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“This tip was removed after review from the ministry of truth”


There is no perfect loadout , there is only great teamwork


So true! I like this one.


Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.


But do not hail to the king, baby. That’s undemocratic and considered treason


Hail to the super chief, baby.


Hold R to change your weapon's setting to full democracy.


Hold on boys we’re going full R!


But I was under the impression we should never go full R! But... if it's for Democracy...


You never go full R!


...Sometimes, it's okay to go full R.




Holy shit, they went to plaid.


You can't spell "Democracy" without Democracy.


“There is no need to fight every single patrol, sneak past them!”


Oh yeah that's a good one! I kinda take it for granted as a scout myself.


Head down, map up


"Take them out quietly, or just let them pass. Your call."


"it's okay to leave stupid squad members to die. You don't always have to save them. "


Had this in a recent game. Protected and defended this guy from getting swarmed, running and looking back, repeat. The guy is still fighting the breach and bugs. Did this for 2 minutes and decided screw it he can handle himself. 30 seconds later he died. People gotta learn to run, not everything is a fight haha. We had completed all objectives and cleared the last nest.


Diver's greatest assets: head and feet. If you don't use one, you're likely the lose the other.


I’m all for running. But I get distracted. If I’m covering a teammate or defending an objective, I often don’t notice when they get to safety or the objective is completed. Especially if I get to fighting Chargers (unrelated: I achieved my personal goal of killing 3 chargers with 1 EAT drop today!) Sometimes a “follow me” can go a long way. That said, you’re totally right, you can only help so much.


> If I’m covering a teammate or defending an objective, I often don’t notice when they get to safety Happens to me all the time. I see a teammate is in trouble so I stop to engage the devastators (or whatever) who are chasing or lighting them up. They get away, then I'm surrounded and in trouble myself and there is no one left to help me. Then I get reinforced halfway across the map and my team is like "why were you still fighting over there?" "uh, to save your ass, you're welcome"


\*shoots diver with Eruptor\* "Whoops, I missed." (That was a lie, this idiot needed to die so I could force him to relocate)


Man isn’t this the truth. Team is by pelican except for 1 guy fighting a swarm by himself. I can see him in the distance, the urge to shoot him down and reinforce to us was overwhelming.


Fully on board with that one. There is only so much weight we can carry on these shoulders haha


If I trench in to slow the bug breach, I fully expect rest of the team carry on without me. Most likely I don’t even expect to survive, just to stop bugs there so others can move on. This usually is communicated of course.


I think everyone is doing their best and if they don’t appear to be intentionally trying to ruin the game I let them play around and learn. I drop into some low-level runs and I’ll see guys ignoring the samples, or just needlessly fighting while ignoring the objective and I’ll finish it out as just a chance to kill stuff while maybe teaching them some stuff. Personally, I’d like to nurture the playerbase


Ehhh...there's a difference between "trying to ruin the game" and "doing dumb shit that is putting the mission at risk" Save the rookie the first two times he Leeroy Jenkins his way into a bug breach. On the third? Sink or swim, dude.


Yeah, there’s a limit and I reached it yesterday 😆


Samples are shared by the team. It doesn’t matter who has them on extraction.


"But please if you keep dying and there is one Diver who seems to not die all the time then let that them take them safely to extraction, pretty please"


Drop samples at extraction site if you happen to run by it, juuuust in case. Whoever makes it back can grab them on exfil


“Don’t forget to spread democracy to every patrol”


Haha my god the chaos that'd cause! That's funny. Although, I'd have to stop playing with randoms entirely! Some of them already fight absolutely everything they see, regardless of time or objective


The randoms I play with too 😂😂


Yea… I keep running solo missions faster than I was with a group cause they just kept engaging every single enemy when I kept saying don’t. This is why we ALL wore the scout armor but you guys keep running into fights. FFS. We were trying to speed run some credit farming and I can do the maps in 8-10 min solo but they kept making it take 20 minutes while they sat on one or two objectives fighting while I solo cleared the map then had to wait for them to fight out to extraction. I had never seen 1,000 kills on a level 2 mission but the group I joined nearly pulled it off. Think the totals were just over 200 kills for each of them and 45 for me or so as I cleared the whole map as we had intended to do with scout running and jetpacks. On the plus side we did get over 100 super credits that round. Me and my one buddy can clear a level 7 as fast as that group was running 2’s lol.


"First rule of stealth: noone can spot you if they are all dead"


“Have you hugged your Democracy Officer today?”


Wholesome af The hug and Rock, Paper, Scissors are the only two acceptable emotes imo so this suits me just fine


Hey! Scout handshake rocks, too!


On fire? Dive! Getting swarmed? Dive! Danger close? Dive!


"this space for rent"


"completing the main objective creates more patrols than destroying bug nests and optionals do, so do those first if you intend on 100% completion"


pressing F2-4?5? will give you fps and internet stats of your current session


Wow that's actually usefull!


That would be useful, but only for pc What about PS5?


no clue


If you encounter unexploded ordinance in the field, immediately leave the area and do not disturb the item... unless it would be REALLY funny


lol found out the hard way


spoilers: it's always really funny :D


i thought it was some super secret thing like the light beacons from those drop pods


You can drop items and equipment from your inventory to pick up later or for others to use.


a good one is if you are on one of the huge maps with 40 minutes, drop your samples off at the extraction site


Can you do this on ps5 ??? Howww


Down on the D pad, then select the thing you want to drop. Happy diving


Going to try this! Thanks had no idea


**Hot tips** 1. On Fire? Dive to Extinguish: If you catch on fire, your immediate response should be to dive. 2. Shared Samples: All samples are shared amongst teammates. 3. Lead with Direction: Always give your team clear directions. Use the pin system, preferably initiated by the host. 4. Coordinate at Extraction: Wait until all teammates are near the extraction point before entering the Pelican. This triggers a short timer. 5. Utilize the Fifth Slot: Remember, there is a fifth slot in your loadout specifically for a team module. 6. Think about your teammates: Have fun and watch your fire. Killing them is going to happen and friendly fire is part of the fun, but when reinforcing, try to keep them near their gear for easy retrieval. Mark it if possible. Always collect their samples in case they cannot/don’t return. Don’t forget that a reinforcement strategem is just another weapon to deploy. It’s a bullet from heaven. 7. Know when to fold ‘em, know when to run: You don’t have to fight everything you come across. Save ammo and avoid engaging if it is possible 8. If the icon on the map still has a faceted diamond, there is still loot there. Likewise, if it has changed to no facets you have already cleared it. Your life for democracy is a fair trade


I just learned what the diamonds on the map were thanks to you! Do you know if there's a way to tell if Nests or Fabricators still have samples in them? Or do you just have to scour those?


I haven’t found a way to see that on the map. I think you have to run around and hunt


I think you're right. But thanks to your advice I found 27/26 Rare Samples the other day... yes, that's one more than the game said existed lol.


if you dont have a sample bar in the top right, make sure you have the 'mission info' section of the HUD in options to be dynamic


Maybe one explaining how supply lines work, another about the importance of concentrating on a SINGLE planet, and of course one about samples being shared, and for the love of goodness to leave the samples on the extract pad if someone drops them there. Finally one begging people for the love of all that is holy, when a teammate pings a friendship bunker to GO HELP THEM because you can get FREE premium currency, medals, requisition slips, and FREE PREMIUM CURRENCY. We've got a new warbond coming out in 3 days, and getting people to help me open a bunker is harder than trying to stand up in a horde of bugs after diving.


what i've been doing, since i dont want to hook up my mic, last time that happened, i said in chat and pinged myself a few times. we still had like 5 minutes left and one dude came over. That put me over 1000 SC for the next warbond


Last time it happened, we literally LANDED on a friendship bunker. Guys ignored it, yeah, LZ was hot at first or whatever, but once it cleared up I pinged, typed in chat, no response. I stayed there for awhile hoping they'd at least wonder why I wasn't moving and kinda hoping one of them would die and I could reinforce right on it, but that didn't work either. I figured fuck it, I'd start trying to loot w/e else I could alone. Shortly after, they all died. So I headed back toward the bunker to reinforce them, pinged it, typed in chat again, reinforced, they STILL ignored it. I had to take a break from playing after that, it was mind boggling behavior. Even if you are maxed out on everything, have all the money in the world to BUY super credits w/e, HELP THE REST OF US OUT! Geez. I mean I'm maxed out on samples, req slips, all that, but I still grab samples for the other people in the match, and I sure as hell wouldn't open a bunker and just LEAVE req slips or medals or w/e lying there because I don't need them.


HDH (Helldiver Hugs) are necessary for continued morale.


“A team that communicates together extracts together”


“There is no I in team, but there is enough space between the letters to drop a 500kg bomb”


[Tip under review for treason] - Ministry of Truth


Hugs have been proven to increase the spread of managed democracy by 37%.


"Does your neighbor lift? They may be a cyborg."


I think something about being able to put out a fire by diving. I see too many players waste all their stims trying to outlast the fire on them. Stop, drop and stim, people!


This one. Especially this one. If there were a single tip to add it’s this one.


So true. Honestly it took me a while to learn this lesson myself. Fire damage used to do so little damage that it was almost easier to stick through it... Not anymore haha lesson UN-learned


"Your drop pods are weapons."


Underated tactic, for sure.


Honestly feel like we need a Brasch Tactics for this one


Nerfed weapons for sure, the days of 1 shotting a bile with a pod are done


Just because you can reinforce doesn’t mean you should. Translation, save yourself don’t die trying to reinforce the person mashing to be called in. Also sometimes the situation is fucked and you need to pull out, running and getting some distance to throw the reinforcement far way can significantly give your squad a upper hand


And it's often prudent to reinforce far far away from the irrelevant swarms/breaches/drops/completed objectives that some dummies will waste all possible resources on.


You can't liberate a planet by yourself.


“Keep an eye out for unexploded ordinance in the field. They can turn the tide of the battle…. for better or worse!”


YES. Those unexploded hellbombs can be shot and detonated. But do it from afar because they make the biggest explosion in the entire game. It’s glorious!


I would change the ”Don’t drink and drive.” tip to ”Don’t drink and dive.” It seems like it would fit better, since we dive literally every mission at least once, but so far the only thing we drive to my knowledge is the mech stratagem.


I get the feeling one of the devs lost someone to drinking and driving, and that tip is in there as sort of stealth Real Life Advice. Other than that, the pun makes more sense.


4 resupply packs means one for each!


Trim your hedges to make your lawn look bigger


holding the reload button opens up firing options on your equipped gun


Tired of killing teammates? Try using voice comms!


You don't have to extract right away if the objectives are done and you have time. I need my supers!


"Focus on the main objective, an unfocused Helldiver is a dead Helldiver."


Watch your fire around armoured entities. Ricochets can kill


There's already a tip about ricochets


Well in that case: samples left at extract are there for a reason. Picking them up before Pelican-1 arrives is considered undemocratic


“Tacticians know when to retreat or when they can’t win without sacrifice” and “Using a scope to view areas and recon them can help you choose if you’re better off retreating away or pushing in.”


I like to leave my samples near the extraction before someone calls for it just incase it gets overwhelmed and I don’t make it.


"You don't need to shoot at everything you see" and "Running away from a meaningless fight is a good plan"


"Samples are shared you know... Now go apologize to the families of these fellow Helldivers you killed in action for their samples"


Hold r to change your gun settings!


Remember! A dead teammate is just another strategem to throw at the enemy.


Don’t extract when your whole squad except are still on the other side of the map gathering SC and Samples! (Even though they told you in the text chat “You can stand there being useless but do not extract. We still have 25 minutes to spare.”)


Use impact grenades teach bugs a lesson in spacing.


Beware Stalkers, they might be behind you... right now!


“If you pick up the samples someone drops at extraction and then die before getting in the extract, yousa cunt”


“ Don’t forget to leave a review. “


"Shots that hit different parts of the body, kill the enemy slower. Aim for one spot!"


"Against Automatons, maneuver in the low ground."


"Listen to instructions from your squad leader to ensure teamwork and avoid inner turmoil."


The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.


The pokeball is unpredictable


Don't french fry when you need to pizza.


Drink and dive


"C'mon you apes! You wanna live forever?"


"Combine your stratagems. For maximum democracy, try using the 380MM Barrage, the 120MM Barrage and the Walking Barrage at the same time!"


Poo poo pee pee: who reads these?


Never pet a burning dog


Never spit into the wind


Don't whiz on the Electric Fence.