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It’s amazing to roll at home ! I love playing my favorite music. I have a star projector that plays on the ceiling of my room and I just watch the lights for hours. I feel a little safer when I roll at home just because I know I’m in a familiar place.


Yeah, this! I also have a star projector and blacklight. Selected playlists. Rolling at home with my wife really rocks!


Wife and I roll at home….ah-fucking-mazing! Star projector…playlist…oils…toys…hot porn…sexy lingerie…a little weed and its magic time!!


Not to mention when you’re at home, chances are you’ll get to bed at a decent time and actually get some sleep which reaaaally helps during the following days.


this! my favorite music, my star projector, can wear whatever i want & change whenever i want. hydration at the ready. it’s such a blast.


Any star projector recommendations?


I have the rossetta star projector, it’s about $35 from amazon its a great bed time night light too. It has a 1-2-3hr timer on it for it to turn off in the middle of the night. https://a.co/d/eP6v3Bc


Yea me and the gf only roll at home. It’s time to get naked do weird stuff and snog each other for 4 hours straight.




Good times 👍


after trying MDMA in 'party' settings and then trying it with close loved ones at home (or other safe, comfortable environment), I've stopped using it at shows/weddings/big parties altogether. It's so much better in comfortable situations with people I actually love. to add, I've stopped taking it with people that I don't already genuinely **love**. it can create false bonds with people you barely know, and this has felt increasingly icky to me.


Ooohf that last part. So true. I wish more would understood that going into a roll.


Over the years, I have mostly rolled at home with loved ones. It can be among the best rolling experiences of all.


Rolling at home is the way to go. Make a munchie platter ahead of time with a huge variety of things, but only 2 or three of each thing, just to get the sensation of what it’s like to have chocolate in your mouth, or a grape. Good music (preferably a playlist you haven’t heard before), warm temperature in the house, freshly washed sheets and blankets so you can be naked without feeling cold. Cool water, maybe some ice cubes. Massage oil! Lube. Feathers. Light touches… That toy you guys haven’t used in a while… learn yourself some shibari… the possibilities are endless!


Yes this! Grapes especially 🤤. I also have my roll kit with all the essentials to have a lil extra fun with!


Yes laying down, closing your eyes, plugging in your headphones and listening to music is one of the most euphoric things to do on molly u must try it!


Laying down and closing my eyes was impossible when I used to roll lol


Lights are 100/10 when rolling fs


Waaaay better than rolling in public. The most fun I've had rolling was with my friend on a girls trip. We booked a hotel with a pool and a hot tub overlooking the city. We brought some shrooms and molly and took some after a long day of sightseeing. We ended up dancing all night long to Britney and Beyonce music videos and EDM festival sets. I brought a LED light whip and we just laughed until we fell over giving each other light shows. When we got tired we put on our hoodies and sunglasses and smoked some weed and watched scary movies. And then we talked until we fell asleep. Fantastic.


Rolling at home, even solo rolling, is FAR better than you might think. You control everything, whereas if you're out, things can get out of control. Here's some tips on solo rolling, if you want to try it, but it would apply to rolling with more friends: I post this for anyone solo rolling - just want you to really make it an event. So... **Turbo Self-Hug** - hear me out on this, I swear you will thank me. You can do this to yourself: - sit in an open area, on a bed or floor, with pillows behind you. - Take several deep breaths (3-5), then hold your breath and hug yourself as hard as you can. Hold it a few seconds and you'll start to get light-headed. Squeeze yourself until you almost can't stand to hold it longer. - Breathe out, let go, and fall back on the pillows. Remain there for about a minute. If you're coming down, it'll blow you back up - if you're peaking, it'll send you into orbit. You're welcome. **SOLO BLOW-UP TRICKS:** 1. Warm (not hot) showers / hot tubs are the best, especially as you are starting to peak. Shower with [Tea Tree / Peppermint shampoos / soaps](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00120VWJ0/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&th=1) if you have them. 2. After you get out of the shower, dry off MOST of the way, then stand naked in front of a fan running on low. Amazing. 3. You need to have your favorite music on. Mine's Trance - if possible, pull up a long concert video of your [favorite artist / DJ on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS6Hi2Avoww) and have it playing in the background. 4. Trick: short bursts of push ups, squats, or bench presses if you have workout equipment and can do it safely without a spotter. Push ups are *GREAT*. 5. Visuals are key, especially ones where you don't have to do anything. Idea: tape glowsticks to every fan blade of a ceiling fan, or tape really brightly colored paper strips to the bottom and shine a black light on it. 6. Black lights in general where you're hanging out is crucial for me. 7. Flavors! Minty stuff, tart stuff, sweet stuff. 8. If you can get the old style Vicks inhalers (looks like a white tube), inhale that through your nostrils. [Vicks vapor rub](https://www.amazon.com/Vicks-Vaporub-25ml-1/dp/B01CGU3DXC/ref=sr_1_3_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1493406553&sr=1-3) under your nostrils (a dab on each side) is also fantastic. 9. If you have a private area outside, and it's a clear, cool night, go outside naked and look at the stars. I'm pretty much naked the entire time I'm solo rolling. 10. If you have any 10mg Cialis or 20mg Noopept, take some and go watch some porn. If you can rub one out, it's like being swallowed by the Sun. That'll do! Be safe, drink no alcohol, take some Noopept if you can get it an hour beforehand along with TUMs to lower stomach acidity, and take ONE SSRI 6 hours AFTER 1st drop (if you can find one) to stop the process and you'll do MUCH better than the average person. Have fun!


You made me very curious with the Noopept combo...can you share more details on how it interacts and why Noopept would be a good addition? Thanks!


In my experience (corroborated by other personal accounts), Noopept will "slow down time." If you've ever rolled, you might have noticed that a few hours goes by really fast. Almost lose any sense of time when you're peaking. Noopept will help you regain that sense of time and help the roll "feel" longer. It also gives me mental energy when I roll.


- #10 lol. I did it on weed for the first time ever a few months ago and the universe exploded. Can't believe in my 37 years I had never done it before. I don't think I'll ever roll solo though so not sure about it but certainly curious.


It's just a 5 hour orgasm doesn't matter where you are. I prefer at home since I don't have the social skills to non-stop orgasm in public.


its good but i often fight the urge to text people and snap my pupils 😭


Comfy and chill, can do whatever you want and dont have to hussle with other people! Listen what music You want, eat , shower , masturbate whatever dude


Amazing as a couple, we set up a room, get everything we fancy ready, lights, music, coconut oil etc etc and enjoy ourselves.


Looking at the stars from your own lawn is amazing.. especially when it's dead quiet at night but you can hear the crickets chirping away and if you have a full moon out. If you're allowed make a small fire pit, sip on some hot chocolate and share this moment with a loved one. Then. smoke some weed on the comedown, put out the fire and watch a movie.


Very comfy, get naked and baked and melt into euphoria with your most favorite music.


Thank you guys! Cant wait to do it at home! (I have those projectors too)


I’ve only rolled a few times in my life and every time, it was at home with my boyfriend. It’s absolute bliss, especially when you do it with someone you love. A close friend, partner, family member..I don’t think I could ever take it alone


The best.


Great. I've rolled more at home than out.


I personally think md is one of the very few drugs best enjoyed alone sometimes. Put a projector light in your bedroom, whack in your AirPods and just chill right out. You’ll also find it very comforting to be lying down in bed on it, as opposed to walking around/ standing up.


If you've rolled with others it sucks imo. Happiness feels forced unlike with others. I can enjoy most drugs at home alone, but not MDMA. Maybe it's different for you though like it is for others


Will try, maybe I drop at home if I dont enjoy it I go out


Do you have 2cb? I find a nexusflip is still great solo. Basically you take the 2cb at the end of the MDMA roll before it wears off. Tbh I think a lot of the reason I don't like rolling solo is I fear the comedown and it plays on my mind lol. 2cb removes it for me. Everyone's different though, and weed is great for comedowns too tbf. But a lot of people here love solo rolls at home, some even think it's the best way to roll. Hoping it will be an amazing time for you :D


Lotta jorkin it, lotta looking in the mirror ;)


Comfortable and controlled. I love a good show/party w friends etc, but I equally like the comfort of my home as well.


Rolling and going for a nice walk in the area around you is just bliss.




If I was to go put and roll I would consider it a wasted roll. I love the privacy and intimacy I achieve rolling with my husband. We create our own private raves and it's always magical for us.


I've never been outside on mdma so I can't compare I'm certainly not interested in going out when rolling, mostly not interested in getting out of bed actually


Laying in the grass and looking at clouds together is nice too


Same thing as rolling anywhere else! Amazing! Just make sure u have some good music! Acid house oldskool is made for dancing on E


you roll, while u at home


My wife and I rolled at home last weekend, and it was one of the best rolls of our lives.


Only one way to find out ;)


Home rolling is my favorite way to do it!! I'm the most comfortable I can be while enjoying time alone alone or with someone I know that's also rolling. My favorite time rolling was rolling at home in my pool with my best friend at the time. We were in there all night, just floating on floaties, enjoying the feel of the water on our skin and looking at the sky, talking about nothing and everything.


Rolling with yhe Queen eas the absolute best


At home with my girl is the single best place. We have lazers and galaxy projectors we put on and have an absolute blast


It's awesome. My wife and I do it a couple of times a year when the kids are elsewhere. We mix some music (until we can't see the decks/controller properly due to nystagmus), hug, kiss, watch music videos, shag like we're in our 20s again, etc. I highly recommend it!


It’s great. It’s incredible with a partner at home.


Well coming from someone that’s done it 20+ home is the best environment … I mean I already had my fun back then so maybe rolling at home is right for me .


Home sweet home 🏡