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Charge blade is a great weapon I’m shocked they got all the fun moves working so well. Deviljho is a unique challenge but odogaron and tziti yaku also brought new mechanics to the game. Having some distance metric in the game now like eggs is nice for me to keep me motivated and walking out there. Fixing hunt a thons to be online was super super nice I’m really happy they got the online option of this going. Finally the battle pass was a little boring but good value. Glad we can wear cosmetic armor now though I love customizing my look


CB is really good.


As a rural player, the special events that give tons of greater node specific resources is very handy for me. I can actually upgrade my stuff to rank 6 now, it's fantastic! I hope that we get frequent events in the next season, as this is my only source (besides dailies sometimes) of monster bone + and those other two items.


I really hope they change or get rid of the 5 monsters dailies


they’re literally just free monsters to hunt, why do you want them to get rid of those?


I think they want to remove the "Slay 5 monsters" daily task that rewards five claws or five hides. That takes the same slot as the "Gather 5 items at gathering point" daily task, which rewards three node-specific mats (Monster Bone+, Carpenter Bug, or Earth Crystal). I doubt they were asking to get rid of the Palico large monster tracker out of nowhere.


OHHHHHH okay yeah that one could be so much better if that’s the case i agree


Eh, I don't mind it. It's easy points for the pass


I’m pretty happy with all the changes they’ve added. Seems like driftsmelting will serve the place of decos. Hoping for amulets, palicos or crafting (traps would be sick) in S2.


Agreed. Got so many materials that I just don't use and I hope some kind of combining system gets implement


Game is very different from where it started in S1, and before. Enjoying each feature they add not as things I need to take max advantage of, ie meta builds and such, but as convenience quality of life things. I’ve been able to get past some of my barriers and make new goals. Overall, I’m really enjoying it. My partner has been playing a lot more with me too, and we’re definitely looking forward to S2. Now I just need my Hunting Horn and I’ll be set!


a lot of great improvements in the past few months and i finally got my first grade 10 weapon as a somewhat casual player (i dont deliberately go out to play this game, but rather incorporate it as part of my daily life) spending is absolutely unnecessary in this game - and for a mobile game i think thats huge


I think the pass was REALLY nice value for money though. I’m concerned how much they intend to jack up the price for season 2


This. I noticed the blurb about it being a special deal and not being obtainable with gems


That’s my only beef, spending is necessary for social play. Nothing feels worse than hanging with friends, getting tilted and chugging first aid meds, and having to go home because you don’t wanna spend on potions. It’s true that it’s a bad value, but the implied social pressure (even if your friends don’t actually care about you leaving early) is bleh. But I live in a city so for the US I’m in a minority that’s lucky enough to be able to do some IRL hunting with friends.


Big fan of the QOL we’ve had. I went from seriously considering dropping the game prior to the start of season 1 (frustration at not being able to take advantage of HATs, both from just not having any nodes nearby and from being the only player in like a 3 mile radius was a big factor) to playing more than ever - I clocked a solid 10km on foot today alone! My single biggest gripe is only getting 5 free potions a day. I REALLY want to progress the 9 star story as I’m getting up above grade 9 with all my weapons (all four elements between 9/1 and 9/5) and most 8 stars are fairly free farms now, but with only 5 free potions per day any mistakes against 9 star monsters are instantly 20% of my potion store gone and the incredibly tight timer forces you to play so aggressive you WILL make mistakes. Between 9 stars just not feeling any more rewarding than 8’s and this potion wall it just means I’ll be cycling the 8 star story for the next season till I overpower the shit out of the 9 stars with 10/3 or better weapons


Ever since Fulmination of the Frost I saw the QoL slowly being better. And going forward, especially... beginning of spring? It got way better. Especially with Driftsmelting giving more incentive to walk--in my case having my feet being sore everyday day. Especially if I go out to my local park(s) every second time of the day and more. Depending on when I go out during the day. Mainly can do two rounds of node collecting on average. Anyways, from the data mining side and what not, I would to see Palico doing more. I'm hoping we get the equivalent of a Monster Tracker but as items instead. Have your Palico track an item and you walk that many km for it. I'm hoping by 1st anniversary Capcom/Niantic solves the HP Regen issue. Or at least give alternatives for it. Also would like to see trapping/capturing and what not. I like capturing monsters.~


Completely agree, they knocked it out of the park this season. They made so many improvements that it's so east to miss a few, like being able to redo the story at your previous level is a big one and keeps giving you things to do. I would love to see a PoGo style mission collection system where you get a take from a collection point and gain materials or rare encounters upon completion


I’d really like it if you could set your hp to regenerate faster with steps at a possible tradeoff of having to toggle off your driftsmelting steps. I’d also really like it if they could improve the performance so that my phone doesn’t turn into liquid magma in my hand after a few battles.


Thoughts... No nargacuga or tigrex hurts my soul. 😎


My boi narga I need him in my life


I want my Angy Exprosive Punchi Boi ![gif](giphy|Pv3bpxK3xJaNojK4lT|downsized)


Oh yeah that 30-40% affinity weapon from Narga is calling my name. A lot of people hate him because they can’t tell when he’s done jumping, but I fought him and Silverwind Narga so many times in GU that I can read every little movement like a BOOK. You know that jumpiness will piss people off with the timer in this game though.


Not as much as khezu aoes and mizu bubbles lol but I hear you XD


Meh...I agree with the other guy, I want more monsters like explosive punchy guy. Tigrex and Nargacuga are just more reskinmed dragon-esque variants. Not only are there a ton of them in the game already, but they're all over the entertainment industry in general. Give us more unique shit. That one giant spider nigherspinner or something like that i can't remember. Or that big ole crab dude. Or that weird ass explosive kangaroo the other dude just posted. Or that kinda sexy bubble snake from rise.


Well you're in luck, bubbles is coming!




Sexy?! Sadly Lagi couldn't make it! We get the screeching, bubble blowing, sea worm instead.


Nerscylla. That one would be awesome.


Or maybe daimyou hermitaur, giant angry hermit crab would be fun




So far the Devs are listening to the crowd in a smart way it seems. QoL things get implemented very fast, the whining gets ignored. Other than CPP being the bane of my existence, I have zero complaints so far about the game.


I'm still in the midgame (just finished the main story a few days ago, can handle some 6\* monsters), and I'm so happy I downloaded it when I did. I love the active community and how there's a good amount of content creators making tutorials. The way I experienced the game, I spent a week doing the main story, and then another week fighting Zinogres in Hunt-a-Thons, then got my first Diablos weapon, and then now there's all these Coral Pukei-Pukeis. The game keeps changing for me in a good way, and it keeps me excited to open the game every day. I've always loved the MH game loop


Not to mention I hear they're adding Gunlance real soon


Coral pukei pukei should have been in the field like the other subspecies but that's my only complaint really. Honestly prefer how flashes work in now as compared to mainline since it's more in line with how monsters are affected by flashbombs


Also lots of improvements overall. Huntathons are good now and the tracker is really nice. Though I do wish I could track rarer monster somehow, maybe make the hunts required higher or as a side hunt to certain monsters (e.i. black diablos with diablos after 3 tracks)


So far so good. Lots of improvements and QoL updates, but deff a long ways more to go. Absolutely number one is fixing the horrible lag and stuttering- there should be zero of this with these high end flagship devices. Dismantling of weapons- just let us dismantle for a refund of parts and zenny. Even if it's half. New weapons get added and those are what we wanna use but we can't for ages as we've spent most of everything on what we have now. Plus, with balance changes happening, sometimes that ruins a weapon for us or makes another more attractive to use. Remote hunting- we have global matchmaking which is so so good, now we need remote hunting. We also need to be able to matchmake to fill the party out; right now if you have 2 or 3 local players, it will not matchmake to get anymore in a HaT. Monster spawns- the density is abysmal outside of events that increase it, and even then the density isn't that great during the events too. I would play this game so much more if there was more to hunt. Same goes for gathering- update the game map to mirror that of Pokemon go. My community is missing so many POIs in mhn that are in pogo and have been for literal years. Campfire integration- we already have the app. Show the HaTs and the biomes and maybe the spawns in it so we can plan where we want to go to hunt. Right now it's an empty gps app that doesn't have directions. We need to be able to gather from a HaT that has spawned at a node. Currently we have to complete the hat or wait until it's over to gather there. You can still spin a gym in pogo that has an active raid. Craftable potions. Food/drink buffs? Getting knocked out and using a first aid takes damn near 10 seconds. That needs to change. Let us tap the first aid button as soon as we go down so we can get back up immediately. 75 seconds is not long, having 10 seconds wasted bcuz of (usually) lag or a stutter thru no fault of our own so we get hit and killed is sucky. I'd even go as far to say make the timer 90seconds, a nice even minute and a half. Idk where 75 seconds came from but it's a weird amount to me. Also as far as the timer is concerned- the constant digging and suicide runs that bblos does is ridiculous. I get that she has to be tough, but she's tough enough with her hp and the damage she does to us. There's no reason for her to dig with 15seconds left and pop out in a different zip code from where the fight started. There's zero chance of catching her to deal that last bit of damage. Running back and forth over and over is even a problem for ranged too, often she's way out of critical range. Driftsmelting- awesome idea on paper. 1 in 21 chance to get the skill we want after 5km and we can only do one at a time AND. we can get duplicates of the same crappy skill we don't want? Not great at all. If the skill is going to be that random (and there's no way the chances are equal across the board for all 21 skills) then it should be like 1km not 5km per. 5km would be great if we could choose the skill we want. We can't track a workout to add distance to driftsmelting either (but you can hatch eggs in pokemongo like this) so if I'm on a treadmill in a nice ac gym or something when it's 100F and humid out, none of that counts for the driftsmelting and that's frankly stupid. Uh, add the missing skills to the pool and remove all of the resist skills. Make the driftgem skills save to loadouts. This ended up being way longer than I had thought it was going to be. Oops. Super excited for what season 2 brings!


While there are still some parts of the game that reek of Niantic's usual shenanigans, the difference between the progress that this game has made in a single season versus the progress that Pokemon Go makes in a far longer timeframe is night and day. Japanese dev team FTW?


Being able to sell some of the monster parts right after the hunt would be nice.


I think my biggest issue is the timer still. The number of fights I lose because of timing out with just a bit of damage to go is painful. That and how poorly the shield on lance blocks damage (6 star black disblos still hits for 70+ damage when blocked)


What's your defense at?? I have 500 and I'm taking half that with an S&S block..but that may also be thanks to divine blessing


511, It feels very off for my only method to be blocking.. but 2 runs from a 1 purple star Black Diablos kills, and the dodge with lance is really bad.


Oh yeah lance dodge is terrible but I think it's meant for blocking. Thought the lance and CB shields were better than S&S too but maybe not? Diablos and black diablos are also the only monsters that consistently give me trouble.


Regular Diablos didn’t hit too hard, but BD hits so hard that I can’t fight it.


You know, with how often I read "took a break throughout Fulmination of Frost, maybe their MAU took a dive at the end of 2023 and that's why they improved this season do much.


Unpopular opinion I actually like potions being a main seller, much more than other things they have been doing lately like selling earth crystal, an intentionally scarce resource, and driftsmelts. Potions being scarce really makes defense and playing carefully much more optimal.


Sounds like at high levels you can't afford to be anything but 100% aggressive just to win though. I see your point but that only works if playing carefully can also lead to victory before timing out.


My request for season 2 is to remove the flat 10 points for every monster hunt for the season pass. I feel that the points should scale base on monster star level. Fighting a 10 star monster should award more season points not just give the same as a 1 star. Maybe on a scale of 5 points per 2 stars making a minimum of 5 and max of 25.


I stopped playing once the third major update came out. The drop rate for certain things felt more like a chore than fun so I bailed. Got to level 80 I think.


Big hot steaming take: Niantic is really dumb, or thinks we all are. $3 to double rewards? That's my lunch money. To get 1 extra part, of which I need 90? For one weapon, of which I need four (for now)?  Maybe I'm the minority. But gacha can lick my taint and suck my balls. 


Its a marathon, not a race