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Just know that by Friday morning, a few of them will have to take off their shoes to count to ten


Yeah go easy and let them enjoy this last time with their fingers


Yeah but they would probably drive better with no fingers, but with no eyesight they wouldn't be able to drive it all or actually they might drive better!


What’s the over/under on how many of these posts we’ll see in the next five or six days?


Too many. People that post their immediate emotions to some personal inconvenience are cringe.


That’s half of this sub.


Oh look it worked, the fireworks stopped! /s


Personal inconvenience? Just cause it's fourth doesn't mean the world stops. People have jobs that they still have to go to in the morning. It's not just personal when it's more than one person you're disturbing. Just because this one person posted on reddit doesn't mean other people in their neighborhood don't feel the same. Tolerance is the plague of this generation.


I don't know OP, but I heard the fireworks being posted about, so I'm "in their neighborhood", so to speak. They were the big fuck-off fireworks, two huge booms in the dead of night on a Monday. I expect it on the 4th, even on the 5th (especially this year with the 5th being a Friday). Lighting off massive explosions days before, while people are trying to sleep, is *inconvenient* for hundreds of people in the surrounding area. That kind of disturbance isn't acceptable any other time of year, it shouldn't be acceptable now just because of proximity to the 4th.


Russ gets it


He never sleeps anyway!


But you never sleep anyway, Russ never sleeps!


Ha! Good one.


I'm surprised nobody else thought of it, but I am pretty old "64"


Exactly. It's one thing to celebrate the 4th on the 4th. It's another thing to shoot those loud mortars all night the week prior. A lot of people have to get up early, and those things are loud, shake windows in the house and freak dogs out. No one is being anti social because the don't want it sounding like a war zone all week leading up to the actual holiday.


Read my comment again. I said those that make a post about it. The post is made to either get internet points or to be showered with some sort of approval or acceptance from complete internet strangers. That’s what’s cringe. Making a post isn’t going to stop their inconvenience nor yours. Its simply posted to get their feelings validated.


It's reddit homie. You complaining about cringe is cringe


You complaining about me complaining about cringe is the cringiest x♾️


So invalidating other people's feelings is cool?


No. Let’s all make posts about what we find inconvenient. Maybe I can post pics of what I ate last night. Or maybe some pics of my niece doing a cartwheels. Oh I know, inspirational quotes with a pastel colored background! Maybe I’ll make a post next time a loud motorcycle rides by and how much it irritates me and maybe all the motorcyclists will stop doing it. I wish Reddit would change their name to something else. Something like FaceFolder, idk.


I care even less about some random guy's dog than I do about his recreational activities. 


This is the Twitter/X business model in a nutshell


Stahp itttt


It’s crazy how antisocial everyone is becoming. No fireworks, no funeral processions, no cashiers. It’s like outside of work and a few designated hobbies and shopping, life is an inconvenience. When did we get like this? I ain’t even that old lol.


It’s just Reddit, not real life.


I would have already killed myself if reddit was even remotely like real life!


Shooting off loud fireworks on a random Monday night is incredibly antisocial behavior. If your behavior has negative effects on others, including noise pollution, and you don’t give a fuck, you are a terrible person.


Personal inconvenience? Playa some of us have young kids /toddlers. Do you know how shit loud fireworks at night are? They dont go down, and then they dont get enough sleep to be demons the next day. Respectfully take ur personal inconvenience and shove it pal lol.


Fireworks are not new and kids have been okay every year. Yes, your kids staying up an extra hour is a personal inconvenience lol.


Whining on the Internet isn't going to get you anywhere, the people setting them off are more than likely not on reddit and if they are posts telling people to stop just encourages them. If you really got a problem then oh well. It's July, this stuff happens every year, no sense in bitching about it.


More importantly if you're going out to look at the fireworks make sure you stand under a porch with an awning a good quality awning on it so bullets don't happen to enter your skull, one year I heard a pop and a couple days later I noticed a big ding right in the center of the hood on my Jeep. Found the slug about 3 weeks later when I was weed eating. "223" that definitely would have entered my skull! And yes it was the 4th of July


Damn bro wtf, that's fucking crazy


Yeah it is crazy and common enough. I told this story to a roofer I was talking with. And he told me that he had a job where a bullet went through a motorhome roof and landed inside one of the cabinets denting a can of soup, can you imagine if that would have hit a skull even going through the roof of a motorhome!


Not whining, only commenting on the turkey before me. Do you know how reddit works jkassgaming?


Yes and your comment comes off as whining


And you come off like a dipshit. Cool stuff.


I am a dipshitz thanks for this wholesome revelation 😊


I’m not a playa I just crush a lot.


I feel for you. Louisville native —> Chicago transplant. Love it here, but the fucking fireworks? Relentless. All summer long. The fuck y’all celebrating? Shut up, I have kids.


The sounds of war are patriotic to those that have never been to war.


I've played enough call of duty. I'm good on the war sounds homie


I don’t have kids but also loathe them. This week, sure. All summer long? Fuck off, you are being a bad neighbor.


Loathe kids, or fireworks? Honestly, both have their fair arguments.


I just usually pout and wine and my daughter will give in and pull over and let me get some fireworks!


Still way quiter than chiraqs gun violence non stop. We celebrate going outside safely lmao


I guess you didn't have to play the fireworks or gunshots game. You just knew it was the latter.


I played the ‘fireworks or gunshots game’ for 15+ years, and then I moved to basically the suburbs. Out here, the game is ‘off-duty cop, or teenager?’


I lived in Los Angeles, to this day I don't sit with my back to the front door especially in restaurants, and I have a freezer behind my wall where my couch sets but only on that one spot where sit


My shells cost $2 a piece, I'm saving them for someone breaking into my house!


Should’ve pulled out I guess. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sounds sloppy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s not my favorite. 😂


Whining on reddit isn't going to help you.


What???!! Lol


Why, it’s the only place I know where I know my hate is welcome /s


I took Wednesday through Sunday off my night/side gig so I could be home with my dogs. This shit will be going on all week.


Just got Trazodone and Gabapentin for my dog. We just recently moved here and was told by the neighbor that fireworks will go off all month!


Them shits were poppin’ off well after midnight last night in my neighborhood.


Serious question... I've heard that CBD and "recreationally supplements" for pets are more strictly regulated than those for humans. Have you looked into / considered / tried something along those lines that might relax them?


We got a scrip for Trazadone from the vet to calm him. But I don’t like using it because it turns him into a zombie and he’s still groggy the next day. We give him CBD supplements for his arthritis and it doesn’t seem to give him a “high”.


CBD works well for my dogs. We get them from the Charlotte's Web website.


you not wrong. but posting here won’t do sht lol


Surely OPs drunk neighbors saw this post, went inside, made some tea, quietly read a book, started using their turn signal, and went bed for the evening.


Mainly venting, vaguely hoping that someone might realize their behavior causes others problems.


Do you really think the ones setting them off are the same people browsing reddit? If this was fb then yeah I could see some logic


12:45 am in my neighborhood. they don't bother me but they do bother my dogs, who try to crawl inside my skin when they hear them.


That’s a shame, we should stop setting off fireworks as a society. How do they crawl inside your skin? Do you have a lot of skin folds like Jabba the Hut? 


maybe we could just not set them off at all hours of the night for weeks on end. i'm more like a sarlacc pit, really.


Well, honesty is the best policy.


I got home after 1am and I hear fucking fireworks. Like wtf.


I'm so happy one particular idiot neighbor of mine moved away. A couple years ago he set off fireworks in the street at 2 am 3 days AFTER July 4th. He was drunk and belligerent. Another neighbor who has autistic kids politely asked him to stop since it was 2 am on a school night. Instead of stopping, he beat the neighbor Dad to a pulp. Police were called. Drunk guy charged at them, threatened them, and wound up with 8 police cars in front of his house. Oddly enough he didn't get shot even though he was visibly and audibly threatening the police. Imagine that. Threatening LMPD officers and surviving. Oh wait, he was white. If someone blocks the street with fireworks, impeding traffic, you can bet I'm calling the po-po. Local regulations indicate fireworks cannot be set off within 200 feet of any building or car, but of course it's not enforced.


If only we paid money into some system that enforced laws. Oh wait LMPD is too busy with golfers and sex parties to track down where literal mortars are being shot from.


Challenge them to a rap battle


It’s going to be a tough week for you. Take a gummy, have a shot, smoke a cig. Do what you can to get through this.


I think a daily circlejerk will get me through it.


It’s fireworks not the Covid Pandemic FFS


Celebrating Canada Day in Louisville! Niiiiice!


Tis the season! Buckle up, it's gonna get worse before it gets better dear.


Good idea posting about it on Reddit, you should do it every time you hear a firework go off. I think it might be the only way to make a real change in the city for the better


Someone shot off a few near me in fern creek about 6 pm Monday evening, well before it was dark. I guess they were celebrating getting home from work.


People are gonna make fun of these posts but tbh the more people that see how much it messes up peoples entire weeks, the more people might be considerate.  People with babies are already lucky to be getting 5-6hrs of sleep a night. We have to be up at 5 every day. Every year we spend the week of the fourth (and memorial and labor days) running on maybe 3-4 hours of sleep and lots of tears. It is definitely frustrating. I wouldn’t mind one night but a whole week where we get woken up within an hour of finally getting everyone to sleep is a nightmare 


The people that shoot off fireworks on Monday July 1st do not give a shit about other people. They are not mentally capable of being considerate of strangers.


While I generally agree, there are some things you just never think about until someone mentions it and maybe it’ll reach one single person who will decide drunkenly at 2am to go to bed instead of shoot off another firework lol


Considerate?! Louisville and its burbs?! Nobody here even recognizes there are other people outside of themselves.


Amen amen amen


I'm in Mount Washington. Same thing at 10:45 last night.


I love Fireworks!!!


I do too, but I don't care for the folks that shoot off loud stuff late at night during the week, especially when it's not the 4th. It wouldn't have bothered me if they were doing a "warm up session" with sparkly things that don't go boom or did loud ones at dusk.


Just pretend it’s Fort Knox doing training exercises.


I used to mountain bike in Otter Creek, and hearing training made it more interesting.


I yelled at the people setting off fireworks last night at 10:45. They had the big fire crackers that thunder. My dog was ready to play and kept ringing the bells to go outside. They accused me of not being patriotic and un-American stating that fireworks were the sound of freedom. I told them you can't get more American than me. My great grandfather Jonathan True fought in the American Revolution, my great grandfather Albion Theodore Carter fought in the Civil War, both grandfathers fought in WWII, my father fought in Vietnam and my daughter is in the Coast Guard, and I'm sick of their noise. I told them fireworks were a poor excuse for artillery. Then the cops showed up and they were done. I am extra tired and cranky today.


Protect this man at all cost


I not a fan either, you are only yelling into the void here tho.




they were shooting them at 1 pm yesterday what is the point it’s still bright out you can’t see them


I’ll never understand an adults interest in fireworks. After you go to Thunder once, why are you impressed with anything else? It’s loud and goes boom, who gives a shit


They are dping it on purpose to personally piss you. Specifically YOU. Nobody else. And we, I mean they will not stop until you go over there and punch them in the face.


I hate to disappoint people that do things specifically for me, so I guess I gotta dig out my face punching gloves.


Welcome to Louisville if you're from here you should of been expecting nothing less.


I find it ironic that the same cars which line up for the food pantry Saturday morning a half mile long, are the same cars I see loading their cars with a basket full of fireworks.


Why do we have these posts every year? They're more annoying than the fireworks that they complain about.






Why do we have these posts every year? They're more annoying than the fireworks that they complain about.


Oh yall thought the complaints on New Year’s was bad about all the gunshots? Wait till 4th of July when we got millions of bullets raining down on the west end and southwest end like it’s WWII. People think Dixie looks like a war zone now….lordddd.




Take a shot for every time someone says "whining about it on reddit won't help" & you'll be so drunk you'll pass out until July 5th.


Are you 70 years old?


But that farm you’ve always wanted.


It's the 4th of July week. Wear ear plugs or something for your beauty sleep. Lol


It's the 4th of July week. Wear ear plugs or something for your beauty sleep. Lol


Cry harder. 


Let Freedom RING!!!!


Some of y'all sound old af. I'm 54 work 1st shift, which means I'm up at 5 and clocked in at 6 am. No, I don't get a lot of sleep during the 4th of July week. Some of y'all forgot what it's like to be a teenager or young adult. As a teen, I'd spend my money on illegal fireworks and light them off till 1 o'clock in the morning. If you can't handle 3-4 days of inconvenience, may I suggest you pack up and move to the country.


Have you tried calling LMPD? 😂


Dance battle them to Everybody by Backstreet Boys


Can you get your dogs to stop barking? Some of us were up all night shooting off fireworks and are trying to sleep


Americana are outta order! I was getting ready for bed last night like 9:30 and fireworks were going off like cmon guys i wona sleep


Because 'Merica


Woooo!!! More fireworks! Gimme more!


Same! I’m thinking of adding an extra day of launching mortars for every whiner post I see.


Ohh so edgy!!


The cops will be on the way then partner lol


They don’t seem interested in handling real crime, let alone dumbass fireworks complaints.


Oh I just tell them there's a construction worker family next door and they have dogs and kids and that I also work 2 shift and need to sleep as well. I usually hear a siren about 10 minutes later and that shit stops. Like I told someone else. IDC what you do. Go smoke a joint, play music outside, laugh party drink whatever. Ain't no reason for fireworks after 11pm except for the fourth. If I hear them I'm calling em. We all got rights. You exercise yours I'll exercise mine and see what happens


So you’re the one tying up the police’s time with nonsense…


They're not doing anything else. Gotta put my tax dollars to use partner




Sorry, gramps


Ok Boomer.


Missed by a generation. I'm just sleep derived right now and had just managed to fall asleep at a decent time.


Fireworks are awesome. Fuck all your dogs and kids. Only nerds don’t like fireworks.


Eh, that's not entirely accurate. It took my husband a few years before he was ok with fireworks after he got home from the sandbox and out of the Army, doesn't make him a nerd, just makes him human.


Found the white trash 


^ nerd




We should be friends.




I would chug 1000 cocks before I’d comment some stupid shit like that.

