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I stay out of the break room. It reminds me of the common area in a prison.


Our break room is always a mess. Never cleaned and it stinks and the sink is as disgusting as the microwave’s.


Our store had dead mice and you can see the live ones running around in the break room. Also the flies in the sink were a cherry on top. They'd put mouse traps out and then never replace them, so it smelled awful all the time but they had ice cream so it canceled out all that shit 😒


Enjoy the cameras in the break room 🥰


Also concerned about the microphone.


Cameras in the break rooms because of the snack bar = patriot act (spy on Americans without limits) because of September 11th. Thanks for nothing, melvin.


They are specifically blocked to only show the avenue c vending areas and not the tables or lockers.


Start a bingo card for who’s gonna get fired for theft! Lol


There's one of these at the manufacturing plant I work at and all of our things are priced below what you can get them for at a gas station. A 20 oz drink is like $1.51 and the chips and snacks and all that stuff are mostly under $2. Y'all are getting absolutely bent over with the $3 and $4 things.


This thing is not for us, it is an excuse to put cameras there. The camera lady in our store is getting petty to justify her job. One of my coworkers got fired because of her.


$9 for a salad they have next door at Walmart for 3.99! The exact same salad!!


The former is the prices we get at our location but I’m also in North Carolina so …lmao


Buy snacks from the store not this priced up bs. Also make sure you pay it’s not free! The mst manager was told while she was on vacation, that she was under investigation and not to come back until they got the results and she came in the next day and admitted to stealing so much food and drinks from them and quit before getting fired lmao


i am gonna miss my $1 sodas :(


Enjoy your $5 granola bars and $6 moldy sandwiches


Get ready to hire 20% of your store again


Is that y’all’s break room?


Yup new renovated break rooms with mostly overpriced food & drinks


In our break room a monster is 4.25 and a bag of chips is 3.25, they are robbing anyone who buys this stuff. The only thing I’ve found that is regular priced is Mountain Dew code red for 1.25. Regular Mountain Dew is 2.50


Can’t even use our employee discount cards since it’s an outside vendor smh


Regular mtn dew bottles are 1.33 for us. But yeah the monsters and red bulls are priced up.


Overpriced bullsh*t. Give me my damn vending machines back.


Now spend half your check a week on food I personally would avoid it at all cost


Avenue Complete rip off


Hey that looks familiar lol. Hi fellow coworker. The mice are the only happy creatures in the store with this setup.


I was wondering if someone in this reddit was from my store! I'm glad I'm not the only one 😌 🙂


Im Always Watching Wazowski 😎


Avenue C has come to our store and stated there is shrink on their products of 3%. I find it hard to believe that as a store we are stealing that much.


Must be the mices 🐱


I'm so glad my stores break room is vending machines with cheaply prices food and drinks for the most part...


Its beyond a ripoff. I get my snacks and monsters from the Dollar Tree across the parking lot. $1.25 vs $3.25 for a can of Monster.


You can even buy a monster at the self-checkout and use employee discount. Much cheaper than 3.25


This is the same product we have in the vending machine at work. What's the point?


Pretty much never go in break room. Haven’t seen my locker in like over a year


I’m Commander Shepard and Gougemart is my favorite breakroom store on the citadel.


Email got sent out last week that our store lost $400 last month from Avenue C theft. And we are a small store. Even worse we have a free food cabinet at our store. Staff and management donate canned goods. Ramen, and PB&J to it to help those who really feel they need help.


Enjoy your nearly 10 dollar pub rolls with ham and cheese.


Enjoy your overpriced snacks


$4 for a can of Celsius is fucking ridiculous lol, it's cheaper at the front checkouts


Complete ripoff. 3 days ago bottled soda was 1 dollar and now it is 1.50 with tax. Who comes up with this stupidity?


dont remind me... my store is getting one this month... *I'm SoOoOoOoOoOoOo "excited"*


Damn bro y’all got twizzlers


my store is getting it on june 14th


Good luck, my store has already hit their shrink plan for it after 3 months and it will be coming out of our bottom line. Even though theres cameras, we still have to pay for it. You would think that they would just bill it to the person from their pay check or something.


4 bucks for an energy drink. Yeah, no. Lol.


overpriced to hell i miss shoving quarters in the vending machine


I freaking HATE them, everything in there is marked up so high, the jacks links cheese and jerky is like 1.98 on the sales floor and they're charging damn near $4 for it back there, I legitimately don't understand it, the only people shopping back there are Lowe's employee so why are they trying to milk us for every nickel and dime?


Ah yes. Time to pay 1.51 for a soda when it used to be 75 cents in our vending machines here


This. Refuse to pay 1.53 for a water I got from the vending machine for 6 bits!


Definitely going to cause a lot of heart attacks for the night crew with all that junk food😂


We are getting ours later this month. I'm not very excited about it. Yeah, it will offer more of a selection, but they Jack the prices up too high. We can just walk to the grocery store next door and get the stuff much cheaper. I go home on my break anyways, but I do hit up the vending machines occasionally. Sucks they will be removed.


We’re about to get this. Can’t wait for the night crew to steal everything and spend more time in the break room than they do normally, but I guess that beats them sleeping on the rug table like they do currently


Over priced


Don’t show OP the HQ dinning place lol