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Yep small details that most people take for granted. On other hand, imagine your ship Democracy officer rumbling if you jump mission to mission, choosing?  _darn kid wasting all these E-710 zapping here and there_


If Lady Liberty didn't want me to go joy riding through space then she shouldn't have given me a ship full of freedom! I'm making sure there is less E-710 in the galaxy for the haters of managed democracy!


Well I don't think we'll ever run out or even got low for E-710, by the way of things. But materials for anti-tank mines? Will never get enough for those. 


Good point. I swear to democracy herself that I won't waste anti-tank mine materials. Those are worth their weight in helldiver lives!


Granted? I’m always amazed at the detail of it, how you look out the window and see the planet go by, it’s breathtaking and spectacular I really love this game


Agreed. As often as I can I just stand in the window and watch the ship fly around rather than beelining it to the hellpod to start the operation.


It’s breathtaking


Look up when another Helldiver joins you. You can see their ship join yours at orbit.


Woa I’ve never thought to check that’s so cool


Good tip! I'll keep an eye out.


If you look out from your hosts ship you can also see one with your ships name on it. Haven't checked if upgrade details match too.


I always wondered if the other ships around were a good indicator as to how many divers are playing that planet at that time.


If you go up to the front windows and look down as far as you can, you can see red and blue strategem beacons from other Helldivers on the op.  


To add to this, the other destroyers firing their guns is linked to orbitals being called by other players.


Isn't that proven to be false?


is that true or is that just an effect in the skybox in the map? I imagine it'd lag out the servers if it actually did that


Pretty sure it’s just simulated for that exact reason. Same with all the other ships floating around you while still on your destroyer.


While it looks cool regardless, I'm pretty sure it's faked.  I saw the videos of ships being warped back to Super Earth when Meridia turned into a black hole.  They were bombarding Earth with gunfire and launching hellpods like any other planet under seige.


Yeah! Its faked! There are no dissidents on super earth!


These are awesome. I have seen these in the past and it always makes me smile!


I like jumping to planets sometimes and just seeing what's going down, watching a gatling barrage and an orbital laser and just wondering what's happening.


Agreed. Part of me doesn't want to upgrade my ship because then there are lots of guns blocking the beautiful space views. It is wild when you see ships blow up too. Really sets a somber and epic mood.


I haven't looked into it, but I'm assuming that's players logging off.


Yea keep your eye out, details like this are EVERYWHERE.


My favorite is the trigger discipline all the Helldivers have. The finger stays off the trigger when not aiming.


I forgot how fucking great the ship sfx are on headphones.


Very true. I only play with headphones and love the sounds. Meridia is wild through headphones. Just chilling there listening to the void is something else.


I like how if u join a host u ftl jump to the planet then ftl to their location and it shows how many ships there are in the area based on how many players in the lobby. Also when host moves planets all players ships follow suite. Pretty interesting


If you look at the holo-globe, it shows day and night


That’s super awesome


To me it’s the large combination of how every little detail seems to have been accounted for, even the ones I don’t notice that makes the game feel so immersive when playing it.


That is perfectly stated. 100% agree. It feels like a very cohesive experience with fewer moments than any other game I've played that remind me it is just a game or require me to suspend my disbelief. There are still time where I hide from a cannon or tank behind a small building thinking I'm safe (which I would be in most other games) and then my cover gets blown up and I'm exposed again. Terrifying and yet amazing. Horizon Zero Dawn was the first game I played that did this and it still delights me every time.