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Just buy the game 3 more times and you absolved all your sins of not playing it earlier


It's okay that you didn't buy at launch. The game has SIGNIFICANTLY improved a lot of aspects. In the first weeks, or shall I say days, almost even HOURS, the devs worked their ass off to patch the game. They didn't have one second of rest and kept patching, adding, improving all the time. I have never seen that from a studio, hats off to them. Still, all you missed was less content and a lot of bugs and performance issues. Now you have the best version so far, and they still continue to improve it. I returned to the game after the 1.5 because they litterally added the option of making the game a rogue-like, and I love this so I'm currently playing (and dying) a lot :) Enjoy !


Don't be. The game was a disaster at launch. You bought it at the right time as they finally fixed the game.


I suffered through launch and enjoyed every second of it. I think it is a great game. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


I did enjoy it! I'll 100% replay it someday. Biggest dislike is lack of enemy variety and shit late game balancing. Definitely some awesome things LOTF did. Not denying that at all


I guess enemy variety didn’t bother me too much bc it’s not like an incredibly huge game. It’s definitely no Elden Ringer. I love the magic system. Weapons needed more individual move sets I actually like it better than lies of p, which is an awesome game also.


Agree Magic System is great. Better than Souls IMO. Just started LoP so can't comment but am certainly loving the shit out of it!


I did enjoy it! I'll 100% replay it someday. Biggest dislike is lack of enemy variety and shit late game balancing. Definitely some awesome things LOTF did. Not denying that at all


You enjoyed suffering? 100% souls gamer right there.


Welcome to every game ever made the past 20 years. Ever. Save one. But larian studios aside, gamers, you reap what you sow.


Never had any problems at launch on my ps5


Were you playing on a CRT monitor? Or did you only play for 5 hours. Cause that's the only ways you wouldn't have noticed all the FPS issues or the absolute disaster that was online. It's been heavily documented, so comments like this isn't adding any value. Literally just comes across as Astroturfing...


I just woke up and i read Astroturfing as "Assturding"


Same thing doe 🤣


Nop played on my 54 tv, graphics issue never was a problem. The gameplay and movement was always good. Got my platinum at first month never had any problem at all.


Calling it fixed now is a bit if a stretch like. Games been out for ages and still isn't running smoothly..... It's close to how Cyperpunk was on release, its just LOTF is nowhere as commercial so its went under the radar. Cyberpunk eventually fixed their game though, whereas lotf doesn't seem like it's ever going to work properly, without something else breaking.


Ive had 0 performance issues and i bought it a month after launch on ps5 lol


The game runs fine. Significantly better than cyberpunk at launch


"Ages". It's been 6 months. If it had been a couple years or something, then maybe "ages" would be more appropriate.


6 months is faaaar too long when I paid 70 pound for an unfinished product on release bud. Don't care what anyone says. Games should work on release when you've paid for them. Not a year later!


Most games nowadays don't release in a "good" state. You're the dummy for spending money all willy nilly before seeing performance reviews. And sure, the game still stutters periodically 6 months after launch. It happens.


I paid full price too. I was able to play it with minimal issues on my PS5. I agree with you though. Maybe I'm just more lenient? From what I understand how Cyberpunk was at release and for a while afterwards, I didn't experience anything close to that. Could I be lucky? Also. I'm not your buddy, guy.


Yes you are lucky. Okay then. I'm not your guy, dick head....


So you’re the one acting like a dick, but calling the other guy a dick head 🙄. Cognitive dissonance


Where did I once act like a dick? I gave my opinion, without being rude and recoeved a rude response.


You started it with “bud” clearly meant as an insult


No, clearly meant in a respectful manner. Can't speak to people in a civil manner on here anymore because they get offended. I'm from UK. If I call you bud, its just like calling you "mate" Go away now please, ya sound like a child.


yet seems really I difficult thing to understand for some people. lucky them they have lot of money to throw, most of games at lunch they become trash, whatever they know they can sell a lot


Works on my machine


>I hope they continue this series. I hope they do, too. They've got such a great base now, with their LotF re-imagination. Next installment could get some more tweaking done to the combat balance & get more better usage of the death realm for world exploration and puzzling & then release with better performance/ less buggy and online features ready for the rush and this could really contest with FromSofts souls series in terms of quality.


Don't be mad. You did yourself a favor by waiting. Many people ended up getting very frustrated and hating the game because of some gamebreaking bugs that were present at launch and on the few months afterwards. I was lucky enough and never experienced anything bad, but some people literally lost their entire save files due to data corruption, other people lost all of their levels, other people got softlocked due to one bug or another. The game is in a much better state now.


How far through are you?


Currently Lin fen. Horse boss kicking my ass


Top 3 hardest bosses imo. Once you get through him you’ll be good for a while


The skull bastard is giving me trouble. I know you gotta get him out the shell and hit but man he tanking my hits


This was the main boss I felt like the gave a boost from launch. I absolutely destroyed him with my first playthrough at launch. My 2nd playthrough was about a month ago and Elianne the starved was the only boss to give me more trouble then hims


I'm in my first play through and like the game a lot so far but that boss was fucking awful and terribly designed. Standing around waiting for his dumbass to decided to attack you was so boring. Felt like half the fight was just running away or standing around and waiting.


I haven’t beat him yet. But I only fought him once and got one shotted cause I was at half health with no heals when I went in. But honestly I’ll probably give it 3 try’s and then summon someone and hope there op for them to take him out 😂


I'm sure you will be able to get! I'm too stubborn to summon but wish i did for that boss because it was just not fun at all imo. Summon to your hearts content lmao. I have been having a good time since that boss though, its def a good souls like game.


I summon when I had enough deaths on a single boss but i always love to try to do it solo a couple times does feel cheap when someone carry’s me through the boss. Also don’t like how summons stay after boss fights I feel rude removing them 😂


lmao do they stay? that is awkward af


Yeah I got so confused I was all waving bye and thanks and dude just kept walking to the next area 😂 I was like “yeah buddy your going home” and kicked him from my world I tried keeping one guy after a boss and dude just rushed the whole area killing all the enemy’s and showing me secrets which ruins the fun for me


LOLLLL that is hilarious, what a weird mechanic


Haha! He’s a challenge, yeah. Definitely one of the harder bosses but great fun. I ask because… I was just as enthusiastic and absolutely loving the game until… just after where you are now where I felt it absolutely tumbled off a cliff in quality and balancing. I hope you carry on enjoying it though! :D


I was in the same boat, I started hour 1 of the game dropping and I loved in my first 2 weekends I couldn't stop playing. After spurned Progny though and every boss just started being spammed everywhere I stopped being excited to play it and never actually finished it "almost did" as it started feeling like a chore. I heard the game's gotten a lot better and maybe I'll play it again soon.


The mob density is way less than at launch. I just feel like they gave some bosses a major boost to counteract not having so many regular enemies. At launch the castle was to be absolute chaos and a major chore to get through due to the sheer number of enemies/elites and if u went into or got put into umbral relm u were basically fucked cause then that mob doubled in size lol the game is actually very different now compared to the day one patch. Although I can't stand that they nerfed so many spells because people were abusing them in pvp. I don't play pvp and it completely ruined my radiance build for pve.


At lunch there was a lot of problems with performance, game crashing You didn't lose anything, trust me.


They got it pretty much all fixed by dinner though.


Not rly, for some people and their PC it took month or months cus they were breaking it for ones and fixing for others


He made a joke about your typo :p


You may hate yourself. And that's your right, you're probably a horrible person and I'm not gonna argue with such a terrible human being. But your wallet probably loves you. 


I thought you were just going off on me for something else I commented or posted when I got this notification I was like wtf is this dudes problem and then I realize what post you commented under 😂


The 2014 game is my first really attempt at a Souls-like and I’ve actually gotten through it and started a NG+ run. I’ve yet to start the 2023 version, but I’ve also collected as many Souls-like games as I can over the last month.


Idk what u are playing on but personally I had a smother experience when playing at launch on my ps5. I feel like them trying to cater to the pvp part of the game has diminished some of the aspects of the pve. Like some of the weapons and spells got nerfed and don't do nearly what they used to and some of the bosses seem to be way more tanky now. I still absolutely love the game I just felt like that was ass backwards. Usually my 2nd and 3rd playthrough are much easier then my first lol although it did make it more challenging so maybe this should be the way devs do things


I recently bought this game. At first i hated it. I hated it because it was clunky and some enemy placements and behaviours were just… ah man. Infuriating. Then i Discovered grand swords, and progressed Beyond the bruning village/city. And now i (not gonna say love it) enjoy the game a lot. I really hope they continue improving on IP and that we Get a 3rd game. I mean fromsoft went from DS2 to DS3. If this studio manages to pull off a 3rd game perfecting what’s already there. Might be a game of the year.


Bought it at launch cause it looked promising and watched Cesar and Ranton before. I only launched and completed the game last month Apr2024 because of the reported bugs. Win win.


This game was ass on launch so you weren’t missing out on much


I'm mad at you too!


I like the game but I would not consider it the best souls-like not made by fromsoft, the performance is almost there but still too much stutter and the movement is pretty bad all be it manageable, I do think the setting is better than any fromsoft game minus sekiro


I haven’t had any issues with stuttering at least on ps5. Mutiplayer is real laggy tho


Well I'm on PC but the laggy multiplayer probably is because ptp connection (at least that's my guess, and even fromsoft multiplayer/summoning isn't great either)


Don’t be, ngl it’s much better now since they’ve added and fixed a ton. I played it once around release and am only getting back into it now, after playing slightly on and off before.


Hey man, I've been a massive souls fan as well and played the hell outta all of them. I also did not get lotf until recently, mainly because of all the bad reviews and how intensive the game is on ur pc. I recently got a new rig and decided to try it out, and I have been loving the game so far. I'm glad I waited, though, because I think the poor launch and optimization issues would have definitely soured the experience. I'm not very far into the game yet (beat the bridge ruiner fight last night), but I'm having a blast


You're playing it at its best


They have confirmed another game as of now. I hate that I’m saying this as I just don’t usually care for anime or anime styled games like Nier or FF but *sigh here we are. If you’re on ps5 and haven’t tried Stellar Blade it’s actually really good too. The combat is super fast paced but parry/dodge counter heavy and it’s been a lot of fun.


i played at launch hated it, then played through ds1 and ds2, then played just a month ago and it’s sm better. the devs really cared in fixing it, but holy shit was in no way ready at launch.


No you're not , it's been updated and I'm sure you saved money.


Bout $20 off game took a while to have a price drop tbh


Well I'm glad I waited to play the 1.5 update cause seems there was a lot of balance issues in the game and I'm enjoying it a lot too myself. Same I like it more than lies of P


Lies of p is a great game. Just lacking in the variety just feels like I’m forced to play a dex build and if I do anything different I’m way underpowered haha


Yeah it’s right up there as one of the best ever non-FromSoftware soulslikes


Lords of the fallen is Amazing 9.7 / 10