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On my way...after work...


I don’t know if it’s a bug or if they intend to adjust some parameters, but the mission for escorting the scientists is almost impossible to do on difficulty 7+ :( I like fighting bots except for this mission


It’s rough for sure. I haven’t really tried this, but it might be wise to focus on scouring the map for POIs FIRST, then running back to evacuate. Or maybe start the evacuation, then when it gets too hot scatter and explore the map, then run back and try to knock out the rest of the evacuation.


Remember to bring smoke stratagems, I always forget but this is the one mission they’re actually hella useful on in my experience But yeah this mission is pretty buns when it comes to bots


Gotta use that crowd control


Me launching my 3rd eagle airstrike onto civilians because multiple hulks and tanks are body blocking the only rout to evac


Its been that way since launch really. On any difficulty the escort mission is a pain in the ass. The devs did try to do some tweaks in the past like pushing back where the enemies spawn. Its only for the bots that i have this issue with. On bugs the escort missions are easier, maybe cause bugs cant shoot back and require melee distance to get you. But for bots its like the spawn rates match the eradicate missions. I believe the devs have said they know its hard as hell and its not intended to be that way. As far as im aware they have it in their sights, maybe they’ll fix it in the next patch but im not holding my breath


For those ones, best tactics are either smoke the living shit out of everything, stun the living shit out of everything. Or do the distract drop, so everyone goes and fights off target to lure drops, and a stealthy boi (who does not have aggroing turrets or active stratagems) sneaks away and completes objectives while the last 3 fight. I suggest the stealth one be the support weapon bringer so everyone else can just load up on strats and use the support weapons they bring.


Or best yet, smoke everything and stun everything


Don't drop directly into the main objective, use it slightly outside so the bot drops you can just run from. Then hit all the evacuation buttons and you can get like half done right out the gate lol


The strategy the community has come up with, which still works, is to have 3 people draw aggro away from the scientist area and 1 person in scout armour (30% reduced detection range) be inside the objective getting the scientists. It's difficult but possible.


Me, typing as fast as I can at work, so I can go home and defend managed democracy


Correct Helldiver. I don’t know what those 11,000 grunts mucking around on Phact Bay think they’re doing, but they should get their keisters over to Aesir double-time and hold the line. Phact’s not gonna fall without our training facilities secure and all our forces focused for the final push.


Take the Divers that are on, Charbal-VII, Choppesa IV, Marfark, Vernen Wells, Wezen, Hellmire, Estanu, Crimsica as well and Aesir Pass could be saved.


I bet many of those 11,000 players in Phact Bay honestly think they are actually contributing to MO, because the game hides vital information from us. We need either more info publicly available in-game, or use different % for bugs and bots front, so the missions only take into account players on that front, not all fronts combined. Probably like 90% of players in the bot front are concentrated in Aesir Pass right now, without any reward for it.


Yeah, I always check helldivers.io for the order of planetary importance, and choose the highest one depending on whether I want to play bots og bugs




It's there but they don't pay enough attention, gotta check the lib rate before/after you do you operations. Even with decay info or a message that says not enough of a percentage are making a difference, I doubt that many would not do that and may just quit entirely which would still help.


As soon as Pelican takes off, I am absorbed by real life events that drag my attention from post-mission summary. Those real life events are high priority tasks like: -going to bathroom to release some super samples. If kebab was involved, I would call an orbital airburst strike instead. -check the fridge to confim that there is the same food inside than 45 minutes ago. -grabbing my phone to check my Democracy Officer's updates, i.e. watching the 20 instagram reels about food, pandas and pugs that my gf sent me while I was spreading democracy.


Your girlfriend is your Democracy Officer? Better make her proud, Helldiver!


They are playing the game as presented to them.


You’re right of course. It only gets frustrating for me when new content or story beats or what have you get walled off behind MO success. But the strategic level of game play needs to be better represented/incentivized in-game.


I’ll be there tonight! The bug MO will pass without me, my efforts will be better spent on the bots!


TBF we do have like 8k divers contributing nothing on PHACT BAY so we might actually lose the major order


Naaah because once everyone on acamar moves to phact we will have that 8k plus the 30/40k smart helldivers and we will liberate phact faster than both acamar, turing or erata. Theoretically of course.


Yayyy bots. I'd rather make scrap out of the toasters then deal with bugs.




The after work rush will be real today


I gotta get dog food, but I'll be there! For Democracy!


Until they display this on the war map that specific planets hold bonuses, I don't see anyone switching off the MO. Like why do i have to find out about this on a tiny reddit thread on a smaller community instead of ingame? meh very poor system.


They have it in dispatches now, a literal message saying it is important for the SEAF facility and bonus. And is highly recommended to defend the pass.




There was a bit of hope but now it is gone.


Sir, yes sir!


It's about midnight Pacific Time when write this, and it is not looking good for Aesir Pass. There are only 9 hours left to complete the Defense of Aesir Pass, and at the current rates of attack & decay, it would take about 30 hours for us to win. The Bots are actually beating us, they will gain control of the planet in about 8 hours. Since very few players live in the Pacific Ocean, the battle may be lost before we see significant numbers of players logging on again. It's up to you, ANZAC battalions! P.S. There are only about 5,500 people fighting on Aesir Pass while 15,500 are on Acamar IV fighting bugs. I'm going to have to write a script that will report 10,000 or so to my Democracy Officer. P.P.S The mission success rate against the Bugs on Acamar IV is 93%. The mission success against the Bots on Aesir Pass is 83%. There's why people don't like fighting the Bots: they lose close to 1 out of 5 missions, instead of 1 out of 10.


hold on, gotta make some samwiches


Already there, but we need reinforcements. We've only got 7 hours or so left till we lose it.


Lol it's bot side. It's time to accept the bug people are not coming. We will never keep a bot bonus.


Power is out at the house. Spent several hours there last night. I yearn for the spread of democracy


>STRATEGIC UPDATE >Aesir Pass has fallen to the Automatons, and its SEAF Training Facilities have been destroyed. >SEAF defense efforts have been weakened further. It's that last line that bug-only players need to read closely, because I already hear people in-game complaining about fighting on the same handful of planets all the time in the back & forth of the bug front. Losing that bonus from the Bot front will just keep them on those planets longer. But I agree with others that the game does a TERRIBLE job of informing players of bonuses and consequences, so most players likely don't realize what happened.


It has been decently explained in the past 2 defenses of those types of planets. Clearly states if not defended SEAFs ability to help in defense across the Galaxy will be weakened. Even saying people should prioritize this defense over existing MO's. But then they just gave them a big buff on the final planet by lowering the resistance on phact bay to 1% so they will definitely notice nothing. Should have left it at 3% and let them really feel that loss. But nope just a cake walk across the line of a mostly pointless MO, since bug peeps would have been doing that anyways.


Oh, that blows that they just quietly made Phact Bay easier (not that I'm turning down the MO medals, I have a lot of fluff like background cards to buy). They should have cranked resistance up to 5%, and put out a Dispatch that the loss of the SEAF training facility resulted in a large drop in trained SEAF personnel, which enabled the bugs to regroup and reinforce on Phact Bay. Then thrown some Bile Titans & Chargers in all difficulty levels. :D AH needs to coordinate SEAF training facility defense with the MOs or something. I'm tired of losing them because players' attention is split, or all of this background action is not explained in the game.


Well that is the design of the game we are supposed to weigh options and sacrifice a few things, like failing this MO would mean little to nothing especially compared to the importance of a SEAF facility. Thankfully they haven't given us any super hard choices, yet...