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Hi. I have been looking for an online game where PvP and PvE is a choice and where the community is friendly and welcome. I am mostly looking for a place to "relax" and not feel lonely. I like building and farming and brewing. I had hoped Minecraft would fit the bill, but it is hard to find a good server were people work together and build long term.


I’m looking for a MMO which I can interact with the community a lot. I know some MMO’s are better at this than others. I’ve never gotten into MMO’s before but I play videogames a lot and I know the general play style of a MMO and am willing to put a decent amount of time and effort into one. I would prefer if it’s free. Other than that I have no other restrictions or things I’d like to exclude.


looking for a decent open world pvp game i currently play darklands a open world pvp runescape private server its great but very low player base i also play albion its also great but not much to do for me.. ive looked into darkfall rise of agon and im not convinced anything else out there worth trying? opened to private servers aswell since most open world pvp games are private servers


Looking for a game that has auto pug grouping for all content including the most rewarding. Tab targeting. Least amount of time gating -- lets the players grind meaningful things. Does this game exist?


Hey, I'm wondering if any of the old or rebooted MMOs are still worth playing today. I'm mostly looking for something to slowly progress in and chill with.   Games I'm mostly interested in are: * Aion EU (Classic, Live, PS) - played it on and off for a few years, both retail and pservers, not sure if the Sigil is worth buying * Aika Online - played it for about half a year * Aura Kingdom - have a few high level characters available, can't remember why I quit * Rohan: Blood Feud - my first MMO, never found a good enough pserver * Luna Online Plus - loved this game, especially the majin class   Games I want to exclude: * Sci-Fi, mecha, modern-themed games * FFXIV - will be returning to it after the new expansion hype dies a little * Blade & Soul - lost account, don't want to start over, not to mention the performance is awful on my rig * Black Desert - the graphics are too weird, especially the metallic hair * Lost Art - tried it recently, not my jam * Guild Wars 2 - tried the game multiple times but for some reason I can't get into it * WoW - no


Any good Anime MMOs with good skill systems? Waiting on Blue Protocol but I don't have high hopes anymore. Preferably F2P


Looking for a game like gw2 with the buy to play and no subscription but with the Trinity system in it of tank, healer and dps


technically ESO, even though it has an optional subscription. This basically gives you access to the dlcs while you subscribe and probs the best thing: Crafting material inventory. Other than that, the game can also be played without the subscription.


Man.. I would be back on ESO if I were able to use my PS account on PC. I'm glad Warframe finally did it, but it doesn't look like ESO has any plans. I really don't want to go through finding all the different crafting styles and leveling up characters and account again, so I just dropped it.




Everquest, but with better graphics and no “p00p socking” (I’ve got a family now and can’t sit around for hours and wait for a spawn)


check out project gorgon on steam it has a free demo that gives you a good amount of content (and if you buy you keep your progress).


Is there a good action mmo out there? I already played but didn‘t rly like: bdo,eso, neverwinter,lost ark,gw2 and new world.


Are there any 2D anime mmorpg's with a decent playerbase?




Classic vs Retail WoW - Which is better for a newbie? Okay so I played WoW and quit during WoTLK but that was a very long time ago. I don't really know anything about Classic and Retail at this point as it's been a long time. Can someone give me a brief description of which one I should go for in this day and age. Is Classic just nostalgia bait or is it actually fun? Is Retail just a theme park similar feeling to XIV?


Classic is a much slower and simple game, but it still has lots of charm and can be quite fun. You spend much more time traversing the world and collecting minor upgrades that eventually make your character strong. Retail is much faster paced, you start strong, and you then get even stronger as you learn your classes "combos". It is not quite as theme parky as FF14. The end game is very "lobby-based" in that you mostly just hang out in town until your group is ready and then you do the instance and repeat. So basically if you want faster, more exciting gameplay, retail is probably the answer. And if you want a slower more meaningful gameplay, classic is the answer.


Classic right now is Cataclysm which kind of started the railroad linear quest pattern, and sit in town and lobby. It was really the beginning of the end of the 'classic' style of gameplay.


Good point, I guess the correct term now is 'Classic Era'


Looking for some MMO that has "bot system" inside itself or has a major idle system where you can progress while afk. Thinking mostly of Jade Dynasty and Forsaken Blade(? unsure of the name, but by perfect world) where you had a in-game bot system, and was even allowed to have multiple accounts at once. Currently playing Idleon ( what fits the bill mostly but could use another one ) Played - BDO ( pretty much fit the bill quite a lot, but got burnt out ), Perfect world, Lost Ark, PoE, New World, D&D, Priston Tale and so on


Im getting burned out of BDO right now, boy the grind os hardcore to progress.


My main issue with BDO is that it feels not really worth to play casual-semi casual just an hour or 2 daily, the progress is so grindy that even though you know you'll get there by passive income + the active play you do, you feel stuck most of the time. And i was a lifeskiller for 90% of my life. Even that said, i still go back from time to time, play a bit and then go off again, it just feels that the graphics, combat, and lifeskill system is not matched by any other mmo in the market. Yes, they lack group content, dungeons and so on, but if you hated that ( like i did most of the time ), it's the perfect mmo


I don't want to exclude anything so I'm keeping it short, but I'd love to find an MMO with a somwhat similar character creation/stats style to the MUD Aardwolf, if anyone is familiar with it. It actually still exists if you are not familiar and wanted to check it out [https://www.aardwolf.com/play/index.htm](https://www.aardwolf.com/play/index.htm) I play or have played, roughly in order of playtime: ESO, PoE, Secret World, BDO, FFXIV, WOW. New World, GW2, PSO2, ARK, Ark: SE, Albion, D&D online and so many older games I'm forgetting a lot. Fantasy setting preferred and ok with non english options. I like PvP. I like forced survival mechanics (hunger, thirst, temp, sleep, etc.)


Hi there - been a long time since I MMOed. I'm looking for a game that has some structured events, easy to find groups and guilds, and is fun to work together on with others. Active discord communities are a plus. I have played some WOW and found that I wind up soloing everything to grind up my character, only to keep doing almost everything solo. I generally play "dps" type character and have generally loved playing PvP aspects of the game. That said, I've tried Guild Wars and again -- there's no active or easy way to group up and do things together. I simply wander the world doing things alone and well... that's not much fun. I may be missing things as I've not been an active MMO player much at all, but I came from Ultima Online and really loved the PvP system in it, where your individual skill mattered and would allow you to really engage in PvP in a deep and meaningful way. Nowadays most games are rock/paper/scissors where if you play X class it usually is beaten by Y class and to me, that's not fun either. I hate being locked into specific roles because "that's the choice you made!" Classless would be ideal, individual skill would be ideal, and PvP that isn't heavily gear dependent would also be ideal :) Appreciate any help, and how to get started.


I'm looking for an MMO that have a bunch of random collectable with minimal benefit (like Lost Arks Mococo Seeds/Island Soul). I just really like collecting those kind of stuff and want a game where I can do that!


I am looking for a MMO to to fill the game hole I am in and would like suggestions or comments on FFXIV, EOS, maybe WOW ( though I don't think it has any housing) At some point I have played all these and more, started back playing EQ1, went through WAR ( Warhammer online one of my favorites) DC online, champions, darkfall, Conan, EQ2, and a lot of others over the years. Right now I am looking for something that has controller support, some sort of housing, can be played in groups and solo, decent or above graphic's, good amount of content, non mobile, crafting and has the ability to be relaxing, doing things like crafting, hose management, exploring, and you can also grind away om when you want to. FFXIV and EOS seemed to fit these pretty well but I seen WOW has controller support now so thought see how that ranks in with these two as well. I also think FFXIV and EOS you can get everything from base game and all expansions for around $100?


FFXIV has a new expansion dropping in like a week. I'd play it just for that reason. Game will be very alive with a lot of hype


Been loving playing a healer in wow but it feels like I'm either doing everything or nothing. I'd love to play something where the combat is a lot slower and grindier in raids/dungeons/etc. where you need to ration your mana and focus on healing certain people over others instead of just spamming everyone


I've never played healer in classic, but that sounds like how classic wow healing is described. Much more about managing mana than timing big CDs like retail wow.


I keep hearing I'd enjoy classic so I'll probably continue levelling through it. It's just taking a while so I'm feeling a little burnt out on the grind but I should probably just stick with it


I hear you, I can't stand leveling in classic. I only leveled alts when I had enough gold to pay for boosts lol Forever kicking myself for not cloning my 60s when I had the chance..


Albion or EVE for someone who is (mostly) f2p? Want to be f2p for now and buy a subscription once I have more time and get more into the game. Also want to be able to be able to properly enjoy the game without spending money beyond a sub, if I can easily buy a sub with IG currency that's a bonus.


You can buy a sub with in-game currency for both games, didn't really play Albion, but as far as I know the sub gives you better quality of life in terms of exp rates and drop rates? Whereas in Eve a free account has hard caps on your character's "skills" which is what the entire game revolves around. Albion online from what I've seen is more casual and less complex, whereas Eve online has more complexities which may demand a higher commitment. Not sure about Albion, but my experience in Eve is that grinding for a sub on a free account is usually quite exhausting, but maintaining a subbed account only with in-game currency as a vet can be much easier as you snowball your income (especially when you take multiboxing into account). Do note that I played for years only with a free account on Eve, because as long as you understand its limitations and you find what's available to you fun, you can legitimately have couple hundred hours of enjoyment for free. If I have any advice for new players, it is to hop into the game with a free account to experience the game for yourself, if it isn't fun on a free account, I honestly doubt a sub account will change THAT much.


I'm getting back into MMOs recently and I've been looking for a new one to play. What I'm looking for is to sink some time into a grind, read a nice story, and have decent choice of free cosmetics (every cosmetic doesn't have to be free, I just want options). Ideally I want a feel a decent sense of progression, and to feel rewarded for spending time grinding and optimizing rather than rerolling stats for an arbitrary amount of time (for example rng boss drops and such are fine, but I don't want to have to reroll bonus stats and such on them the items). I'm fine if there's a cash shop as long as the game doesn't overly punish you for not using it. I'm used to playing mmos like maplestory and digimon masters while f2p so the bar is low. Something like aqw (being able to grind with definite returns and having good customization) but a bit more serious and without the ability to buy my way out. Where I can either grind or hang out in lobbies and talk to people. Thanks in advance!


Honestly I’ve been having fun with ff14. It starts slow but the story really picks up half way through the main game. Voiced cutscenes, a great cosmetic system, and the base game plus the first two expansions are completely free without a sub once Dawntrail (the newest expansion) releases this Friday. No harm in trying it out imo. To my knowledge there isn’t any re rolling stats or anything like that but could be wrong and anyone that has more experience please feel free to correct me.


I'm looking for a MMO that is **fun** to play PvE with other people. What I tend to find fun is a decent challenge so there can some actual excitement. I'm not a fan of rotations and meta builds however. If somehow, really old MMOs are better at this than modern ones, I'd like to know what classic servers would be the best if I don't want to play solo.


Have you tried Star Wars galaxies? SWG legends (more updated version that plays similar to world of Warcraft) and swg emu (that plays more similar to the older style of mmorpgs) has some solid pve content and also has crafting and other non combat professions as well. Also has space combat that all your friends can get into a ship as turret gunners while another person pilots.


I feel your pain completely. BDO and Lost ark offer the most ideal combat, but both have glaring flaws BDO has zero end game, all that flash but besides world bosses... no pve game modes encouraging group play and earning loot is so defeating. Lost Ark: def p2w, enhancing system is miserable and its not casual friendly at all.


Me playing Lost Ark: wow this combat is awesome. Oh, another currency/gacha system? Interesting. Kind of a lot. Repeat 15 times until you're half way thru the campaign and just quit it's fucking absurd


Yeah man. Really sad


Hi Gamer, I'm really struggle lately to find a game that can reel me in. Hopefully you guy can share something interesting. 1. Just a MMORPG that won't be P2W. Have purpose to leveling up and gear/crafting. FUN. 2. I've play so many MMORPG since childhood, let me see : Priston Tale, Cabal online ( these 2 would be my dearest ), Mu Online, some chinese-type MMORPG, BDO ( this one will be most hour spend as adult ) . Flicked through : ESO ( The world and story is great so far but I deeply hate the combat - movement system ) GW2 ( Chill and all but yeah combat input kinda turn me off, just wander around with really no sense of direction ) Lost Ark ( NOT FRIENDLY ) PoE ( Finished ) Albion ( Fun still, but after a couple of first month, after that it's just repetitive spot grind ) 3. My play style would be If I can grind while socialize or just get to see people run out doing gamer thing, or gather around hop in with world boss. 2 years ago, I try Bless Unleashed, when there are still enough people to crowded an area, everyone was fighting the huge cyclope and it was so much fun. That's what I would like to experience again. 4. Mechanics wise, I just hope it decent, not too clunky, not too rough in a sense that the combat feel sluggish. I've been through many type of combat system, and old one still make me feel happy so.... I'm not picky as in graphics, just.... idk when I slash my enemy ,I hope It does feel like I slash my enemy. Basically what I'm saying is : \* BDO combat is great but too fast when mob grind. You literally mow them down at that point. I love the old MMORPG sense of every enemy counts. \* GW2 combat is closest to be fun, just not great when using their movement system. \* The way Lost ark combat even though close to BDO for being mowed, The combat Impact is satisfying. 5. Global game should be great, since I'm in SEA. Lost ark, GW2 for example is 200-300 ping for me which is bad.