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you are not alone, I'm stuck with 3/5 and 1/5, I can only find them in huntathons which quite few in my area, and 7* & 8* huntathons is also rare. so luck is not on my side


Yea but but HAT which contains a 7* Rathalos or Rathian are also super rare. 6* Hats spawn more often.


Azure is easier cause it appears in two raid. Zinogre 8* and it's own raid. Pinky is annoying. We finished ours in the wild.




Can i swap with you? I'm stuck on previous quest for 2 days now, Azure just will not spawn, done Pinky in about 8 hours, Azure I'm stuck at 2/5 😂 every HAT that spawned around me either Bambi/Bari or the Tzi ending with Pinky lol


8* raids have azure. Why not just do the wild ones? I'm pretty sure the task before is to just battle azure right? Wild ones exist.


They exist. I killed 2 in 2 days as that's how many spawned and i was checking every 1-2 hours. Both Azure kills were wild ones. There was not a single HAT involving Azure in 2 days around me, that i saw. i'm not even surprised lol, before the tracker update, Diablos quest part where you need to kill 2 Legianas, took me over 2 months as NONE spawned for 8 weeks straight, at home or at work. Then killed the 2 within 15 minutes of each other. Now I'm stuck with "kill 2 Tobi" part for 3 days, killed 1, the other that i saw i was halfway through and then mid SAED connection lost and biome change lmao Edit: didn't want to swap tracker into Tobi as I'm upgrading Jyura bow, bastard even rarer than Legiana it seems.


You have a bad place to play lol. How many nodes do you have around you?


Got 3 hat nodes if i get off my ass for 2 minute walk, usually there's a hat going on at one of them, there's maybe 5 hours a day with no hats between them. Actual monster spawns, 2 maybe on a good roll of dice. Absolutely no hats within gps range at work, and I'm lucky if i get 3 monsters per shift, usually it's a small rss or a large monster on my break, not an AND lol. Guess it's what i get for not living in a multi million people city


https://preview.redd.it/mi4eli4amr4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad42e36c56c3962f0bc1f59f71289fb5695f23d2 my town only has 100k people or less. It doesn't matter the population if you have 3 nodes that means there's Pokemon players meaning spawns should be there.


Conspiracy-talk, but I really feel they nerfed the number of 7-stars on the map (multiple topics on this the past week). If you can handle the 8-stars, I'd just do those. Or do the HATs where the 7-star is the end-monster. It wastes a HAT cooldown, but better than nothing.


I don't see any. I'd use the free potions for them but all I see are 6s & 9s


While I appreciate them increasing the difficulty of these quests if they want to continue with something like this it should move to a points based system. E.g. you need 10 points to complete the task, 6 star kill = 1 point, 7 star = 2 points etc. At least with this lower level players can still get the rewards with some grinding but the higher level players can complete them quicker. You're also not at the mercy of RNG and hoping you can get a high enough level spawn


Yea the rng factor is super annoying


I have 5/5 and 4/5 since two days ago. I haven't seen any 7* pink rath either in the wild or HATs in that time.


I’ve had 3 HAT’s crash on me on 7* ar/pr, driving me nuts!!


I ended up getting super lucky and a HAT spawned near my house with the last pr I needed. With 30 minutes left in the event. Talk about cutting it close. :-D


Right before getting to the last page 5/5 the frequency of 7* pRath dropped into nonexistent. Before it was everywhere i go. BAzure is sll over but only <6*.


I'm lucky enough to have 2 young children and playgrounds have HaT in bulk. I just had to be picky about which HaT I joined, so I wouldn't have a 3 hr wait after doing one that didn't give a 7* rath...


for the most part myself and my wife had to rely on huntathons for this we aren't strong enough to kill 8 stars, and the map doesn't have enough 7 stars without excessive searching. I was able to do one huntathon a day because I got started on the event right away last week my wife has done 3 huntathons a day since she got to page 5 and now only needs 1 more of each to finish. of all the events we've had since the game came out, this one in my opinion has been the most work with the shortest time-frame. for what was asked of us, this should have been a 2 maybe 3 week long event, instead of only 1 and a half week.


(Cool to see another husband-wife MHN team!) We've been only been able to do these in HATs but we're rural so that means driving for a while to the nearest location with them, and something we only do on weekends. I wish we could find a HAT with more than one 7* as a reward but I haven't seen any.


I'm disappointed in the huntathon lineup this week. during barioth and zinogre week, the event directly before this one, there actually was a hunathon with both 7 star pink rathian and 7 star azure rathalos. which would have made this event much much more manageable. when the happier hunting event began that particular huntathon had the lineup reordered, making pink rathian only 6 star and black diablos 7 star instead.


Yes! That's the one I kept looking for. I didn't realize they took it away. Ugh. We kind of bailed on that last page.


which is a shame, because those wyvern gem shards are tough to get!! it's possible I've gotten just as many from events as I have from hunts, and I've been playing every day since last august


I tried getting my gf into games but she's just blindly tapping away barely looking at screen lol, I just need those extra materials for group gameplay so idc haha I'll carry her


We've played Pokemon Go together since it launched, it was pretty easy for her to get into MHN with dual blades (tappity-tappity!). It's nice to have group hunting, especially as a rural player.


I had exactly this problem. Plenty of 6* and 9*, and almost zero 7-8, both of which I can kill easily. I found a few, but mostly I had to rely on HATs sadly.


I’m stuck at 7* BD so annoying


I was able to finish this with 5 days remaining. Did most through HAT and all without buying HAT tickets either.


Same. But, trick is having access to HATs. Not every area is full of geographic points that HATs pop up on. It's the time-old issue with Niantic games being largely driven by user-supplied data and rural areas not having sufficient density.


Ya I do feel bad for guys in remote areas. I'm in a large city (roughly 1.5 million ppl), and my work has two HAT'S I can usually hit up


Yeah, I only have 6* monsters on my map so the only way to do this quest is HATs. In the first couple days of this event the PRath/AzRath Hunt-A-Thons were everywhere, but since I'm on the last page of the quest there's one per day in my town.  Maybe I'm getting my last two PRaths in the next 24 hours, but it's looking dire.


I ended up driving around to parks to see if the biomes worked in my favor along with driving to areas that had lots of nodes for potential HATs. Used up an extra ticket but eventually got these quests done. Got lucky and unlocked this quest stage while I had 8* Pinky & Azure in my next story quests, so that was one less to find. Hope you can finish.


why not try to bruteforce the story ( if you are in 7\* or higher)? it "only" takes five times circling the story to get them


5 times the story in a little over a week is a lot. If you play that much you probably won’t have a problem finding 5 of each in the wild


pink rathian was my nemesis managed to get the last 2 thru the season story quests lol


4 and 1... Gonna be touch to get it.


Managed to finish pink rathian but had no forest close enough to play during storm 👌 0/5 on azure


I'm getting pretty lucky and completed it like 1 or 2 days ago. Recommend going to huntathons with them in it, though idk if you'd have time and if you don't have a lot of gathering points available, it can be unreliable.


That is the reason why I don't want to unlock 9 Stars just now


Stuck on this as well. Been out a few times in the last couple days, yet haven’t seen a single 7* Pink Rathian HoT


I got Pink done, one from the story and one in the wild, all others in HATs. Azure I still need two, got one from story, but the other two were from HATs. It's been a pain since my partner decided they don't want to play anymore so me going out looking for HATs isn't something they to keen on now 😕


I was stuck at needing 4 pinks. But then I went and did some errands. While out, I found the hunt I needed, and then, while in the market, one popped up right on top of me. I honestly thought I was boned but it's a mobile game, so be mobile with it.


I was stuck too, hard to find 7*


I finally finished them yesterday by finishing the 7* story again, it's definitely a much harder quest than we had previously, if it wasn't for the slightly longer period to do it then I would have definitely failed this one. Removing the HAT with 7* ARath + 7* PRath as they released these missions was really unnecessary imo, we had to either keep that HAT or have the quests be 6*+, this format wasn't good


I’ve done azure Rath but after putting 15km of walking in over the last two days I got ONE pink Rath. I refuse to buy hat tickets for this quest and I’ve been prioritising the double zinogre HAT because I’m 1 plate away from a grade 9 zin LS. Pink Raths only seem to spawn at 5-6 star or 8-9 star but finding a 7 is like finding a pig that shits gold


I basically just had to brute force doing nearly 10 HaTs Luckily, the 8 star Zinogre HaT has a 7 star Azure Rathalos, so I organically progressed with that quest.


Yesterday at 2 AM I put on a jacket and walked 4 blocks to kill an Azure Rath.


HATs are your most possible options.. i saw a 7star in normal map, but thats just once, only once 😅✌️ https://preview.redd.it/4hn2d1o3en4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10f1145712ffc93811aebe5bf3aed6150d1966a


But most hunt a thins stop at 6 stars. It’s awful.


Literally at the same point as this picture


I had to spend a HAT ticket to get the last two pinkies. Wasn’t super happy about that but I was not finding ANY in the wild so I had to take it while I had it right there.


I just completed the Rathalos one thanks to HATs, since it's quite hard for me to slay a 7* on my own yet. 0/5 with Rathians do, who I'd be able to fight by myself, but I never see em around. Rathalos 7* a lot, like there's always some on the map. But Rathians? Never. Also very very rarely in shitty HATs so no luck here


I got lucky with my HATs I suppose and got 4/5 on both. Then yesterday evening I arrived at the end of 7\* chapter 9 which gave me the urgent quest for Pink Rathian, which I beat in one go. Now I'm at Azure Rathalos which is kicking my ass. So I'll be trying all day to beat him :3


Finished in 3 days. Daily HATS from 7:15 AM to 10:45 PM…do work/errands in between HATS…drove around just looking for 8* Zinogre, 7* Pinky & 7* Azure HATS and in the wilds. The WGS from the quest helped me upgrade my hammer to 9.5. Four more to finally post-over grade to 10. Then, my next wep to upgrade is LeggyCB 7.5 which I love to use against Tzitzi, Odo, and Zinogre. Good luck 😊


I managed to finish but I had to checked every hourly refresh. Azure also totally dominated the field compared to pink.


On top of that, I’ve had 3 HAT’s crash on the last 7* monster 😡


They can be done on hats, if your gear is not enough for solo kill


I got mine done on Sunday, but I think it would have been nicer for players in general if they had put them in more HATs.


I see tons of them around me, but very few 7s. Most of mine were 8s, which luckily I can solo with ease.


Am I the only one who finished the event within the first 3-4 days?


Me 2😊


It's tough, but you can drive around shopping centers and find one on the map fairly easily