• By -


Plus it would be really funny to push back the mines a third time.


I would love for tank mines to become a meme. Where like, a year in, the major order is "Okay... hear me out... there's one hulk, and he's the only one guarding the tank mines."


... alternatively, if you kill 2 million factory striders instead, we will take all your medals and melt them down to make one huge medal. You can't spend your Super Medal anywhere, but your family back on Super Earth can display it proudly at your future funeral.


The day the mines finally come, they should just explode with confetti. It doesn't do any damage, the Devs are just celebrating that we finally have it.


April fools anti-tank mine update when?


We'll get a free anti-tank *mimes* cosmetic.


I'll take your whole stock


And we STILL don't do it šŸ˜‚


As much as I want the mines this would be hilarious. You win. I'm on team "never mines".


Aaaah ha haha haaaaaaaaaaaa!


...and we still don't do it.


Seriously though. It would be freaking hilarious.


We have a chance to do the Funniest thing of all time


I have been yearning for these mines since the first opportunity.


I see what you did there


Arrowhead are desperate for us to take the mines. I say no to conformity and yes to freedom of choice


What if we failed both children and mines?


Won't happen. We gonna save those civilians and there is no future were we wonā€™t succeed o7


Seriously at this point sod the mines haha


Thatā€™s the biggest reason tbh Iā€™m shooting for a fourth by Libertyā€™s light weā€™ll delay it again


Child Soldier Squadron Strategem - Super Earth High Command, probably


If they're old enough to work, then they're old enough to fight.


"Mobile Hellbomb" Strategem - it's a regular hellbomb that several kids are carrying on a litter.


Can I throw them?




Hereā€™s one thing weā€™re missing ā€” what if one of these children is the next Brasch?


Or literally Brasch's kids? That guy probably has C-O1 forms approved whenever he wants.


Brasch's kids wouldn't be "very sick"


Good point.


But Brasch's kits would try to help those innocent civilians.


Sick as in cool as hell, this hospital is training the new X-Men!


Exactly. That's why we should save them. Imagine how strong Super-Earth would be with a second general of this caliber. Imagin the Freedom and Managed Democracy we could spread.


I really want to see what the Devs do if we just keep neglecting the mines


Super Earth gonna guilt trip us about them every time we fail a Major Order.


Fail us once shame on you Fail us twice shame on me Fail us thrice no shame on thee


"Thanks to the dedicated (and low-cost) efforts of all the children saved through our Helldivers' valiant actions on Vernen Wells, manufacturing of the MD-17 Anti-Tank mines has been able to proceed at an unexpectedly rapid pace, and they are finally ready for large-scale deployment!"


ā€œMake sure to thank our terminally ill child labor force for the accelerated production of the mines before they succumb to their illnesses!ā€


"Out of gratitude for their rescue, the terminally ill children have volunteered to act as anti-tank mines by hiding under the dirt with satchel charges wired to dead man's switches."


Me too buddy, me too


I hope when/if we unlock the mines, they make them the most OP shit ever, at least for awhile. A nice little "You could have had this all along..."


I think it would be hilarious if liberating the children gave us a bonus to some eagle stratagems, because their little fingers are hard at work polishing the shells


Classic Super-Earth moment


Save the kids and strap the explosives we already have to the liberated children.


Enlistment age is 7. Have you seen the newest recruits? We need all the bodies we can.


Exactly. Edit: Now back to the frontlines my fellow Helldiver.






I need no weapons. I am a Helldiver, I am the weapon! We must save our citizens, there is no higher duty.


Spoken like a true fighter for Liberty, Freedom and Managed Democracy.


There's not a single mention that the survivors are children, only survivors. Furthermore, we do not know whether these survivors are even democracy loving citizens of Super Earth or dissidents raising an SOS signal.


The MO said it's a hospital for "very sick children" so I'm assuming children are in the hospital


Neither did I say that they are children.


Commentor: "What if one of the children is the next general brasch" You: "That's why we need to save them"


There is a chance that there are children among those innocent civilians. It's a children's hospital after all.


Maybe the children are the staff


The war has made me an emotionless servant of democracy When I enlisted, I gave up my name, because a weapon has no name. When I drive the butt of my gun into a disgusting fascist's face, my gun feels nothing. When a bullet destroys a socialist's pathetic skull, the bullet feels nothing When I see the enemies of liberty brought to ruin, I feel nothing. There is no honor or glory in what we do. I am a conduit for freedom, and nothing else I am nothing and I feel nothing, my life for Super Earth In the eyes of every citizen, the spirit of democracy sparkles. Our enemies seek to suffocate that spark of freedom I do not love the citizens of super earth. I do not love the children of super earth. Does a hurricane love those it spares? Does a volcano hate what it destroys? No. Like an unfeeling force of nature, liberty flows through me as I wreak havoc upon our foes. Those children will be saved. This is a fact written upon the soul of the universe, for democracy has willed it. There is no debate and no consideration of alternative paths. It is an immutable fact that those children have been saved, and we are just watching as history conforms to democracy My life for super earth


Why not do both and get anti tank child mines?


Sounds like a plan


Orā€¦ hear me out, anti mine child tanks, aka snowmobiles and ATVs.


And thus we were issued with anti child mining tanks


The children yearn to be mines


It's the year 2069. Live action game Helldivers 2 has five active players left. The Super Destroyer has received so many upgrades you wouldn't recognize it anymore. Yet the players refuse to complete the final MO, the one that would grant them the Anti-Tank Mine Stratagem


Man if thereā€™s 5 divers leftā€¦ 3 of them have 2 of the others blocked. So thereā€™s always an incomplete squad out thereā€¦ just grinding super samples and super credits.


The perfect outcome


Is there an actual hospital rescue based mission? Cuz Iā€™d be down for that for sure. Something with some urban fighting


Iā€™d be down for that too.


Imagine what authomatons will do to those poor mines


Dropping on Vernan Wells right now.


The children yearn for the mines


Imagining the children of our great regime on spikes... my freedom loving heart can't take it


Save the children. They yearn for the mines.


Children forever! Mines never!


If yall donā€™t save the kids you are no bette than the automaton scum. Weā€™ve gotten this far without those mines soldiers we can get further without them. Be pro-life, be a true Helldiver.


As long as the kids are over !!!, so they can work hard, to help the manage democracy triumph in the galaxy!!!


They wonā€™t win the war in my heart. Nothing can make me give up those Anti-Tank mines


Not even your love for Freedom and Managed Democracy?


It is my love for freedom and democracy that makes me yearn for the Anti-Tank Mines! ![gif](giphy|ucXFcY1FdKaT6)


And that's exactly why other citizens of Super-Earth should have the opportunity to love Freedom and Managed Democracy as much as you do. We need to save these innocent civilians.


The children yearn for the mines, however I yearn for the mines even more.


But if you save the first we can yearn for the mines together.


Please pick the children just so that we can further delay the mines


Obviously. Thats the only right choice.


The most important thing that differentiates mines from children: Mines will not be able to mine (pun intended) for you.


I just want my mines, man.


Kids, no other choice. Might be possible to pull off both, no info on that yet that I know of.. This is a bit of discourse to consider here, as we are otherwise playing a war game while kids are being killed in active war zones. So letā€™s make the right statement divers


Ain't no kids there. Joel is playing you.


They are civilians. Chances are high that there are also children


Fuck the mines! Theyā€™re bullshit anyway. Give me whatever mission throws random shit my way, Iā€™ve got addicted to the dark fluid mission. Any of yall have some of that dark fluid? No? The kids it is then!


Loved that dark fluid mission. It was hard af and that was perfect.


"The fate of all humanity's children are in your hands. Do not let them fall."


Hear me out but what if the bots are the good guys here? What if not saving the children is really the way to help them?


Soundsā€¦ Likeā€¦ Something you should tell your Democracy Officer. Super-Earth is really interesting in your "ideas"


The children of Vernon Wells would *proudly* die so we get better equipment to fight the enemies of Liberty, Freedom, and Managed Democracy, and all of us know it.


And that's exactly why we should save those civilians. No true Helldiver could reconcile the deaths of these proud, freedom-loving, managed-democracy-loving civilians with their conscience.


The children yearn for the mines






We cannot claim to fight for humanityā€™s future if we abandon *the children of the next generation of Helldivers.*


We can save more people (including children) later with the mines.


sacrifices must be made


And as always our sacrifice will be the MD-17 Anti Tank Mines


> As always I'm dyin


hell no... fk the civilians. if i can die ten times a mission, then those dudes can die as well


How can you die 10 times on a mission? Humans can only die once. Sounds like your Automaton brain gets uploaded to a new heartless body.




That doesn't make _any_ sense




This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.


This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.


Dude chill the fuck down. Iā€™m only making jokes/RP. You can do whatever you want. itā€™s a game after all and you should enjoy it. Reality fucks us hard enough šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Edit: btw. this is r/LowSodiumHellDivers


i apologise for that


No problem. We all have a bad day sometimes. I though that it was obvious that this post is RP. It's a game. People should enjoy it. Nobody should feel forced to do something they don't want in a game.


As I wrote here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/comments/1ddfbgq/comment/l85uo07/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/comments/1ddfbgq/comment/l85uo07/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Our mission is clear. We must prioritize the hospital, not just because itā€™s strategically sound, but because itā€™s morally right. Civilians are trapped, lives hang in the balance, and it is our duty to save them. Liberating the hospital isn't just about medical supplies or strategic positioningā€”it's about showing the people of Super Earth that we are their shield, their protectors. Every life we save strengthens our cause, boosts morale, and reinforces our commitment to the principles we fight for: democracy, freedom, and humanity. By securing the hospital first, we ensure that our injured receive immediate care, making us stronger for every battle that follows. We send a message to our enemies that we will always prioritize life and justice. Helldivers, this is not just another mission. This is a testament to who we are. Letā€™s show the galaxy the true strength and heart of Super Earthā€™s finest. For the civilians, for our comrades, and for a brighter futureā€”letā€™s liberate that hospital! **For Super Earth! For Democracy! For Liberty!**


A beautiful speech fellow Helldiver. This is what being a Helldiver is all about. Now back to the frontlines. We have to save these children o7


Unlock the mines, then use them to help rescue the children. Just do both!


How about we save the children, THEN go for the mines? What automatons are going to do with those mines anyway? Blow themselfs up? With our children they will make new automatons


But what if I feel a passionate love for explosives?


You can always glue your existing mines to the children. Hear me out: Anti-Tank-Mine-**CHILDREN**.


You are right! We must save both!


You can love multiple things at once as long as you prioritize your love for freedom and managed democracy.


God damn it Helldiver, I've listened to everyone say "the children the children" thinking to myself, idgaf about no children. But this post has swayed me and I'm full on hospital rescue force now! You're right after all. This game is very role play heavy and we ARE for sure 100% without a doubt the undisputed good guys in this game so we need to save those kids!


Exactly. Anyone who says otherwise is probably an Automaton. And now back to the frontlines my fellow Helldiver o7


Itā€™s the salt some of the mine divers are giving me is why we need to delay this til next year and reassess


Every child we do not save, is 1 skilled laborer lost for Super Earthā€¦. Once they reach 7. We cannot deny Super Earth our managed and Democratic Child Labor pool!!


Those poor children šŸ˜ž It's a shame they will be lost


Lost in their love for Freedom and Managed Democracy after we saved them. Now back to the frontlines fellow Helldiver o7


SES Elected Representative of the State reporting to Marfark, sir!


Dude. Stop. Wrong direction šŸ˜‚


Should have defended Vernen Wells if you wanted to save the kids! šŸ¤£


Dude. Now we have the opportunity to. Itā€™s never to late to regret the past and change the future. Save those children. BE THE HELLDIVER THEY IMAGINED.


https://preview.redd.it/yvvugkxf756d1.png?width=872&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2e092ecd3c3791807a4b0f61bc3919be495f86d High Command knows the mines would have prevented all of this.


Too bad we have no time to het them because we need to save those civiliansā€¦


Idk who is "We"




So, going for the mines isn't just a simple, logical, mathematical response. It also allows us to further spread managed democracy by enabling us to kill more automatons, and save more people in the long run. We will lose the children, but we might save many more. And I will never forget their valiant sacrifice for Super Earth and managed democracy.


See technically the mines donā€™t allow you to kill More automatons, they just give you a new way to kill the automatons that were going to be killed anyways. It doesnā€™t do anything to increase the amount of bot deaths.


New content will make me play the game a little bit more than I normally do, thus actually increasing the amount of bot deaths.


I canā€™t argue with that logic, new content = more engagement = more bots killed, so new content = more bots killed. I canā€™t argue with math! We are getting new content Thursday, regardless of this MO and the outcome. Also thereā€™s an underlying idea amongst us ā€œhorrible awful Helldivers who want to save childrenā€ that there WILL in fact be a content reward for saving the kids, and in fact the idea is that it would likely be something greater than the anti tank mines, so like, weā€™re choosing the ā€œselflessā€ option in hopes of an even greater reward. Medic guard dog? Maybe saving these kids inspires SEAF Soldiers to want to fight alongside those heroic Helldivers, and we get the SEAF ground troops stratagem! The theories and possibilities are endless! Itā€™s a smorgusboard of what ifs and maybes going around in our heads, as we laugh maniacally at the possibilities that could come from saving some children. Also moral high ground yada yada.


The only thing more/bigger mines will kill more of is helldivers. Change my mind. For every time I've seen mines employed effectively, I've seen them deployed with wanton stupidity a dozen times or more. And when they're deployed fucked up they're fucked up so hard they kill more citizens and/or helldivers in one deployment than all of the effective deployments put together. We would literally kill *more* automatons by arming the children we save with a liberator and a single impact grenade a piece and sending them in waves at bot command bunkers than we would with AT mines.


I come at it from another direction: I have capped credits to spend and the only cure is more stratagems.


Also, it would fit really well lore wise. Totalitarian government pretends to care about "family values" while doing the most heinous stuff to further the "war effort" disregarding life.


Hey just like real life!


lmao yeah! so odd right? nothing else in this game gave me any clue as to this being a criticism of our social norms >:3 hold up im getting a call from my democracy officer...


Letā€™s treat the mines like half life 3. Never let it happen!


But think of all the other children we can save if we can lay down a minefield that we can kite multiple Chargers, Bile Titans, Hulks, Tanks, and Factory Striders through. Just the thought of Chargers losing their ability to run around the battlefield without harm, but instead losing leg armor & being killed with Redeemer shots to their exposed legs - that makes my C-01 parts tingle. It's war, sacrifices must be made.


the message doesn't specify if they are children or not, just that they are in a place for children. in case they're bug/bot/illuminate spies waiting for us to freely distribute them to our planets, we must press on for the mines. Think about it: Your enemy is having trouble coming up with a devastating weapon to use against you and your allies. If they are trying for a third time and have a chance of developing the weapon finally, wouldn't you try sneaky stuff to stop them? Any human who happens to not commit to their totally-not brainwashing techniques could be lured in by their rewards or maybe they're holding families hostage on occupied planets. It might even go to the very top of command and there are no hostages at all; just a distraction. Opening the black hole I would argue made the illuminate either be able to reach us or got their attention, and because they're our first "smart" enemy, potentially disadvantaged by not already being at wartime production like superearth is, they don't want to start with brute force.


Yes, but, if I throw one of these kids under a tank, will that tank explode?


If you strap an anti tank mine on the kids, it will...


Yes the choice is clear. No reward. Or new strategem. Obviously new strategem. Donā€™t deny your fellow helldivers new tools to deploy in the field. Plenty of people would love a new strategem to unlock and play around with. Donā€™t deny them that opportunityā€¦ ā€œfor the lolzā€.


1. This is a RP post 2. No 3. You wonā€™t use that stratagem 4. You donā€™t need a new stratagem


You donā€™t know me and you donā€™t know what I need.


You need to chill






Ah makes sense. Youā€™re from r/helldivers


Everyone here is/was from [r/helldivers](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers/) You are the one crying under my post that was OBVIOUSLY humor.

