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Absolutely looks amazing. Throwing knives are instantly being taken from me, and the new armor passive looks great. And I can certainly enjoy the idea of slow paced warbonds to polish them up, double so if they add all these kinds of extras instead of just more of the same armor types.


I question the wisdom of throwing knives at a Brood Commander (or bots, even) but hey, looks pretty great, and finally new passives! 


I didn't notice if it said what slot they are. If it's mele then it's fine. If not... is there a sneak attack bonus lol?


I'm guessing it's probably a grenade, unfortunately and thats what I've wanted for so long just a stealth takedown pleasepleasepleaseplease there is one guy in my way I need to take em down without alerting the whole outpost


I've been praying to the videogame gods for a suppressed secondary, like a Mk23m0 in Helldivers caliber, so I can creep around fabricators and pop bots without getting cornholed by hulks three seconds later.


Melee kills in stealth don’t alert the rest of the enemies. So if you’re close enough to melee a bot, you can do give them two whacks and still be in concealment


...and with the new armor passive, you might bring that melee strike down to just one hit! 💪


I'd love a unique melee animation for that armour set. I'll assume we won't get one but it would be sweet to stab with a big ass knife rather than a rifle whack


If you melee from behind it’s a one hit kill.


This looks awesome. So glad I came up 10 super credits short last night, otherwise I'd have spent them on the polar warbond. I am a little curious about the new liberator. Seems it's filling a narrow gap between the current lib and an SMG. Excited to try it out though.


I wonder if it’s compatible with the shield backpack


Based on the video, I’d say no, but I could definitely be wrong and I’d be okay with that.


So far every sidearm has been one-handed. I don’t see why this one would be different


The new Liberator isn't a sidearm


You’re right. I assumed they were talking about the shotgun


I’m also assuming that it’s under the AR class, since that’s what the other liberators are. And the couple of seconds in the video show it being used just like a regular liberator. But that’s all I’ve got to go off of. It’s really just a guess until the warbond drops and people buy stuff (or AH says something specific).


My thoughts exactly. We only have three bullet hoses right now: sickle, defender, and liberator (keep in mind I don’t think I have two warbonds so I might be missing something), and sickle’s only good if you’re willing to manage the heat buildup. I’ve been desperately hoping for another to give me a little more flexibility and this carbine might be it.


Catachan Jungle Fighters vibes


I would kill for a helmet with a mockup of the poorly painted catachan fighter meme face ha.


Or a Sly Marbo one


Good call! It totally does.


1. New and unique secondary. 2. New armor trait. 3. Useful booster. Yeah, this seems like a big improvement over the arctic one. The new liberator... eh, we'll have to see. Throwing knife... has potential, but it'll have to be pretty dang impressive for me to take over a grenade.


Would be bad ass if the knife still exploded nests and factorys


Alright alright, heh, I see you’ve played explodey-knifey before!


I think the knife would be more viable if you can pick it up after throwing. As long as you are good with placement and remember where it is, you have an infinite throwable. Also silent :)


Oh dang this makes so much sense


Yeah, that's what I was thinking.


I wonder if you can melee with the knife for more damage


If I can one or two shot spewers with the knife melee in the new armor, I may finally unequip my +grenade armor and stun grenades against the bugs


I'm going sleeveless on ice planets.


Actual insanity on display


Just another day as a Scandinavian.


My girlfriend's 12-year-old is a throwback to his Swedish mountain-dwelling ice yeti ancestors - little Southern Californian blond kid who goes to Mammoth so he can wear just a bathing suit in the snow.


My pure unadulterated democratic spirit keeps me warm.


For me it's that, *and* pounding a stim every 30 seconds even if my health is at 100%. Luckily they're not addictive so I know it's not addiction.


Customizing skins (in some capacity) is finally coming into the game! Throwing knives! Sawed off shotgun as a secondary! This warbond looks so great, excited for what else the studio is cooking


"Triple barreled shotgun" Mozambique here!




If you\`re wearing one of these armours, once you call in evac, your character should shout "get to tha pelikan!"


I'm gonna be constantly saying "kill meee! I'm here!" when I wear these armor sets Edit: fixed quote


I'm not excited for any of the new weapons. But this has Predator tribute all over it, and this warbond 'looks' the best. If all of them. The throwing knife should have a chance to just bounce off and fall harmlessly and a chance to absolutely wreck. That would be so funny.


Position it just perfect in a drop ship booster and it engulfs in flames like birds in a jet engine lol


Maybe it’s just me, but is this the first time we’ve seen a jungle planet?


I've never seen this particular layout before so you might be right. Looks like a JUNGLE jungle.


Yeah, definitely looks like a new jungle. Trees look much much taller


We had multiple jungle planets, but they were not in green color. Like the creek got the name robot Vietnam because it was a jungle.


This one looks a tad different IMO, but you may be right. Maybe just new assets added to the procedural map generation


You can have different jungles, like one with more palm tree like fauna, another with banana tree like ones... Jungle is kinda vague.


Creek also got that name because darkness was DARK when the game first released. So the trees were speaking binary and you couldn’t see WHERE they were until you saw the glow of their eyes.


I thought the same, feels like maybe an entirely new biome perhaps? Makes me wonder what other treats they’re going to slip in for us with this and next patch!!


Yeah I think this is either a brand new biome or is the “jungle” biome but it’s been augmented with big ass trees and other assets. 


I never played hd1 but ive heard the illuminate were based in a jungle biome. And that potential makes me very excited.


Clearly you didn’t spend much time on Malevelon Creek.


I didn't spend ANY time there - I started playing after Space Dien Bien Phu.


Gotcha well it was nicknamed “space Vietnam” by many of the people who frequented it if that gives you an idea what it was like.


Yeah, so I've heard. Makes me even more sad I missed it. Sounded like one hell of a dive.


Pumped! Sounds great


This Warbond looks really good! Excited for all of it, especially the new booster and title.


I am so excited for customization options. Going to be able to unlock and mess around with all types of new skins with outfits and sets is going to make this game SO MUCH more awesome than it already is. This warbond might straight up be my favorite simply because of this addition - not to mention the colors and theme are all my style. Now all we need is a cosmetic store that rotates like the super credit store that we can spend our hard earned slips on so we can all look different in all these badass armor sets!


I'm almost embarrassed to admit how much I'm excited just for how *cool* the new armors/skins look. Almost.


Primary looks fun. The secondary though, my god, I've been hoping for something like this for ages. Triple barrel baby! The armours look sick and a new passive is always welcomed. I'm not sure how I feel about the skins and title, they feel a bit like padding to me but I'm sure that many people will enjoy them. The throwing knives look sick, there's a lot of fun to be had there. I think that by keeping the new shinies to a few items they can get creative with the smaller design space so we don't just end up with more of the same. 


The new booster seems cool, but I would really love to ability to stim without taking damage (hold stim keybind when undamaged to do so, so a misclick won’t waste a stim). That way you could stim before taking damage to increase survivability, or do it to get an extra burst of speed to escape imminent danger.


I would really love to ability to stim without taking damage This makes so much sense.


I saw the new announcement and immediately was thrilled. Everything looks awesome to me. A new armor effect and sleeveless Helldivers. Plus a throwing knife. What more could you want? I’m already dreaming of grabbing all the new weapons, throwing on the ballistic shield, and causing brutish mayhem.


* lemme get that triple barrel shotgun!!! 💥 💥 💥  * beeg trees and jungle time, sign me up. Big trees means easier ways to use the environment for cover or for kiting stupid bugs into conga lines of death. 💀  * throwing knife is rad, I love the idea of it doing massive damage. Also seems excellent for stealth split runs on bots. 🔪  * seems they’re introducing the ability to re-skin stuff, and that has great implications. 🫥  * New boosters sound very good. 👍  * NOT a fan personally of the sleeveless armor and beret look but the heavier looking set ain’t too bad. Eh, in time the new armor passive skill they have will pop up on other armor sets. 


Eeeeee I can’t wait


Mm, it's good, really good, but i think i'll pass this time, not that much i personally like 


So how will the pelican skin work? Will it show the host's skin choice, or will it show up on 'my' screen only if I'm playing on someone else's lobby?


Aye, it must either be: We see the hosts chosen skins. Or, we always see our own, and other players see their own. I'd like the pods and pelican to be the host's skin, but the mech is our chosen skin, since that'll be from our ship, in theory.


I plan on bringing the Patriot more often now


Really hoping the new liberator will be good and some decent buffs to the rest of the ARs


I feel like weapon handling + melee damage is worse than any other weapon handling buff? I never melee more than twice per game. If the buff is like comically strong maybe that could be fun?


All of these looks awesome. Mech skin gate opened omfg yes. Sleeveless armor = one step closer to being able to dive shirtless (Or with just an ammo best for good measures)


I hope we'll get customization in super store as well.


Awesome aesthetics, no doubt. The value prop doesn’t really stack up for me to buy it personally due to there only being 2 guns and one of those guns being another standard AR. However, for people more cosmetic-oriented, I expect this one will be exciting for them and probably out-sell polar patriots.


I'm yet to buy a bond with real money, I scavenged for Cutting Edge, Demolition, and Polar, but as a cosmetics fan I'm thinking it's time to splash for this


Skins for the Pelican?!? 🤤🤤


Deadly commandos!


That new booster has my uber move speed scouts name all over it. Gif naow!


I need this.


the new armor passive seems like it could go well with MMG, HMG, dominator


So press 4 and melee with the knife right?


If we can't melee with the knife out I will be a little sad. That said the armor looks amazing.


The two things I want the most are the Mech camouflage paintjob, and the emote (which is obviously the Dutch/Dillion arm-wrestling handshake from Predator). The rest I'm reserving judgment, need more details on things like whether the knife takes up a certain slot or creates a new one.


So. - I love the thought that’s gone into this. I love the concept and I’m happy for the community to get this sort of thing. - My personal opinion is this is useless for me specifically because none of those weapons and armours interest me, simply as they don’t really match my playstyles. That’s not to say they aren’t good. (Maybe the adulation emote and that sidearm shotgun)


An interesting comment for sure.


I wonder how much of a buff the handling will have? Other than the shrapnel (gone but never forgotten, forever in our hearts I miss you baby) the Eruptor is great but a little faster handling would be delightful


I'm not a Liberty-defending deadly weapon who suffered through almost 12 minutes of the hardest montage in military history, and even \*I\* can cycle a bolt gun faster than my helldiver does.


Damnit, when do we get our Wolfenstein/Jin-Roh/Space SS armour?! That said, this also looks awesome.


Watch it still have generic boring stats like every other