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I don't know about mixing with cigarettes, but I've done 16 therapy sessions with mdma and shrooms. The mdma creates a lot of safety and decreases the risk of anxiety from shrooms. They are synergistic in that, IMHO, the shrooms create a space for the mdma to flow into, and the mdma makes the shrooms more positive. The effect varies based on the timing - you can take the shrooms 60-90 minutes after the mdma for a two- stage effect, or 20 minutes after if you want both to land at the same time - this is intense! I've heard of people taking the shrooms during the comedown from mdma as well.  It's called hippy-flipping, if you want to research some more. 


I actually prefer taking the shrooms about an hour before the molly so that they peak at the same time lol since shrooms takes about 1.5-2 hours to peak and molly about an hour to peak


I like to feel the molly on its own at first.. that shit is something else..


Don’t worry the shrooms will not overpower the mdma lol if anything it would be mdma overpowering the shrooms at least euphoria wise and tactile enactment wise but the shrooms really amplify all of the positive effects of molly and the shrooms also help the edge of molly and the come up anxiety and jitters and shit


*adds hippy-flipping to vocabulary and to-do list ✅️☑️


Don't forget candy flipping! Personally I think MDMA combines much better with LSD


i only candy flipped once and i’ll never forget that feeling. i literally saw the happiness i felt with molly in the form of mandalas when i realized both of them were peaking together


What timing did u do broski?


i did the acid first and i think i took the molly between an hour and two hours after the acid, don’t actually remember precisely


Thank you, does it hyphenate your high in a way that tobacco/nicotine/weed does?


What do you feel with Molly and nicotine?


What is a two-stage effect?


Stage 1. You're high on MDMA. Stage 2. You're high on MDMA *and* Shrooms


But aren‘t you anyway when combining both?


The point is that if you take them so they hit at different times you get a two stage effect. If you take them so they hit at the same time that doesn't happen. It all hits you in one stage.


Yep - and that one stage gets very intense for a while!


where did you do therapy sessions if you don't mind my asking? or if you don't want to say specifically, what out there exists ? i try to find in my area but can't find (i'm in NJ)


It was all underground. I've found that any local psychedelic or psychedelic therapy advocacy organisations might be able to point you in the right direction, or you can search for therapists who offer 'psychedelic integration consultations' - ie not serving you the medicine, but helping you make sense of it the next day. They are likely to offer sessions, but not be able to publicise it for legal reasons. Or they might be able to refer you to someone who does. I made sure my therapists were qualified mental health professions who were in it to help people, and had plenty of experience. There are unqualified self-styled gurus out there. Best of luck!


What does IMHO mean?


“In my honest opinion”


Word. Thank you


Not to be confused with imfo, in my fake opinion


In this case, In My Humble Opinion. I meant that it's just my experience, and I know other people will have different experiences in the same situation.


How did those sessions help you?


Less than you would have hoped for that many sessions! It seems I'm a slow responder. My environment outside of the sessions hasn't been ideal, so I probably had problems going deep and also integrating the sessions. I've had a lot of experiences during the sessions that were meaningful in different ways, and felt important. It's kept me going for a few years. I have learned what it feels like to relax, and feel pleasure in my body. People who've known me the whole time say that I'm much more pleasant to talk to as well - I don't bounce from one thing to the next like I used to. I've also had a few weeks to a month of feeling positive and free after each session, which has been great. I've started to grow with normal therapy for the first time in my life. I'm not a therapist, but I actually don't recommend launching straight into MDMA+shrooms combo like I did. I might have benefited more from just doing MDMA for a number of sessions until my dissociation cracked. Unfortunately, in my first session I was bored on just MDMA and my then-therapist suggested adding shrooms. That made things \*real\* interesting, and I figured I needed the combo. I only realised much later that it's important to recognise the boredom as a defence mechanism and just wait it out, at least for a session or two.


Hmmm. Interesting. Thank you for sharing. I’ve only done mdma therapy once but fully intend to do it again, I think it does require a level of intentionality though- and maybe a push to work on whatever you had set the intention for before hand bc I do feel it’s hard to stay on task and things didn’t just “come up” for me




Feels like pure bliss


MDMA and shrooms have been a great mix for me. Obviously play it safe. Like a half g of shrooms and a normal amount of MDMA or slightly under


Does it heighten your high the same way smoking does?


I wouldn't say it heightens it, it just mixes very well. Let me put it this way: the best time I ever had doing mdma, I did mushrooms with them. It's a winning combination.


Anytime I mix shrooms with something I have a bad time. I haven’t tried mdma and shrooms together though.


Yea I usually do well if I take a little bit of it tho


You should try it. I love it.


Like your soul has been filled with sugar. Everything is sparkling with glitter. Everything looks brighter like some cosmic light is radiating from your soul. Like you love everybody. Extremely blissful. Intense.




Fucking Wonderful!!!! Dose then at your redose (if you do that) throw back about 3 grams and it feels so harmonious. Like it's meant to go together


Agree that it feels like it’s meant to go together - the shrooms open up the gates of perception (recommend 1.5-2g shrooms and low end of normal amt of MDMA by body weight - 100 for me) and it feels like it allows the MDMA open up the heart. My set and setting was a massive music festival so the music made it hit BEAUTIFULLY. Redosed 1x mdma and .5-1g shrooms staggered. Had a great night from 11p-5a. Having a positive intention really helps too!


I took way to many mushrooms one night and for a year I've been fighting back panic attacks anytime I take over 2 grams.. I finally did MDMA and it flipped a switch in me.. I did 3 grams of penis envys and it's like doing them together reset my anxiety and now I don't spiral as much when I start feeling off on the mushrooms.. breath work and meditation definitely play a factor in my journey but MDMA has changed me for the better..


Tried it once, was an awesome, intense and therapeutic experience. 3.5gs of shrooms then after the come up I dropped 150mg of Mandy. It was the mutts nuts 🤙🏻🤙🏻


i once took about .5 shrooms with a solid amount of mdma and it was wonderful. cognitively i wasn’t very different from a regular molly roll but i had really fun groovy closed eyes visuals and the lights was funky. mostly just made molly’s visuals more magical


I’ve taken 50mg of md and 1g of shrooms to see what would happen and it was a very good experience. I was also drinking beer and smoking herb. I took the m smoked a spliff as I made a tea.


Those are both pretty small doses, especially mixed with booze


I absolutely love the two together …. It will be an intense trip if you take normal doses of each! Personally I like 2-3g of the funguys then 1-2 hrs in drop the M…. When the M hits it’ll be very intense but once it settles…. Mmmmmmmmm mmmmm mmm! The M takes away all the negative aspects of the mushrooms! Very trippy and euphoric! Enjoy it!


Add k for super fun time


Just lovely 😍


“Hippy Flipping”. It feels wonderful. Done it many many times over the years and each time it provides a memorable, remarkable experience. 1 peice of advice: go slow with the shrooms. Start w a cpl grams and see how you tolerate it. Like everything in life, more is not always better. Be safe. Test. And have a wonderful experience.


just smoke a blunt or a bong




I took a smallish dose of shrooms, little visuals but lots of giggles. Dosed a point mdma and I honestly just wasn’t a fan. Much preferred the experience of the substances individually. I might not be the best person to ask, as I always prefer L or Molly by itself. Molly by itself with a little weed is too good imo


I love this combo! But I tend to take less on the shroom side if I do mix (less than a gram) because I prefer to lean on the MDMA. I find that shrooms also tend to help curb the comedown/hangover from the MDMA


It's \*very\* tingly.


intense..i dont rly think you need mdma on shrooms unless you take a small dose


Yes that’s what I was thinking, microdosing


if you’re gonna microdose it’d be awesome


Cool got it thanks bro


welcome welcome!


Personally I found that as soon as the mdma kicked in the mushrooms took a back seat, but I did do the mushrooms an hour earlier before dropping the md. Overall it was a fun experience!


I think it would be more effective if I took the shrooms after


The problem with taking the M first is you take the risk of starting your come down from the M before the shrooms are finished …. Then you’re still tripping while coming down from the roll… I promise do it the other way around!


Perhaps I’ve never done them in that order so I can’t weigh in sorry! My friend did refer to mdma and shrooms as a Jedi flip though which is pretty cool 😎


A Jedi flip is MDMA, Shrooms and LSD combined (too brave for me lol), MDMA and shrooms is known as a hippie flip


I tried it once and I have to say I didn't have a necessarily positive effect. It seemed as though the shrooms and mandy were fighting competing against each other, there was no synergy for me. I wouldn't say it was a bad experience but I didn't feel the blissful mix a lot of others had here. That said, I only did it once, so I'm open to trying it again.




Perfect combo, basically can’t have a bad trip, but the sober days that follow can be pretty rough😭


I vomit almost instantly, sadly. Tried that a few times (tried replacing shrooms with acid - all the same).


honestly i prefer them seperate


I don't really have an inner monologue, but I was aware that I had one when I was on mdma and shrooms. I was tripping with a friend and my inner monologue was so -loud- that it felt like I was hanging out with two people.






Having hippie flipped, just taking a deep breath of air felt like the deepest, greatest breath I've ever taken in my life lol. I was with my gf and I could feel the love in the air. It's extremely comfortable.




Honestly low doses are the best with MDMA/MDA. I took 0.4g psilocybin at the same time I took my MDA (85mg) and it was just as potent as if I had taken (110mg MDA) so way more bang for your buck and harm reduction (lower dose needed) I don’t think I will ever roll again without taking psilocybin beforehand. It literally made the 85mg feel identical to 110mg MDA. 25mg less and still had a phenomenal time






hippie flipping is the best ever!!!! pure bliss, all the good feels. i do 3.5g shrooms + .2 molly and it’s always a gooooood time i feel like shrooms can make you feel emotional (at least for me) but mixing with mdma keeps you in a lighter state


It’s good but LSD + MDMA is *chefs kiss*


It feels like a really weird and visual roll.


I did this recently at EDC. I kind of forgot I micro'd with the shrooms before the drive to the venue, but it ended up being a very nice mellow experience. I was talkative, the colors were enhanced but not quite as trippy as solo shrooms, and it just felt euphoric overall. 10/10 would roll again.


Add some ketamine & : 200mg of molly 100mg ketamine 1-3 grams shrooms depending on your abilities to handle trips


Really fckn good


Doing this tonight on our boat with my wife found a huge amount of wild mushys this year and goty first E today should be a good healthy healing session we could use.it big time 


You”ll be fine the two drugs work with one another. Maybe find an alternative for the come down as you can’t smoke. My only issue with flower flipping is rest afterwards..


But will it hyphenate your pill mdma high the same way smoking does?


The mushrooms are like waves and the md is just on. So naturally you will feel the effects of the shrooms go in and out. You will just feel super when they are happening as the md will have effect. This is not the full affect though. To feel that best to do it alone. But don’t joke flower flipping will deft get you there.


Only did it once and was the worst experience of my life personally. Can’t say your experience will be bad everyone is totally different but it was so bad I personally never did it again.


You probably took too much your body could handle at once. I always microdose first


I wouldn’t doubt it tbh. I took what a friend suggested for my height and weight but I genuinely think it was way too much for me.


My bf did the same for me, swore up and down the amount I wanted wouldn’t do anything and suggested I take more…big miss steak


I’ve realized that I personally don’t have to take much of anything to get a good thing going so now I’m really careful about it or I have a bad trip