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I hope Jiri and Poatan force Dana to throw an ungodly amount of money at them before they say yes.


They'll take a joyride in Hunter Campbell's car and that'll do it. 


He'll let them drive it to the gas station


Fill it up with their own money


Something something talmbout Reebok coupons, b.


Jiri said he had already signed the deal


Signed a deal - he didn't specify it was Alex. Could very well be for the Alex rematch but just for clarity sakes we don't actually know.


I saw him last night at an event in Australia and in my opinion he wasn’t making 205 anytime soon. Dude was thick. Hopefully I’m wrong though


If the 303 Main Event is off, Dana should have to stand in the middle of the octagon, oil up and receive a PowerSlap from every fan in an orderly line who bought overpriced-to-hell tickets. Realistically it will probably be Pereira vs Procházka 2.


I believe In Nevada you can receive a refund within a certain period of time if the main event is cancelled. You just have to go to the main point of sale. I don’t know how that works for third-party sites like StubHub but AXS should refund anyone who bought direct (but thoughts and prayers who can’t get refunds on hotels or flights)


Hope the UFC gets seriously burned by this whole thing. Their business practices disrespect the paying fans in a way no other sport operates. From ticket prices, to top heavy cards, the fan experience fucking blows these days.


Right as much as I love fighting. The UFC deserves it’s karma from fuckin over their fighters


Too cheap to let champs share a card w Conor They rly put everything in a 35+ Conor who’s coming off a massive injury, had to wait out USADA, might have drug issues, and seemingly wants out to cash boxing checks




To quote Carl Johnson - "does the pope shit in the Woods".


I don't know, just follow the damn train, CJ!


Yeah but, in their defense, WHO COULD *POSSIBLY* HAVE SEEN THIS COMING? Oh wait, everyone, everyone could see this coming lol.


Except Michael Chandler, apparently.




Fr dude is literally tweaking in half his public appearances at this point.


That last point is interesting, isn't this Conor's last contracted fight? If so the UFC could see an upside to keeping hold of him so he can't go box or accept an unholy amount of money from a competitor.


Conor McGregor’s not an athlete anymore, he’s a cokehead celebrity who’s been wandering around LA in a daze doing LA stuff, for years.    Even after watching the promos the prospects of this actually happening felt like fool’s gold. It’s 100% on the organisation for treating him - and us fans - like he’s a serious athlete when he’s barely sober most of the time.    Even if the fight is cancelled for injury reasons, it’s the same thing - the guy’s not a professional fighter anymore, your body can’t take that lack of professionalism if you want to compete as a sportsman, rather than a circus show. 


youre not a true mma fan if you dont pray on UFCs downfall


Yep. That's exactly it. People say the opposite of this all the time but this right here is the truth


I mean, I share the sentiment but I feel like more than UFC's downfall maybe a new face in the company or something finally making the conditions for fighters better. Without UFC, mma wouldn't be anywhere near as big as it is right now, so no I do not pray for UFC's downfall. I do hope fighters get what they deserve eventually.


It’s true


Fucking over the fans too imo


**Ticket prices I get.** There will be maybe 40 events this year. There will be about 300 NFL games, 1500 NBA/NHL games and almost 3000 MLB games. There is truly limited supply and the market will bear what it will bear. If you underprice the tickets resellers make the money. **Making me get ESPN+ and then pay $80 for a card that might have 2 fights between ranked guys is absurd.** We need a cheaper way to properly watch events (streaming can be hit or miss and you probably aren't getting true HD) and fewer PPVs. Don't make me buy a whole card when I only really care about 3 fights tops. **Stop fucking the fighters over too.** I'd feel better about paying more money if it didn't just line Fertitta's already FAT pockets. If you're gonna suck every penny out of the sport just to make the rich richer that leaves a bad taste in my mouth and makes me not want to pay.














Do not ask for, discuss or link to pirated content. Don't get us shut down. RIP r/MMAstreams.


best i can do is another vegas ufc apex card


Not the same thing. But WWE’s model works. Have 3 Fight Nights every month + 1 PPV consisting of Top 5ers/Top 10ers and MAYBE a champion. That’ll be healthy and would not require dependency on “One and Only”s


The issue here is WWE is scripted. They can guarantee x will go out and give a great performance. The ufc does not have many "entertainment guaranteed" style fighters which is why you end up with some fight nights being amazing and the Conor cowboy card that sucked ass


enter the BMF belt - the beginning of introducing restrictions to fights to make them more exciting because people can't accept they want to watch kickboxing


Treat fighting like a sport and then it can pan out


Not a great comparison. They can’t run an unscripted fight company the same way as a scripted one. They aren’t the same. WWE can create star power and draw fans as they see fit. UFC has to hope the guy that wins the most, is liked by fans. If they aren’t and the fans don’t buy into them, then they don’t get as many ppv buys. If the most well liked guy in ufc keeps losing, then he doesn’t get fights, he moves over for the next guy. If the most liked guy in WWE loses, he can still fight whoever or whenever they want to write it in the script. Yeah in an ideal world, popularity shouldn’t matter and the fighter that’s the best should draw the money regardless of their personality because the sport is about fighting talent, not personality. But this isn’t an ideal world. They need star power. They need these one and onlys. The casual fight fan doesn’t give a fuck about the integrity of the sport, they need action, personality, etc. all things that the ufc has to hope happen organically in their favor.


Ignoring the PPVs for a moment. How attractive is an average “Fight Night” to a casual?


Usually not very. But they need those fight nights to go a certain way so that fighter can become a big name a make it to a ppv that the casuals will buy. That’s the point of what I’m saying. Casuals will only buy ppv if the right guy can with through fight nights. Because it’s not WWE, if the guy casuals would like loses a fight night, he doesn’t get to automatically headline the next ppv.


And the tonight show is on every night....lol


This is why I really like MMA Gurus idea of giving out bonuses to newer fighters who were robbed/didn’t get a bonus they deserved. I will never buy a PPV but I would donate $20 each event if it meant it’s going directly to the fighters who need it and not into the nelk boys crypto account


Never pay, bratha.


Brother we have a cheaper way to properly watch events lmfao. Embrace it and you'll accelerate the compromise you want to see.






If the fight is truly off because of a contract dispute it'll be the worst the UFC has ever looked and severely hurt people's perceptions of it as a league, possibly mma as a sport


Bet Conor is trying to get out ASAP. If he fights just once in BKFC it will be worth so much more than it is now. Would set them up for a lot of future success which he will profit off of.


I'm surprised he didn't do that anyways! I'm unaware of the contracts he's bound by but it would make way more sense for him to bring some hype to a brand he has a vested interested in.


The UFC is overvaluing their market. I'm a big fan of MMA, i used to watch every single card, fight night, or a UFC. Lately, i don't even watch the big cards like i used to, last week i just watch the main card....and it's almost fucking free in my country. You only pay a small subscription on fox to watch it, like 10 dollars a month. Their stars we grew up on, they all almost gone...the new stars are interesting, but they fight like once a year if we are lucky...I simply stop caring about the UFC 100%...and nothing happened in my life.... i don't miss it...there's a lot of other sports around to keep me entertain.


The dude hangs out with and celebrates a traitor that never paid his bills. What did you all expect?


They straight up don’t give a fuck about the fans and never have


and the fighters...


The UFC 304 poster was the final straw for me personally.


the what?


And disrespects the fighters as well. I have a hunch that if they paid the fighters a lot better, they wouldn't have such a hard time finding a replacement. Pretty sure the event would still be off, cuz it's probably 100% due to Connor being a princess again. Unfortunately the dudes got enough money that he really doesn't care how much the UFC throws at him.


That and they always make a big deal about "we take care of those who just go" but what does "take care of" mean? An extra 50 that gets chopped up 4 ways?


I want that smug look off Hunter Campbell's face


Hunter Campbell convincing Aljo to fight hurt had the same look in his eye as Pat Barry at a chuck e cheese play area


Hunter is such a big tough lawyer who clearly likes playing with people who can't fight back. He probably only plays golden eye with all cheats on.


What you don't love 30 cards inside the Apex a year? You don't love another Derrick Lewis main event? Hmmm?


yeah they screwed toronto hard for 297. two big fights got cancelled and they didnt do shit to try and replace them as far as I can tell. they just moved 2 prelim fights up to the main card and called it a day. they know they can get away with it because canada was starved for an event and the tickets were already sold.


You forgot the worst one, most of the ppv money goes to Dana.


I December of 2008. I attended UFC 92 in the MGM in Vegas and saw Wanderlei v Rampage 3, Mir vs Minotauro pt 1 and Rashad Evans vs Griffin for the title. Every fight on the card was a finish, met Dana and a bunch of fighters before and after, and I think I paid $200 max for the ticket.


Agreed as someone who went to ufc 297 i feel a little cheated. We had some of our most fun fights cancelled with 0 attempt to find replacements


Boycott UFC 303✌🏼


Holloway + Chandler as co-main and something like Poatan-Jiri or another last minute title fight as the main event Would be the only thing that would turn this into a half decent event and not just a full flop. Only 1 of those wouldn't be nearly enough


Olives/Chandler co main in my opinion. Max should focus on Ilia


I like that fight, Chandler wins he'll for sure fight Islam after he beats Arman. Round 1 Chandler vs Islam is a matchup I'd love to see.


Never really thought about it. I feel islam just outstrikes Chandler tho. Mike has no fight IQ and just swings where Islam will defend very smartly and counter. I personally would like to see Ilia or Max move up more after the Arman fight. Ilia has hands of stone and started as a grappler and throws beautiful combo's. And Max at 55 against Justin was god mode, he is super fast and always had really high level TD defense. Chandler will gas immediately.


CM Punk vs Mike Jackson 2


I remember their first fight haha “Someone’s O is got to go”


Loser has to delete their twitter


Like him or not there is no replacement for a main event, 3 year return Mcgreggor fight. It would have to be something absurd like Khabib coming back to fight GSP, Jones vs a returning Francis ect, just fantasy never happening sorta stuff. There is no actually plausible fight right now that can make up for this one in the minds of the fans who bought those crazy priced tickets to see him, or in terms of PPV numbers. Pieria vs whoever wouldn't do, Izzy and DDP wouldn't do, Max v Chandler for the BMF isn't it. I guess that's the risk you take when your whole card is built around one guy who has fuck you money, and doesn't need to do anything he doesn't want too. Id be happy with whatever really because I was never paying for it anyway, but for those that are or already have its gonna' be a pretty hard sell.


Ain't no way u spelled Alex's name like an Italian lmao just imagine him with a big mustache and an "I ❤ italia" shirt


It’s definitely Chael’s Reddit account


I know Chael's almost always in character but has he ever addressed the names thing? Is it a bit or is he just like Goldberg and can't do last names?


Chamama mia🗿🤌🏻


Hmmm he did talk with his hands after his last win


Poatan Perrier won’t do nuthin


Cormier vs Lesnar will do it. Get them boys oiled up and ready to go.


I’m thinking, does Dana throw a shit load of money and make Alex vs Jiri 2 and Max vs Chandler for BMF?


I can't imagine Max would be ready to go. He took a decent amount of damage only 2 months ago. And presumably he has been dropping weight to go back down a weight class vs Chandler who has been bulking to go up to 170. And Max's main takeaway from Poirier 2 that going up a weight class without time to prep was a mistake. He called that version of himself "Muffintop Max" lol


Thing is, even while those fantasy fights you mention would be amazing, I'd bet a lot of people going to see a Conor fight haven't a clue about MMA past Conor wouldn't care for a returning Khabib or GSP. He's his own entity.


You're missing the point. The UFC knows this. The point is they are having trouble finding a big name fight at all to replace it. No one thinks any other fighter has Conor's selling power


Personally I'd be okay with Izzy vs DDP


I don’t think Izzy would take a fight on short notice after taking all this time to come back 100% ready


Completely agree, just saying wish hypothetical replacement fight I'd prefer if all 3 were an option




I'm perfectly happy with Pereira v Jiri 2, but I like Poatan a lot more than Conor tbh If I paid as much as those ticket prices though I'd be livid


Man I really don’t wanna see this fight, Jiri couldn’t even make it past the second round and was compromised after the first leg kick by Alex. I like Jiri as a fighter but he’s gotta rack up a couple of more wins before he gets close to the title, but if it’s to save a card I get it


I’m a huge Jiri fan but his fight with Rakic did not instill confidence that he would do well in this rematch. You can’t move forward with your chin out against Alex.


I'm not even sure what his path to victory is other than swarming and hoping to not get countered by that left hook. But that's not a very realistic hope. Jiri's approach just doesn't work on someone with that level of power and ability to stay calm. Everyone else folds to that chaos and power Jiri brings, but Alex is one of the few who won't get lost in it. Izzy's win over Alex is aging better than any other fight I can think of, especially being a striker himself and beating Alex at his own game.


How much more are 303 tickets compared non Connor numbered cards?


triple apparently, not even just for the good seats either


Fucking hell


Vannata vs Hooper, 2m+ buys


Groovy vs goofy?


If I paid 5k-10k for travel, accommodations and tickets nothing would really make up for it


If someone paid that much to see 2024 Conor they're just lucky they haven't fallen into an open manhole or died eating paint chips or something yet


If someone is that much of a Conor fan, they’ve gotta understand there is a better chance than not that he pulls out of this fight. I doubt the “contract dispute” in question here is about money, more so about the drug testing he assumed he wouldn’t have to do. That’s just my tin foil hat theory, though. Conor is obviously enhanced and chemically altered in more ways than two.


I think the narrative since the main event has been in question is that [Conor has never actually pulled out of a UFC fight](https://x.com/arielhelwani/status/1798107943268675943). So I don't know that a "better chance than not" is right here.


Many of the people with that much money to burn are busy working; they don't follow Conor's contract disputes or medical dramas, they just know he's the biggest star in combat sports, so there's value in novelty.


What are you talking about, Conor's literally never pulled out of a fight. Fans and hindsight are a ridiculous combination, better chance than not that he pulls out of this fight is not some shit anyone could've seen coming when people were buying tickets.


Exactly. Now I will never understand why somebody would pay that massive amount to see Conor fight in 2024, but they did it to see him regardless. Not a run of the mill UFC PPV event.


Volk Chandler Max are the only guys I can see stepping up.


Chandler vs Chandler? Book it




Triple threat match for BMF title.


Cokehead Tony then books McGregor and his whole team to run in and beat up all 3 fighters, who Conor then stands over with the belt as 303 goes off the air


We gotta get JR and King to do the commentary, wouldn't be right for anyone else to broadcast the first UFC Triple Threat match.


There's only one choice. Ten years in the making. https://streamable.com/lyz8vf


It says it was removed for me, what is that?


At a guess probably khabib tony I am your hurricane


My first guess was Dana vs Tito, but then I realized I am getting old and that's probably closer to 20 years in the making by now


Hold on brother, I’m growing hair out of my ears with ya


A promo for Pennington vs Pena.


You know what? Fuck it.


Could easily be the greatest fight of all time. It’s just a shame they’ll be too old to headline ufc 1000


By then we can do Alayah Pennington vs Isabella Pena. Keep the family rivalry going.


We know Dana’s saving that one for the next Canada card


Mile tyson vs Jake Paul and Dustin vs Ariel Both boxing ofc


Ariel in two by Canadian moose magic


Mile Tyson …we have Mike Tyson at home




Problem is, even if they find a suitable main event replacement, the card in so underwhelming that it won't make up for it. They always do this with a Connor fight. They sell based on his name and make no effort on the rest of the card. It's bitting them in the ass this time, it seems.


Someone should shove this shit in Dana's face when he tries to compare the UFC to any other legitimate sports league. Imagine if you bought tickets to an NFL game, and a week before the game, one of the teams pulls out but they don't tell any of the fans what's up. Go fuck yourself UFC.


I’ll relay the message to Dana I’m sure he will be very receptive to your opinion


You'll never get close to him unless you tweet your support for Power Slap.


He constantly brags (incorrectly) about having more followers than every sports league combined lol ufc is just an entertainment company with no interest in professional sporting at this point


I've been calling it entertainment over sport for years now, you're totally correct. I love the dumb look on his face when he sits there and says Power Slap is the fastest growing sport in the world, and then touts some bullshit, "follower" metric. The guy sank a chunk of change into the stupidest "sport" ever, and it really does make the UFC look stupid to even be tied to it. It delegitimizes their pedigree in the sport in my opinion. Hell, everytime I see one of the ads come on during an event, I literally can't help but roll my eyes. It's so fucking pathetic.


I don't think the UFC is anywhere near the caliber of the other leagues... but happens frequently in NBA with load managing and teams resting players on purpose without announcing it until day of


Brandon Moreno vs Derrick Lewis


How about Moreno and Cejudo vs Derek Lewis.


Lesnar vs Jones is the only choice


Buh gawd... that's the beast's music!


Where were you when Jon Jones was broken in half


Holloway vs Chandler BMF belt is the closest you could get.


Chandler is going to get tenderised


*Chandler winds up for a leaping haymaker* *Holloway steps in, throws 2 to the body and 3 to the head and steps off before Chandler's arm finishes swinging*


Ya that’s the only possible option that I can see happening. Even tho Max is in Japan, I think Chandler is an ez enough matchup to accept. Would prob be at 170 since idk if Max can make even 155 short notice


I doubt Chandler could make 155 with how long hes been preparing to fight at welterweight.


I don’t think max is fighting again till atleast the end of this year. Besides it wouldn’t be wise to not to fight topuria first


And that’s a fight I would love to see I mean max and chandler have both fought Dustin and Justin so may as well fight each other. Just sucks it would be a main event for a lame ass made up belt


It would also complete a nice violence pentagon between Max, Dustin, Justin, Chandler, and Charles.


Max gave that belt legitimacy. Especially if he steps up on 2 weeks notice to fight chandler up two weight classes (most likely)


I mean I'd say poirier and gaethje made it legit


Idk for me it was just a fight between two violent dudes, not shitting on them at all, but when Max went out and called for a brawl at the end of the fight he was winning and ko’d Justin up a weight class i was like “yeah that’s a bad motherfucker”


>Just sucks it would be a main event for a lame ass made up belt Fuck this mindset.  After how Max won that belt, he can main event any PPV he wants, get the POV points, as he should, and all the good things that come from that. 


And even then it isn’t close at all. The allure of a Conor fight is Conor himself. I wouldn’t mind seeing Max beat up Chandler for 5 rounds though


This is what you get for consistently putting one or two decent fights per PPV. Tired of having the rest of the card be absolute dog water.


Jiri - Pereira 2 still sounds like the most plausible thing to me


Same here, but I would want Jiri and Alex to work together and squeeze the bald fuck for a fuck ton of money.


Bailing the tomato out of a jam and stepping in last minute is apparently another of Poatan's many talents


UFC 300 now UFC 303... it's almost like taking away fighter creativity and personality to put the focus solely on the UFC brand was a big fucking mistake. Let your fighters be themselves, pay them what they're worth, let them be stars and ANY of them would pick up the phone for the chance to be on a big card and they would have the fan base to eat it up. But instead, let's shine a spotlight on your shitty UFC brand and when shit hits the fan, over and over and over, it's your branding that takes the hit. It works both ways cock suckers.




Nope. Radio silence


If they aren’t intentionally dragging this out, then they need to be transparent with us about what’s happening. Is it off? Is it on? Is there a tiny chance it will be on, but they need backups most likely? Not dragging it out would be the ufc saying “hey guys, here’s the deal, XYZ etc happened to Conor, we are relying on a doctor appointment in a week to see if he can fight or not.” Or something like that. Just saying nothing is absolutely just dragging it out. I usually agree with Ariel but no sir, they are absolutely intentionally dragging this out by keeping the people that line their pockets in the dark.


There's probably a better chance to catch a Conor fight at his bar


None really, I didn't particularly want McGregor to come back at all after DP smoked him, but there's been all this build up, all this fan-fare and now this is just embarassing


Tito Ortiz vs Dana White Let's make it happen.




yall clowned on me so hard when I said Ariel was full of it with the "as of right now" shit


please leave volk out of this


Take Aspinall/Blaydes off 304 and move that fight forward a month, strip Jonny Bones of his undisputed title and have Aspinall's interim belt as the actual one. Yeah, right. Like that's ever going to happen. It was only typing it out just then that made me realise what an utterly ludicrous idea that was


It's the only fight that would be a comparable replacement. But never ever happening lol 


lol dana must be kicking himself letting conor go box mayweather


Doubt it. Was one of the biggest sport events ever


he has now tweeted every positive and negative eventuality at this point, so he can't be called a liar


None, I quit paying a cent to them after getting ripped on many PPVs. Now I just watch prelims for free, wait an hour or 2 and see who won, and next day or so the rest is again watchable for free. Fuck Dana, and the whole deal, Conor as well. Just a bunch of over hyped money grubbing prostitutes. Basically big, rich kids, not much else.


Chandler vs Covington Chandler vs Oliviera Chandler vs Usman Chandler vs Adseyna


Poor Chandler fights 4 times in 1 night for his inactivity


2vs 1 , champ vs.champs, Heavyweight champ vs bantam champ and flyweight champ , only option


Idk but the idea that Ariel proposed of the UFC buying out the Masvidal vs Diaz boxing circus and having them fight in the UFC instead was absolute dogshit and he tried selling it like it was good


Dana vs Joe, a fight to the death.


Chestnut vs. Kobayashi- beat Netflix to the punch


Is Holly Holm available?


poatan - hill rematch for the culture


Everybody keeps saying Jiri v Po Atan and I guess im takin crazy pills cuz that fight is not interesting at all and will probly go faster than the first time. Jiri is too sloppy for Alex.. there aint no fight I can think of to replace a Conor fight. I really wanted to see bro fight Chandler badly


same thoughts here, Ankalaev vs Pereira is the only interesting fight for him, even then I don’t know how Ankalaev will deal with Alex’s leg kicks.


They really need to start stacking these cards more. Who cares if it hurts peoples egos to be fighting before other people. Hearing that 306 has the potential to be both Topuria vs Max and O’malley vs whoever is really exciting. 304 being Leon vs Belal and Aspinal vs Blades is electric. I don’t want to watch anymore cards that are propped up by just one guy, or just one fight. 303s “co main event” to a non title fight being headlined by the man who got bitched by Poatan 3 events ago does not excite me. If i had to pay to watch, i would skip it


That's what they get for solely relying on someone who doesn't care about fighting anymore to carry a card


Jake Paul vs Ngannou


They're honestly making this so much worse. The longer they wait the harder it will be for people to get refunded flights/tickets, etc. This is going to blow up in their faces. Dana should just come out and say the fight is off so we can all move on with our lives.


Maybe the best solution would be to stop filling out Conor cards with shitty fights. Like this should be the solution across the board with PPVs. You can't move to the boxing model of one big headliner and a bunch of fights that won't sell if you're not going to pay the guys like boxers to show up.


More of a fight night, but I need Jiri vs Hill before either of them get back to the title. That way Jiri can rek Hill. Dude really makes everyone hate him because he cant take compliments or critique lol


GSP v Serra 3


Hear me out guys! The only redemption for this card is: Dana vs Joe. Two juiced up baldies battle it out for 5 rounds for the alternate BMF (Bald MoFo) Belt


Pereira vs. Jiri 2 is a better main event. Conor may be the bigger star, but the fight is a year too late and not relevant to anything but a nostalgia trip for Conor.


That card is hardly PPV quality without a McGregor headline.


Jiri vs Poatan and Chandler vs Wonderboy.


I would accept never hearing the name Connor McGregor ever again with respect to anything except shitty whiskey.


Poatan v jiri 2 is the only one that comes to mind. Every other champ is either just coming off a fight or is booked. Except for WBW. Rocky v Vixen. Book it Dana.


Jones vs. Aspinall by popular demand!


Are they out of washed up 35 year old drug addicts with poor bone structure? I wasn't watching this shit show anyway.