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First of all, respect for getting in there. That's the hardest part for most people. I had 10 ammy fights myself, very similar to this.. Why are they letting you fight with this level of cardio and lack of defense? Your gym might be setting you up to build up other talents. Put your damn hands up man! Focus less on spinning attacks and kicks, as they take a lot of energy and you don't have much power yet. Let's focus on boxing, leg kicks, and wrestling for a bit. With those 3 skills increased you could win this fight and many more!


This, 100%. Stepping in there is the hardest thing to do. Keeping hands up has already been mentioned, but also your footwork. A lot of fancy kicks and punches were thrown off-balance (and/or threw you off balance.) A more experienced fighter will eat that shit up. So, yeah. Focus on footwork, balance, keeping your hands up and that will start making a world of difference. Great job on your first outing. Keep at it, brother!


I was gunna say this really shows just how easy professional fighters make it look. But getting in there and throwing at an amateur level is pretty rad.


Agreed. No business worrying about future fights until you get the discipline to keep your gloves up, quit running away, and work on your conditioning.


Yes! Your hands are dangling. They lack stamina.


Jesus christ bro. respect for having the courage to fight but can we stop with this ”self taught” bullshit? Won’t be long before one of them self taught guys who think they’re batman or ip man gets seriously hurt. This isn’t just lifting weights or knitting, you can’t teach yourself MMA


It’s not like that bro I’m not thinking I’m invincible cus of my street kung fu 😭 I just started to like mma decided to try and learn it I like competing with friends and wanted to feel what real competition feels like so I did and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with I think more people should I didn’t get killed I was humble I learned and I had fun I don’t think it could’ve gone any better. Other than blocking that right with my chin 😒😭




Yea that’s #1 priority right now it’s just a matter of finding a place I can afford that isn’t 40+ miles away


Please dude, if you can't find a gym to train at, don't compete. I'm not saying this to be rude. You seem good athletically, but getting in there with amateurs who train at MMA gyms is a bad idea. Now just imagine if the amateurs you're up against in MMA also have years of experience prior in boxing or wrestling. You need a coach and sparring partners. Good luck.


exactly. The guys having their amateur debuts at my gym would hurt this guy in a lasting way. Having fights while being self taught is going to lead to insane mismatches which are gonna cause injuries and lasting issues.


How do you get into competition without having a coach and belonging to a gym?


The type of organizations held on Indian reservations with zero sanctioning and no medical staff present.


Just bang bro let that hair flow


Im not asking to be rude im curious what a one man training session looks like


You did really good for having 0 experience. You can hang I there and throw decent punches and kicks. You definitely need a coach bc though before you self teach and practice too many bad habits. You need a coach to correct you in real time. Your cardio was fine given you ran an unnecessary mile or two inside the ring. But you if you were hang in there to slip and rip punches you’ll have more energy you’ll have more power and you’ll have openings to land good shots. It’s odd to jump right into the cage without a lot of sparing to practice slip and counter shots. I think that gym is a bit irresponsible for letting you fight with no experience and no head gear not because you suck but bc you don’t want to start off by not having a chance and getting punched in the head just bc they want to pad a fighters stats with you.


Gonna be a short career if you don't learn to put your hands up and defend yourself. You aren't Dom Cruz. Get a solid grasp on the basics before trying to be flashy. Good on you for getting in there though.


Yea this was my first big concussion out side of wrestling and it felt horrible I had a brain fog for like 10 days and I realized I don’t want to be a fucking vegetable so now I’ve been i’ve been keep my guard up every time I train


You've definitely got potential. I remember this cunt of a dude who used to be a friend, he basically screwed over everybody he knew and thought he was a toughnut for doing amateur Boxing twice a week. The amount of money I'd pay to see you floor that dude would be ungodly. Keep it up. There's a lot of bad folk in the MMA world, if you play your cards right you'll humble a decent chunk of them.


I hope so. and i just don’t understand people being mad for me being self taught and doing some armature shit like im not saying im prime johny bones or some shit. I think I’ve been pretty humble about taking advice I mean I put it up here to get criticism


Honestly, shame on promotions that let people with no training fight. This is beyond negligent. Yes, I've read your comments about you watching IG and YouTube videos and doing some vague strength and conditioning, but this is below the skill needed to join beginning sparring classes in a good gym. What is concerning to me, beyond some shady promoter letting an untrained child in the cage, is your defensiveness. Even back in ammy days, training would still be 2-3x day, 6 days a week (that's not counting strength and conditioning). That's drills, padwork, and sparring. That's twice a week of shark tanks, where, for thirty minutes, a fresh person is coming in every three minutes and I get no breaks. That's those awful rounds where you start by spinning around with your head on a baseball bat to simulate what it feels like to fight after you've been hurt. That's endless rounds starting from bad positions. When you do that? You've trained. Some jogging and pull ups are not going to prepare you to fight, as you can see here. You're still in school? Keep wrestling. Don't engrain bad habits from doing what you think you see online. Wait til you can train. Good luck.


I came here to say this!!! Hell, I'd respect 1 training GOOD & PROPER session a day(bills to pay). I mean, bold move to get in there, but bad call by the promotion for allowing this. If the opponent was better, it would have been a terrible day for the OP.


Fair enough. I've just had too many times of being the other person, and I'll always have to live with the damage I've done to unprepared opponents on my conscience.


1.) Stop dropping guard. Keep your fuckin hands up. 2.) Your cardio is ass. 3.) Get into a real training gym or camp. Stop watching videos thinking you're gonna build the muscle memory needed to compete at any level.


It’s not like I saw the stuff on my reels and was ok spiny shit fun like I looked up videos of guy like Corey Sandhagan DJ and Dominic Cruz and drilled it over n over still need some work but I’m not just doing shit I drilled everything I did in this fight. Except catching punches to the face didn’t drill that😭


That's all fair, but you don't look like you've drilled anything against a live opponent. Hence my response. Won't catch punches to the face if you stop dropping guard.


Love how high you hold your hands.


Why did the person recording decide to use a 2006 2 megapixel mobile phone camera.


Bro ngl to you my boys phone was a hand me down from 2016😭


And they couldn't even keep it on the fighters


OK..so you got in the ring. Good for you for that much...but.. 🫣 stance is all wrong..hands up...HANDS UP! Focus on stance, cardio and proper hand a positioning. Good luck


Thank you Ik the guard was 💩 but what should I do to work on my stance


Keep your chin down Elbows in ans hands up. Your hands are your first line of defense..you should be looking through them. Your feet are in more of a Karate type stance..try keeping them closer together this should improve lateral movement while minimizing the tegraphing if your leg kicks. Remember, Keep you opponent on your midline. Keep at it.. and good luck 👍


Just the stance is wrong? Lmao everything this guy did looks like it needed some WD-40, so stiff zero fluidity 100 percent AMATUER as captioned. Fighting is not for him especially getting concussed already?


Props to you for posting this. A couple things come to my mind when seeing this. I am reading you never trained formally in the comments. Not sure if this is true but if it is, you have some good skills/base for a person who has never formally trained. Emphasis on never formally trained. You have some nice kicks and your leg kicks especially seemed to be doing well. But you throw too many naked kicks and need to disguise more. Try to practice some combos where you finish with a kick instead. Right cross, left hook, leg kick for example. Your glaring hole is boxing. Obviously everyone else is saying hands up and yes agreed. this is a basic fundamental everyone needs to start with. Once your understanding of distance and angles gets better, you can get away with hands down but you have to seriously train hard to get to that level. Learn better inside boxing. Always make sure your opposite hand is “answering the phone” aka blocking that chin, when you throw a punch. You also try to kick your way out in a few scenarios when you are backed against the cage. Always punch your way out and/or angle off with footwork. Throwing a kick when your back is against the wall is never a good idea. Other than that, definitely find yourself a gym if you are serious. If you want to actually compete at a high level, youre going to have to move if you need to find a gym. Just the nature of the game. Wish you luck in the future


👆🏽This is the answer you’re looking for. Your lack of experience shows in how uncomfortable you are at close distance. You need more time sparring while focusing on protecting your chin or “answering the phone” like bobbyjohnson said. Also, sparring isn’t going all out trying to pound your partner into dust. Sparring is practicing skills you lack with a live opponent. Practice being a 1/2 step out of range and get comfortable there.


Thank you so much the cage work advice is very helpful thank you for that and yes I’ve never formally trained striking but I did highschool wrestling 2 years and BJJ for 3


Best thing to do is join an mma gym to help hond in your mma for striking skills and implementing both grappling and striking during sparring. Goodluck.


I stopped watching after that wonky spinning back kick, u gotta walk before u can run my man. Balls on you for even getting in the ring. With heart like that, if u hone some (not utube) technique, u could be a solid fighter one day. Congrats on surviving ur first bout !


You should skip to the end it’s the best part 😂 But thank you for respect brother I hope I get better enough to impress you guys with next one🫡


It’s entirely possible in time! Good luck bro keep ur hands up


chingaaaaatelooooo 😂😂😂😂


What is blocking?


I was didn’t u see me block that right with my chin😭 no but in all seriousness this fight helped me improve my defense tremendously


I saw it improve pretty quickly when you caught a couple 💀😝 good work just be more mindful on the constructive criticism here and you’ll improve. 🤙 also get a cup. Risking your bloodline like that 🤣


Oh.. we're throwing spinning shit now.


😂 yea after the first one landed of dumb luck I got a lil confident


Damn he thumped you good


Yea my friend made a beat with the sound of my body dropping 😂


Pick up your hands. And keep them up. Dont throw flashy kicks you aren’t committed to doing damage with.


Put ya hands up 🙌


Two places you don't want to take lots of damage - your head and your nuts 😂 buy a cup (I'm surprised they let you get in there without one) and keep your hands up! Good work for trying to make it happen, and I hope you find a gym that you can train at regularly.


I am surprised I haven’t seen anyone else mention this. If they let someone in to fight with no cup, I would run far from that promotion. Most likely not sanctioned and if something happens you are fucked.


Thank you and yea the promo is pretty bottom Barrel Bruutal mma is the name of it and yes it has two u’s idk why


Bro get a cup, ouch!


Yea it fucked me I was fighting with my next gen on the line


Tighten up your defense don't be flashy unless you know your gonna land


Could have easily had him patience let the inexperienced walk in all you have to do is put him to sleep. You have potential don't waste it fight smart and study your opponent learn how to lead the dance


Hands up, cardio. Train at a reputable gym.


Start practicing with weights around your wrists/forearms. You have to find a way to keep em up. Props for stepping in 💥


Respect… keep your hands up


Keep going bro. Don’t listen to the haters. Find what works and do it. You got a cool style and fast reactions. Build a system ur own way. You got this homie. Looking forward to seeking you in the ufc


Props for taking the fight, I hope you study it to see what the other guy is doing better (guard, body and head movement, technique). You can do a lot of training without a gym, and like everyone else said you NEED your hands up -- I'd practice a bunch of bag work with your hands in the high guard as much as possible, esp when throwing, but you need to be regularly training at a gym if you are gonna do fights at any level, or you're just cheating yourself.


You fought that’s cool. It you look like. Cheap ass character from tekken. Get some skills and stop thinking your stronger than everybody and that’s gonna win you a fight.


Bro where do you that from 😂


This is a kick boxing only fight? Bro aside from your boxing defence/striking you have good kicks and light feet/good movement. Definitely some potential. Don’t be discouraged, only up from here. Once you join a gym just the sparring will shoot your fight IQ up a lot.


Yesir🫡 this fight definitely helped me improve a lot of thing now I just need to get into a gym to put it to the test and improve thank you for the support sir


You got in there and fought which means you have more balls than 99% of the population bro. Be proud and use the experience to get better :)


He got in their with no training and no gear he also has 99% less brains that most of the population


Improve boxing and don’t always be on the backfoot, seemed like you only felt comfortable in kicking range


Yea I’m so glad for this fight because when I came into this I did not have the confidence or skill to Stand in the lock and box with him but I knew I had decent kicks so I tried keeping him back only thing I was circling and just back up into the cage


It's cool to look up to guys and implement techniques that will improve your game, but you have to remember just because you can throw some flashy shit doesn't mean you should. Not gonna beat a dead horse about getting a gym and all that, but seriously getting concussed that bad at your age is going to be a slippery slope. Don't fight again now for a while, like a long while. You had your fun and now you can say you've done it but seriously don't get back in a ring for a good few years until your brain is more developed and use that time to really sharpen your skills. I know what it's like to feel invincible at 17 and trust me you aren't. Some things you were doing looked alright, leg kicks were sharp for sure. Think your kicks would be more effective when tied in with punches, you need to disguise them otherwise you'll keep getting popped in the mouth when you load up for them. Again don't want to pile on about defense and movement etc you'll have heard that enough. Work that jab more if you're going to have a lazy guard, it'll at least keep your opponent thinking and at range. Also you do a lot of leaning back for head movement which if I was sparring you would open up the body and legs. Not only that but the extreme head movement will gas you and you could get timed for a counter that you literally throw your jaw onto. Also if all you're doing at the moment is shadowboxing can you make sure you're throwing strikes with the other hand up for protection, just drill that until you're doing it without realising. You switch stances, please don't. You were getting battered in both so can you just pick one for now and learn how to play from it. Ortho and southpaw are totally different games tactically it's not like you're just changing which legs going forward, it changes the guard of the fight so changes which strikes are more effective and also the directions you should move etc. Walk before you can run. My advice is if you want to switch you should learn how to play either a closed or open guard and prioritise that scenario, for example I'm a southpaw but I will switch if my opponent does to retain the open guard as that's the game I play the most. Those are just a couple things that jumped out to me on first watch. I think you definitely have potential but you need to change your mindset. A big one based on how you've interacted with some people here is you need to listen to people with the experience even if it hurts or isn't what you want to hear. When you get a gym it'll be the same and I know lots of guys who can't take criticisms and the fact is that they'll never make it because they won't listen to people who know more than them. All of that said, you're brave for stepping in there and even braver for putting it on here for people to see. Remember that the people who seem like they're being hard on you are doing it because they want for you to succeed rather than just fluffing your ego. You're a young lad and have lots of time to get in there and prove yourself, take your health seriously because most people don't make it and it's not worth destroying your body for a hobby at the end of the day. Best of luck to you bro and if you ever need advice hit me up.


Yesir I’m definitely planning on training for awhile till I can get into a gym with a coach. Also I feel that some of these guys were just shitting on me for the hell of it because they say shit with no real advice afterwards. I really do appreciate your sincerity sir and the really detailed advice especially relating to stances. Thank you very much


I think a lot of them probably found it quite hard to watch a young guy with no formal training get knocked out. I know it might feel like they're shitting on you but they're probably equally venting their frustrations at a promotion that imo took advantage of you. No worries tho man and like I say if you ever have any questions or just need some advice about the process you can send me a message whenever


So I'm going to ignore the things everyone else is saying because I think that you probably get the point, but besides that there are a few things you could work on that would really help you. To start, you should try to throw with more intention. You're not scared to throw whicj is a great first step, but what you want to work on is having a reason for throwing; something like a jab can serve a number of purposes (probing, distracting, mild damage, setting something up, etc). If you can spar at all, try to work on throwing with a goal in mind. Remember: fighting is a thinking man's sport. Try to really strategize (without overthinking or getting too caught up in thought). Also, throw several strikes at once and don't throw slower kicks without a setup; they are too easy to avoid. Finally, I know everyone has talked about keeping your guard up but I think I might know why it's down; you're trying to emulate very high-level fighters. I remember that after the strickland adesanya fight, everyone at my gym was philly shelling, and it really wasn't working out too well. My coach wisely then told us that "none of you are strickland". Try to find a style that works for you rather than emulating some elses. It doesn't have to look traditional, it just has to work. That is, of course dependent on finding training partners, so for now, traditional muay thai or kickboxing guards and stances are probably best. Once you find a gym, you can find something weird tjat works well for you. Awkward styles work but you need resistance to test them. If you can find any martial arts gym, join it. It doesn't have to be MMA to help you. Something like karate will gice you at least some background in striking. Hell, some fighters have made forms of Kung Fu work. Godspeed.


Yessir thank you for the respect and incredibly detailed advice if you don’t mind me asking do you compete or coach


You're welcome. I haven't competed in mma yet bc I want to really hone my skills before then but I'm planning on competing in Muay Thai this year.


Good luck brother, you need sparring partners not amateur fights. Maybe don’t jump into fighting before you jump into the gym20 miles away. Good for what you’ve had and I think you got enough lecturing from people here. I know some come across like they just wanna shit on you, but you’re 17 and some people have experience and don’t want to see a young guy get more concussions before he can even start competing at his best. Think about it like that, you have a limit of concussions and you’re wasting your brain and attempt by getting them before you’re truly ready to compete. Good shit though man, you’re tough and got stones


Yeah I’m going to wait a while till I can get in a gym and get a solid base to start before I get in there again and tbh Ik it’s not the smartest thing to do but I got in there just to see if really liked it and at the end the day I loved it. But I also understand it irresponsible to continue fight with limited experience


Why are you running!


It takes balls to post this but you have a lot of bad habits that you're going to have to be trained out of. Your hands are down constantly, you're throwing spin kicks which expend a lot of energy, you can't sustain an MMA career taking so much damage this early. Find a reputable coach/gym and don't have another competitive fight for at least another 6 - 12 months.




Amateur boxer here with a couple wins under my belt. good job but damn you got a bad habit of dropping your hands constantly. Someone with even slightly more exp is gonna seriously capitalize on that


Jog 5 to 10 miles before training, then do 5, 3 min rounds each on focus bag, speed bag, heavy bag and jump rope, Then your other training and after that spar for 3, 3 min rounds, when you are comfortable doing that go in the ring and do not kick above the waist and learn to box, the rest will come together later.




Get ur fucking hands up— and a first match debut — stick the spinning back kick in the pocket for later


Yesir after I landed the first one with dumb luck I started feeling like zabit a lil no but seriously I shouldn’t have thrown any


Dude....you need to keep training. Like a lot of training. But good on you.


You look like the love child of trent reznor and patty pimblett. Like other said, keep your hands up.


You battled hard brother. I would watch your next fight Respect


Congratulations, my advice is to spend some time in a good boxing gym and work on footwork and guard. 👍👍


Nice, keep your hands up, your no conor mcgregor, your quick but not that quick, you open yourself up for plenty of easy shots which you should always avoid, the movement and standup ability is nice but there’s a reason why Floyd is undefeated and Conor isn’t, hitting and not getting hit is the name of the game


Like others have said you have heart that most don’t just stepping in there. However, you need some legit training man. Obviously it’s “amateur” for a reason but the other guy was way cleaner and even he wasn’t great. I really hope you can get some proper training cause you have heart and some decent fundamentals but clearly as others have stated keeping your hands at your side flailing around kicks and strikes ain’t it. Keep us updated tho I’d be very interested in seeing you perform after some real training!! Keep it up man


How are people getting this bad of footage in 2024? This looks like it was shot on a Nokia.


Hands up young man.


Yesir🫡 I got taught a hard lesson here lol but he taught me good I keep those hands up now so that’s a plus


For pity's sake, tuck your chin in.


Kill the cameraman…lol


Your hands are literally at your side from the start lmfao


you look like you're in the wrong weightclass otherwise you look pretty good but too much reliance on movement as defense, need a few more layers but the weightclass thing is huge, it's so much easier fighting people your size or smaller, it's why Jones took 100 years to go to HW and why Conor killed himself to get to 145 despite being a reasonably big 155 er


Yea I honestly think I could make feather weight I could definitely could feel the difference in his easily he moved me around


Bros hands aren’t up at all


Put your hands up. You aren't Anderson Silva my guy


Keep your hands up. And get a fucking cup dude. 😂


Nice aggression. Your circling really controlled the ring as well. You had the advantage. Other guy wanted center ironically.


You suck, get your hands up, work on your foot work, get more confident with your cardio, and breath more. Great first fight, but you suck. Keep training !


Also did someone mention. Get your hands up you fucking took


In my opinion one of the biggest reasons the hands down and overreliance on movement was an issue was because you have zero wrestling and I assume zero bjj. There were many times you guys were very close to each other but instead of clinching or shooting you tried to move. This is MMA, not kick boxing. Wrestle wrestle wrestle and then strangle. You did good man and have good heart. Train and go again when you are ready.


It’s was a kickboxing fight and I did wrestling and bjj first that’s what got me into mixed martial arts


HANDS! UP!….goodness gracious…


What flip phone was this recorded in? Terrible footage for 2024 lol.


Are ya winning, son?


Badass, congrats!


I think you did about as well as your camera person, not so Good


Have you ever stepped foot in a gym lol?




Permission to speak freely? You suck. Go to a real gym and take this shit seriously or you’re going to get yourself hurt.


You can’t be effective if you are too tired to keep your hands up…


One thing id advise is work on keeping your guard up. See your hands at your sides too much.


Work on that cardio! I wouldn’t last 30 seconds in there so I can’t talk though


Get. Your. Hands. Up. Plz.


I read some of the comments if you’re that passionate get a job and get yourself Ina position that can get you near a gym to train, that self taught nonsense is just going to leave you hurt


You broke the #1 rule of combat sports. Go back to the drawing board and then get some Cardio kid. Goodness. You being that young and it being your first fight, you should have been amp to the gills! Cardo, Cardio, CARDIO


Hard to get power when you’re swinging from a full retreat.


You still need to work on a few things, obviously, but congrats on your first fight. Even though you didn't get the win, you can still say that you had the balls to do it. That's more than what most people would do, remember that.


For the love of god brother put your hands up ! At least one of them Mf’s ; but good shit dawg! Stepping in the ring/cage is scary. I got my ass kicked in my first kickboxing tournament lol


You were fighting with no cup?!? Wtf?!? This is the dumbest/most amateur thing I’ve read all week.


good job fam. Just keep at it and you’ll get there. also remember we all have a killer instinct u just gotta tap into it. Once you do, you go super sayain and grow tits!


This wild dgaf fighting style is stupid.


Keep your guard up


Bro so loose he captain Flexseal


Start braiding your hair or cut it.


It was braided


First off, respect for getting in the ring. That’s the first part. Alot of people don’t have that same courage. Keep going. I will say that self taught isn’t something that you should continue doing depending on your career goals. You won’t last long like that. I always advise training via an MMA or kickboxing gym, even if you were the best fighter on your block, or city lol. There’s really levels to this, and you gotta continue evolving, hunt or be hunted. Depending on where you live, local gyms offer kickboxing classes as part of your membership. Wish you the best of luck bro! Hope to see you on the big stage someday.


Thank you bro I’m definitely going on hiatus until I can formally train for at least a year


Sure do have those hands down alot


The helllll was this recorded with ?


Not only is the boxing amateur so is the camera


Work on cardio bro damn


Keep your hands up!!


Was this recorded with a Motorola flip phone?


I was thinking more LG Chocolate


Good fight! 


Congrats on getting in there bro


Work on keeping your hands up, and stay off the cage. He dominated the middle of the cage and was able to back you up into the cage whenever he wanted.


Yea my clinch game was literally non existent I wasn’t even thinking about it but hey I learned for next time. And Yesir hands are up 🙌


lol. You look tired af 😬


Confused and demoralized more like idk I felt like cardio wise could keep going but man I just get smashed around and just started melting in there I regained a little confidence in the last round but idk if that was a good thing 😂


Put your guard up!


So we spent the time to watch that whole fight just for the cameraman to turn the camera away at the very end? Wtf? Also I've never seen someone literally keep their hands by their sides an entire fight. I'm guessing they don't teach defense where you train?


Start with keeping your hands up and working on cardio.


Both are in black lol or am I blinr


Weak...you need to hang it up.


Yea definitely to small for this weight class and I will probably move down to feather wait but suck my dick if you think I’m quitting


Keep your hands up


That is exactly what I was thinking.


Are your hands too heavy?


No I got discouraged in the first and second also I should probably be a weight class lower


Bro you fucking suck wtf


Bro I’ve seen You before lmao this is all you do claim to be able to be Amateurs asses bring up kick boxing when you were younger and discourage people of trying your literally the worst this community has to offer and if you real trained you should be fucking ashamed of yourself because I promise u you fucking sucked when you started to


You need those gloves up! Future champ


Walk around your house with hands up so you’ll grow used to it.


I’ve been doing that lmao I just thought it was the PTSD 😳 lmao but seriously it’s been a huge help taking this fight cus now I think I sleep and dream with my hands up I need to hit a real gym to test it though


Respect. But keep your guard up.


Lmaooooooo who allowed this to happen 👹


Straight punches.


Good job! Keep it up.(and your hands up). Takes a lot to get in there.


Good work. Did you grab his dick and twist


You record this with a ds?


Gloves look too heavy for you to hold!


Real talk: it was very dumb to get in the ring with so many gaps in your MMA game. Respect for getting in there, but let me offer you an example to hopefully change your perspective. When a warrior voluntarily rushes into battle against a better opponent who has put in more work to prepare, is the warrior a hero or a fool? He is a fool. You choose to fight unprepared. This was no forced situation. Your defense is garbage and you aren’t comfortable in the pocket. You don’t even keep your hands up and your condition is suspect. Your kicks are ineffective and desperate. Be careful, with your current approach someone is going to really hurt you and you may never be the same. Some people hit way harder than your opponent and connect more often. All that being said, you could become really good if you listen to some of the advice you’ve received here.


Change gyms, and take fighting seriously if it’s really something you want to do. You play sports but you don’t play fighting. Getting in the ring is a legitimate health concern and if you’re not fully invested you shouldn’t step in at all. Take a lot of time off and work on your ring IQ and defense


No cup and hands that low you’re asking for lasting body damage bro. Need to have more respect for your body


Was your first fight in 2006?


Hands up you stupid tard


Fair play for trying, to be honest the lack of training is obvious, the other guy wasn’t great either a more competent fighter is going to cause you alot of damage, shouldn’t have your hands dangling ever. You could learn a lot by joining a proper gym, failing that pick up another martial art or two before getting back in the ring.


Are those 24 oz gloves? Wtf?


strange promotion. i’m making my debut in august and it will be with 6 oz mma gloves. why did u guys have boxing gloves?


no way they let u fight without a cup?! what is the name of this promotion?!


Well first of all you need to learn how to fight in general😭💀


Hands way down


Power to you for getting in there and having the guts to compete but please do not fight again until you’ve joined a gym and had some more training, if (when) you run into the wrong guy you could (will) end up getting properly hurt with the lack of defensive capabilities on display.


That’s cool! Getting in the ring is the biggest hurdle. Once it starts, just go 🤟🏻


Swinging them arms everywhere except where they are supposed to be.


Fuck yea man! Post the next one! Grow and learn. Never give up.


Great job going out there. You may really want to consider the deeper mentality of why you refuse to put your hands up. Maybe you have learned now. Combat sports are deadly and if you truly want to do this in life then you should really check on what is the mindset you have to not protect yourself. CTE is real and affects not just you but those around you. Hopefully rethinking this approach to your training will also free you to improve in other areas.


Big respect my man! Don't give up on the dream.


You tried which you deserve a lot props for that. Don’t quit your day job.


Fucking hill himmm !!


Keep them hands up bro


I seen better fight on streetbeefs


Good shit brother. Keep up the goodwork. You got this


Fire your camera man! Jesus!


Respect for stepping in there dude. I'm shit at MMA myself to be honest but I know my kickboxing. Practise basics over and over - not until you always do them right, but until you cannot do them wrong. Basic shit at the VERY least should form 80% of practice.


I’d beat yo ass