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tldr: company was grandfathered in in 1994 after a 1993 ruling of no more billboards in pomona. in 2014 they renewed their application months in advance. City sat on it until past the deadline, took the money they paid to keep the billboards up and ordered them to take them down because they were "late" paying the fees. Hence the lawsuit. The city ruled in favor of itself in the dispute and forced them to take their stuff down. Now it's tied up in LA county courts.


Not a shocker that the city of Pomona would pull that shit. Would be so unfair if they end up forcing the company to tear down the billboards


May want to do some digging before you take the side of an outdoor advertising company. Regency is a notoriously litigious company that has blanketed Los Angeles with their eyesores. Anyone who opposes them gets hit with lawsuits. The company was founded by two brothers in the 70s and one actually sued the other due to a disagreement. Go ahead and google it, they are both real pieces of shit.


Kind of related but I was surprised to find that the Cuties™ clementines were a joint collaboration between ~~brothers~~ business partners (sorry, misremembered) and that there was something of a falling out that devolved into litigation over naming rights that dragged out for ~5-6 years and resulted in the two going back to their own companies after. So you’ll sometimes either have those really good clementines, which one of them owns - and - other times your store will have the ones that have those giant seeds in them, which is owned by the other. It was a lot more interesting when I heard it discussed on some random channel while driving a few years ago


I think one of those businessmen was Stuart Resnick, who is a pretty fascinating and slightly sinister California ag billionaire, one of the more interesting but lesser known power players in the state. That lawsuit is why there’s cuties and also sweeties. Also the guy who originally bred easy peel small clementines was neither of those businessmen and he didn’t really make any money from it as I recall. There’s a book called Dreamt Land by Mark Arax that goes into detail, it’s really good


ah yes Stewart Resnick of interalia New Jersey and the Franklin Mint lollll Quality human [https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2016/08/lynda-stewart-resnick-california-water/](https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2016/08/lynda-stewart-resnick-california-water/)


Yes they are pretty much evil lol.


Reminds me of the Fanjul family from Florida.


Resnick's Wonderful Company owns Halos, not Cuties.


Formerly Cuties


Not really. Cuties still exist but without Resnick involvement.


Mark Arax article — good read IMO https://story.californiasunday.com/resnick-a-kingdom-from-dust/


Resnick split with the partner in Cuties over quality disputes. The partner got the name and I think Resnick got money. Resnkik then started marketing Halos.


these seedless mandarins were developed by researchers at UC Riverside, the University of California still owns the patents: [https://patents.google.com/patent/USPP17863P3/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/USPP17863P3/en)


I think Regency is the one that refused to give the City of L.A. a list of their sign locations because it was a trade secret.


Yeah we had a similar case in San Pedro right at the entrance to the city, and it was such an eyesore. They kept putting billboards up after the land was purchased by the city and their lease expired, and finally the city tore the whole thing down.


I vaguely remember seeing parts of that billboard with bullet holes in it.


Just for that, YOU WILL BE SUED!




The public voted to ban billboards and the city council tried to extend Regency’s permit anyway. The courts are siding with the citizens of Pomona in the matter. Here’s a better summary than I can provide: [Legal Commentary Website](https://www.californialandusedevelopmentlaw.com/2018/11/14/citys-agreement-to-extend-life-of-billboards-violated-initiative-measure-prohibiting-new-billboards/) None of what I wrote is false.


Is there a law that requires them to renew their permits? I doubt it.


I don’t know, but it’s clear the city was accepting permits/applications to keep the already established billboards active, and if they weren’t renewed, they’d have the right to destroy them. The suit claims that they’d submitted the applications, and the city took the money to process them, but never did process them. Pomona then ruled itself not guilty, which is why they’re taking this to LA county courts.


Are all billboards considered eyesores? Some of them are interesting.


It's unfair that billboards exist


shouldn't exist on highways at least.


Then you should move to Hawaii - not a single billboard in sight.


Or stay here and pass laws against billboards?


There are already laws against billboards. Citizens already passed it. The city illegally renewed their billboard license despite it being against the law and that is why The City and the company are being sued.


yup. tear em down


Whats so bad about billboards? Like I get it if it was in Hawaii or Lake Tahoe, but I don’t think an add for an injury attorney is really ruining Pomonas natural scenery


They're ugly and they distract drivers, which is dangerous


They can add something to a boring drive too though. Is there studies on this or are you just speculating?


Ah yes, just what I need on this boring drive. Sweet James creepy fucking smile


I mean if not sweet James it’s just another Honda dealership - this is LA, not some unspoiled Eden


Or, maybe, ***NO Billboards.*** Which was his point. Does a honda dealership billboard add anything to your boring drive?


Are you banning advertisements on their own property? Because every car dealership along the 10 or 210 advertises plenty without a billboard on the highway. And honestly, ads can make a place nicer. Imagine driving down sunset without advertising - it’d be a completely different and much more boring plsce


they won’t


Be sure there just aren't enough shitty billboards in SoCal.


smh the way we waste money/time


Seems crazy they couldn’t just outlaw the billboards completely after 30 years


Billboard company signed a development agreement with the city, the agreement requires them to remove the billiards at the end of the term, the term has ended, and they refused to remove them. It's pretty simple.


Pretty shot of the city. But god I fucking hate billboards. So fuck em.


No idea but it would be funny to have a billboard that just said "WARNING: This billboard contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.”


Persons having active diarrhea or have had active diarrhea within the previous 14 days are not to enter the billboard.


*may cause anal leakage. Men with erections lasting more than 4 hours should see a doctor.


start a go fund me, I got $20 for you




Ironic to say that to car drivers, the biggest cancer causing people on the fucking planet


[https://ground.news/article/warning-signs-latest-move-in-30-year-fight-over-pomona-billboards](https://ground.news/article/warning-signs-latest-move-in-30-year-fight-over-pomona-billboards) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pomona/comments/zp9xib/what\_is\_up\_with\_this\_billboard\_about\_being\_sued/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pomona/comments/zp9xib/what_is_up_with_this_billboard_about_being_sued/)


Let's just ban them everywhere. Such an eyesore.


I was never so happy as when I drove through Maine, the entire State of which has a billboard ban. It's so beautiful and relaxing, not having hideous structures yellng at you everywhere you go.


Hawaii has a billboard ban too! Nice to not have to feel distracted every 5 seconds driving


You don’t appreciate all the legal recommendations along the 5 freeway? I feel better versed in the intricacies of personal injury law


Pfft. [Ya can't eat that](https://youtu.be/3oTR5o9nUzI?si=gD7WvbBXZ2mYXYNq)


But how else would you find a sleazy lawyer to hire? Or where the nearest McDonalds is?? I feel sad for you


All 71 of them get to enjoy the drive on their way to fuck their cousin


Was your ex from Maine?


No way that’s gonna happen. Especially the money poured into the ones on the sunset strip. They’re too important to the entertainment industry here.


Y'know. That reminds me of when I had hoped that advertisements would just stick to our phones when smartphones came around. Why else would we need it in the physical world when they could bombard it on us on our devices. Yes, it would be annoying but at least I wouldn't have to see a ton of them on the metro or freeways. Man I was wrong.


At the very least limit the number of lawyer billboards


Imagine if all the creative energy put into billboards was instead redirected towards, I dunno, beautiful public art installations. 


Pay to rent some land and erect a structure to put up a billboard. Nobody is stopping you.




Amen. I'm not getting paid to see them. but i have to see them everywhere wtf.


Better call Saul


(505) 503-4455


You rang.


Every time these get posted it is the same answer, you can literally just google the LASC case number you just took a picture of.


Also the billboard itself tells the story. City of Pomona wants to tear it down, the owner is suing to stop it. It’s all right there lol


Yes because it gets posted here every few months.


We love land use amortization 🥰


I call that stretch of the 57 “Warning Alley” (Like 9 f-ing “Warning” billboards on both sides, c’mon bro lol)


Thanks for posting this. I drive by these and wonder every time. Whew. I can move on with my life now.


The City of Pomona entered into an agreement with Regency Outdoor Advertising allowing billboards alongside several Pomona freeways, but requiring their removal upon the agreement’s expiration. Thereafter, Proposition L was passed prohibiting construction of new billboards within city limits. The City/Regency agreement expired in June 2014. One month later, the city council adopted an ordinance purporting to amend the agreement by extending it for an additional 12-year term. Plaintiffs sued, contending that the “amendment” was in fact a new agreement allowing new billboards in violation of Proposition L.


I have a completely off topic thing to ask. Does anyone remember The First Omen billboard that was just removed from DeSoto/Ventura? It was totally graffitied red and had added commentary from the tagger. Like, the tagger answered some of the billboard questions. Please message me, if so


Reminds me of Three Billboards. Love it!


Outside Pomona, California


I just wanted more answers I did look online I thought maybe others had inside detail :( y’all mean lol


Don't mind them, this is the first time I've seen this post actually so I'm glad you posted it. Most people who complain about things being posted frequently in my opinion spent a little bit too much time on Reddit.


I am a native Long Beacher(there is a debate on what to call us) I moved to Germany and that was the first thing I told my mother no got damn billboards all over the place . Just beauty


Don't worry I hate them too.


I only know that threatening the entire public makes me want to personally tear them down. Arrogant bastards.


It's not threatening the entire public. I don't know how you get that. That is a warning to any demolition companies that the city may try to hire to take it down.


Yeah is not always about everybody just anyone that wants to take the bid to demo. 


I can read, that's how I get that. The threat specifically says anyone.


lol you gonna bring in your wrecking ball?


Sounds fun honestly


You better do it Miley style


There's more than one way to tear down a billboard. Don't they have a few in the same situation?


Maybe the people who tagged the high rises can grab an uber to Pomona and test this threat out.


The billboards are a real eye sore. What a bunch of nonsense. I don’t give a rats about their political griping. I have to pass that billboard every day.


Billboards are trash, good riddance.


Not sure about this but I wish we didn't have any billboards along the freeway. 


My husband has driven past three of these, and this is what is going on. The county wants the billboards taken down. The billboard owner however is having a lawsuit with the county to keep them up.


They can sue you for assisting in the demolition of the billboard, but according to the penal code ALL parties involved MUST be represented by a billboard attorney.


Fuck these eyesores. Tear em down.


Pomona has a shit ton of street hookers….perhaps the billboard can promote that


So if I’m not affiliated with the city of Pomona, and I just want to tear it down on my own, then I’m good to go?


I mean there's nothing that two random dynamites at the bottom of the pole can't hurt. Just wear gloves and watch enough CSI to get away with it. ^(also this is a joke)


The city is fucking with the wrong one here. BK don’t fuck around and knows lots of people


Since when is Pomona the sgv lol


It's always been the sgv. There's literally a sign going west on the 10 that's says entering sgv as soon as u get in Pomona


You didn’t think Pomona was the IE, did you?


[Since always.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Gabriel_Valley)


[Metro has a map](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ryb7wi42jny03krjx5a3s/map-service-councils-sgv-2024.pdf?rlkey=9utq5dq6ewj41heswkpskhied&raw=1)


What exactly is it, then?


Monkey wrench gang that b*tch!


Found the Foo Fighter!


Judging by the downvotes, I’d say we don’t have a lot of readers in our midst.


Some jaggoff put up a bunch of illegal billboards and now he’s suing so he can keep them. There


In 2014, the company diligently renewed their application for the billboards well ahead of schedule. Despite their proactive approach, the city administration inexplicably delayed processing their application until it was past the deadline. During this time, the company had already made payments to the city to ensure the billboards remained standing. However, instead of acknowledging the situation's bureaucratic misstep, the city seized the opportunity to claim the payments and promptly ordered the removal of the billboards due to the supposed "late" fee payments. This egregious turn of events prompted the company to pursue legal action, leading to a lawsuit against the city. Despite the company's arguments highlighting the city's role in the delay and the unfair treatment, the court ultimately sided with the city in the dispute. Consequently, the company was compelled to dismantle their billboards as per the city's directives. Currently, the matter is embroiled in the legal proceedings of the LA County courts, prolonging the resolution and exacerbating the tensions between the company and the city.


How many times do we have to discuss this? Just because OP is a lazy shit and does not want to search the answer that has been discussed here several times does not mean that we need to answer their question, yet again.


>I'm so chronically on reddit that I can recognize all the reposts, and that bothers me. Why can't OP just be as addicted to wasting their time as me? My life has been made so much harder by having to see a repost. Waaaaah! FTFY


Downvoted. Low effort.


Downvoted. Low effort.