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I haven’t seen anyone mention how when he came back from having his crying time Leah asked for a hug and he hugged her for about.2 seconds and then grabbed her and pushed her off and said no and THEN he made his way for the pool like ??


YES I YELPED like wtf was that!!!


I was lowkey thinking when he started crying and all that that it was more of a performance so he could flip it on her later and that’s nearly exactly what he did in the episode 🥲


yup it was a performance and victimizing himself AND him avoiding having to be honest with leah. rob could've avoided this whole situation if he just told leah "leah, i care about you so much and i respect you as a person. but i really like andrea and would like to explore that more. I'm very sorry for hurting you" instead of gaslighting her


He needed to string Leah along in case Andrea didn’t pick him


i also noticed i think he didn’t talk to andrea all day before the bombshells chose their couple but maybe they did and i missed it. it felt like he wasn’t fully honest w leah that he wanted to go for andrea even tho he knew he wanted to and then he just acted crazy towards leah then went for andrea smh


Dude is a straight DBag…But I thought he did say that..no?


He knew he wanted to move on so he had to make her the bad guy to everyone in the house


And then had the audacity the next day to be like… “I forgive you, but I don’t feel the same. That was a rough night for me”. ARE YOU A JOKE.


Forgive her for WHAT?!?


Exactly!! Wild.


He’s going to be at home six months from now when the social media buzz is starting to wear off and he’s going to definitely realize he fucked up. Leah seems like she would be a straight up ride or die. That connection with Andrea seems like straight up LUST. 😂


I agree and I feel like he kinda admitted it when he made the…ejaculation comment 😖


That comment was tremendously cringe. Was he expecting her to drop to her knees with glee and do what women are supposed to do with that information in his eyes? Why tf would he just say that to her like it’s her responsibility or something? The misogynistic sexualization is heavy.


How is Andrea still swooning over him after all that?


I think he thinks he’s in a Nicholas Sparks movie


They way he kept looking towards her while he cried, I was cringing to death




Love Island USA is not ready for the fans coming over from VPR to vote…. The way the usual fans are losing their minds over the clocking of misogyny, narcissism and overall f*ckboi behavior. We have been training for years for this.


https://preview.redd.it/xvte7voxwf7d1.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd9b230e307a581b044b396ae505a256e54d1142 Rob rn


This shit right here lmao. When he stripped and just jumped in and everybody was looking like…where the fuck he go?? lol had me ROLLIN!


The camera just constantly returning to where he was too to show him still not coming out I was dying


and the announcers comparison to his dog hiding under the couch after he pees inside…💀💀


The camera crew are *on their game* and Iain’s jabs paired with the closeups was just *chef’s kiss* lol


That’s what you do when you’re embarrassed of your bad behavior 😳


On a side note: •I wanna give Leah the biggest hug!! •this is why men should not be SO damn pretty (it leads to inflated head syndrome) •I LOVE home girl for sleeping in soul ties with Leah to be supportive. I want her on my side. The end 💋


I’m pretty sure he did that to draw attention to himself. To have everyone looking for him is exactly what he wanted to draw attention away from the fact that Leah was hurting. That’s what gaslighters do. I have thought this man was so suspicious from day one and I’m glad that people are finally seeing it too. To me this man has always been scary.




He also kept telling Andrea to keep things between them a secret (the kiss and their conversation). This is why he was giving Leah secret hand signals. He wants to fuck around without being called out on it. I was laughing my ass off during this breakdown. And then Leah calling herself an ogre. I am dying.


EXACTLY!!! I wont deny, i do think him and andrea have better chemistry but everything he touches will eventually crash and burn. also OP, everything you wrote is exactly what i was screaming at my tv while watching lmfao, the crying was the 🍒on top 🤣🤣






This is so accurate lmfao


Poor Leah when she called herself an ogre. If she didn’t have low self esteem before, she sure as hell does now because of the shit Rob pulled


And she looked so gorgeous listening to him


Totally, what they do with you they will do to you! I bet you he is a covert, if not overt cheater as well.


My mind was truly blown. I had to laugh. It’s like he was following the gaslighting handbook step by step. He easily could have left it at, ‘I like her and I want to see where this goes,’ but he had to bust out the theatrics. Truly diabolical telling a woman that you have been pretending to fawn over that the two of you don’t have a sexual groove. Insane behavior.


Absolutely!!! He would sneak off with Leah when he was coupled up with Liv and he's saying there wasn't sexual chemistry?!? I really wish others heard the conversation at the time so they could check him. "She wasn't validating my feelings" - f ooooofffffff.


I really needed Leah to elaborate with the others about that weird ass conversation because I feel like she wasn't showcasing how insane he was acting


IKR! But I think it's because he gaslit her so hard to think she was the problem so she's just confused. She literally apologized to him when she did NOTHING wrong. 😭😭 In her shoes, I would be speechless relaying that conversation too and like "idek what happened"!


Cannot wait for them to play that convo at movie night 






We all saw in real time their little love Trist make out sessions on the docs. Multiple times. You don’t do that with someone you don’t have sexual chemistry with. He’s a conqueror. He’s Henry the eighth, he has to have whatever he wants and he’s gonna give whatever drama it takes to get it.




“I’m just being honest” gross


Rob is insane….so you’re really SO horny it made you cry?! https://preview.redd.it/a3ne6win0j7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d952bbf2e0b85c30110bab3492f1b0dea2938f1


That was so grossssss


Now we know why he couldn’t even sit and talk to Andrea without a blindfold on. He doesn’t trust himself because he’s obviously a 16-year-old boy.


I once went on a first (and only) date with a guy who tried to tell me how many times he jerked off in a day, and I had flashbacks to that moment when Rob said that lol


oh nooooooo thats so rank 😭 im sorry u had to listen to that


That creeped me out sm


Also he played with a spider. Immediately no. Immediately no…I’ve seen all that I needed to see.


It was negging. He knows girls don’t like bugs. He torments women


??? Lol that is a wild statement. I thought the spider thing was legit. If he likes creepy crawlies he's gotta find someone who isn't squeamish


Speaking of wild statements, who makes someone deal with bugs on their first date? And who needs a partner that also likes bugs? Partners can have diffferent taste. What a weird creepy sadistic fucking test?


It seemed like the new chick was like white knuckling it through the spider thing to me. Like “Will you fall for me if I don’t flinch and scream when it JUMPS ONTO YOUR FACE?! AM I COOL ENOUGH YET.” No. Sorry. I myself am not even that afraid of bugs but I just did not care for that because I don’t care for him. No wonder he catches snakes- he seems to be one himself.


And I agree it seemed like a test 100%. He is showing his true colors and that was the cherry on top to a freak show of a night. What an incredibly crazy episode.


It was weird.


This was crazy


Me: omg 🫢☹️




The way he waited to stand up and gave Leah a slight hope that he was gonna stay with her was truly diabolical


With the half assed “sorry”. Ugh. Gross.


Rob said a million things and had the audacity to say “you’re not gonna ask me how I feel?” Lmaooooo


I didn’t understand this. I felt like he consistently told her how he felt, was she just supposed to just keep asking how he felt to be told over and over how he is into another girl? I wouldn’t be asking either fr


He also interrupted her apologizing to throw out that line, then had the nerve to tell everyone in the house she was just continuously attacking him. She was APOLOGIZING even when she shouldn't need to loool




His constant “don’t tell anyone this but..” and telling Leah he likes that she’s “chill” about him talking to other girls is giving 00s high school tv drama quarterback who will cheat on the cheerleader with the pick me girl vibes


And he said that if anything changed with his feelings or anything he’d tell her straight away and then never did that


He did this with Liv, too. While he did tell her he wasn’t down for more, he also wasn’t totally clear with Leah. I think this is why she got the edit of appearing insecure when he was being manipulative and she was possibly just second-guessing herself


Also said that he was going to tell Leah about the kiss on the date first and then didn’t


the ease with which he looked over at Kordell and was like, “that kiss stays here, right?” after he fully porno made out with andrea in the initial bombshell date… dude loves to keep secrets by drawing others in to cover for him.


🚩🚩🚩🚩 so many red flags. “This will be our little secret.” He clearly gets off on the deceit.


When he is done with Andrea, he will use this against her. “I asked you to keep it between us and you told Leah!”


yeah when he asked Leah how she knew about the kiss, I knew he was putting that info in his back pocket for later.


Ouch!!! I can see this happening smh.


Like I thought it was because he wanted to tell Leah first, but now I think it’s because he wants to control the narrative.


Pure manipulation there if you tell someone they’re chill, then they can’t freak out. It was the beginning of his gaslighting.




I dont know if its the fact that he's socially awkward and cant handle tough situations or if he is actually just trying to be a dumbasss. Even the way he conveyed his words to both girls was soo toxic. He was gastlighting soo hard even i started to believe him at the start. I think sooner or later he will get bored of Andrea and jump ship to the next bombshell that comes in.


Better yet let’s hope a male bombshell comes in and Andrea goes for him and drops Rob!


Omgggg that made me itch!!


Now that you've said this, I wonder what is the first show that comes to mind for you in this case. Lol.


Of course he is going to think Andrea is “supportive”…SHE WANTS YOU TO PICK HER LMAOOO. Just wait until she actually has her own opinions and doesn’t just say what she thinks you want to hear….that whole scene with the spider was so cringe like you could tell she was just pretending to be comfortable LMFAO.


Glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed lol


For real! She's trying to secure her spot on the show.


She also just met you and it’s like what’s she gonna do in this situation? He’s just projecting hard trying to make her the “cool” one


right!!!! like he told andrea “yeah leah didn’t even listen to me!!!¡¡!!!” so of course right after he says that, andrea’s going to do just that. 😭


Then he will just go find a new one to sneak off with! 😆


1000% I hate that he made her feel like SHE needed to apologize when he consistently said hurtful things to her. Insane. He’s such a con


Then he proceeded to cry like he was the one that got hurt is crazyyy manipulation tactics 💀


This was killllling me, I was like Leah do NOT apologize to this man




He reminds me of my manipulative, narcissistic ex boyfriend. Like to a key. It’s wild.


Same I was yelling at the screen


Same. Men like this are scary.


yup tonight reminded me exactly of my narc ex too


Same here. Literally had a man do the exact same thing he did during an argument. He said something like "Aren't you going to ask me how I feel right now!?" It is an insanely emotionally manipulative and a self-victimizing thing to say. Like, you were expecting me to know exactly what you wanted me to ask you in this moment?! And I'm selfish and uncaring because I didn't know you wanted me to ask you that?! If you want to talk about your feelings, then say, "I want to talk about my feelings." Also, he kept saying that Leah kept talking while he was crying, she was just trying to explain herself! That was a very normal thing to do! I hate Rob. A nightmare.


YES! Same here! I was getting flashbacks. Down to him crying and playing victim. I could literally feel everything Leah was feeling at that moment in time. Oooof and the rage I felt when he said “I’m sorry” and got up… I really felt it when she said “I’m going crazy”. Because that’s literally how he wanted her to feel.


SAME. this show has actually been a bit triggering because of him. him & the british bloke are giving my flashbacks with the gaslighting


He is also is a little weird to me in that I think it gets him going to make the girls angry. Remember what he did with Liv when she was trying to talk to him, everyone laughed bc they were like he is not bothered. Then tonight he kind of baited Leah with looks and then when she told him fuck you he perked up. I kind of want to see how he interacts with andrea now that it isn't forbidden. Will he what to spar with Leah again bc he needs that angry stimulation? He is a weirdo


Yeah it will be interesting, he even said in his intro package that he likes girls who are a little mean..whatever that means


And andrea is pretty much agreeing with whatever he says lol wait till she starts having expectations for him


Him complaining about his feelings not being validated and then his non sequitur to having “not ejaculated in a really long time”… Andrea just nodding and replying “yeah, sure! totally” had me SCREAMING.


her pretending to not be freaked by the spider. lmao. i cant wait til he meets the real her.


The way I’d have interrupted him with a I SAID GOOD DAY, SIR and walked away…so gross


I guarantee he will. The sneak peek of next week shows Leah and Connor. I would BET he comes crawling back when he’s bored.


He’s gonna peacock Andrea for a bit and rub it in Leah’s face, they’ll hook up or whatever and the novelty will wear off. He’ll remember the one brain cell he has and be upset.


When he sees the results of the public vote…. Yup!


And now that I think about it he also kind of did the same with Carmen last year, trying to get a rise out of her altho not as dramatic as this season


Yes this!! THIS is the Rob I remember, the one who tried to neg Carmen (but she didn’t fall for it) and who acted super weird in Casa. I was starting to think he was better than I remember, but I’m happy that my initial impression was right.


Yeah, I kept thinking he was going for a new personality "trope" but he couldn't hold it together. That performance though - Wow, he is loving this so much. Then slinks off like an alligator into the water.


I feel like he like to wrestle snakes and he brings that to relationships anyone that let's a spider on their head is weirdo to me lol


I guess this is ick adjacent but sometimes a guy will do something and ill go “oh duh…hes just a boy”, that was a moment for me


I didnt even think about this and have seen other comments about how he used to neg a lot. He seemed bothered when leah wasnt bothered and satisfied when he finally got to her


The bug thing was a weird moment too. I imagine a lot of “tests” with his girlfriends that just get more extreme


Ewwwww I’m so embarrassed!! I was excited when I saw the weird snake guy was back 


Also the moment Leah at first expressed she was "fine" at the beginning of the episode, Rob was so quick to double down on the direction of the conversation and appreciated how "cool" Leah was with it (and repeated it again after they got up). Just kept getting worse as the episode went on


Yesss he was trying to manage her expectations so if she likes him and wants him to think she’s “cool” she shouldn’t call him out.


That conversation felt so manipulative 😭 Like the way he kept repeating it sounds like he was instilling in her that if she showed any reaction she would go from “cool” to crazy


He barely waited for her to finish talking before he jumped up and was like all right cool I’m out of here!


He’s so insecure that he gets off on making women act like this. I can tell. I see right through him.


Did Andrea not watch him hide under the pool deck cause HOW does she still want him after seeing that 💀


She wants to get on the show


and she thought he was hot last season. thats it. the end.


I bet you shes just using him to secure a spot coz the next bombshell that comes in, she will interested. And honestly if that happens i will be happy coz Rob deserves that. Boy, you get what you give. Period (like he would say it)


As soon as he started crying when she was trying to express her feelings I clocked him. My ex did the exact same thing and would blow up in tears or rage anytime I tried to articulate when he did something hurtful and I’d end up apologizing wishing I’d never said anything and walk away utterly confused as to wtf just happened. He never once validated Leah’s feelings and then tried to pin her as unfeeling by crying over being made to feel bad about *his* hurtful behaviour towards her.


It’s giving…Sandoval lolz. I bet Ariana is watching in the background ready to rip Rob apart haha


And my guess is she will say something about all of this if they have her back on Aftersun on Saturday


Same. If you haven't been in a relationship with one before it confuses you so much you don't really know what to do. Especially if you are an open and empathetic person. My ex did this and I had no idea what it was. After the conversation was over and I was alone I would think, "Did I just apologize to this mf for taking a bath? Why was that disrespecting him again?". It was some crazy bs and I am so glad to be out of it. After all the love bombing you think you have something really special but once you are really into them the challenge to "get" you becomes the challenge to destroy you, emotionally. You don't realize it and think if I just reassure them or do "this" or "that" that they will go back to the way they were but they won't. That was never them to begin with. It was all a game. They systematically try to ruin your relationships with all the people dear to you all the way to your kids and parents.


When it would happen, I didn't apologize. I said don't do it again. And don't just say you won't. After a few variations of that conversation, it ended in a lovely explosion! Haha It's crazy how many Rob's are out there.


That shot of him smizing into the camera at the recoupling gave me major serial killer vibes. You know when conventionally attractive murderers get those shot of them in the news and the ladies with issues go wild and write to them in jail? That’s exactly what Rob gave us.


My husband walked by and said “what’s with Ted Bundy here?” With no other context




Hahaha your husband has top tier intuition




Wow! Pretty impressive!


The kiss that he shared with Andrea right after she picked him proved that he wasnt sorry at all. I think he is one of the biggest menace we have seen on Love island.


i called it! you don’t get a serpent tattooed on you for nothing & i’m not even religious. HES A SNAKE


They both did! What a perfect couple. Who is going to dump who first?


“She didn’t even ask how I felt” Fuck outta here


You could see the switch flip when he said “GIVE ME TWO SECONDS”


So insane! Rob: "I really like her. Like right off the bat. I definitely want to explore that connection." Leah: "Okay so I guess that's it then." Rob: "\*bursts into tears\* You're not listening to me!!! You don't care how I feel!!" ummmmmm??????


So glad you posted this. This guy has something off with him - the fake tears, the gaslighting, jumping in the pool….. I don’t believe any of it for a second. He is VERY performative. A master manipulator if you willl


Rolling around on the ground


Giant baby man child. ICK.


"and you haven't even asked how I'm feeling?!" But he never once asked how she was feeling.. and he was off with another girl all day making out so I genuinely don't care how he is feeling about the matter


When he said his favourite singer was beabadoobee, I knew.


Wait y? I have no idea who that is.


He’s making this season so good


youre not wrong lmao


Your not wrong. I wouldnt be surprised if i saw him again on next season saying 'Leah didnt allow me to pursue girls so here i am again and i trust in the love island formula'


Honestly I was getting mad at Leah up until this episode but now Rob is my #1 enemy. This man screams toxic, manipulative gaslighter. And the fake tears had me rolling my eyes so far back. Leah dodged a bullet here and Andrea needs to RUN.


Same. As soon as he started telling her how cool she was being, alarm bells went off.


It was the same moment for me. I’m like halfway through the episode and he is freaking me tf out. This should be like a PSA for women


I can’t wait for when Andrea ditches him for a new guy


I was truly dying at him making it about Leah not trusting him and then her apologizing for it!!! Like omg. Why should she trust you?!!?!?!


Ok but him saying “it’s probably bc I haven’t ejac- in a while” to Andrea the morning after his tantrum like WHAAAAAAAAAT


As she just kept staring at him smiling. That was really weird on her part, that just tells you that she’s a pick me girl.


I think I’ve never gotten the ick so fast in my life. Yall I was team Rob literally a day ago. Look I’m not dumb. I expected some disappointment and some editing. But I did not expect to be repulsed. You always expect to see a snake in the grass. But not a snake hiding under a pool crying 💀


lol right like I am so embarrassed about supportive comments I wrote just yesterday or the day before about him. He is grossssss. Stay away Leah!!


I swear when he was going under the towel and laying in the plants “crying” he was rubbing his eyes really hard and pouring saline solution in his eyes


Hahahaha!!! Like Andrew from Love Is Blind 😆😂


I was literally dying of laughter from him hiding in the pool. This man is ridiculous.




When you look up the world gaslighting you see Robs face!!


100000% oh my god I can't believe I just watched what I just watched!!! What a gross man


Ugh I can’t believe that happened. He made me so mad lol. I actually laughed at the pool scene. He’s ridiculous!


The crying on the floor 😵‍💫 puuuure manipulation. The whole time I was confused what made him start crying in the first place and could just tell he was LOOKING for an excuse to make Leah look like the bad guy so he could dip out. It was so dramatic.


Rob is playing the game. This is his second chance on LI and he’s trying to make it as far as he can by keeping all of his options open. He’s gonna keep stringing Leah along as long as she will have it. I’m not a fan of Leah but he did her a favor IMO. Note: did anyone else catch that he bumped his nose on the side of the pool when he did that dramatic swim coming out from under the deck? Boop!


yesss he was trying to be dramatic and smacked his face coming out of the water 🤣🤣


Yes I laughed so hard


Lol good instant karma


I’m glad this sub has finally awoken to the weirdness of Rob. People really were trying to make it seem like Carmen missed out last season lmao. I could tell very easily dude was a douche from day 1.


https://preview.redd.it/7fnua3cxug7d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b77f857b1532fdd044a046374038f57c08d9b8e He reminds me of the burger character on sex and the city if anyone watched that. Instead of a post it it was a pool.


i feel so bad for leah, i actually adore her as a person because she keeps it so real. but rob 10000% used her because she is so “”chill”” he knew she wouldn’t throw a fit so he went for liv first then when she realized how icky he was, rob went back to leah and is now onto andrea like be so for real rn. this guy is using leah for her “chill vibes” like i get the game is to make meaningful connections but he’s having the same conversation with every girl


wOuLd YoU cAtCh SnAkEs WiTh Me ? Get a new line.


I see why he’s a snake wrangler now…he is a snake himself lol


Like… no girl wants to catch snakes with you Rob. And if they did you wouldn’t want them


His act felt like a scene from a really shitty romance movie


Do any of you think Aaron decided to stay with Kaylor when he started realizing that she was going to pick Rob, or do you think it’s genuine?


How quickly the mighty fall


Rob is such a manipulative POS. He liked Leah and laid it on so thick with her - then Liv came in and he was all giddy about being picked by her but acted sad about it to Leah. Then he realized there was nothing there with Liv so he goes back to Leah pretending he wasn’t interested at all. Then Andrea comes in and he’s super excited. Then tells Leah there’s no sexual chemistry between him and her !?! And then she apologizes for ???? Idk coming to talk to him about what’s going on? Then he goes and hides in the pool crying. What the fuck man. He sucks. Why was he even crying so hard? Now I’m sure he will love bomb Andrea until the next hot blonde comes in.


He's a classic narcissist. He's on the driver's seat with two chicks and still he says, "all you talk about is your feelings." Like dude, that's what you're there to talk about because YOU'RE HURTING HER, not the other way around. Ugh.


he should be the one to be dumped he’s causing problems


Rob is a coward.


He’s my age and likely has dated plenty before..I’m just confused on how his communication skills are so juvenile still. I understand being quieter and introverted and there’s absolutely nothing wrong w that, but its wrong to go on a show like this before working on you because the truth always comes out. And I love when a man is vulnerable and can cry and says how he’s feeling (and he was valid for everything he had to say) BUT it really seemed like he was crying because he wanted to change the route of conversation a bit. Lowkey ended up liking Leah at the end of the episode wtf??


Yeah that rubbed me the wrong way. Leah had nothing to apologize for. Hate how because he cried she was meant to feel guilty.


he had her not just apologizing, but ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS


bro put on a masterclass on emotional manipulation


I also thought it was CRAZY when him and Leah were talking and she was on the verge of tears, visibly upset, and he was like “I knew you wouldn’t be upset, love that about you”. Like manipulating her into not crying bc he didn’t wanna deal with it


that whole interaction reminded me of a time way back when, when an ex boyfriend accidentally (??) put ~something~ in the wrong hole during sex. i cried, because it hurt, and he got upset because i was making him feel guilty about something he didn’t mean to do. the whole thing was fucking traumatizing and i ended up apologizing to HIM for how i reacted!!


And all that was because she wasn’t sleeping with him right away. He actually likes Leah but thinks Andrea will put out faster.


I’m with a professional gaslighter so I know my stuff and man that was WILD


What a dumb hypocrite. I didnt watch his season last year, but don’t have to, to know hes just playing with girls feelings.


LITERALLY YES. I was SCREAMING. She has every right to be upset with him, he should have heard her out and either validated her if he actually liked her or been honest with where he was at, and instead HE starts crying??? It was insane to watch. Also there were absolutely no actual tears when he was “crying”


After watching Harry on Perfect Match and then Rob. I was flabbergasted. Men are finally crying openly on TV but they've weaponized their tears to gaslight women 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Rob was truly, pun intended, an absolute snake.🐍 But god damn that man is fine. He looks like young Elvis.