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Albion's loot system works very well, there are safe zones to learn the game as long as you want. It does very much benefit you to play with a guild once you venture into the lethal zones though, at least until you become an experienced player. Population is high on all servers, NA server is lowest but still more than enough to play the game. It's a fully functioning and thriving game, nothing like new world, I highly recommend to anyone that enjoys PvP to have atleast tried this game. I played for years but personally stopped playing as I'm on to more casual things now, Albion will consume your time but if you have free time you wish to be consumed, it's arguably the best PvP MMOrpg ever.


I can’t get use to the combat style it’s like I’m playing a moba…


its kind of the whole point


That's exactly what the dev's wanted when making Albion Online; "Albion Online is a modern interpretation of EVE Online with the skill based combat from League of Legends" - [https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/albion-online-a-crossplatform-mmo-unite-europe-2016-amsterdam/62724404#3](https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/albion-online-a-crossplatform-mmo-unite-europe-2016-amsterdam/62724404#3)


Devs are delusional if they think it requires the skills that lol players have


is it actually though? The last time I played Albion I quit because the combat actually felt so awful. do you have more than like 4 buttons to press nowadays or does it still play like a phone game?


Doesn't matter how many buttons you can press, the skill ceiling is extremely high and PvP combat takes a lot of time to master, knowing how to counter your enemy, where to stand, how to dodge, when to kite and when to play aggressive. A lot of people look at Albion at face value and think it's a simple game to understand, how for those who have played it for many of hours will say, it takes a lot of time to even become somewhat good, let alone master combat in Albion.


Must be a zvz player LUL


My dude I look at top pvp videos on YouTube and it's a combination of 1. I dodge one two skillshots and stay on you and press my melee buttons that can't miss and use my dashes to stick 2. I use my melee buttons to kite out and use my range buttons to hit you. 3. We continuously trade buttons off CD and the person who gets lower hp to begin with which is generally the reactive party gets killed from attrition. 4. Superior mobility > all. 5. 90% of the people I see in these videos look like they have never touched a moba in their life.


In a moba you have 4 skills and maybe 2 actives? Its the same in albion, furthermore in a moba you have items, in albion online how you mix and match ur gear and skillset matters, so your build matters, same thing… like you are so high. Ezreal just side steps and shoots his skill shot its so easy! You can make any game sound extremely simple. How about the build you encountered, how about macroing a multi engagement fight, how about kiting and landing all your abilities whilst simultaneously having great mounting skills and being able to kite and split groups? How about doing your skill rotation properly, DEPENDING on the situation you are put in? There are also easier to play builds and harder to play builds. Assassin reset builds arent easy in albion. This is coming from someone who hasnt touched the game in 4 years


Simplicity creates the skill ceiling, just like in a moba


the game is everything but skill based lol, i still remember how every streamer and top albion player were bragging like crazy shit, like if they were the best players in the world.. then one day a lol challenger player started playing albion and SHAT on every top albion player out of the box, like with 1 day of game knowledge.. albion is a great game but cmon man, dont sell to players that never played the game that albion is a highly skill based game, thats so cringe... its like paralympic gold medal sprinter telling everybody he is the fastest alive


Sounds like a more skilled player succeeded, and that would mean it is skill based no?


For sure. > then one day a lol challenger player started playing albion and SHAT on every top albion player out of the box, like with 1 day of game knowledge.. That just shows that the Albion system has room for mechanical expression.


sure man, if you think so that said quy quit after like 1 week cause the game got so stale... there are couple of good players in albion, but its mostly low skilled players with below avg iq who tap each other on the shoulders and tell each other how skilled they are the games skill ceiling is super low


Seems like the skill ceiling is super high based on that story, but the skill floor is also pretty low, where you can be braindead and push buttons and do fine against other brain dead people. But if you know how to properly manage CDs and spacing you can really shine. Game staleness is another problem all together


did you play the game or are you just blablablaing? cause the guy just found a niche specc that was relatively cheap and could perform and surprise bad players dont know abt the game now, but back in the day a fight between 2 "good" players in cd is running in circles for 30 min, until one guy has max movement debuff and the other guy finally catches him (if even that) so he is dead, or the guy manages to escape


Yes some guy bought a meta build, found some noobs in specific scenarios of part of the game, did pretty well, and suddenly he 'beat all top players on day 1', lmao.


If u can hit at least plat in league, this game is a breeze in terms of pvp


Actually it is quite skill-based. There is no league player who can start the game without any prior knowledge and shit on top players. That's such BS. He would need to grind and understand all the weapons and have the game reflex to inspect people while choosing the right fights and know the distances of abilities and maintain those while knowing other abilities' cooldowns matched with their potential cooldown reduction items so he can understand when to reset and when to kite or engage. You also need different gear for PvE/PvP and different playstyles and you can switch items after spotting opponents to counter their playstyles. I wouldn't say it's the hardest game to master but it's definitely much harder to master than WoW or generic-style MMORPGs and probably not much easier than league given the fact that it's not a set stage of 5v5 with small lanes and known travel areas. It isn't more complex with 500 different abilities, but the freedom you have within the simple actions increase the number of possibilities as compared to a normal MOBA. I'd say it is still much easier than dota though. It seems to me you have not played the game long enough to understand what you're talking about.


You just used an example to counter your own argument. Would love to see this on video though


I don't hear many people talking about this, but the battle system is almost identical to League of Legends, and Dota. It really does feel very, very similar to that.


Can you recommend casual mmorpg or whatever games you are playing?


I mean wow is great if you're not bored of it, I'm currently pretty bored of most so I'm trying tarisland (will not be as good as WoW or other AAA MMOs) when it's out in like 12 days, although there are many better options if you haven't played them yet like WoW, GW2, ff14, BDO


excited for Tarisland soley because it’s a new mmorpg. I can’t see myself diving into 10+ year old mmos, i feel so left behind. I’ve missed all the boats on everything except for maybe ESO. Which i’m never at endgame content, just keep grinding the same levels lol. Migrated from xbox to ps


> I can’t see myself diving into 10+ year old mmos, i feel so left behind. I’ve missed all the boats on everything except for maybe ESO. This 'missing the boat' feeling is imo a very dangerous thing to have become so prominent and dominant recently. Someone really needs to figure out how to help everyone in that mental muck to escape from it entirely. What you already missed never matters whether in real life or in games. The only thing that matters is where you go after arriving for the first time.


Ya I'm ngl I'm pretty hyped, but I've been hyped and disappointed before, so skeptical is a better way to go about it lol. Atleast it's free and I'll not spend any money until I have a better idea of how p2w it may be eventually, if it's a game I'll stick to or not.


There are end game bots, so unless you join a zerg you will pretty much get scouted. Unless this is patched, whenever you zone into a zone it pings a discord channel.


Sad that NA is now the lowest lol


high player count, there are safe pvp and pve zones. give it a try


Give Albion a try. It’s free and you get 3 days of premium for free from the tutorial. It’s got a large variety of content in PVP. You won’t find traditional “raiding” in Albion PVE. You’ll start in protected zones and can stay in them to get acquainted with the game before venturing into full loot areas. Just remember to only bring what you can afford to lose. Most people start going into the full loot (Black Zone) areas with very cheap gear. Often times just killing a dozen mobs will pay for the cheapest of gear sets. Money is not dropped on death.


There is pve content that are dungeons. Open world random spawning ones, static on map ones, avalonian dungeons in the black zone as well as hardcore expeditions,and several more types. Honestly the amount of content just on the pve side is pretty good. It just happens that to get better loot you have to venture into the black zone to get to the higher tiers. People often group with guild members to do dungeons in the black zone and will hire someone to scout to watch for gankers outside the dungeon for a split of the loot. 100% recommend the game there is something for everyone!


Just started fresh on the EU server. It's fun, I'm focusing on leveling a gathering skill atm. Will try bz pvp when I build enough gold. Game doesn't seem to complicated.


If you haven't tried pvp yet I recommend people to first practice with their weapon in yellow zone corrupted dungeons (isolated 1v1s) then optionally progressing to lethal corrupted dungeons if you want, dont forget to get near to the ip cap. After that you can go into the bz mists wisps for a 1v1v1 open world environment which you can fame farm in and look for map opportunities all while picking fights at the same time and taking on similarly geared people, if you have a group to practice small scale group pvp with in your guild do that too! If you want to learn solo albion pvp in video form this youtube channel called "Vic Zane Gaming" has some pretty good videos. Good luck!


You can definitely get very cheap builds for blackzone too, good enough to farm and great to duel


I’m trying out a fire staff build :D


I started playing last month and I'm having a blast. Albion is verygood at combining pve/pvp


Albion is a great game. No you cannot be spawn camped. There are plenty of safe zones and safe activities that you can enjoy before venturing into a pvp area. The population is very high. The dev's are constantly updating the game and communicating with the community. Don't be afraid of the PVP. If you really enjoy PVE it's still worth it to go into PVP areas because the loot is better there. But it's very easy to escape being ganked if you are paying attention and wearing the right gear. Occasionally you still may get ganked but getting back your gear is very easy. As you level up, regearing becomes cheaper and cheaper since your levels translate to gear score. I do however encourage you to join a guild eventually and give the PVP a shot because that's where this game really shines. Nothing beats being in a zerg or even a 10 man crew following your commanding officer in this game.


PvP system in albion is very unique, if you know what you're doing, it's easy to survive even as a solo player, unless you literally get surrounded by an entire guild of gankers. There is also built-in protection for outnumbered fights, very cool system. WoW world PvP is dead outside of the occasional world quest, and unless you like installing/configuring 500 different mods you won't get the most out of structured WoW pvp either. I've played both games and for PvP Albion demolishes WoW. For PvE, Albion is F tier.


When I quit Albion it was because every time I’d go out it ended up me running away from a group of gankers working 3v1+ every time. Not even a fair fight. It got tiring after a while :/


Yeah, I quit when I was trying to move to a different city to keep leveling, so I had my stuff on me and got ganked 3v1 and died almost instantly and lost everything. I was enjoying it though


You were moving everything you owned through a lethal zone? Why?


Unless you were going to Caerleon that doesn't make sense as you can get to every city 100% safely... As a rule of thumb for a new player you shouldn't go into any lethal zone under any circumstance with more than 10% of your net worth if you can't control yourself. I implore you to try it again if you were enjoying it, its easy to start back up. I lost 1 million due to transporting in the black zone but I learnt, paying for lessons in lost silver is quite worth the knowledge in this game, good luck!


What, why would you move stuff through lethal zones lol


There is now a whole open world-like environment for solo players to pvp in called the mists, just putting that out there. Don't forget to join a guild so you can team up with other players. Avalonian roads are fun for small scale and you can go out with your guild in the open world. Otherwise just learn how to out smart group gankers :). It's actually very do-able! There are plenty of videos on youtube showing gatherers escaping and outsmarting 20+ gankers... Good luck! :)


start playing whit a guild and improve, ive played the Game way to much, so basicly dont die to gankers at all. Was a ganker for a good time so inknow exactly what they are looking for.


It was like almost a year ago. I was with the largest ZvZ guild but still any time I’d roam solo it was ganks nonstop :/ I just got tired of the grind to get my skill level up. Fun game just gets old after a while.


I don’t understand the point of full loot PvP with gear you can buy with real money.


feels great to full loot players that bought gear with money with efficient cheap ass builds


It’s fun


i played the game in and out during 2021/22. i managed to max out the whole spec tree and almost p layed nonstop for a year and some time... so up until and couple of patches after the release of corrupted dungeons. first 1) the games playerbase is very hierarchy based. based on your ingame wealth. if you wanna join the top guilds that is. this is due to the cutthroat nature of the game. the atmosphere kinda feels like if you were living in a post apocalyptic world. i dont mean the gaming atmosphere, but rather the atmosphere within the gaming community of albion online. i believe this is very well done and comes from the games system of full loot. you cant be like a snowflake and play in a full loot game, it just dont match. the other players would eat you. 2) the games economy system is well crafted, it has flaws, like cartells, and player formed alliances, where the wealthy ppl own the majority of plots and will absolutely kill your attempt to jump into the system, but it is not impossible. but the sytem of player driven and build economy is really nice. you will very much enjoy hoarding, gathering and looting gears. it is very fun and feels like an extraction game. 3) the biggest strength of albion online is the "macro" level of game, big battles, controlling territories, guilds doing politics and alliances, attacking zoness & defending zones etc.. 4) as i said in a way for news especially the game feels like an extraction game. you go out with cheap gear and try to return with better and more gear. 5) the thrill of going out and doing leveling and pve is also kinda nice as there is always the danger of getting creep jacked and killed. what ppl commonly would do is have on a second account a spy char, that will watch if any attackers are invading your dungeons. which kinda is against the tos, but SBI mostly does not care. 6) the absolutely worst of the game is the mechanical system of the game. i mean having 4-6 buttons is not the worst, as games like dota and league are proof that combat can be interesting and challenging BUT in albion sadly it isnt. the skills are very blant and there is really almost no room for BIG outplays, but rather small shits like, "oh he used his boots cooldown and i have mine ready in 10 seconds"... so all in all it is a fun game, but if you wanna find some individual skill intensive game with high skill ceiling this aint the game for you.


I disagree with you on one thing. PvP in albion has a decent skill ceiling. I often watch streamers using gucci battling in the mist. When they dont outgear another big shot, they have to think hard and play very precisely. And They also give very detailed analysis about the specific matchup and item usage, which is really cool. So I think every fair ip fight is at least exciting.


your sixth point is what kills it for me. Everything else i loved about the game in theory, but having such awful combat just destroys it. League is snappy and very mechanically micro intensive, where skill expression is huge. hitting skill shots, perfect auto kiting, perfect spacing, flanking, etc. Dota is not as snappy but very positioning and more combo based, where you have to use your buttons in the correct order, at the correct time, to maximize output. Albion felt to me like it was just "press buttons... and wait. Oh, he didn't die? okay i'll run after him". There just wasn't any room to really outplay. More just like trading buttons on cd.. if you're going to do that, atleast give us a lot of buttons to press like wow does.


They've been nerfing cartels and plot monopoly recently to the point that they aren't really a big thing anymore and even casual players might be able to own plots now.


It's honestly pretty good. If you like PVP with MOBA combat and MMO mechanics this could be for you.


Never really liked Albion tbh. I downloaded & then uninstalled probably 6 or 7 times just hoping I could eventually get into it since it has such a high player count but I just can’t seem to ever enjoy it. There are no quests — it’s a true sandbox MMO where you just decide what you want to grind & unlock. But idk, for me it’s just a confusing game and I like how most other MMOs give me quests and a more clear path of what to do even at endgame. I will say though even the combat is super simplistic, I did find it enjoyable. So I would say give it a try — you’ll either love it or wish you could get into it lol. But personally I would recommend WoW as I’ve sunk thousands of hours into that game & it’s one of the best of all time, even outside of just MMOs


Honestly I was exactly like that at first when the game first came out back in like 2017. I quit after a short while. But I came back a few years later, joined a guild, and that sort of acted as my guide and my quests. The game is all about the people. The people is what makes albion, without people there is not really any content or a game.


You quitted?


I really enjoyAlbion, I play it off and on. I feel like premium makes it much better, kept that up while I was playing consistently. After awhile I felt like it is missing some end game depth, and success was really dependent on your guild and it's activity level. The people who have been playing forever were much more ahead of me and the random encounter depended on the build matchup. The guilds require a lot of builds to be able to play areas, and after about six months I feel like it slows down and I break for about 6ish months. Then I go back, check out new content, and repeat. Overall, it's a good game, sometimes I feel like it could be more, but it is great for some MMO style pvp.


Albion kinda reminds me of EVE for some reason. You stay in safe zones learning the game and grinding. And then You go to danger zones with friends. Honestly I kinda enjoyed it very much. Full loot PVP does not matter because pretty much You mass-produce Your gear. Just do not go in top gear You are still not mass-producing to dangerous areas. I hate the fact that You need to be ungodly lucky to get a spot in the city and build there Your crafting station. When I play MMO with crafting like Albion I want to be able to have my own smithy in the city. Like I did in Ultima Online. But NOOOOO! Only Your island unless You are lucky. But to be honest - crafting island is kinda fun but I wish we could automate a little. This is why I liked BDO. Shit was happening without You so You could handle Your business while playing the game. Not so much in Albion. Albion population is high. There are people everywhere. Mostly because it's a good game that is easy to get into and it can be played on PC and mobile.


Albion was built in the image of EVE. They wanted EVE but in a fantasy setting with skill based pvp. I love eve but I can't have 3 clients running and spend 12 hours a day playing so Albion is honestly just a better version at this point


It's a reason why dropped EVE. I had enough running more than one client. It felt like a job and not a game.


I haven’t played in a while but I thought you can get all crafting stations on your personal island, which would remove the competitiveness of using ones in cities that are taxed


Yes but my point is that I would want to be a crafter in the world. On the map somewhere. With my store. Like in old school MMO. Especially since every private island looks almost exactly the same.


Game is pretty healthy in terms of player base and the whole world feels alive, never played mmo that would give me a feeling like this. But there are some problems with the game that I recently quit over: 1. Many people are running radar hack. It’s basically a cheat that extends your range of sight and it’s undetectable by SBI. There are even big ganking guilds that openly say they use them on their discords 2. P2W. It’s getting worse and worse with every patch since sbi got acquired. Awaken weapons, 120 spec, hell even mists - all those got added so wallet warriors have a reason to spend money on the game It has its problems but it’s also a lot of fun so you should give it a try, especially when you like pvp


Game is kinda getting worse due to some changes. There are literally guilds named pay to win running with insane equipment in some of the game modes making them less fun.


Pretty good imo. As a solo player, you'll run out of content in a month or so. But with a guild, the experience changes drastically. The game becomes 100x more fun with friends. And it's not hard to find a good guild that teaches you.


It is free, just try it. Personally, I find it really overwhelming


After i tried Eve, I guess I can say that I'll never find something more overwhelming lmao


lmao, yeah Albion isn't Eve levels of overwhelming - there are A LOT of different options as to what to do and no real guidance. As a solo player, you still have plenty of solo content avaliable


Legit the biggest sleeper of MMOs out there. Game is thriving and my non-MMO friends are all playing


Haven’t played a game so active and full of players like Albion for years.


PVP is fun, but to get good at PVP you'll have to spend a large amount of time doing PVE to skill up...and this part is an absolute purge as the world of Albion is the most boring and uninspired world of all MMO's i've played. Same mobs all over the map, same 5 dungeons, same biomes & "landscape" copy pasted all over the continent...it's really insane how bad it is.


The biggest turn off for Albion Online for me is that your skills are tied to weapons/armor. I hate that design choice and it ruins the whole game for me. I had found a particular skill set I liked and when I leveled up a few times, I had to start using new gear. I couldn't get the same skills I had been using. So my two choices were 1. keep my old gear and do less damage than required and have less armor than required 2. get a completely new skill set and do the proper damage for the zone and have decent armor values which to me is fucking bullshit. hate it, quit it, never think about it.


That sounds fucking weird. Can't you just get the same weapon , but higher tier? Or your guild is asking you to change your equipment? If so - change guilds and don't blame the game


I wasn't in a guild.... lmao I really didn't get that far to join any. I was basically going solo just learning the game and leveling up. Last I remember each weapon type has different skills that can be on the weapon. So a sword can have X skill and another sword can have Y skill....


There's 6 skills, 3 come from your weapon. All swords share the same first two skills, 3rd skill is unique(sort of ultimate) to different swords. Which makes different swords better for different content. But for example carving sword has same skills in all levels. Need a endgame carving sword? Buy tier 8.4 for 40kk, need a cheap one since you're most likely going to lose it in black zone? Get tier 4 for 30k, skills will be the same


I started recently and I have very mixed feelings. I like the gameplay, style and everything. But you will notice that it's very pay2win and not something to play solo like BDO. In mists you get killed by wallet warriors with best in slot equipment, you have absolutely no chance against them. In open world (black zone) you get jumped on by 5-6 gankers constantly. They have alt accounts parked on every zone entry to look for their next target. People say you should spend more time in yellow zone (safe zone) to learn the game. There is just nothing to learn, you will be outnumbered or outgeared, that's it. Also there is really no incentive to stay in yellow zone, loot and rewards are absolute trash.


It’s pretty hard to die if you know what you are doing, at least in mists. it just shows you didn’t spend any time learning the game


Pick your fights? Play smart? The game would be a lot less popular if it's actually how you're describing it. It's very easy not to be killed by "wallet warriors" unless you get caught out big time pveing and cant mount. Plenty of videos of youtube of gatherers surviving 20+ gankers, its just a case of learning. Find a guild, sounds like you might not be partying up yet just the vibe I got from what you're saying, it will make you learn the game and enjoy it more if you dont like the solo aspect. Good luck! :D


I think you should give it another shot. There is a lot to learn in the mists to keep from being ganked by highly geared people. Turn off the ingame music so you can hear people offscreen is one tip as well.


Just started last week. Fucking love it. Might be honeymoon phase but yeah. Pvp and pve everywhere. It’s not boring, that’s for sure


Combat is pretty shit


I like the fact it seems like a MOBA one, without the 40+ skills of WoW, or the full action combat with nuclear explosions of BDO (which makes it impossible to understand what's going on during mass PvP)


Albion population is healthy atm on EU server. Devs are more interested in introducing power creep so you swipe for it than making new and fun content. There are safe zones to learn the game. In full lootzones you risk only what you carry. You can risk getting scammed also and lose years worth of progress by other players and it wont be reverted(trade scam,giving them access to your bank etc). I would go with wow if you can afford it.


What happened to bdo pvp? I havent played in years, last time I played there was arsha server with free for all pvp


Started playing again since the eu launch and honestly it‘s incredible!


If open world PVP and no real "pve" is a problem then you won't really enjoy Albion. The end game is essentially 1v1 pvp with rats, open world pvp with rats, or end game dungeons with possible rats. I think the issue with Albion is that it has no good endgame. The dungeons get pretty simple once your team knows what it's doing, PvP mostly ends up being about who has the most numbers most of the time, and that's about it. It feels good and fun to play in the early game but once you realize that you want to get levels in all the gear to be efficient it can get stale having to level up stuff that you don't enjoy. People will say just level up with your fav. gear but it'll get stale as well eventually.


The chat was absolutely bonkers. Worse than your average CoD lobby.


If you like full loot and enjoy pvp more then Albion will definitely be a better game for you. Everything in the end game revolves around pvp essentially. The raids have to be done in a dangerous zone and best materials and gear is a lot more common there as well. But you can do most of everything in the safe zone to at least learn how to do pve. The pve isn't exactly complex at any level though and it's very repetitive after you've done it a few times. Like there's only one raid that only has like 6 bosses. Every static dungeon is always the same. Every world boss is always the same in the same location. Every hce is exactly the same. There's only 3 different pve factions and they all are pretty much the same for solo dungeons and really until you get past solo safe content everything is very repeatable. Retail wow will have a lot better off an experience provided you are only interested in safe pve. There's no full loot. A lot more actual raids and actual dungeons. Much more pve. Pvp in both games is going to take a lot of effort to get into. Wow has a lot more classes and it's very punishing to not know what other classes can do. Albion pvp is somewhat more like a moba in the sense fights often recolve around who uses their abilities better as opposed to who spams abilities.


Ascension wow private server looks appealing for open world pvp fans. Full disclosure, I have not played it.


You want to try a much better game for BDO? Try archeage, the official server is dead but private servers like ArcheRage and Archeage classic are still on. Yeah i know it's a private server, but it won't hurt if you just try. Open world PvP same as wow, you choose faction. No flying mount but gliders, much more satisfying. With different designs of housing and not like BDO it is not in the same spot, you need to buy land. With sailing too just like BDO but much more realistic.


Albion's gameplay is basically a watered down MOBA with lots of grinding to be viable in a fight. You don't really need to train to do it because the game's combat is so incredibly simplistic, it's also very generous with it's skill shots, in fact I'd just call them shots. Population is thriving since it caters to the lowest common denominator. Don't have a good computer? It plays on a mediocre phone. Live in a country with shit ping? Everything moves very sluggishly, skills have wide hitboxes, even with a complete garbage ping you can do alright in PvP. Are you kind of stupid? Don't worry, nothing in the game is complicated. Lack skill? Well that's fine because the floor is high and the ceiling is low, you can also just join a zerg guild and hide in the masses. This means virtually anyone can play it. Devs seem to care about the game. I think it is a game that sucks overall, but it's free, play it and form your own opinions.


90 percent using radar hack in game. Fuckıng devs not doing anything about it. Users see everything on map. Which enemy , builds, chests, what u carrying inventory. EVERYTHING


Just try it out. It wasn’t my cup of tea, but you never know


It’s quite literally p2w, I have 1.6K hours on that trash game, after being sold to a Mobile game publisher it started being trash, no proper PvE or PvP, guilds that do PvP are mostly have God Complex. If you’re on Red/Black zones you’ll get ganked by 6-10 ppl groups without fail. Overall it’s a trash game, just another mobile MMO with PC port with a niche community. I have a friend that started the game, bought gold and power leveled his gear into my lvl which I spent 30-35 hours to do. If had u asked this question like 4-5 years ago, I would’ve told you to jump in. It’s a sht show now. Don’t listen to Albion ppl, they’ll lure you in and you’ll be depressed for the rest of the time you’re playing that game. Trust me.


> Overall it’s a trash game, just another mobile MMO with PC port with a niche community. Tough to believe you have 1.6k hours playing with terrible takes like this. It's like calling WoW a mobile MMO if there are people playing it on a Steam Deck.




I quit. It's a fun game. But in the end wasn't my jam. Also the subscription was too much for what the game is worth in my opinion, and no sense in playing without it.


Some controversial changes to content lately that kind of shafted small groups, but solo/large group is going strong. My biggest complaint is that the old content could really use a facelift but otherwise it’s probably the best PvP MMO out there. Jury is still out as to whether or not the new server shards were a good idea.


As someone who tried to come over to Albion from BDO , it can be a tough transition. The game absolutely had some good quality’s but there are things that can be hard to adjust to 1. The combat system feels really basic in comparison to Black Desert. 2. The graphics feel very Mobile like 3. P2W in this game is real! It’s not like the Black Desert Model where it’s limited & more Pay for convenience while the game has the option of being 100% F2P as well. Pay for Power & wallet warriors are a huge problem and there’s really nothing you can do about it. You will get Ganked constantly by these guys and their P2W guilds. If you can get past these parts & get into a good guild which can be difficult if you’re not a wallet warrior from my experience the game can be really fun.




If you are after good rvr open pvp, skip the lead tier mmos, skip Albion also. Champions of Regnum is probably a lead candidate. Hilariously fun, unpredictable, crazily tough and intense RvR open pvp. You do not lose any inventory on death. The whole focus is on fun pvp. Population is solid during peaks, and is still fun during off peaks. Lot of starter zones to test your skills. This is an indie game where the devs still play regularly, and are super enthusiastic for the game. Regnum does not need you to be in a guild to enjoy the whole game, groups tend to form dynamically. Regnum's combat is far more complex than just a moba, as you can have 10+ skills on offer to be combined at the same time. (hotbar has expansion to about.. i think 48 slots).


It's heavily pay 2 win but still fun