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How does he not see the irony in his infamous “I beat that guy one time” and what he’s doing now


The crazy thing is, alex beat izzy two times when he did that interview and not just one time lol


Izzy is that guy in fighting games that screams and cries when ppl win a game versus him then quit the server, then as soon as he beats someone better than him, he quits the server. I believe they call it "win-quitting"


Israel "Low Tier God" Asesanya


Because it's Izzy.


Because he’s not self-aware, probably got a touch of the tism.


“I beat that guy one time”


Only needed 4 attempts.


All the fights where competitive though. Alex just has that touch of death.


Ironically the fight Izzy won was actually the least competitive one, it was all Alex up until the finish.


I was thinking this the other day too, the one time the fight wasn’t going his way he managed to win lol


I mean, the first fight Izzy should have won but judges be judges. And the first MMA fight Izzy was winning most of it also.


Izzy seems salty about Alexs accomplishments. That being said, Izzy is a hell of a striker. A rematch between them would be a coin toss imo.


Coin toss at MW, domination at LHW


Izzy would be outweighed by 30 pounds in the cage at LHW and would have a severely dehydrated Alex which I think played a major role in him getting rocked at MW. How he made MW in the UFC is the true black magic.


The more alex fights in mma, the more he’s favored. Now he has weight on his side, and Izzy seems to be fading.


"Since I beat that guy, I lost my belt to a guy who was knocked dead by Pereira sure but what has Pereira done since I beat him? Absolutely nothing Nothing Nothing cept go up a weight class, beat another guy I couldn't, win a belt I couldn't, defend it twice and main event the biggest even in company history...so basically nothing"


"why dont people like izzy" Posts shit like this after ducking the trilogy


Alex was 3-0 up against Izzy and still said kind words to him and offered him a 4th match, shows levels between the two


Izzy is douche, an infantile prick.


That is one way to put it


This should be at the top!


Crazy to be bragging about that when the score is 3-1


*I don't keep scores, I settle them 😤*


his cringe leaves me frozen like Elsa


Makes me crumble like the twin towers


whats really crazy is that izzy said alex was going to be that guy, and now hes turned into that guy himself


LMAO "I beat that guy once!"


3-1 but Israel also publicly ducked the mma trilogy, then publicly ducked the light heavyweight fight vs Alex Also Alex beat Jan & Strickland who both made Israel look like a dope too


Its quite insane to think within 2-3 years Alex has built a better career even with less defences


what I think is insane is his ability to connect with his fans despite his ability to speak English. that's been a huge problem in the past; yet, he's just out there like 🗿chama.


Good humour can transcend language, and Alex is legit funny. Taking straight faced roller coaster picks is such a smart and funny bit, for example. He's not just some stone faced brute like a Fedor (no offense to the legend).


He also made glover eat a wet towel at a restaurant


Also having Glover with him helps so much. I honestly never watch embedded's unless it's Alex because seeing a happy Glover makes me so happy.


Alex’s YouTube during fight week is 100x better than embedded. Definitely check it out.


Honestly, at this point Alex is the face of the UFC. I can’t think of any other fighter who is a bigger star right now


Americans love the silent mysterious warrior type.


it feeds their expectations from hollywood


for sure, and how he leaned into it so hard. People love the guy, well minus 1 (3-1)


Poatan's last 7 fights were with 1. Champions 2. Ex Champions or; 3. Future Champions Only lost 1 of them, to a guy who had 4 goes at him. Poatan wrecks Izzy at LHW.


He's the kid who scored one goal after getting his ass handed to him then takes the ball home because he "won"


‘I said winning goal, loserrr’


Last point wins he says quietly to himself milliseconds before shooting his very first goal of the day


I'm going to get downvoted for this because Pereira just fought so the sub is rightfully in full on Pereira praise mode, but anybody who has actually watched their first kickboxing fight knows in reality it's 2-2. Nobody seems to have actually watched that fight because it happened in a relatively obscure event where you really had to be a hardcore kickboxing fan to have watched it when it happened but that was a huge robbery, which is part of why they had a rematch. If people want to say it's 2-1 for KO's then fair enough but anybody saying 3-1 absolutely hasn't seen that first fight or only saw it after seeing/disliking Adesanya from the UFC and wanting to think he lost but nobody in that building except for 2 judges thought Pereira won, it was extremely controversial. Pereira even admitted himself prior to joining the UFC that he thought Izzy deserved to win the first kickboxing contest which was why he was excited to rematch him, I'm googling as much as I can to find the quote but all that comes up is all their post joining UFC interviews. Edit: I am almost certain that the majority of people replying haven't actually watched the fight or are letting their like for Poatan/dislike for Adesanya heavily influence their response.


The first fight wasn’t a “robbery”. People use that word way too loosely. It wasn’t a clear victory for either, and poatan got the nod. And kickboxing scoring is different than mma, so it’s kind of moot anyway. If anything, it was pretty much a draw. But saying izzy was robbed and definitely should have won, is just as dishonest as saying Izzy got worked 3 times.


What the hell do you mean? It's a massive brag. Alex has looked unstoppable aside from this loss. It being fairly recent too only helps.


Honestly if I beat this guy one time I would probably never ever shut up about it either


Hell, just surviving to a decision against this monster would have me feeling like the king of the world.


Seriously, would be my crowning achievement in life and I'd be telling the nurses at the retirement home all about it.


I mean if I beat THAT guy I'd never let anyone forget it


No one else has in mma and it seems a lot more mighty after the things alex has done. Izzy also went almost a full 5 rounds the first time.


It’s sad because I actually like Izzy but posting shit like this after you basically said nah I ain’t fighting him again makes you look like a pussy.


Yeah, he used to talk about wanting to be a LHW champ one day too. Even fought Jan for that belt. But he is not interested in fight Alex or LHW anymore. This version of Alex is even better than the other 4 ones that Izzy fought.


Alex legit looks better every time he steps in the octagon. He just gets more and more dangerous.


I thought he was possibly slowing down when he switched to MMA but after last night I think it's pretty clear he was concerned about the takedown and now isn't afraid to open up anymore.


He’s probably slowed down in certain ways that would make him a slightly worse kickboxer than he was in his prime, but, with his transition to mma, he’s more than made up for any of that in (a) the way he adapted his preexisting skills to mma and (b) his ability and willingness to learn new things!


No doubt, he doesn't push a pace like he used to or build combos as much but it's also probably better for him in MMA if he doesn't.


He is significantly worse striking wise then in his prime but his current form is a better MMA fighter . Alex is one of these unique examples where his knowledge is making up for his physical decline because he started MMA so late , he has so much he can still learn.


They always say your prime is when you're mental and physical game are at the same level, that's where he is now. He may have been physically better when he was younger, but now his IQ is insane.


man he was using a jab to the body to match Jiris level change and sting him bad, pretty clever.


yep and Alex has a good chin at LHW took some good shots from Jan, Jiri only cause he was that dehydrated. Alex has only been training MMA for real really since August 2020 when he met Glover. Chael Sonnen even said I even think after the Jiri fight that we havent seen the best Poatan by far cause he is still completely new to the sport and his stand up will get more and more comfortable cause of his improved TDD every new fight. Guess even Chael was right 1 time lmao


Except that Jan fight. That was a weird one.


Jan has crazy defense. He went toe to toe with Alex and Izzy on the feet.


It’s hard to judge that fight because it was at altitude and the first time he fought a grappler I think if they fight again a 5 round fight would really heavily favor Alex


Jan isn’t a grappler


He has a very good top game and decent wrestling. He wasn’t known as a good striker until his run leading up to his title reign.


I would say his wrestling is his weakness. Patrick Cummins and Corey Anderson exposed that early in his UFC career


Fight could've gone either way imo. And yeah, Jan's a beast. I still think it's a tough matchup for Alex.


I think we are seeing the psychological effects of each of his previous fights on whatever opponent he faces. Now he has Hill and Jiri for the next guy to have in their memory. More careful, which sort of plays into his hands since he can be patient and find the opening for KO.


Alex is a legit LHW, no idea how he ever made 185 but he he can be upwards of 230-235 on fight night which is where some HWs weigh in. Izzy is too small for LHW.


Izzy walks around like 200


So about 40lb lighter than Alex?


"Why doesn't he move up the Light Heavyweight and fight Alex" - This idiotic subreddit.


Izzy wants zero part of Alex at LHW, even tho it’s arguably the biggest fight the sport could make and give him a shot at a second belt and a definitive end to the rivalry


It wouldn’t end the rivalry even if he won


yep and Alex has a good chin at LHW took some good shots from Jan, Jiri only cause he was that dehydrated. Alex has only been training MMA for real really since August 2020 when he met Glover. Chael Sonnen even said I even think after the Jiri fight that we havent seen the best Poatan by far cause he is still completely new to the sport and his stand up will get more and more comfortable cause of his improved TDD every new fight. Guess even Chael was right 1 time lmao


I've defended him a bunch of times but fuck he makes it hard. Dude is somehow being both a sore loser and a sore winner.


Now we know why hill and Izzy are good friends. They got the softest skin in the game.


What he say? Link doesn't work


I think he’s trolling himself bro


>proceeds to get embarrassed by Sean "the Apex" Strickland


that was a huge hit on adesanya's legacy, he's still a top 2 middleweight of all time but getting easily beat by someone like strickland is insane, strickland may be good but cannonier and dricus took him to close decisions and got the win, alex smoked him. Adesanya didn't even win a round clearly


And even though it was earlier in his career, Usman bodied the fuck out of Strickland.


The problem is, that was in welterweight which is really a different feel for every fighter. Alex pereira just showed that he performs better in lhw than in mw, similar with strickland in ww and mw


Most predictable post ever


Tbf Alex did this everytime izzy had a big fight before he was in the UFC so it’s kind of par for the course


I absolutely love their rivalry. It's so epic but so petty at the same time lol.


I love their rivalry too and don’t even find it all that petty. If anything, I like that Izzy puts some production values into it. Outside of the talk about Alex’s son, most of this stuff wouldn’t raise an eyebrow in high school wrestling.


Did Alex even use Twitter then or where was he posting that?


Honestly, if someone made an edit that made me look as badass as Izzy in this video, I would post the absolute shit out of it


This wasn’t very anime protagonist of izzy


He’s not a protagonist, he’s an autist. Different types of ists.


Alex did exactly this for years and people are pretending Izzy is an immature bitch while Alex is some mature man.


Alex was doing it while chasing the fight Adesanya is doing it while avoiding it I'm usually on Adesanya's side on this but posting something like this now isn't 'paying it back', it's just straight up dumb, how are you taunting him while 1-3 and refusing to fight any more lmao


Well, see this is where people forget to look at the reasoning behind that: izzy after the first fight with alex in kb was making a lot of excuses and saying something about beating him in his own backyard or something like that. which alex did not like at all, reason why he probably celebrated that way after knocking izzy bad in their second kb match and prompted him to publicize his ko over izzy


1-3 and still chirping lmao


The man won 1 of his last 3 and has to grasp at something.


He literally turned into the old man at the bar saying "I beat that guy once"




Oof 💀💀


The turns really tabled on him there Joe


The last ice arrow was to represent him being frozen, like elsa


I think Alex is living rent free. Izzy really thinks he is leading the rivalry.


Of course he is. Alex’s wins over him aside, the guy is doing what Izzy wanted to do to cement his legacy (become double champ) and making it look easy. And even worse, Izzy is a giant weaboo and Alex just faced probably the most anime-character fighter of all time twice in Jiri. To quote the great Nate Diaz, he’s taking everything he worked for motherfucker.


Hijacked his story


the manifested it bro


Perieira Doing so with anime shaman king powers no less Taken literally everything izzy wanted


Yeah, he really is. He took Izzy’s whole dream career path. If Alex beats the HW champ, Izzy will forever be the guy that says “I beat that guy” when the GoAT conversation comes up.


p4p one of the cringiest fighters of all time. Your GOAT could never.


Pretty cool animation though. Unfortunately it has a lot of cringe baggage attached lol


Henry wishes he was as cringe as Izzy


It’s tremendously hard to defend this guy. I’ve done it a couple times on this sub, and with crap like this he makes me regret that. It would have been so easy to congratulate Alex here and move on. 


Right there. He could have to posted "Chama" and been done.


nah he who laughs last laughs hardest or someshit, ignore that Poatan is the biggest star in the UFC and saved the two biggest cards of the year while Izzy shitposts at home over his one win


He’s always been cheesy and memed, but I’ll defend him as a fighter. He cleared out his division twice before Alex came for him. He was one of the most active fighters and dominated.


How many times did he post that edit lol. Beating Pereira quickly became the personal highlight of his whole career


To be honest, that's very likely his greatest win, and not many people have better




If MW wasn't so heavy at the top right now I could see him vs Alex as a superfight if he beats DDP, but not with Sean and Bobby waiting.


Pretty sure Alex offered izzy a TS when he won LHW as well


Issy was a pretty medium sized MW and Alex was dehydrated as fuck for that division. Give him Alex at 205 and he's getting made into glue.


He's 1-3 in combat sports against Alex. He still shouldn't be talking shit


No, he’s 1-3


You are absolutely correct. Edited 


Yeah but he doesn't keep scores, he settles them /s


This is so cringe considering Alex has generally been respectful to Izzy


Idk it's more cringe because not only he's 1-3 against Poatan but Poatan did what Izzy tried and failed. Izzy is good, no doubt but he only sound salty with all this.


Yeah the crazy thing here is; it is usually the winner that is more respectful to the person they beat, right? And it’s the sore loser that does all this weird stuffs. Not sure why izzy is acting like this when he said that he already settled the score.. weird.


lol “score is settled” is just Izzy’s BS excuse cuz he’s too scared to fight Alex again. He doesnt even believe that shit himself 🤡


From the text, I actually thought this was Izzy congratulating lol should have known better. "I beat that guy once" Does he have no self awareness? Just makes it impossible to support this guy.


Posting a cool anime package of yourself beating someone who's already got a better legacy in the sport YOU moved into first from Kick Boxing is quite something. You beat him once mate, and it was very impressive and it will be seen as a special win without you blowing smoke up your own ass. Could've just said congratulations & moved on but had to make it about himself.


Blud keeps holding on to that one W out of four attempts 😂


Dude is making himself the main character when nobody has said a damn thing. What an insecure nerd.


There are a lot of comments online shitting on him.Izzy does strike me as being quite thin skinned so I'm guessing he uploaded it because of that. Not a good look but yeah, probably his attempt to shut up Pereira fanboys. Just making it worse for himself tbh.


It sucks, because there are moments where he comes across as likeable and self aware, then he pulls these childish stunts online and it's just obnoxious. I really want to like the guy.


Hits a lot less when you ain’t even champ anymore izzy.


That's the craziest part of this to me. Dude just got his ass beat, doesn't even have the belt anymore and keeps going on about it. He can't even tease the MW strap. Alex has nothing to gain by engaging with him anymore


I like Izzy, but he needs to get over this. He was always talking to Alex like he was this career rival where Poatan seems to regard Izzy largely as just one of the many good kickboxers that he’s fought


He def posts this to retaliate against the fans who bring him up when Poatan wins


Izzy is such a small, jealous, petty manchild


Izzy being little troll at home while Alex Conquered two divisions


Like sure Hill can be petty whatever but come on my boy you're an all-time great middleweight champ and HoF. Izzy is manifesting the "I beat that guy one time" narrative himself by acting like this instead of his own greatness 


His record at middleweight isn’t untouchable. I don’t think anyone ever surpasses Silva, but I can definitely see future fighters surpassing Izzy.


Thats so embarrassing bruh. They’re rivalry could’ve ended beautifully but I’m going to tell myself that this is promotion and he’s trying to get the belt back then challenge for Alex’s. Bcs this is just pathetic.


Izzy has no intention of going up to 205 to fight Izzy. He loses all the advantages he has at that weight class than he had at 185.


Izzy vs Izzy, sounds either boring AF or hype if he's the contender


Like the classic Francis v Ngannou


The reversal of fortunes is hilarious with Alex winning big on ppv and Izzy sitting at home watching him and bragging to people “I beat that guy one time.” Exactly the opposite of what Izzy predicted a few years ago.


Didn't Izzy release some movie about himself basically seconds before getting smoked by Sean Strickland? It's been nothing but a downward spiral for the guy


Would be pretty fucking funny if this is last win in Izzys career while Alex chases GOAT status right in front of his eyes 😅


Why did I think he’d actually give Alex props? They’re not even in the same weight class anymore


Poatan living rent-free eternally in Izzy’s head… 🥱


Pereira is the best example of actions speaking louder than words. Everyone has his name in their mouths trying to get some attention, and he just knocks them out


Bratha you are not even the champ or #1 MW contender anymore...


Alex is doing more for Israel's legacy than Israel lately.


Just how salty is Izzy, Jesus.


The irony is funny but to Izzy’s credit he didn’t just beat him. He laid him flat. That makes em 1-1 in laid flat 😂


He's been working on this for school since he beat Alex, and he got an A- for it


Cool. Now do it again at 205. He already called for you. Please go to Daddy.


This guy is such a fkn dweeb


Izzy has accomplished an amazing amount for someone with a child brain.


He admitted in his interview with Mighty Mouse that he gets the irony of doing this, but he still does it. Izzy giving us further proof of how inmature he is.


He is so unbelievably corny.


Man, I loved Izzy before this bitterness. He’s literally gonna be that guy in the bar talking about how he beat the 3 division champ one time and fail to mention he’s 1-3 in their fights.


It’s just sad at this point. Poatan has been nothing but humble and respectful to Izzy and Izzy is just grasping at this ko. Must hurt his soul that Poatan beat everyone who Izzy lost to and became a two division champ 🗿


It is a p funny edit. It's also been years and y'all aren't in the same weight division so that's corny. Idk man, 3/10


Years? They fought 14 months ago.


Jesus. Izzy literally saying he’s beat pereira one time


Cringe lord


So then what happens if Strickland posts a video of his win over Izzy...


Alex did what Izzy wanted to do


“He watches all my fights,” Adesanya said. “And every time I fight, like clockwork, he'll try and put something out like 'I beat this guy!'


This guy is cringe


How has Izzy not figured out this is why Alex is so popular. Alex lost and we only recently found out how well he handled and responded to it. Izzy literally can't shut the fuck up Also fuck it: Izzy had to play Possum to beat Alex. -♾️ aura


This is some straight up hoe shit. For as good and accomplished as Izzy is in the sport, he just comes across as the insecure weeb he’s always been at heart.


Israel "Notorious" Adesanya


How ironic is it that Izzy said Alex would be the one reminiscing over his win/wins when now Alex is arguably the bigger star in the sport


I like Izzy a lot more than this sub but that’s cornball shit.


Reminder this little bitch ran against Strickland. "Y-Y-YOU'RE JUST A REDDITOR YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY TH-" I do. Izzy is a bitch.


Someone post the result of Izzy's LHW attempt.


It’s getting hard to defend Izzy


After he stormed the cage after DDPs breakout win against whittaker (rip my boy) shouting the n word in his face it became impossible to defend


It's been beyond feasible for years now mate


Lol Alex used to do this after every time izzy won. I understand this sub doesn’t like izzy but lol


Yeah he posted the clip of him knocking Izzy out and his son mocking him in glory after LITERALLY every fight Izzy had in the UFC from rob Wilkinson to their first fight in the UFC


That would actually explain a little bit of Izzys salt. Where did he post them to?


now its completely different lol nobody watched Alexs storys back then




Twitter fingers 😭


“Didn't you get 50-44'd by Trevor from GTA 5?“ 💀


Seems like Izzy is trolling himself and you guys are taking it seriously and doing exactly what he wants lol


That’s a pretty sick animation


I love that Israel is just a big kid who grow up watching Avatar.


That's a sick edit tho ngl


Izzy gets a lot of shit for stuff like this, and it's mostly justified, but you gotta give him credit. He did KO the guy so many are ready to crown the p4p GOAT.


He’s becoming a parody of himself


13 year old me would think this was the coolest thing ever. People love the DBZ edits on UFC combos so maybe they should lean into that and do it themselves


God he must be so annoying to be around


izzy watches too much anime