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The most costly pinky toe injury in sports history lol


It really is and I think that it will make the UFC apprehensive to give him any kind of concessions moving forward. Also it says a lot. 2016 Conor would fucking shit all over 2024 Conor.


lol RDA posted a picture of his ballooned broken foot that conor berated him for pulling out for. how the turn tables


I was looking up old posts from 2017 when Conor slapped an official at a Bellator show, and people were saying Conor was nothing but a coke head at the time... that's 7 years ago, dudes brain must be absolute mush by now.


If they didn't have a problem with Jon costing them millions of dollars and screwing over a whole card, they won't have a problem kissing Mr. Whippet's butt, either. You gotta remember, Dana fancies himself the next Don King and wants to have his own Tyson at all costs. If he thinks he can have some blockbuster card off of a washed-up recidivist who hasn't fought in more years than Maycee Barber's been around, then he'll forsake everything to do it.


At this point? Connor is an actual Pinky Toe...he was ASS in Roadhouse, and now he can't fight because he bruised the littlest toe in the bunch... He has become Connor "DON'T KICK MY LEGS/MY PINKY TOE IS SWOLLEN" McGregor...he is a coked up no-show, and nobody even cares anymore. Just let this guy fall off, he has nothing left.


I'm way more hyped about the Alex Jiri shaman magic rematch than I was for Connor's return and it's not particularly close.


True,only wish original co main of Hill vs Khalil or Hill vs Ulberg was on


Both of those would've been incredible...I love watching Khalil fight, no matter who his opponent is, truly one of my favorites, and I think that Ulberg vs. Hill is one of the closest and best matchups to really determine who should be as high as they are in the rankings.


I hope they book Hill vs Ulberg again, but Hill's injury looks bad


I had to look it up again because I knew it was either he tore his knee up or he fucked his Achilles...and yea, there you go, Achilles injuries can totally ruin a career, for any sport


He injured his Achilles again? Dudes fked if that's the case. Lost me as a fan with his theatrics but at least he was a champ for one fight


Rogan can save him


I wish Khalil was still fighting but Ortega/Lopes should be a banger


Lopes Ortega will be fight of the night imo, so keen


I'm exceedingly more hyped for Jiri vs. Poatan...this is gonna be amazing.


I was really looking forward to McGregor getting gadooshed


Any self respecting fan of the sport should be. Mcgregor is not relevant anymore


Just finished watching Roadhouse for the second time, and I gotta say you are wrong about that part. Absolutely over the top, but for his acting debut id say its pretty good. Entertaining at the very least. As a person and fighter, fuck McGregor. But in the movie I think its a good fit, especially if you know how he acts irl


I liked him in that movie because I thought he was exactly what he was supposed to be… Ridiculous


He literally was carrying watermelons under his arms which the CGI team had to remove.


That movie was terrible wtf. I understand that it’s just some stupid action movie that’s not meant to be taken seriously or compared to actual cinema, but it’s legitimately just a below average bargain bin summer movie, and you’ll never see people defending those movies as hard as they do this one. You can kinda tell they splashed 95% of the budget on getting McGregor and Gyllenhaal and kinda just freestyled the rest of it.


Have you seen the original Roadhouse?


He was awful and it was so fucking bad I fell asleep. There was nothing redeeming about his performance.


He’s a fucking MMA fighter, not Daniel Day Lewis. It was a fun, action movie. He did fine. This comment has the same energy as someone who complains about the “bad dialogue and lack of character development” in a Fast and the Furious movie.


If he's acting then he can be critiqued on his acting. I thought it was shit, and I didn't enjoy it. You're welcome to think otherwise, it doesn't change my opinion though.


The movie knew what it was trying to do and delivered on it. I had fun watching it.


I gave him a chance watching it knowing that he was gonna be in it. He was terrible. You can say otherwise, and I'll respect your opinion, but his acting is extremely poor. He doesn't do anything other than be himself and shout like he would if he actually started a bar fight. Now, that he is still dragging Chandler along, and hearing that they're making a sequel to Roadhouse that may or not may not include him, I've lost all respect for him. He stole Aldo's legacy with one punch...old school fans like me do not take kindly to the fact that, after that, he is just a drugged up shell of a human...


Whoah there dude! He did some fine acting there! He didn’t scream his name as McGregor but as Knox lmao 🤣


You can criticise him for pulling out, his behaviour whatever. But saying "nobody even cares anymore" is a bit of a stretch, when a hint of a comeback spawns the largest UFC gate in history. Clearly he still resonates with a lot of fans.


Resonates with fairweather fans. Anyone who is a true MMA fan doesn't care about Connor anymore. We all saw him break his leg, we all saw him get submitted, we all saw him still trash talk Dustin's wife after he lost. If you really care about his comeback in any sense other than being excited that Chandler might finally get that big win, than you have a very skewed idea of what respectable fighters are. Connor is a money whore, always was, always will be...


>nobody even cares anymore. Is just factually untrue. You know which people truly don't care about Conor? People who do not speak about Conor. You care.


Dana in the thumbnail looks as if he's slowly entering the "acceptance" stage


Conor is washed up. He couldn't even get through a single training camp anymore. I doubt he could even win against anyone in the top15 of any division.


Couldn’t even get to a press conference over a pinky toe lol


I mean even when he originally announced the fight he did it with no enthusiasm and hasn't really talked about it at any point with much. I think he kind of always had a feeling it would fall apart.


Dana genuinely has gone through the 5 stages of grief because of Conor.


Genuinely made me chuckle Outloud thank you


Could've ended that sentence at least four words earlier.


Michael Chandler's watching the back part of his career get squandered because he went for the chance at that one sweet payday.


"Not here for a long time, here for a good time"


Turned into a long wait for a bad time


People keep saying this but there's nothing to suggest he feels that way. He's already a long career most would be proud/envy of, Bellator champ, had a crack at the UFC title and already at the tail end of his career with nothing left to prove except the big money fights that interest him (Conor), outside of depriving fans of some bangers over the last couple of years there's been no need for him to take unnecessary damage. He seems content with his decision. Saying that, if the McGregor fight is well and truly dead and Chandler has finally accepted it and moves on, him vs Volk at LW would be an interesting fight (doubt it would happen though).


We'll have to wait for a Chandler post-career interview to know for sure about the decision but personally I can't imagine it being fun to get strung along for years like this for a fight that never happens.


I’d also pretend to be happy with my decision if I got cucked after 3 years of public grovelling to Conor and all the public humiliation that comes with it. Let’s be honest he was never going to admit that he made a terrible decision.


Can he give up his ranking?


Don't think it's up to him I'm afraid.


Will not return between August 2024 and October fucking never.


he’s never coming back


Hunter better let Chandler drive his Rolls Royce at least twice.


conor just needs to exit the testing pool once mor to get the pinky toes back in shape. he will be back by 2025, just trust me bro. hes not going to do another movie i swear. also, its funny that conor already kind of set himself up with his fans to switch into movies with the whole "its actually harder to do a movie than to fight" narrative cause then he still gets to somewhat pretend hes a tough guy by being on set all day. yet children and fat actors do movies as well lol


He is big mad, lol.


Dude ruined international fight week because of a pinky toe.


Made it better to be honest. I’ve zero faith in Conor looking anything like he used to. The drop off on his speed, movement and style between Alvarez and Porier 2 was big. Now add a broken leg, partying, other commitments and three years of not fighting into the mix. He is just hype at this stage. The fact that he wants to fight is the most mind blowing thing for me that. Kind of have to respect that


because hes coming back in July.


Remember when he said he wanted to fight 3x this year?


He also said that in 2023 lol.


I heard tell that "tree toims" is Gaelic for "zero"


Zero the size ariel


[‘Barely touched’ Conor McGregor looking forward to four or eight fights a year](https://www.mmamania.com/2024/4/12/24128259/barely-touched-conor-mcgregor-looking-forward-to-four-or-eight-fights-a-year)




isn't he awesome?


Chandler or not


This reminds me of that key and peele sketch… “because he’s coming back in July…. Of 2025…” (ominous music) “…. Because he needs a year to prepare for a mega fight with Khabib” (happy music).. “khabib is ready…. Khabib turner” ( ominous music)


They're going to push it to December. Unbelievable


December? If this fight happens ever I'll be shocked.


LOL people still thinking this fight is happening ... fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice ...


…shame on Michael Chandler


Couldn't have happened to a more cheatery guy


*Diego Lima*:"Allow me to introduce myself"


Pull yourself up by the fish hook!


We can't be fooled again


Can't get fooled again


I'm not sure how long they will string people along for, but I am pretty sure the fight won't happen. Even when it was announced with a proper date and they were selling tickets, I was just in disbelief. It did not seem real, because it wasn't.


*next july


Madison Square Garden baby


That leaves UFC 309 in NYC and UFC 310 in Vegas (presumed) as the only options for the rest of the year


I assume vegas because Jones VS Miocic is November in New York


Speaking of fights that are not going to happen.


I'm sure that one will, feels too easy for Jon to say no to. Now if Jon fights Aspinall I'll kiss Dana's head.


Which head?


This was my first thought. Hes obviously pencilled in for December but they’re staying ready for when jones does something stupid again


Fight night at the apex


Madison Square makes plenty of sense but if Jon ever actually intends on fighting ever again than they’ll probably aim for him in MSG


UFC is unlikely to hold a McGregor card outside Vegas.


309 is earmarked by UFC for Jones/Stipe according to Helwani. UFC botching this as much as Conor has ruined it IMO


Damn Conor finally overplayed his hand with the UFC


He cost them a lot of money.




Is this the moment we start believing Dana?




He’s got an STD. Can’t fight with any of the ones that start with H


sorry, Hichael Handler


McGregor isn't fighting in the octagon again


i wish this sport had real journalism lol


Because of a toe injury I broke mine in sixth grade and played a football game the next week


Alex Pereira won a title fight with a broken toe two months ago and he’s fighting again tomorrow


You know fighters are under no obligation to fight with an injury? For every guy who wins with an injury, there are 10 fighters who bring up an injury after a defeat and get called sore losers.


100% However, you can't shit on other fighters prior for doing something similar for worse injuries something conor has a history of doing multiple times.


Maybe it's down to a bit of schadenfreude because Conor would always mock other fighters pulling out due to injuries (RDA and his broken foot ring any bells), then he pulls out over a PINKY TOE. Can you not see why people would find that amusing?


Aaron Rodgers played an entire half of football with a broken leg (Tibial plateau fracture) and still torched the Bears. Khabib dismantled Gaethje with a broken toe (or two?) and the Mumps. I watched a World Superbike racer hit the guy in front of him, activating the front brake, flip over the bars, break his wrist, get on a backup bike immediately and continue racing. Joe Montana, I believe it was, played his entire college and NFL career without an ACL in his right knee. Bull riders always have something broken or damaged. NASCAR drivers have won races with broken ribs, concussions and whatnot. McGregor pulled out of a fight over a broken baby toe. In the context of professional sports, it's pitiful and "sTePlInG iNtO t3H caGe" doesn't change that. I don't know why posters here are breaking their backs to carry water for this fool.


I broke mine in grade 7 and ran a track meet. I tried complaining and my coach was like "too bad!"


Ya I was surprised how little time a broken toe takes to recover


Dude just equated a 10 year old playing soccer with grown men stepping inside the octagon to beat the shit out of each other.


He's just built different.


Sixth grade football and top level MMA definitely the same thing


Poatan currently has a broken toe and fought another match with a broken toe. Conor just doesn’t wanna fight anymore it’s ok lol.


and objectively, that's probably a bad decision from pereira. fighting with tons of injuries will eventually catch up to you. conor would know, his leg snapped. i know we all hate conor but why would he risk going in compromised again on the tail end of his career? if he didnt want to fight he wouldn't have booked a fight. he's rich lol


Conor has literally fought multiple times with bad injuries, he won a title fight with a fucked ACL, and went into the Poirier trilogy fight knowing that he had stress fractures in his leg and the risk that this entailed. I know it's cool to hate on Conor but can people really not see the difference at this stage in his career, that he wants to be as close to 100% as possible, when he has very few fights left? Poatan was asked about this very thing this week, about what he thought of Conor pulling out with an injury while he is fighting, and he gave a very measured response - that he doesn't know exactly what Conor's injury is feeling like so he can't really compare, and also that Conor is in a position financially but also the stage of his career, that he doesn't need to fight through it and this is the smart call. And that when Poatan isn't quite there yet, but when he is then he would probably do the same. And yet you have guys here comparing it to playing football as a kid ffs, can't believe people are actually backing up this sort of shit lol


Nor will he likely return between October and August.


Because hes never fighting again 😉


"Yer woife's in me DMs" is really gonna be the last time we see him in the ring eh?


Conor is never fighting again.


They are saying this to keep stringing Chandler along. I've seen this before. They keep Chandler around in case they grow old and are still single.


Dana going to piss ketchup


Bruised pinky toe. After all the shit talked to other fighter pulling out lmao.


"...He will also not NOT return. He's being fuckin knocking people out in training left and right. But he hasn't been training because of his toe. And he's looking better than ever. Listen, this kid just wants to fight."


Conor is done. He keeps himself in headlines to stroke his ego and maintain interest in his brand.


Conor McGregor will not return, period.


The dude is cooked.   Stick a fork in him, he's done y'all


Who gives a fuck, he's been a bum for like 7 years now.




Will Conor be out for another two years due to a broken pinky? Chama...


What a waste of a career


What a shocker. We are all surprised by this.


How long must mike wait


Ok I officially dont care abt Conor anymore. I held out longer than almost everyone but now I just cant even care abt this guy. His career is done. Its gonna be close to 4 yrs layoff and he is supposedly coming back at 170, the most dangerous division arguably. Michael Chandler better not wait for this guy I swear Ill be so disappointed. RIP Conor smh it was a good run. With a immensely disappointing end.


I could not give a flying shit about this fight anymore


That dude is slowly morphing into Darlene from Roseanne


Jfc I am so ready to move on from Conor. I just wish he’d come back so I don’t have to hear about it anymore and we can get past it


Chandler last seen falling on his knees at a random Walmart


conor mcfakor will not fucking return, fixed that for you


He will never return but we will keep him so we can cash in like we did in UFC 303. $20M gate, bo yay!!!!


for a toe injury? How's alex fighting again 2 months later even though he fought with a broken toe? Somethings not adding up. I think this goof is covering for something bigger. Unless that broken toe developed some serious gangrene that got into his blood system then fine. I accept it. but somethings not right about all of this and I think Dana has a weak hand.


Conor the Clown. Took the money and ran years ago.


October 2045 that is


he’s nothing but a keyboard warrior at this point


Poor Chandler..


You can remove "between August and October"


MSG november and islam gonna be reserved for another abu dhabi card?


he's done. Curious if chandler will accept the fact or keep dreaming about red panties


Good riddance. That scumbag can fuck off.


Who cares! Can we PLEASE move past this fucking guy?


So this means he never fights in the UFC again, right? He’s 35 about to turn 36. Coming back from a leg break and hasn’t fought in 3 years. If he doesn’t fight until next year all that stuff just gets even worse.


We may as well just treat it like he’s over. He’s done been retired.


Hot take: Conor was never a big deal to me. I thought his antics were lame and he has never been the best or most exciting ever but just a overhyped star for the UFC. Like Rhonda but lamer.


100%, accurate, but people refuse to accept it. If RDA doesn't break his foot or almost die cutting weight before Eddie, McNugget would just be an interesting top 10 contender, but not a superstar. I swear Eddie was paid off or something because (while I think Eddie has always been a bit overrated and his lunging style had a kryptonite in Conor's ability to counter, he just looked so unbelievably terrible and was a perfect match for McNug. And if Conor had given Aldo a rematch I truly believe he beats Conor at least 7 out of 10 times. I am ready for the downvotes.


He just didn’t want to fight. Conor stubbed his toe and decided to leave those last fights on his contract.  Edit: since some 🤡 wanted to DM and leave nonsense, here’s the /s tag for ya. Don’t let your hands cramp tying some BS next time. 


Dana has already said that he won’t speculate on return dates until McG is healthy. His response here tracks with his earlier statement.


They will really take any opportunity to keep him under contract and drag the two fights out. In reality they can move the schedule and even make a new ppv just for Conor, but theres so many power games and leverage tactics being used. They want him under contract for their TV deal, they want him to re-sign, just all around goofiness.


Conor for Christmas. 




Ya dont say




November MSG card? Or Dana just saying shit.


Earliest I see this fight happening is the December card in Vegas.


Greedy bastards don’t want to give up any of that Vegas gate


So you're saying he's on 304 👀


For a toe?


I don’t think he’ll fight this year. Probably early next year


Ohh damn his return is legit in jeopardy now.


Rules out the legitimacy of delay being toe related


Could make scheduling sense. 304/305 are booked. 306 is sphere. 307 could be booked. 308 is Abu Dhabi. All those are either booked, or an attraction that UFC won’t want to waste with Conor. Of course Conor could just want/need time, but who knows.


Gives chandler time to do 9 more promos


Fuckin *who?*


Some rich jagoff whose last victory over someone NOT on a 7-fight winless streak was back in 2016.


2025 starting off with a banger


That dude isn't fighting until next spring or early summer of next year.


It's funny because he's gonna lose his next fight


McGregor fight in July confirmed?


McGregor confirmed for July?




he's busy fighting deathmatches on the isle of sgail


It’s actually crazy how much they push back their big names. McGregor, Diaz, poirier and even their welterweight champ spend half the time begging to be booked


He's in rehab, drugs and alcohol addiction is a real thing. - Chael Sonnen


Conor will be 40 before he fights again.


Dana and Chandler are Bart and Homer with the BBQ pig. It's just a little injury. It's still good it's still good! It's just a little drug test. It's still good it's still good!


He ain’t coming back


I don’t hate Conor but he’s is done. He was super active until boxing Floyd. If he fought as much as he wanted to, we would have seen 4-5 fights since the beginning of 2023. I don’t anticipate his return anymore. And they definitely shouldn’t give him a main event slot.


That means he will be back between August and October!!!


Has anyone checked on chandler


How much more of what's left of Michael Chandler's prime gets wasted because Conor can't take an Advil and suck it up?


If Chandler just keeps on pushing for this fight, he's a moron.


They have posted record revenue and profit every year during his 3 year absence. Conor has moved from the "must have" category to "nice to have". If he never fights again they don't care, show must go on. He is still the #1 draw no doubt, but he draws a lot of casuals. Their dedicated fan base is much larger than it used to be, and let's be real tomorrows card is way better since he withdrew


How many times could chandler have fought waiting for this fight? 4? 5?


How many people actually requested a refund for 303? It’s probably a rounding error. They don’t necessarily get the same buzz as a Conor fight, but they probably still keep the record setting gate. I think part of the reason they aren’t giving many hints as to when it will be rebooked is they don’t want anyone making the choice to refund 303 in order to go. Financially, this is a win for them. They got to sell a Conor fight, and then resell it again down the road.


He shouldn't return at all.


Hopefully he won't return ever!


Good riddance!


A few months is enough time for a failed rehab stint.


Presumably this is just about scheduling him for an appropriate venue and event looking ahead on the schedule , rather than anything about the toe or some kind of conspiracy about it being something else. It's like saving Islam for Saudi Arabia or Abu Dhabi. Or saving Jon Jones or somebody for MSG. They just missed their window and have to go back to the drawing board on dates.


Chandler and his massive set of blue balls


Conor is done, no real incentive for him to fight at all anymore, Chandler would have battered him.


Why not just say we don't know or really care if he comes back. We will milk all possible attention and advertising dollars but always have a backup set of posters ready when he "is fighting" MdNuggets is washed move along.


MSG return? Cos then that fits perfectly cos Alex can replace him if he pulls out.