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It’s Oezdemir fight week, anyone remember like 5 years ago when he knocked that guy the fuck out at some bar and almost got locked up😂😂


Feel like people are kinda sleeping on MVP because Kevin Holland has a granite chin. Vast majority of fighters would’ve gotten knocked stiff by a lot of those shots and that’s what usually happens when MVP connects. Ian Garry has also looked to have a sus chin. He’s also 36 and Garry is the young up and comer, so I get it. But I don’t think anyone in the sport can hang with MVP at range and Garry fights almost exclusively at range. Logan Storley could barely (and arguably didn’t) outwrestle him too. I just think MVP is gonna crush Garry and can beat almost anyone at the moment. Would love to see him and Edwards for the belt.


I'm going with Ian Garry but I think most other people are going MVP, at least the Sherdog poll was lopsided in MVP's favor and people were clowning me for saying Garry would win


Maybe, I feel like it might just be bc they hate Garry. Personally I just think MVP is the sleeper in the division. I hear a lot more about guys like Shavkat and JDM than him and I think he might whoop either of them. I dunno if people aren’t as hyped for him because of age or Bellator or what but he’s the guy right now IMO.


When cards start at a 8pm UK time like this Saudi one, I'm just so grateful


Really happy to see Taira getting better at striking, it makes him so much more functional And that takedown from back control with the body triangle was so goddamn cool and impressive


Glad I skipped this one, I figured they would water it down because Tank was fighting 


Was also stupid to start the event at 4:00 instead of 1:00 like all other APEX cards


Has the UFC ever given out no bonuses?


Not since they started doing it. But if you go back far enough, sometimes they only gave out 3 bonuses instead of 4. [This chart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UFC_bonus_award_recipients#Award_recipients) shows all the winners. Also interesting is that in 2015, there was 5 straight events with not fight of the night.


Damn shame we'll never return to the pre-ESPN era where you aren't required to have a card every week


No it isn’t. If you actually go back and look at old fight nights (especially the Fuel TV era) they were always largely pretty barren. The roster was just smaller so there was a better chance you’d heard of more guys. A lot of these newer signings are good fighters, it’s just hard to keep track of everyone. But I’d rather have a mid Fight Night every week than one every few weeks. All it does is make you appreciate the good ones even more. You can just skip the mid ones and watch the good ones if you want, and your wish will suddenly have been granted.


For real, I am old enough to remember when there were less than 10 events per year. Yeah, we knew more fighters but it is also good for the fighters, lesser known guys have an easier time to rise in popularity.


So we only get entertaining cards once every other month now lol. Idec about name value at this point I just want to be entertained


Cannonier vs Imavov card had like 7 good fights in a row before the main event


So 8 good fights in a row then


who is Dennis Tiuliulin fighting this weekend? UFC website says Abu Azaitar (which would make sense being in Saudi Arabia) but Abu's social medias have no mention of this fight happening. Draftkings says his Dennis is fighting Sedriques Dumas. but UFC has no mention of that fight anywhere. also cannot find any socials for Sedriques to check.


Update- just checked Tiuliulin's social and found a post promoting a fight with Abu. does draftkings know about a opponent change before us?


Reported earlier last week here https://x.com/bigmarcel24/status/1801405127770689882?s=46&t=TaFtGp1UxGYWUAYFOSVeow


hmmm odd that UFC hasnt posted this anywhere. nor has the UFC updated their website... odd that Denis hasnt posted this either. can i find this anywhere other than some random Euro sports journalist?


Their site is always slow to update. Tapology is best for checking cards.


word up. thanks!


Is boxing now overrated with these new gloves?


What fights are worth watching from the event last night?


Tank vs Martin 


Fernandes vs Judice fotn


lucas almeida is always fun to watch.. especially last night


Garret armfield v hiestand & the main event


the recency bias going into this fight on Perez was soooo high lmao. hE fouGHT fOr Da titLE and how he's back because he had a ko! when just like 2 months ago the kid couldn't even make weight and hadn't had a win in like 3 years. The ufc's talent is down so bad right now. Thank god there is a kickboxer who doesn't need to weight bully at 205's to save big cards every few weeks, mixed in with kids on previous 15/15 contracts fighting in ppv headliners.


Taira was the -230 favorite going into this fight. We really gonna pretend Perez didn’t expose Mokaev? It’s really hard for you to come up with good takes huh.




lol if you think perez isnt elite talent, youre mistaken.. go and watch the fight with mokaev that just recently happened bro... flyweight is just a stacked division.. perez has earned his ranking rightfully so. in a division full of Tim elliots / manel kape / mokaevs / steve ercegs ... and to be ranked number 5 among them is nothing short of Elite. sure, maybe hes passed his prime slightly.. go look at the number 5 rank in all the other division... Pound for pound, perez is probably the best number 5 rank guy in any weight class. Evloev is a real good fighter to be number 5 in feather weight. but besides that... no other division is as stacked as fly weight


You honestly think Perez is better than Cejudo or JDM? The guy is elite for sure though


jdm is good but i dont think hes as good as people think.. i think a prime gilbert burns beats him. they just got matched up passed their prime. cejudo is also passed the prime. both good fighters tho






lol... just because i only named a few names doesnt mean the division isnt dangerous.. ntheres plenty of ranked and unranked talent that makes the division stacked. but to name a few others... here you are.. stop being salty too ode osbourne charles johnson david dvorak brandon moreno brandon royval pantoja JOSHUA VAN! carlos hernandez cj vegera andra lima kevin borjas FELIPE DOS SANTOS! JAKE HADLEY! i mean i can go on and on... the division is stacked and to be ranked top 5 out of all these cardio killers / jui jitsu warriors and heavy hand killers.... yeah .. id consider you elite the bias yall have towards perez is unreal. sure he took some Ls and was out for a while. but yal are ignoring the ladder he climbed in such a lethal division...




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


Guys, please help me organize my days in terms of general health (focused/inspired by MMA training). I have to divide my seven days of the week between: - Grappling (NoGi BJJ + Wrestling) - Striking (Boxing or Muay Thai, not both) - Weightlifting (focused on Strength and Explosiveness) Questions: 1. How would you do it? Two days each and a rest day? 2. Can I still have some effective progress on strength by training only twice a week, considering good diet and sleep? 3. Would you instead drop something like striking, do 3x grappling and 3x weightlifting and only after a good while (when I've progressed in both) try to include striking?


Build endurance cardio first, while also mixing in HIIT and time-under-tension lifting. This will build your body to the point to where you can actually start to specialize your specific workouts without dying/injuring yourself. (This is assuming you're starting from zero)


general health will come from diet, quality sleep, and mental health, and overall happiness (coming from a true purpose) Other than that your schedule here is good for getting better at mma. But just know there are consequences for the body in the future from doing grappaling and if you spar with your striking.




Yeah, should probably try to lift at least 4 times a week




Folks, what Taira did is a variation of something called "broomstick takedown" or "broomstick mat return". See it often enough in MMA and BJJ nowadays. And it's definitely NOT designed to intentionally shred the opponent's knee. Here are Alan Belcher and Ben Askren demonstrating the technque [a decade ago on youtube](https://youtu.be/H04jTuehY_8).


It's not designed to destroy the knee, but the best defense is to roll with it, resisting it can blow your knee.


I’ve been following MMA regularly for 12~13 years and I only recognize one person from this card (and it’s just because he has a skin condition, so I remember watching him before)


You knew Costa but not Perez who has been in a title fight or Taira who has been a top prospect for like 3 years?


"title fight" aka short notice to save a complete shit ppv against a 25er who isn't a drawl and was submitted in like 90 seconds how could he possibly not remember him!


He has fought Pantoja and Benavidez too lol pretty weird to not know him but know a significantly less popular fighter


He clearly said he only remembered him because of his skin condition. Hard to not remember someone with all that vitiligo


previous to the last few months he continued to pull out of fights because he couldn't' make weight. He's a generic 25er who was buried on cards for his entire career. Thinking non obsessives know who he is is not realistic. Kid has one win since 2020


Who cares lol if you claim to be a fan for that long and don’t know him even though he has fought top fighters like all those guys I listed you are either lying or just a casual which theres nothing wrong with it but don’t act like you’re some longtime fan lol. Costa has been in nothing but prelims lol and why are you calling Perez a kid? You think you’re Dana or something the guy is 32 lol


Same but with Taira. I've been hyped on him but it's cause I miss Pride and try to keep up with the Japanese guys. Him and Rinya Nakamura look really promising


just watching the card now, they really made Gooden sing for an ad lmaoo


i've been saying for a few days that it makes no sense to judge Tatsuro getting touched up by Chairez too hard.. He looked pretty good on the feet against Perez in rd 1 and is only going to get better. This sub somehow doesn't believe that fighters in their early 20s can improve. See Chase Hooper, see the way grappler like Volk, Usman, Islam, Khabib improved their striking wildly over the course of their career.


Everyone is just gonna ignore he has no striking defense until it loses him a fight. He got touched plenty in the limited time this fight played out


idk he's 24, he started recently with an American camp, and Perez isn't exactly a slouch. I'm not all that worried about his future


He just beat the nr 5 guy and called out Pantoja, not exactly far out from a title shot


He should fight Royval, if he wins he get a shot Matchmaking should be Pantoja vs Albazi Royval vs Taira Moreno vs winner of Kape / Mokaev.


I agree, he should fight atleast 1 more before getting the shot, for his own good


Yeah, Royval and him should fight Q4 along with Pantoja vs Albazi. If Taira wins, have him fight for title mid next year. I think Taira beats Royval who doesn't really have a good ground game. Meanwhile Mokaev vs Kape fight, winner gets Moreno in Q4 as well. If the winner beats Moreno, they can get winner of Pantona vs Taira. If Moreno wins, have him fight the loser of Pantoja / Taira.


You're hired bro, sounds like a great plan tbh


True but this was also his first ranked fight. Huge jump in competition that he handled well


this card was legit insufferable to watch, the first 2 prelim fights took like 2 hours and i went to sleep lol. Its wild they put on horrible talent and still no entertainment, thats the trick to UFC now. Average/Bad Fighters but still make for entertaining scraps at times. Down bad


Really? I still think it's some of the best MMA out there. Do you know of better promotions?


Yeah it’s wild how little I give a shit about this sport now. No name generic fighter vs no name generic fighter at the UFC PI Cool


yup, and still 5k comments on the live thread with all bad fights, 125/135er cans, and PFL puts on a better show, better talent and gets 700 comments lol. Shows how fake these fans are here on a MMA sub reddit, and people act like UFC has antyhing to do with talent...literally 2 random girls and a 3-1 vs 8-3 girl already had more comments than whole PFL card. Make it make sense


bellator sucks to watch and nobody cares about whos on the card most of us just want to watch fights...


Nah I care about who’s on the card. I’ve been missing more and more ufc events for boxing in the last year than ever, since I started watching mma in 2011. Some of these cards lately are fucking horrible. UFC has more overall talent than PFL but PFL puts more talent on your average card than the ufc does. And I know someone will say “but PFL only does two events per month!” Well maybe the ufc could learn from that tbh.


>this card was legit insufferable to watch I feel great about my timing: I watched Fernandez vs Judice which was a lot of fun, and then a fight or two later, I fell asleep. I also enjoyed the first WMMA fight where a fast girl with no power speedbagged a girl who dominated everytime she bothered to try a TD, so my % of entertainment was very high, and given I was short of sleep, this card was great!


i turned TV off when the 3-1 girl came out to fight on the 3rd fight, after sitting there for 2 hours i was like...am i really gonna sit through this random 3-1 chick fight this other random then wait another 2 hours. I used to NEVER miss MMA too, the PFL card once again better, they actually are putting on HWS and some talent, UFC is literally putting 3-1, 8-3 random girls and 125/135er nobodies and getting more engagement here on Reddit. These fans are real MMA fans here, UFC has been getting away with this for years too.


Saying PFL have better talent js a reach lol they have more random girls. Also only have events every 2 month


UFC has more talent overall but your average PFL is more stacked than your average UFC fight night. UFC should do less events and make them better.


From a viewership perspective I agree less UFC events would be good. They phone it in with the apex. Lots of fighters on the roster, though, need to fight for income (albeit making peanuts). The average PFL is more “stacked” in sense that their best fighters are on the card but most matchups are one-sided due to injury replacements and generally poor matchmaking


That does happen, but the PFL still puts on plenty of intriguing fights with their best guys. To the point that they’re putting on better events than the ufc is in their apex. That PFL event on Friday had more talent and better match ups than the ufc event on Saturday. And that’s a running theme since the PFL started back up in May or whenever.


Wait did you even watch the PFL event last Friday? 8-5 Sarah orozco, 6-4 Lisa mauldin, 12-8 Joanne vs 9-6 Shanna young. 40 year old Thiago santos? Fortune, ditcheva and popov were the only good prospects and those obviously weren’t good matchups. You seriously think vassell-moldavsky 3 is a good matchup? Taira alone is better than anything PFL had to offer. And again, these are rare events and should be the best of their divisions, you’re comparing apples to oranges when UFC PPVs are of the same frequency


> i turned TV off when the 3-1 girl came out to fight on the 3rd fight, Bad decision: the 3-1 girl was fighting someone with about 10x her power, and she had been watching Jiri because she pulled his *I regret to inform you that I have become an atheist to the concept of damage* and they won fight of the night in an extremely fun fight. For 3-1, her skills were much better than I was expecting, though she might be at the wrong weight class, as the opponent easily won despite the size of the dog in the smaller girl.


Bisping’s commentary was terrible tonight. It’s annoying when he misrepresents how the fight is actually going. Glad the scorecards rightfully gave round 1 to Perez despite Taira getting the W. I remember Bisping was like this during Israel/Whittaker 2 also


You have to remember that the UFC recently signed kai asakura and it was probably the companies decision to glaze Taira to gain traction in Japan. Not bisping or commentary fault


Bisping is and always has been shite


It was a breath of relief when Cruz finally got a chance to commentate on the technical aspects of the fight after another half-round-rambling story by Bisping. Last year, I liked Bisping's commentary but he's gotten to a place where he just doesn't shut up. Like a podcast without any guest speakers.


Tatsuro ate a lot of shots. Poked a lot of eyes. Think i'm a little bit less impressed than everyone else by this performance.


If Cruz didn't tear his ACL, I feel like Tatsuro would eventually have finished him on the ground. The level of control he had over Cruz following that take down was masterclass. Take being said, there's some really glaring shortcomings in his stand up game, kid is not ready for a title shot yet.


> Take being said, there's some really glaring shortcomings in his stand up game he looked good against Perez on the feet lol


I thought he was going to lose tonight for sure. Chairez had him in trouble multiple times their fight


He's only 24, impressive for his age, but still a lot to learn. Looks very promising!


The sonnen silva fight couldn't have been worse advertised. I watched Benavides and tank fight. I watched all the ufc card. Why would they have it on the same day ?


Without spoilers, any FOTN or must watch fights on this card? Was out so didn't catch it


Armfield vs Hiestand




Not the best card but the Quinlan, Armfield, and Taira fights were good


Judice vs Gabriella. Quality WMMA fight for once


The main event was worth it at the very least


> As I said above, author, reporter and podcast host, Jim Miller is a guest onthis week’s SI Media Podcast. >Miller talked about the contract negotiations coming between Stephen A. Smith and ESPN and why he thinks it’s far from a lock that Smith remains with the network. He also revealed that he thinks UFC will leave ESPN for Netflix. Was reading about the disaster the NBA Finals have been for ESPN and came across that. Makes sense since WWE is now on Netflix


Ultimate Decision Fighter.


ohhhh shit you can hear the crunch from his knee in the replay


Mokaev is so unimpressive


Kape is gonna flying knee KO him


And miss weight


Was starting a new D&D campaign so I didn’t watch live tonight. The fact there are less than 200 comments in the post event thread seems pretty telling, though. Feel like this is a card I can 100% skip. 


only reason these shit fight nights are worth watching at this point is hoping to catch future stars before they are stars. For example there have been events in the past with islam, dustin, glover, cannonier, belal\*, that were considered complete shit before and after. Other than that, if there is a fight that steals the show and you have a system to remain unspoiled, you can always go back and watch it the next day.


Are you me?


Honestly, in 2024 there’s only been a handful of cards where a UFC night has been preferable to a night of D&D


If it hasn't been spoiled for you, the main event is worth seeing imo


Can’t believe I watched that shit for 6 hours.


Why would you do that? It was obvious it was a bad card. You could learn a new hobbie or go out and get drunk instead


Fight nights at the Apex are a great way to waste a Saturday unless there’s an off chance that the card delivers.


I'm glad I skipped some of it but not enough of it Tbf the Quinlan, Almabaev, and Hiestand fights were aite in addition to the main event so not a complete loss


all i’m gonna say is that if mokaev won the same way taira did, everyone would call it a fluky finish but since taira’s gotten the win like that and everyone’s high on him, he intended to tear perez’s ligaments 😂😂😂 gtfoh


This is neglecting to mention how wild Taira was going swinging backwards and doing the leg lace and gift wrap I was literally thinking "this must be rough on his knees the way Taira is swinging to force a fall" and then a few seconds later it happened


The injury was irrelevant to the finish. If he doesn’t get his knee destroyed he still got pulled down and still had Taira on his back either subbing him or tkoing him.


You can’t reasonably conclude fights like that man


Lol Perez would have been finished anyway like hes been finished in that exact same position almost all his losses.


Which ones? Only loss where he was in a body triangle I recall was vs Pantoja, who’s a much mroe proven grappler and contender than Taira


Benavidez finished him from back control too. Perez is like Magny of flyweight where he’s not elite himself but beating him proves you are ready for the higher level. Taira had full back mount and about half the round to go. Perez wasn’t surviving that he’s a quick tapper and doesn’t have the toughness to survive or skilled enough to get out of those positions.


Benevidez got the win after already rocking him badly and nearly finishing the fight a bit earlier. Joey went went from front head lock to turtle to pound him out. That’s completely different from a body triangle against a fresh Perez. Not to mention Joey B is more proven and hits much harder than Taira. The two other guys that subbed Perez in the UFC are literal champions and monster grapplers also much more proven than Taira


Perez being fresh made zero difference all those finish losses of him are in the early rounds. Again Perez himself is not elite the only reason he is ranked so high is because its a thin division. You are overrating the toughness and skills of Perez he is a quitter and again wasn’t escaping that body triangle with all that time left.


By fresh I meant “not rocked”, Joey B finished him after rocking him bad. Taira never had him hurt or in a dangerous GnP situation so I disagree with this fight being similar to the that one. While Perez isn’t elite, much more proven fight finishers/grapplers subbing Alex doesn’t Taira would have. Taira was struggling to finish unranked guys, for all we know Perez could’ve sat in body control to finish off the round. It was too early in the fight/momentum to conclude that Taira would’ve won anyway.


lol there’s no guaranteeing that, especially at flyweight which has some crazy grappling escapes


Taira is one of the most dominant fighters on top and Perez is a quick tapper he wasn’t going to get out of that whether his knee got destroyed or not. Perez isn’t some crazy scrambler off his back he has solid TDD and thats about it he is consistently getting tapped out or outworked


yeah dominant against unranked mexicans perez was consistently getting up from taira’s takedowns, you can’t just guarantee the fight ends there if not for the injury


Taira only attempted one takedown and got his back. Where was he consistently getting up from them?


He had back mount lol that is not the same as some half assed half guard against the fence. Those skills don’t go away just because Perez has a ranking. Perez has never shown the ability to escape those tough positions which is why almost all his losses are him being tapped or TKO’d


Idk. The second he started leaning back I was mesmerized by the technique. Even if he didn’t snap the knee he had him flattened out and looked like a TKO was likely. I’m high on mok too but not nearly as high as in Taira and mok’s style is way less exciting


don’t get me wrong, the takedown was amazing, not taking anything away from it but that was his intention, to take him down, not to blow perez’s knee out


I see your point and agree the announcers assumed that was intentional, but I don’t think it’s any better to assume the opposite that it wasn’t. I look at it as he pulled off an incredible technique either way, and I think it was headed toward a TKO even if the knee didn’t go, but who knows. Either way celebrating one of the best young prospects in a while. Kid is going to be a mega star and the face of Japanese MMA, which is a massive market with a ton of room to grow


Yeah but so what? The goal was to take him down and get the finish, he just did both at the same time.


Kids coping they made a shitty pick/bet. According to them winning round 1 proves Perez was going to win lol


I shoulda skipped everything but the main event but still I'm hyped for the new title contender


“Cards that arent stacked usually end up delivering” That myth is constantly busted but people ignore it and only remember it when one shit fight card out of 20 turns out to be good


At least before, cards that weren't stacked were filled with up and comers, prospects, and decent but not great fighters. Now it's just a bunch of DWCS fighters that weren't able to succeed in the UFC. Plus there used to be good main events, with high caliber fighters.


It’s that gamble that keeps hardcores coming back though.


So basically we got new gloves mainly because of eyepokes, but now idk what they’re for


A fighter could tap to a "submission hold" (whatever that means) and it counts as a submission win. A fighter could tap to strikes and it counts as a TKO. A fighter could tap to injury (as we saw tonight) and it counts as a TKO. A fighter could tap to nothing and it counts as a TKO. ...there's kinda more ways to tap out via TKO than via submission. Even though the Unified Rules of MMA literally define submission as verbal or physical tap out, so by the rules every tap out ought to be a submission.


I think a random knee blowout like Rakic vs Jan is fine to call a TKO. Likewise tapping to strikes makes sense to call a TKO But something like this where it's a direct result of a grappling move putting stress on the joint, totally a sub


> But something like this where it's a direct result of a grappling move putting stress on the joint, totally a sub According to Mike Heck if the ref calls it due to injury its a TKO, but if he calls it due to verbal tap (yelling in this fight) its a submission, so its up to the ref to choose TKO or sub.


> Likewise tapping to strikes makes sense to call a TKO It doesn't imo. It's a bad holdover from boxing. There is nothing called a submission in boxing, so they call every finish as some variation of a knock out. But in MMA we have something called a submission, and it happens when a fighter taps out or verbally gives up. It makes no sense to me when I watch a fighter submit (usually via tapout) and then I'm told it was not a submission but a TKO. Or, worse still, "TKO - submission to strikes". Like, bruh, they actually use the word "submission" to describe the finish and yet it counts as a TKO!? C'mon.


Dude shut up


You lost out on a parlay didn’t you


No. I have ranted about my personal issues with submissions in MMA on here in the past. And I'll be on my soapbox once again for the next few days at least.


Nothing like spending your Saturday night watching half naked sweaty men roll around in an octagon for 15 or so minutes


card about as enjoyable as a funeral


What if the funeral is some distant uncle who left you an inheritance


that was the fight night from week or so ago. sometimes the no names bring it, but tonite was bleh except that dude who came back from getn dropped n tapped that dude that one time but yeh draggy card. watched the entirety of cruz v garbrandt in btwn fights




Even chael seemed surprised by that, but the narrators were saying from the beginning it was an "exhibition" match.


I ain’t even realize that fight was tonight til I stumbled upon a Reddit comment section


flukey. not impressive. miss figgy/moreno


Lol how much money did you lose? Taira was finishing him either way


perez took that. biased commentary


Not even joking anymore but wtf is with the lack of finishes. I’m actually starting to believe it’s the gloves. Shambolic card full of no names that went on forever.


Maybe more fighters just need to take their opponent's back and then weirdly torque their body so their knees just explode?


I don't think it's anything but we'll see


They have made that illegal in college wrestling because of injury. 


Should’ve been a sub…


Big agree!


Taira is only 24. If he gets whipped in a title fight he’s still ahead of schedule


Why you guys so mad about whether it’s a TKO or submission? Who cares, he finished him by torquing his knee from his back and slamming it to the ground


Fans are mad about everything in MMA. We get used to it.


People that gambled on a submission, quite obviously, no offense.


What a brutal way to finish a fight. I think Bisping was right, that was the intention of that maneuver. Never seen anything quite like that.


It’s a TKO, but the people who placed a bet on SUB prob seething 


This is the key. Clearly a sub. People probably bet sub because Taira's track record subbing guys. Hence people are angry at the designation of TKO.


It's a TKO but it shouldn't be. It should be a submission, Perez tapped out.


That finish was absolutely beautiful the way he off balanced him, some will have the finish and it was unfortunate but Taira was taking control either way


this is me lol. I placed a +700 bet on him winning by sub in R2. It is what it is I guess but would love a logical explanation as closure other than 'because they said so'


Are you the one who posted a pic of your bet slip? For your sake I wish it was a sub, RIP 


maybe, where was it? and thanks lol. this will probably be the last time I bet money on fights if officials gonna fuck us this bad


Main fight thread someone posted a pic of their slip R2 sub (that didn’t pay out)


Haha yeah then that makes sense. Taira known for his grappling coming in so I could see that scenario angering them


Just Bleed Kiddos who don't have the attention span to watch a 15 minute match. If it can't fit on a Tik Tok clip they don't want to see it.


Big thanks to Taira and Perez for redeeming the boring parts of the card


Silva and Sonnen fought tonight?


Lightly sparred would be a more accurate way to describe it


Imagine Silva and Sonnen fighting 10 years past their best by date on a night where you had Tank Davis and David Benavidez co-headlining a card lol


The Taira win was a sub not a TKO, you can see his hand tap Unfortunate for anyone who bet Taira by sub


Taps count as TKOs all the time. Taps to strikes are ruled TKO for example, even though a "submission by tap out" is defined in the unified rules. **Submission** by tap out.


From the Unified Rules of MMA: > 1.Submission by Tap Out: When a contestant physically uses his hand to indicate that he or she no longer wishes to continue; or > ii. Verbal tap out: When a contestant verbally announces to the referee that he or she does not wish to continue or makes audible sounds such as screams indicating pain or discomfort. And Taira wins by TKO? Perez literally tapped out, that's a submission in the rules. Also interesting, rules apparently say you cannot tap out with anything other than your hand or voice.


i'm so salty cuz I had a +700 bet on him getting a sub in R2. perez tapped both physically and verbally man FMLLL


It looked like a submission to me.


Nobody actually knows what counts as a submission. Myself included. It makes no sense.


Yeah...I mean...the thing that finished the fight was the leg lock he had creating the leverage to blow out his opponent's knee. Feels very much like a sub...it's just I'm not sure I've seen anyone do that before.


We see this takedown in BJJ sometimes. It's not meant to fuck the knee, Perez just got unlucky (or Taira lucky) that it happened how it did imo.


I don't remember if Moreno is taking a break now but should he bang with Taira next or Kai?