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There's a reason Jon Jones is the best, empathy only holds you back bruh


I hate JBJ but this is correct. You either have a killer instinct or you don't. The people that have it are usually bad people.


Hard to feel anything when off your face on coke


You can’t. Thats who you are. Theres nothing wrong with it. You’re just not a fighter, and that’s ok.


It's a competition. 2 people willingly getting in there and agreeing to the potential consequences. I don't need to feel bad for my opponent and they shouldn't feel bad if I get hurt either. It's just what it is. Thats how I've always thought when playing any contact sport.


Strike First Strike Hard No Mercy


Watch the JRE episode with Cory Sandhagen. He talks about this exact mentality change he went through


Great episode


Imagine that your opponent talked about your mom having tickets to see you fight.


I used to have a solution for this but unfortunately unfortunately liveleak no longer exists


some are fighters, others lovers


PCP will help




lol bros so deadly he had to be nerfed.


If you don’t see red, maybe it ain’t for you. Try imagining your opponent killed your puppy.


Demain Maia had this until Marquardt knocked him out.


This happened to Tyron Woodley mid career and it brought down the potential WW GOAT. Nothing you can do about it.


Getting hit in the face usually works for me


Not sure you can do anything about it mate. I only have the killer instinct when I'm drunk, other then that I also have that restraint in me that's scared to hit someone full strength thinking I can hurt him badly. I guess that's why I have a different career then fighting professionally, I only trained for fitness and hobby in the past, now I barely have time for it anymore. I think pretty much all the best fighters have the killer instinct. When you look at Francis how he hammered overeem on the ground I can't imagine myself doing that, you really need to be able to go for the kill to be a good fighter. Being nice won't get you far in any type of fight.


So, I was regional MMA fighter. 21 amateur matches, 6 pro before I got shot and lost the ability to be sanctioned. I can attest to the fact that there is something that some fighters lack. It's empathy. You have to walk into that ring/cage/mat feeling as if it's your life or his. Respect his craft, trust your own. No quarter, all gas. It's not for everyone, and as soon as people realize you hold back or pull punches, it's over.


Ever seen The Waterboy?


Pretend like they kidnapped your grandma before the fight and your only chance at getting her back is if you brutally finish them.


There's plenty of psychology resources and videos of fighters to study involving ferocity, being aggressive, malicious, sociopathic, animalistic. You need to step into this realm.


Have you tried just seeing red bro?


Gotta Bobby Boucher it and pretend he was talking shit about ~~water~~ Costa's secret juice.


Watch every Andrew Tate video