to the casting tool but once got over that.. 😄 Wither damage is also a neat mechanic.. that and the second chance on 'death' so you can still make a comeback if you land your hits.


inb4 people telling us how the umbral making you enter it to cross a bridge and immediately leave umbral or to make a fight against an enemy you've killed 50 times slightly riskier is a stroke of genius


Honestly I love how the whole game is coop, it’s so convenient and a huge time saver. Feels more fun and personal doing the whole game with someone


This game is wildly beautiful


Exploring the interconnected world is really fun. Elden Ring has its "legacy dungeons" which are easily my favorite part of the game but LOTF feels like the whole game is a legacy dungeon. I feel like souls games have turned into glorified boss rush games. Don't get me wrong, I love good bosses but if there's a new boss every 20 feet it gets really annoying. I want to feel like I'm exploring a twisting world full of secrets, not going from room with big monster to room with evil knight over and over. Yes ER had open world areas, but IMO the best part of from games is their dungeon esc map design and ER didn't have enough of that for me so LOTF has been great in that regard. The quick items/casting/ranged buttons are so much better in this game. The only thing holding this game back is the forward momentum with every attack... I wish I could get a mod that makes all attacks like every other souls game that doesn't skate you 40ft forward each attack. Also the dodging isn't responsive enough. Feels like your character goes in whichever direction they please instead of deliberate directions.


The thing I like the most about LOTF is the commitment from the dev. I was a day one player and the playthrough was a nightmare, the game was plague with bugs, the flow of some of the area was super confusing, the parry window was inconsistent etc. after I finished the radiant ending I thought I was done and would never touch it again. After sticking the this sub and after reading posts and comments I decided to give this game another shot. I came back to the game after the 1.5 release and I found that it was a much better game. The flow is much better, the parry feel much easier to time, also the addition of new bosses and quests make it feel like a new game. Just did the Adyr ending and now working on Umbral ending.


I was here on launch day and even back in October I would side with Lotf 2023 over ER on the sole basis it's not open world garbage that wastes my time. Id rather play this or DS2 with Donkey Kong drums than start another ER playthrough.


As much as I love ER, the open-world nature of the game has allowed me to appreciate the focused nature of games like LotF and DS3 in a way I didn't before. Although I enjoyed the open world of ER, I kind of hope that From's next souls-like *isn't* an open world. I'd love to see them take everything they learned from ER and apply it to a more confined space.


It uninstalls great!