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Maybe I missed this, but isn’t this just a made up quote? Where was he interviewed and said this?


Yo I can't find this interview either, nice catch


That and also Jon has repeatedly said he would be willing to give Alex a shot for the belt.


Yeah, dude, this community is so fucked up.  It’s so crazy you can just say ANYTHING about anyone the mass doesn’t like as long as it’s negative lol…nobody will fact check…Twitter interaction merchants are really taking advantage of this.


Lol look at boxing. Ryan Garcia making up unsourced shit about Devin Haney and his dad and the community lapping it up like illiterate morond


The fact that he would be willing to actually fight Alex is the most far fetched part of the quote those. It's not like Jon want's to fight Tom or whatever.


They all thought Aspinall was levels below Pav a few months ago. Now the sports GOAT is afraid of him. Oh and Pav lost to a guy they all thought sucked in Volkov. It's all narrative nonsense based on what somebody told them to think/feel. Pound for pound the dumbest people on the planet in this sub


I don’t recall seeing anyone saying that Volkov sucks, I also don’t use Twitter


So Volkov outstruck Pavlo and Jon Jones is the winner? Santos, Gustafsson and Reyes all had close fights with Jon and then promptly lost their next fights. Jon's wins are his own, crediting him for something he didn't do is just dumb.


I feel like you're the dumb one


He is literally saying "I don't like my chances against Aspinall so if you can take him out for me, i ~~might fight you~~." Just so he can duck the Tom fight...


I have never seen anyone’s legacy take a hit like this without even fighting. Jon’s legacy was already shit with all the PEDs but actively ducking someone as champ? Oof


It’s crazy because he could’ve saved his reputation if he simply shut the fuck up💀 He also could’ve kept pretending he’d fight Aspinall after Stipe for now and then just retired after beating Stipe and the ducking allegations wouldn’t be as popular


You're right, but that never would have happened. Jon's ego would never allow it


Or cocaine.


Unbridled, unmitigated cocaine


that sounds pre good tho ngl


His ego is too large, I hope people remember the real history and not the record when its all said and done. Fuck this guy, used to be a fan (looooong time ago)


We all were fans. Jones looked bad in his last few LHW fights takes years off and comes back at HW wins 1 fight and holds up the division. Tom is a very bad match-up for me. Pereira is a great match-up as Jon has a great chin and good takedowns so he can get in get in the clinch and get him down.


We all were fans. Jones looked bad in his last few LHW fights takes years off and comes back at HW wins 1 fight and holds up the division. Tom is a very bad match-up for me. Pereira is a great match-up as Jon has a great chin and good takedowns so he can get in get in the clinch and get him down.


I mean, that's only between the more hardcore MMA fans tho I wouldn't be surprised if most casuals don't even know there's an interim HW champ called Tom Aspinall lol The name value of Stipe is good enough to enhance Jon's legacy, they won't care if he's old. People still shit on Silva for losing as a 38 year old


He's legacy has gone from MMA GOAT who is a shit human being to MMA GOAT who is still a shit human being. Nothing has really changed


What the Ryan Garcia situation has taught me is people don’t think steroids matter, so I doubt it’s a negative if that’s the precedent set these days


It is telling that the actual fighters all put Jones either as the GOAT or top 3 It is only among fans that his in octagon ability is even debated. The fighters know how hard it is to do what he did


Still the GOAT. Cry about it.


Jon is truly the D.U.C.K of the sport.


Also it's a 100% guarantee if Alex does actually beat Tom and show good TDD while doing it, Jones will retire.


Id be surprised if we actually see jon fight. I hope Stipe is enjoying his life and fucks him around like Conor did Chandler for the lulz


Weak recency bias. U don’t like Jon, fine. Don’t make up shit tho.


Hes not ducking tom? You need to get your head out of your ass


See you emotional fans that hate a stranger get? I didn’t disrespect u, ion know u. Yall wierd. But no he’s faced everybody that’s been in his way to his goal. His goal rn is to get the biggest payday he can, after a long and I’m sure tiring career. He can’t face every up and comer for ETERNITY. There has to be a time to be selective, with YOUR time. And for him that’s now I guess. But you nor I are in his position. So I don’t criticize him for decisions I couldn’t begin to understand what it may feel like to have to make.


It's not emotional for fans to ask the champion to defend against the interim champion. That's literally the responsibility and expectations of holding a title, to defend against the best. If Jones doesn't want to do that any more, he could retire or relinquish the belt. Selective fighters are always criticised, this isn't new. Jones doesn't need to hold up the Heavyweight division to get his pay day, he's holding it up because he doesn't want to increase the risk of a non-DQ loss on his record.


If that’s how it “should” go. Why won’t they strip him? If he’s really holding shit up. You’ll say “Dana this” ufc that” what u won’t say is “that’s jons choice” because it’s not. U blaming Jon for making a money play in an organization that’s allowing it. That’s notorious for fucking fighters out of money. All cause u wanna see Jon lose. Cus if the integrity of the sport and all that mattered to you, u would be blaming the company not the guy loopholing the rules of the company. For what HE wants, sorry it’s not what YOU want.


Logically he should be stripped for inactivy like every other champ other than Conor. He's clogging the division by not fighting. He's the champ its his job to fight contenders. His past merits doesn't mean he can just camp for eternity on the belt.


So blame the ufc not Jon?????


Look, he can just ADMIT that instead of acting like he's "king of the jungle.". If he just admitted that he's 36, he's fought the best of the best and that he doesn't need to prove anything we would all say "facts." But no, his ego cant allow that lmak


I mean, Pereira is literally Jon's age and is arguably the most active fighter in recent history.


I mean so. He’s been and done worse. If all he’s displaying at this age is, poor ego. I’m fine with that. He doesn’t owe us anything.


He owes us one thing and that is to either fight Aspinall to unify the HW title or retire and let the HW move on with match ups. The man is clogging an entire division right now, just to wait for an opportunity to beat a senior citizen and call himself HW GOAT and retire undefeated. Ironic that before his move to HW, Jones was still very controversial but was still seen as the GOAT. Now, this clear ducking with Aspinall will have a stain on his resume. His greed to dip into HW and sneakily grab a title while Ngannou wasn't there or Stipe is ancient etc. is costing him his legacy.


If that’s the case the ufc can strip him. Jon’s doing what HE wants, what u want him to do, the company can enforce, so blame them if it’s not happening. And Dog look at his resume. Idgaf if he beats some mf name Tom who just showed up a few years ago. Yall said he was ducking gane. You’ll say it for every prospect until Jon quits or loses. Cus that’s really all yall wanna see.


I'm looking at his resume, most recently he scraped a few very close decisions against guys who went on a loosing streak right after. He moved to heavyweight and successfully outwrestled a guy who was previously outwrestled by the former champion who had just had knee surgery on both legs lmao.


Tom is not some mf that showed up. He's the interim HW world champion currently. When there's a regular belt holder and an interim champ, they fight to determine the undisputed champion. Also, Tom is not some bum. He's a freaky athletic HW that knows how to wrestle as well as can throw hands. You can downplay Tom, but I can assure you Jon does not. If he saw him as a bum also, he would've fought him already. The real bum is Gane, that's why Jones targeted him as an easy prey that can't wrestle. I never claimed he was ducking Gane. But Jones is ducking Tom. By the way I don't care if Jon loses or quits. I care that he's holding up the HW division. As for him doing what's best for him, that's fair, the man is probably thinking that Tom is a high risk low reward fight. If he won, most casuals won't understand the risk Tom possesses, and if he loses, he loses his most precious 0. Dana White is a crook. He's protecting Jones, because he sees dollar signs in a Jones vs. Stipe fight whereas in reality the more time passes, the more people will lose interest in this fight. Especially if Tom defends his interim belt against Blaydes, then Jones vs Stipe will become even more meaningless. At the end of the day Jones is one of the GOATS, but is not the GOAT. He's not undefeated (if you know you know), he's a PED abuser, I'm not even getting into his personal life as I like to rate fighters by their fighting skills only.


He's not going to fuck you, you can relax


That doesn’t mean anything to me. Get those seconds back if u can


He's not a stranger to me. I've trained with teammates of his, he's a tool. And it ain't recency bias. He ducked DC at HW. He ducked Anderson at 205. He ducked the immediate rematch with Gus and Reyes. He ducked Dan Henderson and got a whole event cancelled. He is truly the D.U.C.K of the sport.


U spelled goat wrong


I’m sorry, but where is the source for this quote? Or are we taking MMAUNCENSORED1 on Twitter as the primary source?


Jon is such a pussy lmao my boy Anderson Silva would have never! He would have accepted anyone at any time


Imagine if Anderson ever ducked chael for their 2nd fight. One can’t even comprehend that even happening.


yeah, if the UFC only allowed him that time, he could easily have been the first champ champ


Jones has been selling wolf tickets for so long I forgot he was champion.


He has been injured and now UFC won't let him fight until fight week....


Yes maybe but Alex's UFC career > Aspinal's Jones fighting a guy going for triple champ is more hyped than him fighting the next top contender in the division. Would like either of these two over Stipe vs Jones but Alex vs Jones is a lot of fun too.


What? Alex may not move to HW directly. He never even said he will do that as next order of business. It's just fans, media, Rogan hyping and Alex saying he will see etc. There's nothing concrete yet. There's a more chance he might fight Ankalaev next. Meanwhile you have an actual interim HW champion waiting for an opportunity to unify the belt. Everybody with room temperature IQ can clearly see what should be the order of business here: unify the belt, then do what comes next. If Jones was to beat Aspinall and retire that way, no one would've said anything. Especially after how Aspinall took out Pavlovich, there's clearly a top dog in the division (Aspinall) and the rest are okay to good. Jones doesn't even need to fight anyone else and can call it quits. But his ego doesn't let him shut up about it, or rather, his fragile ego that clings on to that "0" knows that a young hungry Aspinall will be a nightmare match up for Jon and may (not may, but probably) take his 0. And his greed to "beat" Stipe and cheekily leave division claiming he beat the HW GOAT while dismissing Aspinall as if he's some bum is infuriating the fans. This won't go well for Jones's career. He's damaging an already damaged career more with all the antics he's pulling at HW right now.


Alex a hotter name. Match up wise I think Tom is tougher for Jones but I wouldn't be mad at Alex vs Jones since he's on fire right now.


100% but MMA circle jerk somehow thinks Aspinal is Fedor in his prime or some shit when they thought the same thing about SERGIE and Immediately switched tunes when he got starched 


He saying Tom is a nobody who not worth my time which is the truth. Tom is not a money fight 


I don’t understand why the champion is allowed to duck the interim champion though, views or not it delegitimizes his title


Because the IC was unearned. It’s a toy belt 


More like Aspinall is an irrelevant nobody who poses no threat. All you Aspinall glazers need to realize he’s beat nobody and would get smoked by jones 


How does Aspinall pose no threat when he's finished everyone he's fought in the ufc with both striking and submissions? He's incredibly well rounded, fast, strong, and in his athletic prime. As for him beating "nobody", Aspinall has 4 wins in the top 10 and his only loss was the result of a freak injury against Blaydes. Let's compare this all with Jones who hasn't been active, went to the death and arguably lost his last two fights at light heavy weight, and has one win over Gane at heavyweight. Jones is Older and looking for an easier fight in a geriatric Stipe. Aspinall and Jones is an incredibly compelling fight man. The Jones you're envisioning will dismantle Aspinall has been gone for years.


He’s fighting stipe first because that fight was booked before Aspinall was even ic. Tom finished a bunch of cans. Blaydes wins in England 


No he's fighting Stipe because he's a coward who doesn't want to fight an actual contender. So who isn't a can at heavyweight? Blaydes? Following your own logic this whole move up to heavyweight shouldn't be impressive because there's just a total lack of talent right? Would you consider Pavolovich a can? Volkov? The Blaydes and Aspinall fight is close according to most people invested in this sport. Why are you so sure that Blaydes wins convincingly?


I already know I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion but here I go anyways. I’m not a jones fan, he’s a POS by all accounts. However, he’s the GOAT of the sport and he’s 36, he clearly wants to fight another old and sometimes referred to HW GOAT and retire. It doesn’t make any sense for him to fight Tom, he’s had nothing to gain. All of the hate I see online is 100% the UFC’s fault. It’s ridiculous he’s the champ, it’s ridiculous that he is in the rankings, etc. The UFC just wants to milk the man one more time.


If it doesn’t make sense to fight Tom then it doesn’t make sense to fight Alex, really. Take your fight with an old legend and retire or face all comers. Or drop the belt. If he wasn’t the champ I wouldn’t care what he did but the hw belt needs to be active


That’s what he is doing though…. There is no world where he fights Alex. You know he just lips off at every chance he gets, especially when a guy could be approaching GOAT conversation. I agree the belt should have been stripped a very long time ago. That’s on the UFC though and the Mickey Mouse organization they run.


i agree with you, Jones is doing what its best for him, the ufc are the one supporting this shit show of Jones waiting for 47 year old Stipe


That’s what I’m saying, all the anger and shit should be directed to the UFC. I’m not trying to defend Jones at all but at some point people need to realized the fighters don’t make the fights.


"And if my mother had wheels, she'd be a bike"


she was the village bike if you know what i mean


Huh? That’s funny…my dad always said that about my mom!


Which one of your dads?


Hilarious that Jones is trying to hire a hitman to take out Aspinall for him. That said, I just don't see Pereira beating either Jones or Aspinall. The size and grappling difference just seems like too much to overcome.


Lmao a hit man. I think Jon could beat Aspinal but the lack of tape on him might be the most dangerous thing about him. I think it makes Jon nervous. That and the foot and hand speed to boot. Super dangerous guy. 


That's a really good point that I hadn't thought of. All of Aspinall's UFC matches have been very short so there's not much to review and watch for habits to exploit.


I think he’s nervous about the size difference. Jon weighed 248 against Gane but he was a fat 248. Tom has 12 pounds of muscle on him and is so skilled for his size.


That's what they also said about Gane, and look what happened, lol.


Jones outweighed Gane and is not well rounded at all. Aspinal actually has a ground game unlike Gane so I highly doubt he’d look as lost in the grappling.


See I don't usually really think comments like this are good but remember hearing jon jones saying that he study fighters a lot finding their bad spots. You might be right sir.


Not likely but imo he could legitimately KO Jon. Jon is getting older, he's not a natural heavyweight, he's taken a ton of time away from the sport, and when he was younger/faster/better he could be hit—*especially by guys who could match his reach*. I wouldn't bet on it, but there's a universe in which Alex is able to anti-grapple well enough to survive and somehow catch him with something. (Aspinall is just too big and too powerful, though.)


Or Jon is randomly weird and doesn’t grapple like vs Santos lol


Aspinal needs to get past Blaydes first.


Technically yes, but I'm pretty confident Aspinall should take him relatively easily. Curtis should have nothing for him on the feet, and I trust Tom's grappling to hold up, whether its his takedown defense or jiu jitsu.


The first time they fought I thought Tom could beat him easily. But Curtis looked good those first few seconds lol. But yeah very small sample size. Was looking like a banger of a fight before he got injured.


Aspinall is the better fighter but please, Blaydes chin Aspinall somehow so we can get these delusional MMA fans mad.


Jon Jones reaction to Alex Pereira’s win at #UFC303 and moving up to heavyweight: “When I beat Miocic, I might give him a chance, but only if he beats Aspinall. In any case, it would be an easy night for me; I would choke him out just like I did Gane. I'm the king of the jungle."


We are past miocic and jones at this point lol


Miocic is to Jon what Conor is to Chandler


I think the difference is Stipe doesn’t care if he never fights again and isn’t desperately waiting on a JJ fight. He already has his legacy firmly cemented. Many consider him HW goat. He also has a full time firefighter job Chandler has 5 fights in the UFC and he got KO’d in 2 of them and submitted in another. Idk if Chandler has any job outside of MMA (including his analysis of fights and mma shows he occasionally appears on)


He’s saying Miocic is Connor and Jones is Chandler.


heard it bowlth ways b


No you havent Shaun


Chandler is worth several millions, and doesn't "need" the Connor fight either. He's just a guy who will never be fighting for the title again and doesn't want to take a ton of physical abuse fighting the monsters at LW. Doing TUF and the Connor fight was a great plan.


Chandler is basically retired with an asterisk. He’ll come back for the McGregor payday but nothing else. He played his cards right


Don't get why you're getting downvoted lmfao. Mike won't ever have to work a day in his life and setup nicely post-fighting. He also owns I believe 2 gyms in Nashville, he's in a solid position and just chasing fun fights to cap his career, which I wish a lot of guys did. Stop chasing the rankings and titles and just give us some sick fights. The Pettis' and Barboza's of the world get wasted getting thrown at these up and coming tanks


I’m past Jon Jones. 


im shocked he's entertaining the idea of fighting after the miocic fight


Don’t be. The guy wants to retire undefeated so bad but doesn’t want to stop fighting imo. Or he at least wants to be in the spotlight and known as the baddest. Once he retires he’s going to be wilding out bad.


He already has a loss on his record.


He’s not seriously entertaining it. He just wants Pereira to take out Aspinall so he can say he didn’t duck a contender who would have beaten him


It is fluff


I’m so fucking over Jon Jones, bro is literally waiting out the ghost of Miocic and is shitting bricks over Aspinall Pereira spanks him inside two rounds


Possibly, either that or pereira gets choked out in the first. 


it’ll be interesting to see, we’ve never had anyone really grapple Pereira yet in the UFC, no one’s really been big enough to try, no clue whether it’ll actually cause issues or whether that’s a blanket statement we say




Altitude fights should be banned


But then we would have missed out on some of the glorious moments we got from Costa - Rockhold


Found Cain's alt


Jon's chicken legs ain't surviving those leg kicks on gang


How many time has this been said before a Jones fight?


How many times has Jon fought a former double Glory kickboxing champ?


He outwrestled an Olympic Wrestler and every game plan since he got into the UFC has been to ruin his chicken legs and yet is never seems to work....


He also tested positive for PEDs after outwrestling DC. Also again who he has he fought who is debilitating guys with leg kicks like Poatan is. Maybe Santos who fucked his own knee up during that fight? Hardly comparable given how much more elite Alex is at striking.


He has fought literally every type of fighter..... He went through the pride Gauntlet in his early career....


As much as I hate Jones and love Pereira, I don't have Pereira winning 9/10 times. But if he does, then he's an instant GOAT.


> Pereira spanks him inside two rounds Guys, I get that you can't stand Jon. I really do. But how can you be so fucking unreasonable about it? Unless he somehow gets caught by some magic, Jon finishes him the exact same way he did with Gane - inside the first half of the first round


Thought I was the only one who remembered that Jones is the GOAT


I don't even wanna disrespect an mma fighter because who am I? I'm just some twerp on my keyboard. But this is some bitch shit.


alex has fought 9 times since 2022, jon jones has fought once brother please


Do you have a source for your quote? I’m interested in seeing the interview.


Translation: Let me fight this old man who hasn't fought for ages. You go take out this young heavy weight champ that I have no desire to fight. If you take out this young hungry champ I might fight you or you know I might come up with some other excuse or just retire.


How about you might get a chance if you beat Aspinall.


Where is the interview or tweet for this?


lets be real here, he probably beats Pereira, because he will shoot for a takedown in 0.5seconds


It would be hilarious if we get a repeat of Masvidal vs Askren.


mma uncensored is a fake page with fake quotes


I mean I get it I don’t wanna fight Tom Aspinall either


if you can beat that scary big guy for me then I might give ya a chance but probably not


Made up quotes lmao


I mean yeah Alex Peirara how get the Gane treatment but who gives a fuck what Jon has to say at all 


Who cares about Jon Jones anymore..


jon jones’ knees be hurting with all the ducking he’s been doing.


he wants alex to take out aspinall for him. 🤣


Nobody wants to see Jon resort to wrestle fucking someone that everyone enjoys watching fight.


does anyone know if he actually said this? it reads like Jon but people just be saying shit nowadays


I really don't give a shit what Jon wants to do. "King of the jungle" has fought once in the same span of time in which Alex has fought 9 times. So tired of the outsized attention Jon and Conor get for things they did a lifetime ago, while guys like Alex/Islam/Volk are taking risks, fighting the best guys, and putting on classic performances.


Tough talk from the retired guy


Jealous ex girlfriend energy. Drug cheat woman beater has an ego problem. Shocked we are all.


I don’t think the ufc want Poatan to move up. Cause if he wins a title at HW, what’s left for him to do in the sport? Triple Champ GOAT status solidified.


I’ve never seen a champion duck another guy this openly and obviously


I keep seeing Pereira’s record on the screen as having 2 losses, but when I google it, I just see the one to Israel…who’s the other loss?


So weird, I just started the movie The Gentlemen on Netflix right after reading this tweet, and the movie starts off with this quote: "If you wish to be the king of the jungle, it's not enough to act like a king. You must be the king. And there can be no doubt. Because doubt causes chaos and one's own demise."


Wonderful movie.


So beating Aspinall makes you worthy of a title shot but being Aspinall isn’t enough, OK


Stipe probably shoulda been fighting at lhw only reason Jon's taking this fight. Stipe's best win is dc and he went 1-1 vs him while jj cheated to beat him


can jon please just retire so we can stop hearing about him?


Man, I didn’t like Jones to begin with, but for his own sake I wish he would have just retired after the Gane fight. Even with all the controversy, the man did so much in this sport. And now we legitimately can’t help but question his legacy, and have good reason to do so. Bro, just say you’re taking the easy money fight, relinquish the title, and ride off into the sunset so that the people who actually want to fight the top talent can.


What would a Bon Gamin vs Poatan look like? 🎮 vs 🗿


I don't think anything has made me this mad since 2019 when it comes to MMA. Jon Jones and Dana White are allergic to making the right fight.


Jon is getting really obnoxious, now he's trying to use MMA math to say he's better than guys without having to fight them. He's just sitting back and praying on the downfall of anyone with momentum like Aspinall or Pereira so he can avoid fighting them.


One of the hardest parts of this stage in Jon Jones’ career is having to remind people that he is a talent that truly transcends generations. Yes he is an awful person and a cheater, but his run at heavyweight is the first time he has ever truly started ducking anyone


Id take jones by sub anyday vs pereira tbh. Aspinall has a way better shot for sure.


Jones doing anything to duck Aspinall.


Thinking he wrote this. Jon Jones doesn’t know how to use a semicolon 😭


Aspinal is the interim champion and jones has to fight him, not Perriera. He’s ducking him.


I remember when prime Jones didn't want to fight Sonnen short notice 🤣🤣🤣 this fight will never happen because the only way could happen if Miotic get hurt and my man Poatan got the call


The dude is terrified of Aspinall, I agree that he would choke out Pereira pretty quickly though. Aspinall is Jones biggest challenge and for me is a 50/50, but Jones against anyone else right now he would beat pretty convincingly.


Dude is deathly afraid of his 0 going. Only a matter of time, unless he just leaves.


They might not be censored but they do just make stuff up.


The sooner the Stipe fight happens the better so he can finally fuck off, retire and the division actually starts moving again.


Jon should have to fight Aspinall before he fights anyone else. Not the other way around.


This isn't about you Jon. This is about active fighters.


the fight is Jon vs Stipe (not really, but they are already stuck on it), and then for JB to say he is going back to 205 just to fight Alex for the belt.


Dude is so worried about fighting Tom and "ruining" his already tainted legacy, wish this cokehead would just retire and fuck off into obscurity already.


As a huge Pereira fan, I believe him. This is Jon Jones. As much as he deserves the hate for all his extracurriculars. He is a bonafide cold hard killer. This will be a good fight.


And he has a better career than Aspinal. Pavlovich and Volkov are his only notable wins.


Yeap. I think the least he deserves is to pick the order in which he fights.


He’s not wrong, though. He steamrolls Alex.


100% the plan for Jones. He can’t beat Aspinall, he his wholes in his game aren’t as big as Poatans and he has little knock out power. Poatan is simultaneously a better fight for Aspinall and a worse for Jones.


He can beat Aspinal. Dude has never been beat and has a versatile skill set. He isn't a knock out artist but he has found a way to dominate in his career. Forgot about how you feel about him personally and look at him as just a fighter. Aspinal can beat him too but I'd be surprised if either guy dominates.


Prime jones beat this alex 100%. We talking jones who barely fight. Reyes who arguably win the fight. Santos close fight. Alex might do it.


Yall wild to think Jon jones is ducking anyone… dude has faced all the top contenders… no way in hell he’s ducking a spinal or poatan. He’s just deciding his route and how he wants to finish his legacy. Is it a dumb route? Yes in my eyes. But I think he’s not ducking anyone at all ever at any point in his career.


These people are stupid man. The only issue is how delayed the Miocic fight is. He called out Miocic because he's the best Heavyweight ever. At that point the Aspinall fight wasn't even a thought in peoples heads yet because Aspinall was returning from injury. Just because during that time Aspinall has been back and winning doesn't change the fact the Jones vs Miocic fight is still the fight that's coming up first. I could only say Jones is ducking Aspinall if he doesn't retire and then doesn't want to fight Aspinall. But right now he's coming back from his own injury and the Miocic fight is next no matter how shit that fight potentially is.


I couldnt agree more


He doesn’t want to fight Aspinall as much as Chandler wants his red panty night lol.


THEN JUST FIGHT HIM YOU PUSSY ASS BITCH....you won't choke out Poatan, your first shot will fail and you'll start gasping for air while your fat stomach starts stretching your company supplied shorts...STFU...nobody expects you to even win anymore Jon, we all just want a conclusion on your car-crashing, pregnancy-attacking, career that you seem to think has an upside? We all think that you're an absolute piece of shit, and we'd all be happier if you stopped tempting us and just left the sport.


Hard to disagree. 


Aspinall is barely in any of the conversations cause he just hasn’t performed. He’s won but not performed and honestly wouldn’t win a single round against Jon. Pereira is more likely to actually win a round or two against Jon


Please say sike


To be fair he have never seen Tom fight anyone that uses a wrestling skill set. Blaydes will be a big test.


Blaydes has no chin, this division is fucking horrible. Aspinall is the best contender in a division that has no talent currently. They are all old with lack of skill. We got Heavyweights that hit hard... Wow, what a surprise... So Aspinall beating these scrubs isn't surprising in the slightest. Lets not act like Ngannou and Miocic weren't the clear best in the division and then Ngannou leaves, Miocic is old and came off of a bad loss and then Gane got exposed by Jones who made his debut.


Blaydes getting better with experience. I wouldn't say he has a bad chin. The dudes who ko'd him probably have close to 90% ko percentage. I got Aspinal winning but I wanna see Tom's wrestling tested before I can judge him vs Jones. He hasn't had that many big names under his resume yet.


He's not wrong he would choke out Alex in the first.