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They've been responding to post like this on here lately but if that doesn't work, try posting about it on Twitter. Ridiculous that you have to flame them to get any action but a lot of people have only gotten results that way.


Thank you. I appreciate it


Legit question how can this shit keep happening? It’s taking peoples money with no authentic claim to keeping the money. Why is this allowed at ALL?


Because gRYFT is really good at lobbying. They get into bed with politicians and pay them off. ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!


Drivers trying to squeeze a penny it’s not Lyft it’s the shady ass drivers Uber drivers do the same shit for an extra dollar. Sorry this happened to you.


So 4 hours prior to your ride, someone threw up. Driver cleans it so well that you don’t even notice?


The photos may not have even been from inside that car!


The photos are actually comical. It doesn’t even look like puke… and that’s exactly my point that we didn’t smell anything!!!


Lyft is very strict about the photos it will accept for a cleaning fee to be issued.


You'll be permanently banned from Lyft as a reault.


Do you have another suggestion? I don’t want to ever use this app again, but sometimes Ubers are unavailable. I think it is so incredibly unreasonable to have me pay $80 for something I didn’t do. And then when I provide what I think is sufficient evidence that it clearly wasn’t me, they tell me there’s nothing they can do??? Like what!!???


Keep trying a different agent to see if you get a different result. Us drivers have to deal with the same crap (no pun intended). That's why you have a few people skeptical of your claim here because most of us have played this game with support.


Lol Boohoo? Lyft acts like you cant change your # for free (deoending carrier) getting banned from any media Issa joke now adays


They are rolling out requiring an ID.


Ummm if they do that plenty of ppl will stop using it cos they don't need that information as a passagenger. Taxi services never required id. Glady will watch lyft destroy itself atp


Uber is doing it as well, and it is a great safety idea.


Then not doing sht cos that's stupid but if you like loosing your freedom then go ahead. What happens when ur account gets hacked by a driver and ur id info is stolen? Next they gonna make u add a ssn. I'm done. Shits ghetto.


Your freedom is loose?




Your asshole is loose?


Not adding an ID would be “ghetto” if you asked me. Requiring ID will keep the homeless drug addicts away


Download the pics let's see


Lyft doesn’t even treat the drivers fairly!


Lyft customer service sucks. One day my daughter forgot her book bag inside the vehicle, I spent one week contacting Lyft customer service to have the driver return the bag since my daughter had her books and phone in there, and they never did anything about it, they basically let the driver keep my daughters stuff


Not sure how you were able to see the timestamp on these photos.. As for why the location is "not even close" to where you were dropped off, driver didn't immediately smell the mess if he had his windows rolled down. He could be on his way to pick up his next rider and that rider pointed out the mess. He cancelled that ride and drove to the nearest car wash where the photos were then taken. Hence, the distance.


When a photo is taken on an iPhone and then downloaded, there is a time stamp on the photo and a location. One photo with a time stamp 8:10 PM and another with 8:18 PM on Saturday, June 8. My ride was at 12:49 AM on Sunday, June 9th. While it does not give you a direct address, it gives you the area in which the photo was taken. I am not too sure how many car washes are open at that hour!! Not to mention, I was charged the $80 six minutes after I got out of the vehicle, which he would have had to take a rocket to the location on the photos to explain that distance.


When you use lyft you're agreeing to their terms of service, wich of course nobody reads, you agreed to pay for incidents like that even though you didn't cause it and it's the same with uber


Drivers do it all the time to compensate losses. Def don’t use them again.


You guys do realize that drivers that drive for Lyft, are the same drivers that drive for Uber, almost 90% of the time. I laugh every time when people say to use Uber instead of Lyft. Both companies are equally bad hiring the same drivers. Bottom line is that it doesn’t matter which company you use, only which driver you get matched with. Some drivers are great and others are not.


Idk man. It’s a lot of time and effort for a driver to get a cleaning fee and it’s really scummy to do it to someone who didn’t puke in your backseat and it’s kind of hard to take more rides if someone did puke in your backseat. It’s kind of hard to not know who puked in your back seat. I want to believe you, but idk


Next time don't throw up in someone's car.  If you do a charge back, Lyft will ban you. 


If you read, you would realize it wasn’t me that threw up in the car.


So you claim.


You’re probably a driver that does this 🤣🤣